Closed Hate Thy Sin, Love Thy Sinner

Currently reading:
Closed Hate Thy Sin, Love Thy Sinner

---N A M E---

Luca Magill

---N I C K N A M E---


---A G E---


---S E X---


---R O L E---


---N A T I O N A L I T Y---


---H E I G H T---

6' 0"

---B U I L D---

Tall and on the lean side. More of a runner than a fighter.

---A P P E A R A N C E---

---P E R S O N A L I T Y---

Luca is most at home in front of a crowded conference room pitching big-money ideas to a crowd of grumpy, unsatisfied older men. He has a natural charm and a silver tongue that makes him an extremely successful businessman that the older generation can't help but want to include in their good ole boy's clubs. Though he can drink his whiskey straight and shoot the shit with the best of them, he does an excellent job at keeping them at arm's length, all the while making them feel they have known him his whole life without actually offering any personal details. After all, any relationship that is not strictly a business deal can be very bad for a man's career goals. Luca has his eyes set on the top of the food chain and he's unwilling to let anything, or anyone, distract him from getting there.

---B I O---

Luca's childhood home had been a lop-sided double wide with peeling vinyl siding located on a road having a number rather than a name. His mother had run off with a fellow drug addict shortly after he was born, leaving him in a cloud of cigarette smoke at the mercy of an alcoholic father and a heavy-handed, stern grandmother. He had been a small child with old eyes that had little interest in football, beer, or tobacco and every interest in getting as far away from the trailer park as he possibly could. One insufferably hot summer day when he was around ten years old the neighborhood bullies had decided that they were tired of burning ants and small patches of dead grass with their parents' cigarette lighters and turned their sights on him instead. Maybe it was luck, or maybe it was fate, that had him ditch his bike and seek shelter in town in the first building he came to: the local library. The older woman he had upset with his hasty, disruptive entry gave him one look, then stepped outside, effectively warding off the other kids with a stern frown, no words spoken. When she returned from the heat, not one silver hair out of place in her tight bun, nor a drop of perspiration on her aged brow, she simply said "Come with me," and promptly put him to work reshelving books.

Mrs. Finlay had been the first, and only, adult to ever care for him. He spent the rest of that summer and every one after that working for her in the library, all the while using the free computers and the endless worlds at his disposal to learn as much as he could about getting away from the life he had thought was his only option. She helped him with college applications, when the time came, as well as hunted down every possible scholarship he could apply for. She was the one that drove him and his meager carry-on sized suitcase to the state college four hours away the next Fall too. When she passed away unexpectedly, shortly before Christmas that first year, Luca not only felt lost, but betrayed. He quickly realized what he had forgotten from his childhood: the only one that could help him was himself. He turned his attentions to his studies, to obtaining internships, and to making sure that he never set foot back in the trailer park again. Mrs. Finlay had believed he was capable of making something of himself, but sometimes when he stopped working long enough to sleep, he dreamed of the trailer park, of the thick kudzu vines that had crippled the fence behind his home reaching out with their thick, greedy tendrils and latching onto his ankles. They would pull him away from his education, from his work, from the life he was trying to build for himself and bind him forever to mildewed, peeling vinyl. Thus, Luca could not stop. Not when he obtained a prestigious internship at an industry leading tech giant, not when he graduated with honors at the top of his class, not when he accepted a high paying job at the tech giant's rival that moved him to a swanky condo in the city, and definitely not when his serious girlfriend of three years decided that he was married to his work and never would be to her.

---T H E M E_ S O N G---

---A E S T H E T I C---

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_N A M E_

August O'Brien

_N I C K N A M E_


_A G E_


_S E X_


_R O L E_


_N A T I O N A L I T Y_


_H E I G H T_


_B U I L D_


_A P P E A R A N C E_



_P E R S O N A L I T Y_

Anyone who comes to know August can immediately register that he has a heart of gold with just about the purest of intentions, but it doesn't go without a noticeable resilience. He is seemingly as kind as his smile and definitely as bright, he is ambitious and strong-willed, as well as generous. There is almost nothing August won't go out of his way to do for you; if he knows your heart is in the right place, then you deserve every ounce of his aid. He's known to be an intellectual spirit, and not just book-smart kind of intellect, but he knows his way around words and has you just think. However, August is sort of a strained, graceless giant, his forthright often mistaken for confidence. He is naive and innocuous, often taken advantage of his kindness, an easy target due to his forgiving nature and open-book ideals. If he lets you in, it is a gold mine of warmth and protection, and 9 times out of 10, people take that gold and dip. Though August may seem affectionate, he is not. He is kind but that does not mean he will give you his shoulder to lean on when you are down, especially not with his phobia. He feels sorrow and empathy towards people, but he has never felt love for anyone, not even his family, making his relationships difficult to maintain and quickly burn and die off. He is all ebb without the flow, so to speak. August is so passionate about building something for himself, but when it comes to overcoming his fear of human physicality and emotional commitment, he fails on a constant cycle.

