.:MechPilots:. Flesh, Steel, Honor and Fire. OOC

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.:MechPilots:. Flesh, Steel, Honor and Fire. OOC

You Gods-send of a man đź–¤
Hey just to add a bit more info here <bold is the other stuff>. Like I have said, we arent strictly following Battletech Lore to the letter so you can have some creative freedom.

Let me see if I can summarize:

- New mechs cannot be built, and so everything revolves around repairing and refitting ancient machines dug up from a long past era.
-- They can, its just more you find whats salvagable and put it back together. To fresly make a BT is allot harder - mostly places with prefall planets and technology that exists in few places. Mostly much further and in solated regions of space. It costs allot more than just replacing blown off parts. Tech that is irreplacable is something akin to gauss rifles and other technology which is much more complicated. There are very few places that can build fresh mechs, even nobility prefer to replace than outright buy. Why spend billions on a new, when you can spend a few million or more on parts to assemble one.

- Operating a mech is very complicated and so only an elite caste of people are trained to do it. They are organized as houses in a feudal structure, like how historically you needed the output of several farms and a retinue of servants to equip and support each knight in the field.
-- You dont need to be noble, there are other nations and factions that are more militaristic and control what they have and issue it to those who earn the right to learn how. Some can even be sponsored by mech pilots from other areas <albeit rare> and often mercenaries and criminal factions also have this hardware and not all have noble bloodlines, others have just built their way up or joined existing mercenary companies and earnt their way to become a pilot. Just, its allot harder and fewer actually have done this.

- The best way to fight is to try to kill the enemy pilot without damaging the rest of the mech too much, so that you can salvage it for your own side.
-- Which in itself, is hard to do even for exceptionally skilled pilots. The term being - remove the meat to take the metal. That being said, we're facing organic enemies that are also using or growing mechs to look almost like their metal counterparts.

- Mechs fall into two categories, BT and AT, where BT mechs are big, heavy, and slow, like battleships on legs, and AT mechs are more agile and can move more like humans do. BT mechs are older tech, but the parts to repair them are more widely available, while AT mechs suffer from a rarity of parts.

- There is a poorly understood enemy out there that corrupts mechs and their pilots and turns them into abominations. We are going to be fighting this thing.

- We are mercenaries working for a company called RUPIC, under a contract that says you fight for them for 6 years, repairs are free, if you die, they keep your mech, if you survive, you'll have made so much money you can retire comfortably.

- Your character should have lost all his/her comrades recently, so you're left now without a lance, and maybe feeling some PTSD and survivor's guilt.
-- Not all, others are just chasing the big paycheque, others have experienced this. Others are simply there for the big pay, adventure or making a name for themselves. You dont need to be all last survivors. You could be from a mercenary warband that has become close to bankruptcy after a bad run. Or someone who has left their mercenary group or noble house to pursue a career only to realise heres a thing with a guaranteed paycheque.

- A good source of information on BT mechs is sarna.net

- Mechs typically operate in small groups called lances.
Common roles within a lance are Brawler (optimized for high damage and toughness, like a battleship), Missile Boat (optimized for long range attacks),
Skirmisher/ Flanker (balanced for toughness and speed, like a cruiser),
Striker / Scount (optimized for speed and damage, like a destroyer), Scout (optimized for speed and sensors, to locate enemy positions, like a frigate or patrol boat), Ambusher (optimized for surprise and high damage, like a sub?).

- Mechs are classed by weight: Ultra-light (10-15 tons), Light (20-35 tons), Medium (40-55 tons), Heavy (60-75 tons), Assault (80-100 tons). Typically the heavier the mech is, the more powerful it is in battle, same as in boxing. The lightweights can move fast, but it only takes one power punch from Mike Tyson to drop you. Speed tends to be upwards of 100kph/60mph for the lighter mechs, and closer to 50kph/30mph for the heavier ones.

- Some mechs, like mine, use rockets to jump in the air for short distances, but most of them don't, because jets are heavy and take up a lot of space. You can use Jumpjets and they do use .5 of a tonne depending on what mech you have and range from 3 to 5 <more for light mechs, less for heavier ones, they cant fly more, moon jump using jump jets <perfect for death from above>

- Mech weapons generally break down into ballistic cannons, lasers, and missiles. ballistic are heavy as fuck, including the weight of the ammo, but they can do a lot of damage quickly for very little heat gain. Lasers are very cost-efficient, but they generate a lot of heat, so you can't fire them too often or your mech will shut down. This also includes particle cannons (PPCs). Missiles are a good compromise of weight vs. heat, but the ammo is expensive. Missiles break down into short-range (forward-firing, within 270m) and long-range (arc-firing, up to 600m). Lasers are categorized as small, medium, and large, with the bigger sizes having greater range, damage, and heat. Cannons are categorized by the damage they do (2, 5, 10, or 20), with the bigger guns having shorter range, way more weight, and much more expensive shells (even more expensive than missiles, oddly enough).

