Closed LUNAR CITY JOINING THREAD||Announcement Board

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Closed LUNAR CITY JOINING THREAD||Announcement Board


Magic Categories:

There are three main forms of magic that a witch may have at her relative disposal. Ancestral magic is the strongest form, but can only be used by contacting the covens ancestors and both getting the permission of the dead, and then having enough will to control the spell they wish to cast. It's incredibly dangerous without proper precautions.
The second form of magic is casting spells. Spellcasting relies on a witches core magical ability, their emotional state, and the strength of intent. For a spell to be cast successfully, at least two of the three need to be met (for example a witch's magic may flare in emotional situations, how strong these reactions depend on the witches base magic. Alternatively, if a witch is at such a heightened emotional state, spells may be cast that go beyond his/her magic level when intent is drawn upon, but with dire consequences). Spells can backfire, even when all requirements are met, so it is considered the most dangerous practice of the three, the stronger the failed spell will have been, the bigger the backlash. Bigger spells require multiple witches to be involved (usually done within covens)
Finally, there is potion brewing. This is the safest form of magic if precautions are kept, requiring a very limited baseline of magic to do. Potions often go wrong due to bad ingredients or mispronounced spells. The downside to this approach is they take time to create, and will cost a fair price to make.

The witches have a long-standing social hierarchy that they keep for traditional use and practicality. They are often made of several bloodlines of witches. A coven, simply put, is a collection of witches that work together. In more recent times, the 'elitism' found within covens have ebbed, but it is still looked down upon for witches to conduct spells with others not part of their coven. The covens also share in a set of codes that they all must abide by, failure to do so will be met with quick retaliation from all other covens.

Within covens, Ancestors are the most respected. They are the strongest or wisest that have passed, offering power or guidance to the living when called upon.
Below the ancestors are the High Priest/ess. S/he is the leader of the coven and will lead in group spells. They will have the highest power-base and can even draw magic from coven members in difficult situations (often used to keep wayward spells under check).
The elders and oracle are also well-repscted figures. The elders are given the title for vast amounts of knowledge that usually comes with old age. The oracle, on the other hand, is someone who specializes in the learning of the future - a trait that can only be acquired through genetic inheritance and on top of that year's of practice. Oracles can see brief glimpses into the future at certain times of the month and are used as advisors - unfortunately once a witch has delved into seeing the future, they lose all other magical abilities as their limited future sight takes over their magic.
Finally, you have standard witches. They vibe with their magic, and have relative freedom to do what they want, so long as they adhere to the basic principles set out and agreed upon by all covens and enforced by their leaders.

Coven Codes:
  1. A witch may not take from another coven what is not rightfully theirs - be it life or other.​
  2. Witchcraft may not be revealed to humans unaware of the supernatural world. Failure to comply with this rule will be stripped of his/her magic.​
  3. A Priest/ess is appointed by the coven - they may be replaced at any time if a rivaling witch gains enough support - elders make the final decision.​
  4. The ancestor's decision when called upon is final - it is not permitted to ask for another judgment or aid for the same problem.​
  5. Black magic is permitted, however, if it used against a coven, it is just as acceptable for the stricken to retaliate - the retaliations must end when truce is called or a price paid and accepted.​
  6. A witch may defect from her coven, but the process is permanent. They may never be permitted back into the circle and are cut from their ancestral bonds.​
Most races may create certain potions seeing as all supernaturals (and even many humans) have a magic potential that witches draw from. The practice is most easily adopted by witches, as they are simply more in tune with how to bend and shape the magic they were born with, but the skill may be taught with enough patience (it just won't be as explicitly powerful). In essence, due to these pools of magic a witch may draw from powerful powerful supernaturals to bolster their own ability - this is most explicitly seen when witches draw from demons to bolster their dark magic.​
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5pm. Thursday. Sunny. Sunset will take place in an hour.

Please do not write any posts in the RP that took place during the break period.

(Exception made for this rule was made for Freya and Jade if they choose because their actions are launching the new plot.)

You are free to make a 1x1 if there is anything you feel the need to complete.

