Closed LUNAR CITY JOINING THREAD||Announcement Board

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Closed LUNAR CITY JOINING THREAD||Announcement Board

(Short, plump woman with curves. Dark skin, and gray eyes)

Name: Ashley Billow

Age: 82

Species: Witch/Human

Height: 5'3

Relationship Status: Divorced/Single

Sexuality: "I do what I need for money." 💜

Personality: "I only allow three people into my life: Me, myself, and I, because I don't need anybody else." Ashley is a blunt, straightforward woman. She gives her opinion whether anyone asked for it or not.

When she's at work, she's just about the same, but she tones it down to a reasonable level so she doesn't get fired. She'll start meaningless small talk with customers if they insist on being in her space for too long.

When she's at home, she pampers, and treats herself from sun up, til nightfall. Taking bubbly baths, watching tv, fixing herself simple meals, giving herself personal love, and so on.

When dealing with customers who know of her limited talents, she is straight forward.

Aura Color: /

History: Ashley was born in a nameless town into an all-woman's circle who take in women, and care for each other. The witches all specialized in different types of magics, but Ashley had no magic. She couldn't cast a spell of any kind, and felt left out because of it. She could only create potions, oils, and other substances. So that was what she did until she left to seek life elsewhere.

Special powers?: "What's it to ya?!"

Special Skills:
She's an expert at making potions, drugs, ointments, and such.

Established Relationships: TBD

Anything else?:
  • She doesn't have an aged appearance because she drinks potions that keep her looking young
  • As the witches in her group had staves, her mother had crafted her a large wooden spoon that could withstand all the boiling liquids it would stir. It looked like a regular staff, only with a large spoon tip. Ashley loves it.
  • She has a pet cat
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Magic Categories:

There are three main forms of magic that a witch may have at her relative disposal. Ancestral magic is the strongest form, but can only be used by contacting the covens ancestors and both getting the permission of the dead, and then having enough will to control the spell they wish to cast. It's incredibly dangerous without proper precautions.
The second form of magic is casting spells. Spellcasting relies on a witches core magical ability, their emotional state, and the strength of intent. For a spell to be cast successfully, at least two of the three need to be met (for example a witch's magic may flare in emotional situations, how strong these reactions depend on the witches base magic. Alternatively, if a witch is at such a heightened emotional state, spells may be cast that go beyond his/her magic level when intent is drawn upon, but with dire consequences). Spells can backfire, even when all requirements are met, so it is considered the most dangerous practice of the three, the stronger the failed spell will have been, the bigger the backlash. Bigger spells require multiple witches to be involved (usually done within covens)
Finally, there is potion brewing. This is the safest form of magic if precautions are kept, requiring a very limited baseline of magic to do. Potions often go wrong due to bad ingredients or mispronounced spells. The downside to this approach is they take time to create, and will cost a fair price to make.

The witches have a long-standing social hierarchy that they keep for traditional use and practicality. They are often made of several bloodlines of witches. A coven, simply put, is a collection of witches that work together. In more recent times, the 'elitism' found within covens have ebbed, but it is still looked down upon for witches to conduct spells with others not part of their coven. The covens also share in a set of codes that they all must abide by, failure to do so will be met with quick retaliation from all other covens.

Within covens, Ancestors are the most respected. They are the strongest or wisest that have passed, offering power or guidance to the living when called upon.
Below the ancestors are the High Priest/ess. S/he is the leader of the coven and will lead in group spells. They will have the highest power-base and can even draw magic from coven members in difficult situations (often used to keep wayward spells under check).
The elders and oracle are also well-respected figures. The elders are given the title for vast amounts of knowledge that usually comes with old age. The oracle, on the other hand, is someone who specializes in the learning of the future - a trait that can only be acquired through genetic inheritance and on top of that year's of practice. Oracles can see brief glimpses into the future at certain times of the month and are used as advisors - unfortunately once a witch has delved into seeing the future, they lose all other magical abilities as their limited future sight takes over their magic.
Finally, you have standard witches. They vibe with their magic, and have relative freedom to do what they want, so long as they adhere to the basic principles set out and agreed upon by all covens and enforced by their leaders.

