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I. P R E F A C E
Secondly, this roleplay is HEAVILY inspired by a tumblr post I came across YEARS ago so if it seems familiar, just know I ripped it off some poor Tumblr user's (I mean it's their fault for using tumblr of all apps but whatevs) very original , thought-provoking post.

"It is through my greatest displeasure to have gathered you all here today." A dour voice suddenly announced itself amidst the shadows, visage concealed as the looming figure circled a rather unamused crowd. "However, it is through your own recklessness that you are here and that, we simply cannot forget. For, you have not only proven to me but to the king himself that you are incapable of doing your jobs, irresponsible with your given talents. And to think, some of you have even gone as far as to stir trouble on Earth! In front of mortals! How blasphemous!" His speech echoed with bouts of anger, accompanied by none other than scorn. Narrowed eyes settled pointedly onto a smirking figure a mere second after, thereby provoking a highly distasteful click of his tongue. Now, this simply would not do. They needed to learn their lesson, and learn it well. And who better to teach them, than the very host who'd taught them in the years prior? "Upon hearing of your delinquencies, our master was- to put it lightly, not very happy. In fact, it was in his merciless intentions to bestow upon you an eternal punishment, eternal entrapment. All due to your own recklessness. But I, having seen you at your very prime, having witnessed glimmers of potential, dare I say even devotion, thought it wasteful to cast you aside so abruptly, and so, in my admittedly fearful haste, I'd manged to strike a deal of a sorts... A deal that would require your full participation" The figure emerged forth, grey eyes pooled with uncertainty as he scanned over their curious features. My, had they grown substantially. Some for the better and others, for the worst. Still, it was a hard pill to swallow knowing that his once students, were not students anymore. He inhaled sharply.
"And so, a great portion of my proposition was made in high hopes of your redemption- your safety. Do not make me regret it. Though, you must be wondering what this particular arrangement may entail, and I will tell you, my dears, only, I'm afraid that it may not be what you want to hear." A reluctant sigh escaped his lips, foot tapping anxiously as he mustered the courage to inform his rowdy delinquents. "You will be sent down to earth, with an intention of a sorts. You see, each of you has already been assigned a fellow mortal- but not just any mortal, no. Instead, a mortal that is quite unlike you in the most detrimental of ways. And as such, it is in your assignment to influence them with your specialties, with your sin but- and this is very crucial, in a beneficial way. Per example, if I were let's say, Chanel, I would attain a partner who's especially lacking in pride- a certain amount of confidence. And with their faithfulness, I would then teach them the act of priding oneself, through whatever means possible. I would become, in a sense, their guidance- just as you all would become. Understood?" A wave of silence had washed over the room as the fellow sins struggled to accept their new reality. Earth? MORTALS? Murmurs began to arise as they talked within their circles, oblivious to how much worse it would get. "But alas," Basil piped up once more, "Every project has it's rules, one that you simply must comply with. One of them being, that you are forbidden from using your gifts on your subjects, as that takes the very importance of truthful redemption away from the assignment. Secondly, you may not swap mortals- I KNOW how devious you can be, therefore it must be clarified. So listen here, you may not like your partner, and they may not like you, but there is a job to be done and do it you shall. Granted you may actually come to love your partner, and though that is very sweet, never forget the purpose behind your presence. And lastly, no foul play on earth- and I mean it. You may be able to slip up from time to time, but any commotion louder than a fist fight will be stopped immediately and you will face dire consequences... Understood? You are now dismissed."
In this modern world, it appears as though the seven deadly sins are our greatest downfalls. Only, never has the belief been opposed. In fact, rarely has it been admitted that our fellow sins could very well transform us into virtuous beings with just the right amount of diligence, the right amount of devotion. And so, through a rare perspective, we will follow the seven demonic sins as they embark on a journey toward redemption- carrying the threatened lives of seven individuals who desperately need a guiding hand alongside. And as such, the pairs will often be within close proximity to one another- to the point where the contradicting bunch will be sharing the same home (a mansion prepped by yours truly) and perhaps even rooms if it comes down to it. What amount of chaos, drama, comedy and romance that ensues is entirely up us, for now. And if they fail their missions? Well, let's just say that the seven sins won't be the only ones facing the consequences...
2. I cannot stress this one ENOUGH. I'm searching for DEVOTED, PASSIONATE writers. Ones that are willing to put in the extra effort to make a beauty of the plot line. Also, writers that take initiative when it comes to posting, I really don't wanna nag after all, we're all adults here.