(Event board is the second post on the roleplay thread. Also states time, weather, and day of the week.)
Character Sheet


Although well built, muscular he hides it under rather casual loose fitting clothes. In most places he tends to often refuse to wear formal clothes - even if its mandatory the best he will dress is smart casual.
Long hair, slightly unshaven with a five o-clock shadow and tattoos down along one arm. His right, which his right hand is missing his smallest finger, a hand in most cases he tends to keep in a pocket, away from eyes and although the tattoo is an entire sleeve - its lined with scars which break up the picture. For him, those pictures are memories which he keeps close. Though somewhat a minimalist when it comes to jewellery, he wears a plain white gold - often mistaken for silver ring on his middle finger. To those who know, the subtle meaning being that a ring middle finger represents beauty, responsibility and self-analysis. The only token that holds to his past and regrets, the good times and the bad.

Dressed in either denim jeans, worn runners, a polo shirt under a worn battered grey hoodie along with a jacket. He does his best to blend in with other human beings. Other times its either his usual work uniforms of either back staff as a cook - dishwasher and his other part time job as a night time mechanic for a cab drivers workshop or a contractor on night shift doing either labour or traffic work. With a Caucasian origin, grey blue eyes with one being a discoloured green.

For his full form it takes that of a black wolf, though somewhat rough, matted, bearing deeper marks and signs of old wounds long since healed.

Theme song: (Opt.)

Name: Kuav Mylkin -

Age: 34

Species: Werewolf

height: 6.3 - moderately well built

Relationship Status:

Sexuality: Straight

To put it short, he's driven by a desire of action over inaction. Sometimes the plan goes to shit and he has to make do. While he hides behind the mask of someone who is cool, collected and burying his emotions deeper than the nightmares of his past. Although the chains of guilt weigh heavily its a burden he carries and his flaw with most is his pride and refusal to let the old wounds heal due to his own drive for vengeance. For some its noticeable that he has undiagnosed and untreated ptsd along with unpacked baggage. He lies often to himself that he's fine, he's functional its only until recently did something cause him to emerge back into the dark other world of the supernatural a place he never wanted to go back to until it, crossed into his side and tore away the normalcy he was complicit with.

History (Opt.):
From what people rumour - there's always whispers and circles of stories of a organised crime group of collaborated hired professional individuals who supposedly went too far on an owner of some store in a way to extort for money in return for protection. As humans are - they can be monsters just like any other and with history it shows. In this case when the father refused, to make the family complicit they abducted and made an example out of the man, sending parts back peace meal until the money was delivered. When their daughter took matters into her own hands, taking revenge upon the men killing two retaliation was planned to the letter, hand crafted for the right time.

Though they didn't expect her to fall for someone who at the time - was in the juvinile sense seeking to break away from the supernatural world - tired of the rules, the caution it was right after the day he proposed did the criminals take their revenge on the entire family. Thus sent an individual on a path that destroyed the ties he had to his pack, casting him away and on a much more darker path of revenge. In the end after all the bloodshed, there was only shame and no closure. The hunt went cold and despondent alone, sought reprieve in a place he never expected.

Old Bessa, a witch let him in under the agreement that he would start no trouble, do his work as needed but also keep the peace on her turf. Any sign or breach she'd kick him out. A no nonsense older woman who although wiry, smart, perceptive ran the dive bar well. He worked out back, washing dishes, prepwork and on the bad days permitted to sleep downstairs in storage with bedding. On the days he was forced to be what he refused. He opted to either lock himself away - mainly to avoid drawing attention and lastly avoid trouble should other groups figure out a undeclared like himself was near a territory. Bessa although originally from Europe knew what he was before he really needed to disclose it, which once he trusted her enough which took years explained. Unimpressed - she's ensured he's stopped smoking and began taking other work. The other work being - dirty jobs, removing undesirable humans and problematic supernaturals as contracts.

Its only until recently something, or someone tore up his world. Old Bessa was found stuffed, compounded into her own fridge, blood drained and the entire place a crime scene.
Thing is having only just managed to watch the footage - another supernatural had arrived acting strange after hours, only to suddenly without provocation destroy what peace he had left.
Bessa may have been old, but she was one of the few he could call friends. Forced back out - with fewer places to go. Its a matter of time before he's found out, but being fair game doesn't mean he has to lay down and die.