Coven Codes:
  1. A witch may not take from another coven what is not rightfully theirs - be it life or other.​
  2. Witchcraft may not be revealed to humans unaware of the supernatural world. Failure to comply with this rule will be stripped of his/her magic.​
  3. A Priest/ess is appointed by the coven - they may be replaced at any time if a rivaling witch gains enough support - elders make the final decision.​
  4. The ancestor's decision when called upon is final - it is not permitted to ask for another judgment or aid for the same problem.​
  5. Black magic is permitted, however, if it used against a coven, it is just as acceptable for the stricken to retaliate - the retaliations must end when truce is called or a price paid and accepted.​
  6. A witch may defect from her coven, but the process is permanent. They may never be permitted back into the circle and are cut from their ancestral bonds.​
Most races may create certain potions seeing as all supernatural (and even many humans) have a magic potential that witches draw from. The practice is most easily adopted by witches, as they are simply more in tune with how to bend and shape the magic they were born with, but the skill may be taught with enough patience (it just won't be as explicitly powerful). In essence, due to these pools of magic a witch may draw from powerful powerful supernatural to bolster their own ability - this is most explicitly seen when witches draw from demons to bolster their dark magic.​
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B4B Disscussion Board

DESCRIPTION: A place for us to chat OOC.

DESCRIPTION: A Character POV chat thread to keep those of you who are hungry to write busy when the thread is moving slow or we're stuck on pause!

DESCRIPTION: Main thread for Lunar City/ Blood Universe

DESCRIPTION: Wiki Page for character dynamic tracking and other recap information

DESCRIPTION: BonnieER was kind enough to gather these so I didn't have to. They are now on the second post on the first page in B4B discussion form if you are interested in reading deeper.

((Also hi guys please do not reply on this thread unless you are posting a character sheet or announcement. This thread is no longer used for chatting. Our chat flood thread is now B4B discussion board. Again DO NOT respond on this thread. Questions or concerns contact ms.peculiar, BonnieER, or Mia.h4 or post on B4B discussion. Thank you.))

Character Sheet

(Picture here)

Theme song:
Everything they say

Liam Moores

Age: 28

Species: Human

height: 5.9ft

Relationship Status: Single

Sexuality: Straight

Personality: Quirky, awkward, skittish and at the same time empathic to a fault and in most cases, very quick to pick up on people's subtle social cues. Liam's personality while observant, receptive, open also shows his honesty and assertive nature. Despite the fact that his health is his biggest detriment, mostly because of what he fights and hunts on the spiritual plane - rarely has he ever come out unscathed. He's a team player, opting to work with those who do value teamwork over trying to be all self independant and something to be fixed. He sees himself as gifted

Liam in the physical tends to wear long sleeve, non-revealing clothing akin to hoodies, cargo pants and enclosed shoes and if he really must, he cannot wear clothes as the pressure from putting them on for him is agonizing, resting them within the pockets of his hoodie however make it much easier. His hands should any dare see them, are missing fingernails and at various points incredibly disjointed and almost skeletal. For most things he cannot hold a teacup, but instead has to use the palms of his hands to cup things. To eat, he tends to use chopsticks as these are the easiest form of cutlery for him to use over the more European forks and knives. Sporting dirty blond hair, silvery blue eyes, his nose is slightly crooked from possibly one to many breaks. Small scars line his lips, and while appearing relaxed its mostly because he feels too compressed within his physical form. Standing at 5.9, and an approx weight of 89kg. Liams facial features are gaunt, looking almost as if he's eaten considerably less than he usually has. This is because of what he does takes considerable resources from his physical 'shell'. Humans weren't meant to project for as long as he does and despite it - his health is complicated as he puts it.

Spiritual form:
Spirits and physical are entirely different, on the plane he lacks the facial features that humans usually have on the physical plane replaced with 'lights' over the black veil where his face usually would be. These lights shift in colour, brightness and what he appears to be wearing is that of a hooded belted jacket, gloves and long trousers that fold up around his boots. In this form, his perception is much larger than merely where he is looking. Sound is different here and its in this place that he actually feels more able to do things than in the physical. Certain locations are brighter depending on what kinds of energy flows, darker areas usually mean that other entities inhabit them. Without some of the constraints of the physical he has been able to find things, places with a great deal of ease however magical, totemic barriers both can stop him entering a place and wards, well, stop him being able to reach or find the location entirely unless his physical body is there instead.

