.:MechPilots:. Flesh, Steel, Honor and Fire. OOC

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.:MechPilots:. Flesh, Steel, Honor and Fire. OOC

Yeah lets leave that out. Neural helms n stuff, I just prefer the usual - you are as good as a pilot can be without being synced into it. But - its up to your mech and how complicated you want to do it.

As for lasers they require contact to do damage. A single hit might warm the metal, but a consistant long hit of these lasers does damage <in game you need to leave a laser to hit a target for a full cycle <its a Beam, none of the small starwars burst laser stuff> And doing so adds heat. Heat dissipates over time - Id say depending on where and what environment your mech is in. This can vary from allot faster to, in hot climates, much longer. 3 > 5 minutes to burn through a range of 100 heat units <100 being the mech overheats and shuts down before going boom!> This can be overriden, at the expense of the mech and can / could explode.

As for Heat built up and dissipation - Id say you loose heat over time - the more you fire that same weapon the hotter its going to get. Ie, PPC - 15 heat per shot, first shot would be fifteen, te heat would dissipate a bit before the next cycle, say, it drops to 13, you fire again, 28. Doube heat sinks doesnt change the heat generated, just increases the overall heat your mech can handle. However, double heat sinks, means extra weight. Extra weight means the mech is slower if its within its weight range. Im not going to get nitty gritty since I hope we are all adults.

So- if I see you ALPHA striking all energy weapons 30 times - you might start to cook off or shut down. Ballistics unlike lasers do not generate any as much heat as lasers. Rockets more so, but laser weaponry generate the most heat.
OK so should I interpret the heat sink value as something like: number of heat units per minute? So with 11 doubles, it clears 22 per minute, which translates into 1 heat unit every 2.77 seconds. So every shot from the PPC would take 42 seconds to fully clear out. I think my strategy will have to be to take some initial heat by opening an engagement with 2 or 3 PPC shots at range, and then spend as much time as I can evading before the enemy closes, at which point I should hope to beat him quickly with alpha strikes from the missiles and lasers, or else flip on the MASC and retreat. It says max speed is 119 kph when MASC is turned on, which only makes me think of that scene in Terminator 2 where they steal a pickup truck and try to get away from T1000 and John Connor yells, "Step on it!", and Arnold replies, "This is the vehicle's top speed". A shot of the speedometer shows it doing like 55 mph (~90 kph >_<)

Here's another question, can mechs function underwater? I was thinking of a strategy where the Stalking Spider could hide in a deep river or lake to mask its heat signature until it's ready to rise up or jump out of the water and ambush the enemy. I couldn't find any data points on how tall this model of mech is, but it looks pretty low to the ground relative to other models. Would 15-20 feet (5-6 m) be a reasonable estimate?

I was also wondering if it would work to have a module that emits a cloud of gas that can scatter infrared. Assuming there is no wind to disperse the cloud, could this sort of thing hide a mech's heat signature while it's in low-power mode (no weapons active, just running the engine and idling in place)?

Also thinking of customizing my mech to add a light machinegun (like an M-60; the gun of Rambo) hanging from the fore undercarriage that can swivel back and forth to clear out infantry that might try to swarm me. Could be operated remotely from the cockpit, or manually from the ground, or even detached and carried if I need to abandon the mech after it's been crippled. In my headcanon, when you park the spider, the body lowers down and rests on four corner hardpoints that keep it about 5 or 6 feet off the ground, just high enough to duck underneath it and move around while being covered from above. The rear of the cockpit opens up into a staircase to disembark. In a crash scenario, you grab your pistol and survival bag, exit at the rear, come around front if you're not already under fire, detach the MG (and one of the ammo boxes stored above, if you can carry it) and go Rambo it up in the woods.
Going to discuss some of these because I have nothing better to do, and to keep the juice flowing! I also have a few more questions as well.
can mechs function underwater?
Since the mechs are vacuum rated, I'd assume they could go underwater for mission-length amount of times. Apparently, current irl laser weapons suck underwater about as bad as ballistic. That could be a good thing for retreating. You'd probably also be blind without a comm buoy, sonar, or parascope.

I requested smokes, chaff, and flare launchers for my little AT. Physical barriers mask infrared pretty well. Maybe a nice big blanket then?


-is there a main faction/coalition we will be under and is it already fleshed out?
-what is FTL travel like? (instant, takes a bit, only through gates?)
I've been chatting in PMs with WishBone about factions. Everything is still up in the air, although I had a few suggestions I sent him yesterday.

