Closed LUNAR CITY JOINING THREAD||Announcement Board

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Closed LUNAR CITY JOINING THREAD||Announcement Board

Sorry for the lateness lately, having issues. Helping out the ex for a bit. Will get it settled soon and be back on
Sorry for the lateness lately, having issues. Helping out the ex for a bit. Will get it settled soon and be back on
I'm sure there's no worries! I'm awful for posting too soon so if you need me to slow down shoot us a message and I'll start behaving myself. Hope everything's going okay and it gets sorted soon for you 💕
Should be settled no later then Thursday but will try getting something up soon. It's part of whey I moved Noah and Freya outside.

Check the second post on the first page often in the RP thread as well.
As the time, date, and weather changes there often.
For example: When you leave the ball it will be raining as it is now in Lunar City.
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Hey guys! I made a discussion forum for the group so we don't flood this thread as much anymore. Anything can go on this new discussion thread.


1. Main plot ideas (only pitch the ideas here, talking about them should be in discussion.)

2. If you will be absent for a period of time or behind

3. Updates/Announcements

4. If you need to let us know that you have decided to leave the group RP

5. Character sheets if we create new characters or recruit new creators.

6. Links to spinoff/side threads and 1x1 that also take place in this universe.

Any topics apart from the ones listed above are preferred in the newly created discussion thread though I won't be angry if you accidentally post something here.

It is not required that you follow or post on the discussion form either. I am only creating this so the important information doesn't get drowned out and we can still chat as a group.
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I made sure to have two paragraphs for Freya and Noah each post, decided to just post it all together since they are my characters and interacting with one another. Got to go to work now.
Hey guys! I made a discussion forum for the group so we don't flood this thread as much anymore. Anything can go on this new discussion thread.


1. Main plot ideas (only pitch the ideas here, talking about them should be in discussion.)

2. If you will be absent for a period of time or behind

3. Updates/Announcements

4. If you need to let us know that you have decided to leave the group RP

5. Character sheets if we create new characters or recruit new creators.

6. Links to spinoff/side threads and 1x1 that also take place in this universe.

Any topics apart from the ones listed above are preferred in the newly created discussion thread though I won't be angry if you accidentally post something here.

It is not required that you follow or post on the discussion form either. I am only creating this so the important information doesn't get drowned out and we can still chat as a group.
Also had an idea, I PMed a bit ago, I can post here, if you want
I had an idea, but it's not exactly super thought out, so if anyone wants to point out how it could be done differntly feel free to! I was thinking that maybe there's been whisperings of a hunter group coming to the city, meaning everyone will have to be on high alert, just in case.

If we did a small time skip to two weeks after the ball, the factions would probably have to call a meeting with all the prominent members of the city to discuss what should be done (which would encompass all characters I think, since all the demons are pretty individual, they'd be representing themselves, Conner, Jade and Noah would the representation of the Nightshade packs leader, healer and protection respectively, and Roman / Scarlete the vampires, maybe Ivory seeing as she's the only witch in the city lol). The only one who wouldn't be at the meeting would be Alexandria, which I'm happy for. Freya being an empath could probably get into the meeting too, on accounts of her being such a loose cannon.

Would be fun since theirs so many avenues to take it, but I'd love to hear everyone else's ideas XD
I also had a vague idea. It's not my greatest plot point, but I'm gonna go for it anyway.

my thought was that something is terrorizing the humans. The victims are found torn to shreds and drained of blood. Everyone thinks it's a rogue of some faction. The vampires think it's the wolves and are draining the blood to frame them, because vampires don't tear their victims apart (obvi, they don't need too *hair flip emoji*). The wolves think the vampires are trying to frame them by tearing the victims apart, because wolves don't drain blood. And something could be added to the scenes to kind of make them think demons could be involved.

I dunno. Kinda out there and vague. *shrug emoji*
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I also had a vague idea. It's not my greatest plot point, but I'm gonna go for it anyway.

my thought was that something is terrorizing the humans. The victims are found torn to shreds and drained of blood. Everyone thinks it's a rogue of some faction. The vampires think it's the wolves and are draining the blood to frame them, because vampires don't tear their victims apart (obvi, they don't need too *hair flip emoji*). The wolves think the vampires are trying to frame them by tearing the victims apart, because wolves don't drain blood. And something could be added to the scenes to kind of make them think demons could be involved.