A would in this plane transfers over to his physical and any interaction with his body while he is in this state can cause serious complications as a spirit who looses their body runs the risk of being trapped here. Since colour isnt the best of how things transfer across - he cannot read what is projected on electrical devices only those upon open books or magical texts. Even in a projected form, this is what reveals itself and in most cases communication is rarely straight forwards from spiritual to physical. Some spirit boxes can pick up snippets, but its primitive at best and the boards, well, in his books he avoids as they are beacons to other entities than himself with less than kind intentions. In the physical when manifested, his clothing changes between that of grey, black and flickering colours - almost as if he were underwater. With witches communication, if a link is created is rather easy - communicating with others without it - is more like charades. Demons - without needing a witches help can directly communicate with him, though he can see their horrific nature - from Vassagos advice, 'better to speak but not look'.

Aura Color(opt.): Depending on his emotions its like watching his aura flickering a mixture of pastel colours. When in spiritual form, anything recently interacted with leaves trace imprints that ling before rapidly dissipating.

History (Opt.):
Liam knows it more than those around him how often he has been brushed by death, maybe its why he finds that when he's outside of his mortal coil everything is much easier to understand and comprehend.
For a human Liam as a young adult experienced the worst of what humanity was, his family taken out in a road side ambush by local armed criminals while they were travelling through doing contract work for various private organizations.
This in turn, while appearing not as hardened as any might think, was also the best way for him to survive. In doing so, managed to learn how to project himself out of his body and learn how to survive both on this plane and the physical.

After four years, assumed dead he was found at an embassy seeking asylum to go back home. Both his hands had been broken to the point where any dextrous movement apart from using chopsticks to eat was almost impossible and any exertion of pressure caused considerable amounts of pain. Pressure being pushing buttons on a controller to, accidentally tapping his fingers. While he doesn't go into the extent of what changed him, he prefers to live in the now, dealing with the number of health issues he experiences. Sometimes its acute aches and pains along his body from wounds experienced in the spiritual, other times, its the migraines and he shuts himself away from the world for a time. Still, it doesn't stop him moving around on the 'spiritual plane' though this also can be just as dangerous if not deadly if he isnt too careful.



Special powers?:
Liam's powers rely mostly when he has projected from his physical body. Without the body in short he can't come back and just like the matrix, if he dies in the spirit realm the tether to his body breaks. His body lives on in a vegetative state, while his spirit has already moved on. However, damage in the physical does travel across to his physical when he returns to it. However back in the spiritual realm this damage doesn't transfer the other way.

Spiritual Plane Abilities:
Manifest Spiritual weapon:
The ability to conjure or create a shard which acts as an extension of self as a weapon, this cannot become a ranged weapon and can take the form of a dagger to that of a single edged longblade, or even a polearm - however once out of the hands of the wielder it crumbles apart to flecks of light. These weapons cannot affect the physical. However entities that are both on the spiritual and physical react to it with serious pain and can be destroyed when slain, ie entity possessing a physical being and or object. A manifested spiritual entity on the physical etc.

Force Physical Manifestation: The ability with enough exertion to make himself visible on the physical plane. On Cameras he is invisible and for those of non-magical talent or being, this is significantly harder.
On the scale of easiest to hardest,
Demons can see him automatically regardless of him being on the physical or spiritual and understand him.
Witches and those of magical talent are the easiest however understanding can be hard without a link or a spiritual communication device.
Werewolves are next though under the same instances being unable to understand what it might be saying without a device for him to communicate through.
Fae depending since he has never met one and doubts they exist.
Vampires its incredibly hard due to their negative nature.
Lastly humans of a non-magical nature the hardest.

For those who are not Demon, should he speak anything he says is garbled - to Demons he is easily understood. For those of magical nature - they require a link to understand.

Kinetic Shift <can in spirit form, clumsily move an physical plane object, ie, bump a photo frame, nudge a tea cup, press a hand print onto glass. But its incredibly weak, even create a tug on fabric.

Blink, step.
Blink step is exactly what it says, to vanish on the spiritual and reappear somewhere within a step, somewhere else. Normally after returning to his body - the after effects can be a severe onset of nausea, migraines and after strenuous moments - seizures.