- If your mech overheats, it will get very uncomfortable in the cockpit, and then the mech will shut down for safety reasons. If you override the shutdown, and then overheat it before it can cool, it can explode.
Most times when you push your Mech into the red, <before overheating> this can damage internal components and cause ammunition cookoff.

Heat dissipates slowly over time, depending on how many heat sinks you have <And Environment factors and if you are just moving and not firing> . To go from emergency shutdown level to fully cooled takes between 3 and 5 minutes. Longer depending if you have ran the mech in the red for too long and mechs can and will start to glow from red, to fiery white hot. Which can seriously damage internal structure.

- Wishbone is playing a big huge guy who rose up the ranks from foot soldier to adopted noble, and he pilots a 100-ton assault mech loaded with cannons and thick armour (brawler)

- I'm playing a chick whose home colony was destroyed by the monsters, and she pilots a 50-ton quadruped mech that uses an extended-range PPC to pick at enemies from a distance (skirmisher/ambusher)

- Mister Brown is playing some kind of genetic experiment, it looks like, who pilots a nimble and versatile AT mech with articulated fingers (scout)
All I can say is that Kerra will run red and blow her mech to space dust before she lets those monsters transform it into one of their own.

On another note, I made some tweaks to my sheet to adjust the weight distribution of my mech. The front legs now have a bit more armour, while the centre of mass of the body is shifted towards the rear to compensate. In particular, I see the front knees as having big shield-like plates coming up, that can screen the PPC from hits if I drop the body low when rounds come flying in. Like a boxer ducking behind his gloves. More weight in the rear of the body also makes it a little faster to nose up when I need to set my lasers on a taller mech.
Thats the thing - they dont want to get her mech. What if they get her first - then she becomes apart of the collective.
If she blows up the mech, they get neither. Kerra will remind her lance-mates that her mech does not have an ejector seat, and that is by design. She is old school nobility. Come home with your shield, or on it.
I had to tweak my mech layout again, after I discovered the rules surrounding engine weight: Fusion engine

Engines are identified by a rating number (eg. 250 for Talaris' engine), which is proportional to the amount of momentum it can produce, which is how you calculate your top speed based on the weight of your mech. The higher the engine rating, the heavier the engine is, rising in a non-linear way. It lists a 240-rated engine as weighing 11.5 tons, and a 260 weighing 13.5 tons, so I split the difference and went with 12.5 tons for my engine. This means I had to shift it more toward the center of the body to avoid unbalancing the mech, which just means the cockpit has to be a little further forward than I originally drew it. I also forgot to add the weight of the heat sinks last time, so I've done that now. After everything is added up, and assuming 1 ton for the jets, the weight of the chassis itself amounts to only 2.5 tons, essentially just the metal skeleton and myomer fibers.
Been thinking of this movie and it took me forever to find it again. Has lasers, a robot, and maybe infantry inspo.
That's one badass mech, it basically wiped them all out @_@ man-portable weapons really couldn't do fuck all against that thing's armour.
Yeah, and since it's an action cartoon, the thing's way more inaccurate than it probably should be. A sensor drone with guns and aimbot is a scary thing. But the movie was pretty cool, how they set up in angles and used automated weapons and parascopes and stuff, rather than try to shoot it out and get blown to pieces.
This morning I had daydreamed a longer story where the tunnel is blocked and Kerra tries to go topside and run across the snowy yard in just a tank top and cargo pants, only to find the door on the other side is locked. Then a light-mech (Osiris model) comes bounding up and she and her friends run like rabbits until they realize it's friendly. Through a megaphone, the pilot tells them they're not supposed to be topside, and when Kerra says she's heading to Bay 2, he tells her and her friends to follow him as he stomps through the snowy mess of walls and towers. A jeep driving past picks them up, but halfway there, a Geist mech intercepts the Osiris and the two mechs have a frantic laser duel while the jeep is trying to avoid getting stomped or gunned, and he floors the gas pedal toward the repair bay, swerving and narrowly missing some more mechs that are pouring out of there through the same ramp, finally skidding in sideways and dropping Kerra off right in front of the pissed off MTM.
hope my post was enough to set the mood.
@humon - Love that post of yours cant wait to see the next ones!
Yeah your intro post gave me a good sci-fi/horror vibe, like one of the Alien movies, or maybe Screamers.
So far, we have two slots filled and waiting on another. There is still a slot free. Feel free to read through and send questions my way. The main thread is up and there is a lore compendium as well.
This week is really busy for me but I intend to post as soon as I get some time.
Updated my character sheet with an image and brief description of Aliyah. She was originally going to be a throwaway character who would either die randomly or be left behind, but then I decided to give her a personality after all.

Brianna is going to have some choice words for JEBR if she ever runs into him.

With Jassen's suit being armoured, Kerra might start using him as a literal meat shield until they get to the repair bay.

I had an image of him trying to get one of the trucks working, only because his access is restricted he has to ride with them after all.
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