None - prefers to stay off the radar.

Ranking: None

Special Skills:
Non disclosed skills: Trained in Hapkido, Taeqwando, CQC knife techniques and Firearms, First Aid.
Fast change clothes, blending and moving through crowds. Drive.

Cooks really well.
Jack of some trades, master of none.

Struggles: Recently quit smoking,

Established Relationships:
Old Bessa, - Witch, Friend and employer. - Deceased.
Hank Wares, associate human - someone who knows him but also knows of his other off grid work in removing unwanted undesirables. A contractor provider.
Ms. Deana - Healer, counsellor and a witch of Bessa's coven.
Luke Hawnsen - a medium, usually hounded by unwanted spirits. Irritable - anxious but intelligent. They tend to have the occasional hang out either doing video games, or working to find resolutions for spirits to get rest. <Think Equalizer.>

Anything else?:
- Rumours of a wolf crashing into cars and walking away. Accidentally making a mistake in thinking to put himself underground for a night, forgetting that there was that time coming and passing out after a few too many drinks. His other side opted to enjoy a night out under the stars, though while not fully aware of what occurred when he woke to find that his couch was destroyed - his apartment thrashed he's made a mistake. A mistake that he knows is going to cause concern.

- Searching for answers - with very few leads on the cause of his friends death. While in his other form he witnessed something, sadly what he saw he struggles to remember either due to his current PTSD
and withdrawal from cigarettes.

- Being rusty from the routine of his usual work, he doesn't expect anyone here to really take notice of him. Sure he didn't present himself, he literally wanted to stay away. No pack, no problems, no obligations and no risk of getting hurt emotionally or physically. Though when pushed he will fight and when treated as fair game, not hesitant to kill.

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happy to resume when characters are back in the room - i'll wait for a time skip to the following day / night

Physically Diago looks identical to Ethan minus the tattoos. His eyes are completely missing, when he removes the bandage his sockets are nothing but scar tissue. Ethan will often force him to use a cloth that matches his outfit. His demon form is nearly identical as well, the only difference is his wings are slightly larger and them and his tail are crimson.

Theme song: (Opt.) TBD

Name: Diago

Age: Appears to be in his mid 20s though real age is unknown.

Species: Demon

Height: 6'3"

Relationship Status: Single

Sexuality: Asexual

Personality: Compared to his brother, Ethan, Diago seems almost emotionless. He is the level headed sensible one of the two, preferring to think things through completely before acting on anything. He is the exact opposite of his twin in nearly everything personality wise.

History (Opt.): Like Ethan he does not recall a life before being a demon. For the longest time the two traveled together, never leaving the other's side. A few hundred years later he lost his eyes in an altercation with a priest.

Faction: Demon

Ranking: Demon of Sloth

Special powers?: Can "see" things and people containing supernatural and/or magic energy. Different types have different colours to him depending on the root element of the magic. Most living things give off their own trace aura to him, magic and supernatural energies are just brighter. This does make it almost impossible for most things to sneak up on him, making Diago an exceptional guard when he wants to be. However, sometimes he will purposefully ignore something/someone just to see what would happen.

Can cause extreme lethargy and/or apathy in his targets. It is most effective on humans and to a lesser extent effects supernaturals to varying degrees. When he uses it on Ethan it has a calming effect.

Special Skills: He is a skilled acrobat like his brother, having performed with him throughout the early years of the Cirque Du Morte. His specialty is the aerial silks.

Established Relationships: Is Ethan's twin brother.

Anything else?:
His wings are just large enough for short flights, Diago just doesn't see a point as it expends almost as much energy as walking and gets him just barely farther.
His glamour has the same effects as his brother's when it comes to the area his wings occupy.
Diago is not a fan of Lunar City. The large population of supernaturals makes it hard to navigate for him as he can still see their auras through walls.
Even though he is ace, he will still engage in sexual activities if he has a particular interest in someone that desires it. Diago just personally gets little to no satisfaction out of it.
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Theme song: (Opt.)