Physical and Spirit Plane:
Spiritual Projection:
Able to project his spirit from his body, however his body essentially goes limp and unresponsive, in order for him to get back into the physical plane he needs to find his body. In this state he is unable to be seen, or interact with the world in the default state. More like a silent observer to a world of ashen grey, television screens are unable to be read or any screen for that matter are just blank surfaces. He can also on a whim levitate, travel and move through objects. However, the longer he is in this state the more taxing it is for his body.

Empathic spacial awareness: Imagine being able to read emotions of an entire room, but it being to the point that at times it can be so loud of deafening despite being empty to begin with. Liam is receptive to emotions like a lighting rod hits lightning, violence and aggression can also affect his mood, just as fear, pain, anxiety and dread. In his physical - though dulled its something he needs to self manage as this can tax his stamina to resist. In the same instance, emotional influencers, perception changers or even those who try. Find it hard to do so against him mostly because what emotion they project, he picks up instead of what they try to influence himself with.

Ghost sight: His eyes turn milky white like someone with cataracts, however in the same regard its like opening a window with the lights on during a dark night. You see them just as they see you and not all are friendly. After effects of using this are temporary blindness, vertigo and a loss of the sense to smell. However, using this runs the risk of dangerous spirit elements trying to use this window as a way into the physical. As they say - the eyes are the windows to the soul.

Blue Fire: Fire of the soul usually shows through during moments where he has to using his physical form hit a ghost out from a possessed physical object. This becomes more visible over his physical form, but when in the spiritual the blue fire flashes as the spirit is essentially 'dislodged' from its possessed vehicle. This fire is useless against vampires, demons and as for werewolves, their inner wolf sees the fire more but not its heat. Magically inclined however are able to 'catch' it, like one finds feathers and if careful store it for more potent rituals. The after effects of using this generally results in hypersensitivity to light, seizures, muscular cramps and mental states of confusion or blackouts.

Special Skills:
Despite his handicaps, he knows a great deal more than what most humans tend to really know. If you want to find something, someone, or reach out to make contact with something on the other side. He can try, though usually there are rules that he prefers to avoid. While as a hunter of dark, dangerous and malicious spirits, he holds no malicious intent to other supernatural's unless they really, really go out of their way to give him a hard time. For him, demons exist and he doesn't know witches exist, vampires or werewolves. Magic - can and will prevent him entering or exiting areas as he is not as aware of how it works same goes for Fae magic.

Established Relationships:
Vassago -
Employed to find things of serious value, information, items and such. Vassago so far has actually found more use for him than the old individuals who keep pestering him to try and contact their dead goldfish or other annoying things. On the rare instance has he actually had to fight crazed dangerous spiritual entities. Two times he had been forced to run.

Anything else?:
Loves pet dogs and cats. Will give them all the pets.

Plot ideas?: (opt.)

Open to anyone :D
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Name: Khione Aryea Rohana (Goes by Aryea)

Age: 201

Species: Vampire

Height: 5ft 4in​

History: Khione used to remember her life as a human, up until about 80 years ago when those memories began to fade. She was turned at the ripe old age of 26 in the height of social society. Married for 5 years previous but, unable to bear her husband a child, she had been essentially placed upon the shelf. Her husband found his release in the arms of other women in the dead of night, leaving her to her own devices in the small manor that he had provided to her. Her life depressed her greatly, her appearances in society limiting till they halted completely. The gossip was incorrigible and she didn't think she could handle one more question about her husband's latest mistress.

She was alone for so long, until one night letters began appearing at her door. All addressed to her and worded so beautifully, Khione couldn't help but answer each and every one. They spoke of an enchanting infatuation, with her of all people. With each letter her heart fell harder, not knowing who the sender was she didn't even care to ask, she only waited patiently by her door every evening for the post to give her her next fix.

She didn't know what kind of trouble she was getting herself into. The letters lasted a few months, just long enough for her obsession to grip her entirely, and then one night he showed up in place of an envelope. Vincent Ver'alt. The vampire that turned her and changed her life forever. Her memory hazed over the details of her change, a defense mechanism he had told her but a permanent irritant to her psyche it was more like. All that mattered was from that moment on Khione was a walking corpse and Vincent had less to do with her than her late husband did. Taking her to his home and setting her free like a wild dog. She made a place for herself in the city but her existence was as lonely as it ever was, over 150 years solidified the stone that was her still heart and she lost hope for her reality.