_B I O_

August originally was born and raised in the golden state of California for a few years, the first and only child of July Greene and Hunter O'Brien, two beautiful, warm souls no one could get enough of. However, a few short months after August's 4th birthday, their relationship had hit a sudden stall and the high curve fell to a rapid decline, leading up to a tragic fire that almost killed their son. During the months of August's recovery in the hospital, the couple separated, battling custody until the day the court ruled August's mother as an "unfit mother" to her child, due to her mental instability and cause of the incident. Once August had fully healed from his injuries, his father barely hesitated to pack up and head elsewhere for a brand new start, their trek leading them to the small town of Green Island, NY. It wasn't easy living in a place where everyone knew one another, but it was a decent town with like-minded people, they could adjust, and August could live a somewhat normal life.

Since the age of 6, however, August had started to grow distant and disconsolate, shivering at the touch of his own father and soon to be step-mother, until he became fearful of being touched at all, later, at the age of 8, to be diagnosed with aphenphosmphobia. It felt "wrong" or uncomfortable to be touched and the feeling quickly blew into August not wanting to be touched at all. A phobia his family had hoped he'd recover from only grew more frantic, and still, presently suffers from. August never let his phobia clash with his personality though, he still craved human interaction and some emotional connection, just not the physical aspect of it. In order to avoid any hard feelings, August showed people that he could be tenderhearted and charitable, that he could seem affectionate by actions, but it was never completely genuine to most as if it was a forced act of kindness. After high school, he grew bitter of the small world of Green Island, and decided to take his chances and go out of state to the college of his dreams, starting a life of his own, hoping to conquer his battles alone, rather than being sheltered and babied from them.

_T H E M E_ S O N G_

_A E S T H E T I C_

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Shoot I fucked something up with the spoilers. I forget how to do it correctly.

EDIT: NVM I fixed it! ...Kinda
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Alrighty! It seems that we have half off the characters we need soooooo I'll wait a couple or so days and if we can't get any new recruits, we might have to consider doubling.
Is anti-pride still up for grabs?
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_N A M E_
Crina Dumitra

_N I C K N A M E_

_A G E_

_S E X_

_R O L E_

_N A T I O N A L I T Y_
Originally from Romania but moved to the states when she was young.

_H E I G H T_

_B U I L D_
Thin and soft, she doesn't have much strength but isn't completely weak.

_A P P E A R A N C E_

_P E R S O N A L I T Y_
Crina is a very soft spoken individual and is often taken advantage of because of it. She chooses to live simply and peacefully trying to clear all the darker thoughts from her mind. The longer you know her the easier it is not to notice just how low her self esteem truly is and how much she puts others before herself. It sometimes becomes so bad that she will stop taking care of herself altogether to help someone else, feeling as if she has to in order to be a good person.

_B I O_
When she was very young her parents decided to move to the states believing they could provide a better future for her by doing so. As she got older and time went on she started noticing that her mother was growing more and more distant towards her and her father so she tried doing everything she could to make her mother happy. She believed that if she was good and did whatever her mother wanted that she would be happy and things would go back to how they were but this was not the case.

As her mother became more distant her father became more and more depressed, turning to alcohol as an escape. This took a toll on Crina as she continued to try and be good to no avail. One day her mother completely vanished, she had run off with another man and wanted nothing to do with Crina or her father ever again. Her father was distraught and Crina had to step up as the adult even though she was only 16 at the time. She took care of her father, doing everything for him, she even started working to provide for them.

Slowly her father began to lose his mind and saw her as her mother. He would yell at her and throw things, cursing her for tearing their family apart but Crina just took it, believing this is what her father needed to cope with the loss. She never took time for herself, only ever doing so if it was a desperate need such as to eat or drink, but her father always came first. Things were getting so bad that her work started to notice and being a minor they called protective services to check up on her living situation.

When they realized that she was caring for her father and being abused by him they had him arrested and took Crina to foster care. She begged them not to, saying that her father needed her and that she would be good but they didn't listen. The home she went into was much nicer than that of her father's but all of the mental scars were still there and she continued to put others before her. Everyone just took it as her just being kind, not seeing that she never did anything for herself unless specifically asked to do so.

As she got older and fell out of the foster care system she bounced from place to place looking for someone to take care of but always being left behind in the end. Eventually she ended up in Olympia Washington and decided to stay for a bit, not knowing the reason for the sudden urge but not fighting it either. Maybe this was where she would find the person who wouldn't leave? Maybe this could be her home?

