G'day, chicks 'n champs!

Currently reading:
G'day, chicks 'n champs!


~ Between snowdrops and bluebells ~
Local time
Tomorrow 3:01 AM
Germany! ^^
...ok, that must be my lamest greeting yet ^^;


You can call me Zeph or Zeffy around here, if Zephyra is too long. ^^

I never really know what to write about myself in these things, so I'll keep it short.
Behind the screen, there's a 21-year-old, female student who finally wants to take time for other things again since university started. I've been neglecting all of my hobbies because of studies, including my favorite: roleplaying!

I've been rping for a very long time, on many different platforms (Youtube back in the days, deviantart, skype, even whatsapp, on paper with rl-friends... I've been around), but with many breaks.. if I had to sum up how much I've effectively roleplayed, I'd guess around 3-4 years. I'm hoping to increase that time with many of you coolios here. ^^

Hope to see many of you around! :D

- Zephyra

(not my real name, btw! I like to keep internet persona and rl identity apart until I learn to trust a certain individual)

PS: I was on Guiltypleasures a few times, with breaks, too. I don't remember any of my two account names for certain, but I know that I registered the last time about a week before it was shut down.

Don't think I'll recognize anyone, but I'm hoping to see similarities between that platform and this one. ^^;

Welcome! We're happy to have you here with us. There are a number of GP refugees, so I'm sure you'll eventually stumble across someone you knew in a past life. :P
Be sure to read over the site rules before you head to the request forum to find a partner. If you have any questions, just pop me a message! ^_^
Welcome! We're happy to have you here with us. There are a number of GP refugees, so I'm sure you'll eventually stumble across someone you knew in a past life. :p
Be sure to read over the site rules before you head to the request forum to find a partner. If you have any questions, just pop me a message! ^_^

Thanks a lot, I'll be headed there right away! Let's see if there are any differences... :P
Welcome to the Sanctum, hun. I too am 21, but can act ten years younger or older depending on my mood. Nice to meet you. Also, I think you're profile pic is adorable. I'm a sucker for anime.​
For the record, I think the vampires in it are terrible, the story was dry, and the romance was poorly developed.

Bram Stoker knew how to create a monster. No vampire concept will be able to top that classic.​
For the record, I think the vampires in it are terrible, the story was dry, and the romance was poorly developed.

Bram Stoker knew how to create a monster. No vampire concept will be able to top that classic.​

In that we are in TOTAL agreement!
Welcome to the Sanctum, hun. I too am 21, but can act ten years younger or older depending on my mood. Nice to meet you. Also, I think you're profile pic is adorable. I'm a sucker for anime.​
Thank you! ^^
Ohhh that makes two of us. Anime rules! <3
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