Relationship Status: Single

Sexuality: Straight

Personality: Like her name suggests, Khione's personality is often likened to a wall of ice. Cold, unforgiving and near impossible to overcome. Quiet and critical she will wait for the perfect moment to strike rather than move with her instincts directly.

Aura Color(opt.): Extremely pale purple

Faction: Vampires

Ranking: None

Special powers?:
Heightened resistance to cold and energy draining demons

Special Skills:
Her bullshit detector is incredible.

Established Relationships:
Friends with Vassago

Milla Jovovich

Theme song: (Opt.)

Amaris Lucine
Age: 26
Species: Werewolf
Height: 168cm / 5'5
Relationship Status: Single
Sexuality: Bisexual
Aura Color: Yet to decide

Amaris has stubbornness down to an art. She is her own woman and not afraid to show it. Witty, independent, confident she ain't gotta need a man to get stuff done. Her favorite way to spend her time? Annoy her father until he goes absolutely crazy with hered. Forgiving is not something she would do easily. Neither is she very good at the trust-thing. Being the daughter of the alpha has gotten her fucked-over a few too many times. Amaris is especially fond of her freedom, a bit of a wild-child. You could even call her a bit of a troublemaker. She loves to play tricks and isn't shy of a joke or two either.

Amaris is the only child of the alpha of her pack, to dismay of some of the other packmembers. Both her parents fully expect her to take over as the next alpha, to fight for her title when the time is right. Though, she doesn't necessarily has a problem with this title, she does have a problem that it is trusted upon her and leaving her without a choice.

From a very young age, they had started prepping her to become the next alpha. Too bad for them, Amaris has a habit of running away from her responsibilities. So they quite often had to chase down the girl, who rather spend her time running through the forest that surrounded their little remote village.

She grew up rather normally, except for the fact that she was a werewolf. Though, her father would love for her to get married and give him some grandpups. Amaris has no interest in this what so ever. In high school she found out that she likes girls just as much as boys and sees no problem in this. Her parents have learned to accept it eventually.

As she grew older, Amaris grew wilder. Staying away full nights from the pack's village, getting into fights, all the good stuff. Eventually, her father thought it would be good for Amaris to both have a change of surroundings and to learn how to get along with werewolves outside of their pack.


Currently, a pack member. Expected to take her father's place.

Special powers?:

Special Skills:

Established Relationships:
None yet
Okay everyone! Just revising next plotline for us though it is a while away.
So next plotline is a bit complicated, feel free to ask questions in inbox or on discussion board if anything is unclear!

Keillen, Bonnie, and I kind of worked out the ropes a few months back.
The idea was sparked by Keillen then revised by Bonnie and I to make sure we could make it fit and remain all inclusive.

The first half of the plot is going to be more of a Hunters vibe. Supernatural will begin to go missing.
Lunar City will call another meeting to discuss the missing person cases.
(Roman will be included in the missing persons, anyone else could have their characters go missing as well if they wanted, though I want to mention that said missing characters will not be heavily active during this plotline.)

Eventually, probably after some pretty intense and exciting action and battle scenes, the characters will discover the stolen persons are being transported to a secure building. This building is kind of like the
'bee hive' for these creatures called the 'Arch Fae'.
Arch Fae are supernatural beings that feed off of the energy of other supernatural. Absorbing their energy until they cease to exist.

From there our characters will have to work together to rescue the imprisoned supernatural.
(or even if you so choose against against others to prevent rescue)

We are going to start granting permission to jump over characters within 3 days if we aren't notified that their creators are going to be inactive or unable to post.

I don't like to be this way because I understand many of us are busy, but it is hurting many of our creators muse and motivation.
We need to keep communicating. Some people need more of a consistent schedule to remain fueled.

If we are notified we will continue to give 7 day wait periods, but only if we are notified.
If you notify us and your partner is one of the people who require more consistency they can switch partners,
but we will still make sure nobody gets left alone and has someone who can work with their post rates.

This isn't anything personal towards anyone. We are all on very different times and on very different schedules.
I have had some people express to me it is hard for them to hold muse when they have inconsistent postings though.