Josiah Trout
(JT or J)




Relationship Status:



JT is a man of very few words. He doesn't care to get involved in things unless absolutely needed. He isn't as great at being a 'human' and generally avoids any social gatherings that he isn't forced to attend. He keeps to himself if expected to present as human during pack meetings. This is mostly due to his experiences before being accepted into this pack. For years he spent the majority of his time as a wolf only shifting back when presenting as his wolf form would make him stand out more. Keeping his mind in such a feral state for as long as he did made him so instinctive rather than using social reasoning. It's just the way he's always lived. Although he is obedient beyond measures towards his pack, he isn't friendly towards anyone else. Not that he's mean, but you're lucky if you even get a response out of him some days. Despite his standoffish presentation he will protect his pack until his last dying breath. It is his home and what he has left of a family. He will not lose this family as he did his last.

JT does have a soft-side however, if you can manage to get him to take a liking to you. He's actually quite affectionate, physically mostly. Some may even consider him clingy towards his partners and close friends. He hates being without tight bonds because it makes him feel vulnerable.

You will never find him in clubs or bars unless literally dragged there, JT spends most of his time in the woods outside of Lunar City rather than actually inside it.

History (Opt.):
Tbh y'all if you're really curious ask me. I am posting this on a whim and actually do not have to muse to write it out properly. He's broken boy though. Just like most of them. lol

Beta Wolf

Special Skills:
He is generally very athletic and nimble in nature settings such as mountains or rougher terrain.

Established Relationships:
Jade is his healer and friend.
He has met Ivory, Ethan, and Alex on occasion.
He avoids demons and most vampires if he can manage to do so.

Anything else?:
JT actually talks so little that those who do not know him personally assume he is mute.
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B4B Disscussion Board

DESCRIPTION: A place for us to chat OOC.

DESCRIPTION: A Character POV chat thread to keep those of you who are hungry to write busy when the thread is moving slow or we're stuck on pause!

DESCRIPTION: Main thread for Lunar City/ Blood Universe

DESCRIPTION: Wiki Page for character dynamic tracking and other recap information

DESCRIPTION: BonnieER was kind enough to gather these so I didn't have to. They are now on the second post on the first page in B4B discussion form if you are interested in reading deeper.

((Also hi guys please do not reply on this thread unless you are posting a character sheet or announcement. This thread is no longer used for chatting. Our chat flood thread is now B4B discussion board. Again DO NOT respond on this thread. Questions or concerns contact ms.peculiar, BonnieER, or Mia.h4 or post on B4B discussion. Thank you.))

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Hey guys! I made a discussion forum for the group so we don't flood this thread as much anymore. Anything can go on this new discussion thread.


1. Main plot ideas (only pitch the ideas here, talking about them should be in discussion.)

2. If you will be absent for a period of time or behind

3. Updates/Announcements

4. If you need to let us know that you have decided to leave the group RP

5. Character sheets if we create new characters or recruit new creators.

6. Links to spinoff/side threads and 1x1 that also take place in this universe.

Any topics apart from the ones listed above are preferred in the newly created discussion thread though I won't be angry if you accidentally post something here.

It is not required that you follow or post on the discussion form either. I am only creating this so the important information doesn't get drowned out and we can still chat as a group.

Jaco van den hoven

Theme song: (Opt.)

Name: Thyxia "Thyx" Dionerra

Age: 25

Species: Nymph

height: 1.68 / 5'6

Relationship Status: Single and more than ready to mingle

Sexuality: Gay, polyamorous.

Thyx is what we would call a wild card. He does before he thinks, thus he gets in trouble quite often. He runs his mouth, as in when something enters his mind it's very often out of his mouth before he is fully aware of it. He has a form of naivity to him that isn't always in his own well-being, as he lacks the insight to see if someone is hurting him. Though, this also makes him a tad difficult to intimidate. Who is basically unable to sense trouble, isn't scared very easily. This all ties back to the fact that he does before he thinks. Other than that, Thyxia absolutely loves attention, especially from good looking guys. He's as gay as can be and not afraid to either show it or say it. Even though he would never push himself onto someone who doesn't want him, he is known to try and coax someone in bed if he finds you attractive. To say he's a flirt would be a bit of an understatement. He has a lot of love to give and thus doesn't believe in giving his love to one person.