_T H E M E_ S O N G_

_A E S T H E T I C_
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Oh hush, we all know you love it <3
_D E M O N_ N A M E_

_M O R T A L_ N A M E_
Ailsa Vixen

_A G E_
Appears 22

_S E X_

_R O L E_

_H E I G H T_

_B U I L D_
Pear shaped body with narrow shoulders, and curvy hips.

_A P P E A R A N C E_



_D E M O N_ F O R M_


_P O W E R_

Sloth Manipulation: The ability to enforce a mortal to become the embodiment of
of sloth for a limited time. The victim will completely give up on their current ambitions/
dreams. Hell, their dreams will be crushed by thoughts of self doubt, and pessimistic
thoughts on how much work it'd take to achieve their dreams. Overall, the victim will
give up on appeasing someone else, successfully making a life for themselves, and lack total
empathy for someone else's problems

Disadvantages: Sloth Manipulation can only affect one person at a time. The affects
of her powers only work 2-3 days. If her vicim is overly confident in their
abilities, or too passionate, Sloth Manipulation might not work at all.

_P E R S O N A L I T Y_

Aidoneus is far from being a lazy slump. No, the woman moves around plenty, however,
she lacks any ambition, passion, or desire to make a name for herself. She dreads helping
people achieve their goals, and finds the work load too much. She isn't the type of person
you'd ask a favor for. She won't do it. Even if something could benefit her, she still won't lift
a finger. Aidoneus couldn't give two-flying-fucks about someone else's emotions. She lacks
total empathy for people, and find their emotions stupid. She won't comfort you, or give
you advice if you plead for it. She won't even look your way if you're calling for help. In the end,
nothing in the world is her problem. Hell could be freezing over, and the sin's called to stop the freeze.
She wouldn't help. If doom comes, oh well...she doesn't fucking care.

Honestly, Aidoneus sounds cruel and lazy, and she is that. However, the woman can be pleasant.
There was a time she cared for someone, but that's in the past. She is a very calm individual, never
in a panic or over-dramatic state. If you don't expect anything out of her, then you'll be on good terms with her!
If all you want to do is sit and laugh with someone, she's your gal. She is enjoyable
to be around. Often of times, she will crack up jokes or show off her attitude.

_B I O_

Aidoneus is a difficult sin to define or even credit as a sin. The simple idea behind laziness seems much more innocent than what heaven defines her as. Aidoneus is a sin for lacking total empathy for other people's emotions, and not doing what is needed of her. Simply put, she could care less to help someone out, help them live, or even help herself be successful.

Aidoneus never dappled too much in mortals affairs, however one time she did out of boredom. To amuse herself, she played with a woman's emotions. She knew the woman was already vulnerable - grieving the loss of her father. Using her friendly charm, Aidoneus made it seem like she cared for the woman. However, when the woman began to open up, expose her vulnerability, Aidoneus laughed in the woman's face. She didn't care for her feelings, offering little support to the woman in need. Watching her plead for help, plead for advice, Aidoneus simply observed as the human destroyed herself until lead to her suicide. Too lazy to care about what happened to the woman, she laughed the event off and moved on with her uneventful life.

_T H E M E_S O N G_

Bruno Mars - The Lazy Song

_A E S T H E T I C_

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agreed, we stan doja cat in tHIS household^^^

Full disclaimer though: I may end up closing recruitment tomorrow night as it seems that we've found all who will join. Soooo now is the time to think of second characters, for those of you who are willing to double, anyway~
agreed, we stan doja cat in tHIS household^^^

Full disclaimer though: I may end up closing recruitment tomorrow night as it seems that we've found all who will join. Soooo now is the time to think of second characters, for those of you whore are willing to double, anyway~
Like I said, I'm down for playing Envy!
Like I said, I'm down for playing Envy!
Unfortunately, another member has been kind of eyeing the role for a WHILE and sort of made a human in order to appease the large imbalance (she's a real one) so it's technically reserved because I know that that was their initial ambition... IM SO SORRY, I WISH WE COULD HAVE ENOUGH ENVY'S TO GO AROUND BUT WE DON'T. Pls don't hate me I-
Unfortunately, another member has been kind of eyeing the role for a WHILE and sort of made a human in order to appease the large imbalance (she's a real one) so it's technically reserved because I know that that was their initial ambition... IM SO SORRY, I WISH WE COULD HAVE ENOUGH ENVY'S TO GO AROUND BUT WE DON'T. Pls don't hate me I-
OHHH no it's cool! I can play Greed!
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