Either Needed Lonely starship seeks a good crew

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Either Needed Lonely starship seeks a good crew

Upon entering the ship from the dock-point on Pilgrim's Star, around where on the ship (level/area) would someone end up walking through first?
Upon entering the ship from the dock-point on Pilgrim's Star, around where on the ship (level/area) would someone end up walking through first?

I would say somewhere on the mid-decks, close by the mess hall on the port side.
Are there any signs/labels for giving directions to certain areas or would she be directed to med-bay similar to how Rigs was with the lights to the lounge?
Are there any signs/labels for giving directions to certain areas or would she be directed to med-bay similar to how Rigs was with the lights?

There are plenty of signs and labels, as well as maps posted here and there. Xeno is just giving everyone some extra help in finding their way around for now until they get used to his layout.
There are plenty of signs and labels, as well as maps posted here and there. Xeno is just giving everyone some extra help in finding their way around for now until they get used to his layout.

Oh okay! thank you, I was just writing that part again since I wasn't sure. I'll add a map she can look over to get her bearings ☺️
@WishBone hey, just so I get this right: is Practical dying? And if so, would Miel be able to notice?
@WishBone, is this scene taking place at Dr. Numinus' clinic? If so I justt want to check if this development would be okay with @Demitris since they introduced it as part of Cora's story.
Different clinic (one that has the part since it probably was sold. But theres no logs.)
But if they want it to be happy for them to change the narrative
Pilgrim Star currently, between Xenophon, Damascus, and the Red Fang Faction:

Quick question, does everyone want to continue with the current scene in the medbay, or push on ahead to the next scene that would take place afterwards?
I'm fine with either! Planning on posting some Red Fang shenanigans than riding the character interaction wave for a bit.
I'm fine with either! Planning on posting some Red Fang shenanigans than riding the character interaction wave for a bit.

Hey dispatch would the Red Fang ever cut a deal with a Fixer on Pilgrim? think Dex from Cyberpunk. If they wanted specific items that an Imperial ship may or may not have.

It's the reason she is onboard, got hired legitimately for work just to get onboard but her real reason is she's there to try and steal from Xeno. Which is insane given he can probably turn her into human pasta.
Eagerly waiting on your replies
Hey dispatch would the Red Fang ever cut a deal with a Fixer on Pilgrim? think Dex from Cyberpunk. If they wanted specific items that an Imperial ship may or may not have.

It's the reason she is onboard, got hired legitimately for work just to get onboard but her real reason is she's there to try and steal from Xeno. Which is insane given he can probably turn her into human pasta.

To answer your question: that could work, she could totally be a Red Fang Faction agent! But there's a few complications we'd need to address first:

-Is Kitty a fully ideological ally, a purely neutral mercenary on their payroll, or does she have an alternative agenda to helping a group that exists solely to free artificial clones, of which Kitty is not one AFAIK?

-Would she have met or be able to recognize Miel? Would her plans change once she learns about what happened—that their section splintered and that Miel is on their hit list?

You can let me know here or shoot me a DM: I'm more than happy to work with that idea, I just wanna make sure our worldbuilding is in alignment lol
Whew. That was a lot.

@Demitris I left things ambiguous so if you're still interested in having YC work with the RFF, you can make reference to "maybe Capo's gang is on the way to retrieve Miel" or something. Up to you! ^^
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