Both Needed Grand Theft Auto 5: The Fish Ladder of Destruction

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Both Needed Grand Theft Auto 5: The Fish Ladder of Destruction

GTA 5's Los Santos for a setting, or a sort-of Los Angeles?

  • Los Santos!

    Votes: 6 60.0%
  • Los Angeles!

    Votes: 4 40.0%

  • Total voters
I'll create the IC thread in the Torture Chamber section because of the focus on violence and other shenanigans.
Okay. I Will have a character up today anyways. Cheshie is actually on vacation. She won't be back for three days.
If we start IN the city, then Al must have a reason, since he lives close, but elsewhere. He could be either:
- Searching for guns he couldn't acquire back in Desert/Sandy Shores.
- Searching for cheese.
- Off to do something for Frank, but then he would already be busy with something... This could lead to more problems for him, though, and thus more fun for us.
I'm almost done with my character, and I might make another one.

We need to decide, is it Los Santos or Los Angeles?

I like Los Santos because that let's us suspend our disbelief a little bit and we're all acquainted with it from playing GTA 5.
But, I also like Los Angeles because Google Earth can show us everything down to first person views on the streets, which will help us pick locations for scenes and help us describe places.

So everybody weight in: LS or LA!
I'll have my guy character start out in Sandy Shores dealing with his problems, like having to have the last word in an argument with a biker gang about the drugs he's supposed to move for them. This will not end well. For my other character, she'll start out dragging her slutty self out of rich man's bed and pass his wife on her way out of the upscale condominium tower.
When the inspiration strikes me, I'm just going to start. I'll set up the thread in the Torture Chamber, link it here, and then just start. I have a good long weekend starting tomorrow, and my schoolwork is in a decent place.

Characters don't have to be completely done, things don't have to be perfect. @Cheshire Cat please be my co-pilot, and help me with managing the time of day and so forth like you were doing with your group game I was in.
Thanks Chesha :)

By the way, that's a good point. People are always chomping at the bit to find some reason to be butthurt. So, I'm going to do this: It's Los Santos, so let's use a little bit of game lore like calling LA Los Santos and calling California San Andreas, and let's use game lore and made up gangs, criminals, business names, and so on because the real life crime in Los Angeles is too depressing. I know our characters are going to go wild, but reading up on the misery that is LA's reality drains my creativity. I'm not Truman Capote. Other than that, feel free to use real life locations and inspiration. Just change the names to protect the guilty. And, San Andreas is part of the US land mass not a silly island like it is in the game. I feel my creativity for this story building to critical mass. I have three solid character concepts that I'll use to jump start the story. Feel free to send me PMs about any content limits you have for this story.

P.S. I'm not procrastinating, it's just that I got my ass handed to me on an exam and I'm ever so slightly mad, bro.
Aw, that sucks Exo, I blame the exam! REEEEEEEEE!

And I'll try to take note of any locations anyone creates so there's a list of existing businesses ^_^ Keeps creative toes from being stepped on :p Glad to hear your juices are full to bursting ;)
Finally, the moment you all thought would never come ;)

Feel free to post your characters' intro posts. Mine is underwhelming, I know, but I decided to post the first scene instead of waiting to get a lot of scenes done just for the sake of being impressive.

Ok, about San Andreas. In GTA 5, it's an island. There are only 5 towns on the whole map. This will not do. So, feel free to imagine San Andreas like California. If you need a location, find what you need on google maps in California and then give it a fake name.
@Cheshire Cat , @LostMetal ,

I'm about to start creating trouble, I opportunity, for your characters ;) If there's anything you don't want me to do regarding NPCs or anything else, feel free to say so here or in PMs.
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