History (Opt.):
Thyxia grew up under the care of a nymph settlement deep in the forest. Nymphs are known for a more open species, polyamorous you could say. Children aren't shielded from love, devotion or even sex. They are thought it is a normal process of life and should be treasured as such. Nymphs are required to produce an offspring to keep the nymph race going, unable to deny when given a chance to mate with a female.

Before the age of 18, Thyx ran away as he didn't agree with this. He wanted his love to be his to give and his virginity as well. He wanted it to be his choice and not somebody else's. Thus, the young nymph fled to create a life on his own. He is now way happier than he had been before.



Special powers?:
- The power to make plants and trees grow at will

Special Skills:
- Very good with herbs, thus knows his poisons, antidotes and healing plants.

Established Relationships:

None yet

Anything else?:
Nymphs have very fragile bones and thin skin. So they bruise easily and if they are not careful enough their skin rips at the slightest pressure.
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Keller Grey
(Goes by Keller or Grey)




Relationship Status:


The best way to describe Keller is 'laid back'. She's very go with the flow, not easily offended with devil-may-care vibes. She's an adventurer and loves to be outdoors: hiking, biking, the whole thing. She's been a tomboy her whole life and that has not changed with age, she's very rough and tumble. She's friendly and almost always smiling and cracking jokes, but requires time alone: an outgoing introvert. She's kind of a goofball. She's not a partier unless its with a couple of close friends and then she's the life of the party. She gets stressed if she spends too much time indoors and doesn't mind getting her hands dirty. She's quick witted and intelligent, loves to learn new things. She is fiercely loyal and protective, especially of her pack and friends.

Keller grew up fairly normally. Mom and Dad were good to her; she was the only girl and youngest in 5 children. Mom was a teacher, Dad was a police officer. She grew up with a good family. After she turned 19, she decided she needed to get her own life that didn't start with "I knew all of your brothers" and moved away from home to seek a college education. She dated a guy on and off for a couple of months before she got tired of the drama and dumped him for good. He was very angry and, you guessed it!, bit her in a fit of rage, turning her against her will. He figured this would secure her to him. It did not. She pulled her big girl panties on, found the Nightshade Pack and has been hanging around ever since.

Wolf gang!

Just a regular ol' wolfie

Special Skills:
She can fix almost anything, especially cars.
She has extensive knowledge with firearms.
She's a good cook (love of food requires cooking skills).

Established Relationships:
She's very close friends with Josiah.
She's friends with Jade as well.
She's friendly with Ivory (as Ivory is with everyone).

Anything else?:
Don't worry. She is not crazy like Scarlet. She's fairly normal.
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Will be deleting this once the next season begins.

Our Lunar City group is going to be accepting new characters now!
We are going to be starting a season TWO! Happy to say we made it this far.

Season two will have an easy opening spot with another New Moon Reunion and a new thread, making transferring new characters and old over easy.

The plot lines from the previous season(previous thread)are now unimportant, but I will still write a recap for the events that took place in case anyone wanted to reread or simply read them.

I understand jumping into an already formed thread can make some nervous, but everyone is very friendly and willing to discuss dynamics.

We will be starting a new thread so reading through anything already written is not a requirement.(nor is it really encouraged, at least by me, because that is A LOT)

I will answer any questions anyone has. There are multiple characters that still are somewhat 'Lone Wolves', lacking any strong relationships. This is actually one of the main reasons we are accepting more people in.
Character Sheet

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Theme song: (Opt.)