After working on this thread and with this group for coming up on nine months now I do not want to risk letting muse die for everyone, I hope everyone understands where I am coming from in this.

There are many people in this group (and even more characters) so we can very easily arrange partners to work with each other without anyone being left out or feeling rushed. I simply want everyone to get the best experience they can out of this universe.
Hoping this adjustment can satisfy everyone.
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Name: Alec James Ryne

Age: 235

Species: Vampire

height: 6ft4

Relationship Status: Single

Sexuality: Ace/Aro

Personality: Big goofy guy, until he isn't. Alec is friendly all around and rather physically affectionate to those he is close to, even if it drives them up a wall. He loves to tease and bother anyone he considers family but will try his best to make others feel included. Getting on his bad side is not recommended though.

Aura Color(opt.): Deep Orange

Faction: Vampires

(Misfits are not a faction. If you are playing a misfit you can either choose to remain independent or become allied with a faction. Please clarify that choice here.
It is preferred that you do become allied unless you are human but not forced.)

Ranking: Not Ranked

Special powers?: He is as strong as males decades older than he, his strength growing at an accelerated rate, sunlight doesn't affect him as harshly as it does others.
(Not for werewolves sorry guys! and nothing too crazy for vampires.)

Special Skills: He is a fantastic manipulator

Established Relationships:
Khione- Brother/Sister. (Share a sire)
Roman- King/Subject
Scarlett- Queen/Subject
Hey guys for now if you are going to take a slow post rate please partner with someone who is willing to and agreed to match your post rates and/or stay within small groups.

I have been very open and lenient with these things and still intend to be that way, but please do not have our daily active members held up. Please try to communicate with someone and your partners if you are feeling overwhelmed or are busy.

It is unfair for heavily active members (which is still the majority) We have to accommodate for everyone.

This isn't targeted at any specific person, but we have had this happen a few times (to more than one member) in the last two months at this point.

I am not angry at anyone I am just trying to keep everyone happy and stress free and keep the thread running smoothly for all members.
@Psycho Bunny - Hi there! So this is actually the joining thread for the universe(currently closed) where the rules and character sheets are submitted (which are gone over by our thread leader Ms.Pecuiar). We allow for three characters per creator so that things don't get too messy usually - but all the rules and such are on page one of this thread!

I'm sorry to say that the thread is currently closed for joining since we're partway through the second season and are already pretty character loaded right now. If you could delete the post on the RP page that would be really appreciated ^-^

If your looking for RP the request threads they can be found here:

There's even a section specifically for group threads if that's what your looking for! Sorry for the inconvenience but if we open up new slots in the future we can be sure to send you a message 💘
If you have any questions about the site in general I'd be happy to answer them!

(Oh and also just to say we actually don't have a discord, it's against site rules to give out discord information x)
BonnieER beat me to it as she usually does hahaha
@Psycho Bunny

First and foremost a big welcome to Writers Sanctum from the Lunar City group!! 🥳
Please cast a vote to help keep traffic coming to the site if you find you like it here!
Access Error <<<<<

But yes information is correct we are currently not accepting any new members on this thread. If we do open up I will send you a message. For future reference, if you ever find a role-play it's good to read the thread rules and site rules first. For example: It does state in the joining rules I've written only 3 characters allowed per person, even that is a pretty large amount than what most others do. If you miss the rules sometimes role-play runners will not accept you

I do allow jump-ins at our Pixie Dust thread:

So if you wanted a way to keep yourself busy until you find a thread that works for you you're welcome to write one
character there. Please read all rules before posting. Please have OOC conversation (out of Character) in inbox rather than on the RP threads to keep everything from getting messy.

If you want to make a sheet send it to me privately through my inbox (though a sheet it is not needed for jump ins usually)
Don't post it here since you are not an official member of the group at this moment.

I can't promise anyone will be active in the Pixie Dust thread right now since we are busy with our plotline on main,
but it is worth a shot if you want. You never know!

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You cannot write NPCs from their perspective on main thread. In other words, you cannot follow NPCs thought processes.
In my opinion that makes them become too relevant and does give them a central/main character energy.