I dunno. Kinda out there and vague. *shrug emoji*
I promise I'm not trying to rush anyone!!!! But just to let you guys know, I'm gonna give, like, two-three more days and then I will post Scarlet ending the ball. I know some people were away, so I wanted to give everyone a chance!
Would it be possible for any of our characters to be the antagonists? We could cause plenty of issues for one another if we really tried!
To be completely honest, I don't know how else to write Agon, aside from "Antogonist." 😂
So he would make a perfect candidate for a "bad guy," unless of course, you guys can think up some creative way for your characters to make use of his dark chaos...
Okay so here is the timeline I've organized

First: break period
Second: sickness
Third: break period
Fourth: Full Moon
Fifth: Hunters

Also if anyone is confused with what exactly a break period is I did a detailed description on our discussion board. To explain it simply it is similar to a filler episode.
Lucas Krath

Born around 1896 Estimated around 124ish.
Appearance wise, looks in his late thirties.

Unsent / Human


Relationship Status:


A man of few words, though insightful its clear to others he has found no other of his actual 'kind'. Assertive and prone to standing up for those who cant stand for themselves has put him at odds with some supernatural creatures. Last time he tried to prevent an already enraged werewolf, it tore his arm out, in a frenzied nightmarish night he tore up an entire street and whether the werewolf survived - he has no clue. Sadly humans died because he lacked control and its clear its a guilt he carries.

Revealed during interaction.


Special powers?:
  • Humans never were supposed to refuse death, on the rare occasion such was their emotion and fury that in one moment they were back, however upon subjection to a wound which would have killed them in life, an unsent is the monster of what a human becomes. Imagine a corpse moving at speeds beyond, seeking only living flesh to replace that which was lost and consumed with disregard for friend or foe alike. Its in this form - that such a unsent reveals its nightmarish form and often exploited. Vampires neither interest it and for the unsent trying to direct its rage filled wrath is like steering a bullet train without tracks. Most end up with their rational thought kicked into the backseat and left for the ride.

  • Tachypsychia - Over time, some skills become prevalent and practised. The ability to induce some reflexes of which though faster than a humans neither match the skill or speed of that of vampires or werewolves.

  • No heartbeat, no smell and don't drink the blood. Vampires should they accidentally drink from an unsent suddenly are crippled by horrific bouts of nausia and weakness caused by drinking a dead mans blood. This also causes the Unsent as this would have killed them in life to revert to their ghoulish / nightmare form. For werewolves he's harder to track due to the fact he gives off no scent and for other supernatural misfits he has no real heartbeat. Hence why he avoids doctors, human ones at all costs.

  • Doesn't age from the time he died, but also has a mark, a wound upon his skin which light fails to penetrate.
Within a three to five meter radius of either a demon or angel, he begins to burn from within. Cannot walk on consecrated ground and is bound by rules governed by certain more powerful groups.
Witches will always see him as a walking corpse, but can if they choose to see his former and real self. Their magics and wards can and will prevent him from going into a specific building right down to completely locking off half a city or worse.

Special Skills:
Is actually a good cook, enjoys cooking rather wholesome meals for others as he feels no real need to eat only when he's inflicted a wound that would have killed him when he was alive.

Hand to hand brawler. Regardless of being unsent, he's still prone to being knocked out, concussed and experience broken bones which given a shorter time than a human will revert or heal. From having learnt that not always having a weapon he's put himself to learning better ways of fighting and improvised weapons.

Jack of all trades master of none, like a handyman he has some skills like fixing a car, repairing though he struggles mostly with the more modern things - eftpos and paywave are still a wonder to him.

Established Relationships:
Currently - under strict terms works as a part time cook in a hotel for a witch known as Anne, she knows how dangerous he is and hence while under her roof has set protections. Not to mention he is also her 'muscle' should tenants be a ungrateful customers or just asses. Rules are simple under Annes roof, all are welcome but trouble is not. Food, and drinks are served, entertainment and fighting rings. But should any start trouble on her turf. Few have found out the hard way.

Anything else?:
If anyone wants to automatically start off with some kind of relationship with him id be keen. Remember in his human form he is just that.
Lucas Krath

Born around 1896 Estimated around 124ish.
Appearance wise, looks in his late thirties.

Unsent / Human


Relationship Status:


A man of few words, though insightful its clear to others he has found no other of his actual 'kind'. Assertive and prone to standing up for those who cant stand for themselves has put him at odds with some supernatural creatures. Last time he tried to prevent an already enraged werewolf, it tore his arm out, in a frenzied nightmarish night he tore up an entire street and whether the werewolf survived - he has no clue. Sadly humans died because he lacked control and its clear its a guilt he carries.

Revealed during interaction.