3. No Gary or Mary Sues, or Ratchet Robbie will be forced to make an appearance.
4. Honestly, I am insane for expecting 13+ people to join and though I'm not really keen on doubling up in characters for this rp, that number's huge. SO, if we find that recruitment to be unbearably slow, each player will be allowed one other character!
5. Be creative! I can't tell you how many "tragic backstories" I've come across- and the amount of same damn face claims I've seen, it's honestly just a maaajjjjjjooooorrr bummer.
6. I'm the type that really doesn't like a huge gender imbalance (I honestly dunno why) so if there could be seven women and seven men (regardless of role, sexuality and ALLADAT) that'd be amazing. And Basil, we can't forget our savior Basil, who I'll be playing.
7. Lastly, have fun! And don't be afraid to pitch ideas or ask questions! (Via PM is always great). But yeah notice how there are seven rules and seven sins....... I'm slick like that :cool:
V. R O L E S
Pride -Taken by @Robbie Aldridge
Envy - Taken by @Verity
Gluttony - Taken by @Robbie Aldridge
Greed - Taken by @jxs_lxn
Lust - Taken by @Blaire
Sloth - Talen by @sage.
Wrath - Taken by @GentlemanOfScience
HumansPride -Taken by @Robbie Aldridge
Envy - Taken by @Verity
Gluttony - Taken by @Robbie Aldridge
Greed - Taken by @jxs_lxn
Lust - Taken by @Blaire
Sloth - Talen by @sage.
Wrath - Taken by @GentlemanOfScience
Anti pride - Taken by @Ualah Braff
Anti envy - Taken by @Kimcora
Anti gluttony - Taken by @CasualAdventurer
Anti greed - Taken by @Kimcora
Anti lust - Taken by @jxs_lxn
Anti sloth - Taken by @Verity
Anti wrath - Taken by @Ualah Braff
I ended up caving... Here are the sheets.
female count: 7
Male count: 7
I must admit that I had a blast writing this, and even if it doesn't take off, here is a brief thanks for supporting me and the idea as best as you could. I love ya'll <3
Oh! and comment down below if you're interested~
I ended up caving... Here are the sheets.
_N A M E_
_N I C K N A M E_
_A G E_
_S E X_
_R O L E_
_N A T I O N A L I T Y_
_H E I G H T_
_B U I L D_
_A P P E A R A N C E_
(realistic images preferred)
_P E R S O N A L I T Y_
_B I O_
(general info, how has their anti__ impacted their lives?)
_T H E M E_ S O N G_
_A E S T H E T I C_
_N I C K N A M E_
_A G E_
_S E X_
_R O L E_
_N A T I O N A L I T Y_
_H E I G H T_
_B U I L D_
_A P P E A R A N C E_
(realistic images preferred)
_P E R S O N A L I T Y_
_B I O_
(general info, how has their anti__ impacted their lives?)
_T H E M E_ S O N G_
_A E S T H E T I C_
_D E M O N_ N A ME_
_M O R T A L_ N A M E_
_A G E_
_S E X_
_R O L E_
(which sin?)
_H E I G H T_
(mortal form)
_B U I L D_
(mortal form)
_A P P E A R A N C E_
(again, mortal form. Realistic images preferred)
_D E M O N_ F O R M_
(i think it'd be cool for each sin to have an animal as their demon form- it can be a mytholigical creature, to like, an actual sloth SO LONG AS YA'LL DON'T TAKE WINGED LION)
_P O W E R_
(they each only get ONE major power, and it has to correlate with their sin. For example, my hoe may have pride manipulation etc.)
_P E R S O N A L I T Y_
_B I O_
(what led them to this predicament?)
_T H E M E_S O N G_
_A E S T H E T I C_
_M O R T A L_ N A M E_
_A G E_
_S E X_
_R O L E_
(which sin?)
_H E I G H T_
(mortal form)
_B U I L D_
(mortal form)
_A P P E A R A N C E_
(again, mortal form. Realistic images preferred)
_D E M O N_ F O R M_
(i think it'd be cool for each sin to have an animal as their demon form- it can be a mytholigical creature, to like, an actual sloth SO LONG AS YA'LL DON'T TAKE WINGED LION)
_P O W E R_
(they each only get ONE major power, and it has to correlate with their sin. For example, my hoe may have pride manipulation etc.)
_P E R S O N A L I T Y_
_B I O_
(what led them to this predicament?)
_T H E M E_S O N G_
_A E S T H E T I C_
female count: 7
Male count: 7
I must admit that I had a blast writing this, and even if it doesn't take off, here is a brief thanks for supporting me and the idea as best as you could. I love ya'll <3
Oh! and comment down below if you're interested~
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