Name: Elijah

Age: 'I don't think you could comprehend it'

Species: Demon

height: 6'3

Relationship Status: Single ('And he would like to keep it that way')

Sexuality: Yes

Elijah is a cruel manipulator. He isn't restricted by emotions like other people tend to be, even for a demon he'd be considered rather cruel. Nothing is off-limits to him, he'd kill his closest friends if it meant he'd get something he wants. He does what he does not out of boredom, Elijah is never one to let himself get bored, but simply to see what will happen. Trust him at your own risk, because he'd be sure to never give you such courtesy, everyone is disposable.

He can come across a lot more trustworthy than he is. If you need something doing, you can often be sure Elijah will help if you give him enough intrigue to do so. You just have to make sure the way your plan plays out interests him more than what would happen if it didn't. In essence, he isn't 'above' anything. He'll try everything once, and has never not enjoyed what he does for one reason or another. He's watched people burn a hundred times and will do so again just to see if they will have a different reaction.

History (Opt.):
He left the higher plane willingly, one of the first to join lucifer into the depths below out of sheer curiosity, wanting to know what would happen if he got his way - their heavenly father was simply much too restrictive in what he was and wasn't allowed to do. He stayed there, helping with preparation and the torture of millions, but eventually, the temptation to see what the humans lived like entered his mind and once the seed was planted, there wasn't even time to let it grow before he was capitalizing on the thought. He didn't get many demons trying to stand in his way when he left, going on good terms with their lovely overlord.

When he stepped on the mortal plane, there was no earth-shattering reaction. He made sure to observe at first, the world didn't feel his presence, it simply existed and orphed to accommodate his curiosities. What would it be like to build an empire? What it would be like to watch it crumble, what would happen if he left the ashes with no other structures for a few years. He helped humanity with some of their greatest and worst inventions, aided presidents and manipulated the strongest into breaking down normalcy and basked in the shadows and sidelines. Whether it be watching the world change or a single families struggles, Elijah always finds something to spike his intrigue, the fact many end up worse off is not his concern.

Demons - he fends for himself, doesn't need one of the lesser factions to keep him safe by any means.

Special powers?:
  • Curiosity is a powerful tool. It lives in everyone, and Elijah has the ability to twist those intrigues deeply, feeds off of it and basks in it.​
  • Mirrored Travel - the easiest way for him to slip from place to place without being seen is his ability to pass through Mirrors. His reflection can still be seen.​

Special Skills:
He can and will hurt people physically if he has too - he just much prefers a calmer more manipulative approach to things. If he can get something or cause something to happen without resorting to violence, he will.

Established Relationships:
Will write up shortly

Anything else?:
Seriously, this guy is actually evil, please don't expect to soften this guy up with kindness because he will disappoint you..
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Has it started?
Is the character list current?
What have I missed??
Season 2 as we're calling it hasn't started just yet but is about to so you haven't missed anything important plot wise for that story arc. The only characters missing from the list are Thyxia which would be under misfit , Keller a werewolf and Elijah another Demon.
Feel free to drop a character sheet though ^^

Also most of our random discussion stuff happens here so where we are story wise and all that fun plot building and other fun chatting:

Name: Sirgo Haness

Age: 42

Species: Werewolf

Height: 7'2

Relationship Status: Single

Sexuality: "My arms are big enough for everybody!" 💙

"It's 'uh helluva lot harder 't frown than 't smile." He lives by this saying, and everyday he makes it a mission to brighten someone's day, or make a positive impact no matter how small it is. From holding a casual conversation with a stranger, to planting a patch of flowers, he'll try his best to lift a mood.

Sirgo is a kind, fatherly, humble old man who strives to be apart of everyone in his packs lives. Not everyone wants the giant, burly Alpha as a father, but those who accept him get the full front of his love, and affection. The pack is the center of his world, and anything else comes second.
He hates violence, and he hates the word "hate". Anything negative that comes along, he'll try his best to either ignore it, or solve it in the tamest matter possible.

Faction: NightShade Pack

Ranking: Alpha

Established Relationships: He has ALOT of children out there somewhere.

Anything else?:
  • Sirgo spends most of his time either in his home, schooling with the younglings, tending to his growing garden, or dumpster diving.
  • He slouches to make himself look smaller/weaker so he'd seem more approachable.
  • He limits his transformations to only full moons, and necessary occasions
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