Special powers?:
  • Humans never were supposed to refuse death, on the rare occasion such was their emotion and fury that in one moment they were back, however upon subjection to a wound which would have killed them in life, an unsent is the monster of what a human becomes. Imagine a corpse moving at speeds beyond, seeking only living flesh to replace that which was lost and consumed with disregard for friend or foe alike. Its in this form - that such a unsent reveals its nightmarish form and often exploited. Vampires neither interest it and for the unsent trying to direct its rage filled wrath is like steering a bullet train without tracks. Most end up with their rational thought kicked into the backseat and left for the ride.

  • Tachypsychia - Over time, some skills become prevalent and practised. The ability to induce some reflexes of which though faster than a humans neither match the skill or speed of that of vampires or werewolves.

  • No heartbeat, no smell and don't drink the blood. Vampires should they accidentally drink from an unsent suddenly are crippled by horrific bouts of nausia and weakness caused by drinking a dead mans blood. This also causes the Unsent as this would have killed them in life to revert to their ghoulish / nightmare form. For werewolves he's harder to track due to the fact he gives off no scent and for other supernatural misfits he has no real heartbeat. Hence why he avoids doctors, human ones at all costs.

  • Doesn't age from the time he died, but also has a mark, a wound upon his skin which light fails to penetrate.
Within a three to five meter radius of either a demon or angel, he begins to burn from within. Cannot walk on consecrated ground and is bound by rules governed by certain more powerful groups.
Witches will always see him as a walking corpse, but can if they choose to see his former and real self. Their magics and wards can and will prevent him from going into a specific building right down to completely locking off half a city or worse.

Special Skills:
Is actually a good cook, enjoys cooking rather wholesome meals for others as he feels no real need to eat only when he's inflicted a wound that would have killed him when he was alive.

Hand to hand brawler. Regardless of being unsent, he's still prone to being knocked out, concussed and experience broken bones which given a shorter time than a human will revert or heal. From having learnt that not always having a weapon he's put himself to learning better ways of fighting and improvised weapons.

Jack of all trades master of none, like a handyman he has some skills like fixing a car, repairing though he struggles mostly with the more modern things - eftpos and paywave are still a wonder to him.

Established Relationships:
Currently - under strict terms works as a part time cook in a hotel for a witch known as Anne, she knows how dangerous he is and hence while under her roof has set protections. Not to mention he is also her 'muscle' should tenants be a ungrateful customers or just asses. Rules are simple under Annes roof, all are welcome but trouble is not. Food, and drinks are served, entertainment and fighting rings. But should any start trouble on her turf. Few have found out the hard way.

Anything else?:
If anyone wants to automatically start off with some kind of relationship with him id be keen. Remember in his human form he is just that.

Hey I'm sorry we aren't currently accepting new characters :( I can put you on a reserve list for when we are though? We just already have all of our plots filled at the moment and it doesn't have much space for new characters them.
@Ms.Peculiar I just saw that there was a vacancy for a misfit. Happy to go on the reserve list and had a few general plott ideas in mind. I was really happy to see how engaging you were with the group regarding driven plott and more. I really look forwards to a space being made and collaborating with others :D anywho - let me know should a vacancy come up.
Character Sheet


Theme song: (Opt.)

Daphne Fay

She lost count after 350, but who's counting, right?

(Woodland Fairy)


Relationship Status:

why honey? are you interested?


Daphne is considered by many people who have met her a proper vixen. She's cunning and loves to play games. Her version of a game is setting you loose in a maze and shoot ablaze arrows in your general direction. She doesn't do anything that doesn't benefit her one way or another and tries to be at least two moves ahead of people around her. All these things being said doesn't mean you'd have a god-awful time with her! She knows how to show people a good time and her parties are to be mentioned in history books. But if you cross her path when she's in a mood, don't complain if you leave with a slashed throat and a few punctured wounds.


Queen of her world baby!

Special powers?:
Being a Vila allows her to have some abilities to lure people into her nest. A captivating voice that makes your brain cloudy helps her distract her prey. Her beauty makes people question how a creature be so perfect in life and make them forget all of their doubts about her. These powers are more effective with short encounters with strangers since after a while you'd get somewhat familiar with her charm, therefore not so prone to fall for her magic.
She is also able to release pheromones but only in small doses. (Nothing strong/No mind control)
Sadly her powers are mostly effective on Humans and other Supernatural beings are quite immune to her powers.

Special Skills:
She's a wonderful singer by nature and a great dancer.
Very skilled in finances and to some extend politics
She's also a master of seduction, with or without her magical abilities (Afterall, you don't need special powers to charm your way into anywhere)

Established Relationships:
To be determined

Anything else?:
She has a gentlemen's club, with a couple of rooms for them to stay the night if they wanted to. (It's more of an old fashioned clubhouse rather than a modern club). She wished it was the mansion she had in Britain around the 1800s but she couldn't risk attracting too much attention her way!

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