I have recently told a few people who took the time to ask me that they can't do that.
When it is written by someone after I told another creator no it makes it seem as though I am giving special treatment.
This is not the case.
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The only cases I have or will ever ask someone to remove posts (even to ask is extremely uncommon, I will usually ask for an edit instead because I hate to damage creativity):
  • site rules are broken - Solution: immediate removal request
  • Heavily effecting the environment when characters are occupied doing something else - Solution: May ask the person to move the location/edit it out instead of remove entirely
  • when someone has told me they feel god-modded - Solution: Usually I will ask the piece that is assumed god-modding to be removed and tell the person to discuss with their partners next time.
  • adding characters without permission Solution: tell them they have to remove the post but can place their character in Pixie Dust
  • A character does something that there is no possible way for the characters they are interacting with to remain in character without seriously harming them or seriously throwing the plot Solution: ask for an edit out or remove
Things should ALWAYS be discussed with me first
  • Lore changing, lore questions, lore loop holes.
  • Plotlines that include the entire thread or impact the universe
  • Major events in the city (I would see if it works with my written lore and then take a vote in the group)
Things that should/can be discussed with the entire group on discussion
  • Changes in the environment
  • plotlines that effect more than three characters even if it is only collateral effects
  • anything that has a ripple effect
  • Questions with what people are plotting for their dynamics and if you can insert your character there
  • Anything that will move around characters locations EX: if someone outside of the pack is going to be sent to the resort
  • If your character is going to be severely injured to the point they are incapacitated (this can be discussed privately if you and the partners character are the only one's present at the location, UNLESS they are faction leaders then we must give heads up)
  • When a character is going to react in a way that can heavily effect the faction dynamics EX: Scarlet or Sirgo threatening or going after each other. Or a more common folk character going after them.
Things that should be discussed with your partner(s) in PMs
  • Violence being acted upon their character
  • A shift in dynamics (friends to romance, etc.)
  • Anything that involves physically moving another person's character. No matter how minor if your character is lifting, directing, pulling away, or assaulting it should be discussed. You don't have to ask for every little touch like shoulder tapping or brushing your fingers on them but if they are moving more than say... four feet or being pulled from a conversation it should be discussed.
  • When you want to add a character to a scene between other characters. Mostly, if it is a dynamic or character plot relevant interaction. Say there is a group sitting by the bonfire or the bar you can have your character walk up, that's no big deal. However, it is appreciated to be given a heads up when characters are being added to a very relevant scene and may interrupt something happening.
  • When your character as a leader (Scarlet, Roman, Sirgo, anyone in a higher ranking position than another) is going to assign a character a task.
  • Something that you think may trigger a drastic reaction from someone else's character. Say for example... someone threatening Vassago. Or perhaps someone 'wasting' Elijah's blood/shattering mirrors. Someone harming Sirgo's children or family.
  • In addition to the previous you can be granted consistent permission (for a scene or until revoked).
    What I mean by this: when me and BonnieER had Vassago and Elijah fight and when Ethan and Elijah fought. BonnieER gave permission for our characters to punch and shove Elijah. So long as we don't (X,Y,Z...EX: incapacitate him) When Scarlet and Roman fight Haydenly16 has consistent permission to have Scarlet bring Roman to his knees, throw him, etc. (though I can revoke this permission if I am no longer comfortable with it at any time.) Alex also has consistent permission to pull Ethan and Roman (Scarlet also has permission to do this to Roman.). Alex even has permission to playfully smack Ethan sometimes.
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Hello everyone, I come with some unfortunate news.

I have no further plotlines planned after the rescue so I believe it is time we close the thread once this plotline wraps.
I would rather quit before we crash completely than wait for a full on crash and burn.
If you haven't noticed, I have been slowly withdrawing.

I hope that you will all ride out to the end of the plot with us, but I completely understand those of you who decide to leave the thread after this announcement.
All I ask is that you please let me know so I can at least plan for the ending to transition smoothly for those still involved.
As we have seen time and time again that if I plan for one character and they are removed it can throw the entire plan.
All rules will still apply until the completion of the thread. If you left before this announcement or were kicked, you are not welcomed back just because the thread is closing.
You made your decisions.

That being said: If I notice people being disrespectful towards others or my universe/lore while we wrap up?
I will kick you and ban you from participating in my future Group RP Thread plans.
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