Indeed, I imagine firing a laser underwater would amount to little more than a short line of steam bubbles in front of you. I've also heard that bullets lose most of their speed in water, contrary to what one might think from watching Saving Private Ryan. I wonder about missiles though, since they are commonly used by submarines, being much faster than torpedoes. My question would be, would a missile launcher have to be specifically designed for underwater use, or would a standard model work just fine?

I also wonder about jump jets, whether they would not work at all, or they would just experience a bit of drag but still be strong enough to launch you up out of the water when it's time to brawl.

I picture: enemy mech is scouting the shore of a lake when all of a sudden four missiles come shooting out of the water and arc in the air towards him. Then the water parts and the top half of a mech chassis rises up above the surface, bearing a PPC that starts tracking the enemy as he tries to evade the missiles.

Speaking of parascopes, I was actually thinking of having one of those on my mech, specifically for targeting with the PPC, so that it can zoom in on long range targets and give me all the range details on a dedicated HUD (as well as a whole different trigger system from the lasers and missiles). This would also help with heat discipline, since I would need to stop and concentrate on targeting in order to use the big gun effectively, making it kind of like a sniper rifle from a tactical perspective (although 360 no-scope might be a fun thing to try in a training exercise).
-is there a main faction/coalition we will be under and is it already fleshed out? - Yes there will be. Still working on it, as I just got back from a small vacation.
I requested smokes, chaff, and flare launchers for my little AT. Physical barriers mask infrared pretty well. Maybe a nice big blanket then? -
Smoke and chaff on a mech, wont do too much unless you are in urban environments or are fast. Heavier mechs, or superheavies tend to work on more sensors sweeps and keeping at range to avoid detection <sensor wise, not really hiding when your thumping over terrain.>

-what is FTL travel like? (instant, takes a bit, only through gates?)
- Some ships use commercial jumpers that take a day or more between jumps. Others who own actual ships capable of jumping are much more well off, however, the maintenance and upkeep of a personal jump ship requires more work both in mercenary contracts to keep this ongoing. So far, the corporation who would be responsible for shipping you in would either pay your transport fee. Or get you on one of the many large Jump ships, store and upkeep your mech on journey.

- Faction Name we will be working under:

The Faction be under is known as RUPIC- Registered United Planetary Interdiction Corp. A full funded private army that pays as hard as it maintains all mechs who enter the agreement. You die, they keep your shit. You serve six years - you walk out with enough to settle. The army of technicians, medical personelle, ground forces both armoured and military vehicles, long range missiles and intelligence are poured into here. Hired through recruitment campaigns, trained at certain military out posts and paid more than the considerable average soldier.

As for command structure, most of the higher ups will not be sitting across from or even on base and most missions will be handed, assigned or relayed through an actual assigned group to then direct to a Lance Leader - known as Task / Work Assignments. Of which there are many, mostly in, others out. In this situation we will be following this Lance and how they go from being strangers to actually a cohesive working unit. All with their own quirks, issues and personalities.

Mechs, both BT and AT are the gauntletted fist and scalple of the RUPIC. A supporting backbone and enough firepower to rival most war machines out there. Not to say other parts of this force are redundant, soldiers, mechanised forces and airforces also work in cohesion with armoured units of mechs. Both either as eyes, ears, spotters and engagement to buy time until a ship drops off the armour they need to change a key battle.Only this enemy doesnt seem to sleep, eat or rest and like a wave, breaks against the defences before receeding. But as of late, all has fallen quiet. Less contacts. Less incursions.
The name makes me think of rupees from the Zelda games. RUPIC's logo could be a big red rupee, hehe (or not).


I have an idea for a rival merc company, which is called Minotaur Tactical Outcomes, and their logo is a bull's head.


I also have a couple of trans-national factions that I created for my character bio. They are the Volantic Defence League and the Volantic Strategic Alliance, which are competing to be the proper governing body of the Volans Sector of space (about 100 light years from Earth, in the direction of the Volans constellation in the southern sky).


VODL (the League) vs VOLSA (the Alliance)

Also, there is the Tyrrhenian Coalition of Non-Aligned Planets (TYCONAP)


And here is the sigil of my character's family, House Veliti

Id say tilt the image and make it look like this: ?

The image is from:


There could be a rival PMC force against this threat - but the threat itself doesnt care either of the two factions - the only leg up being RUBIC managed to capture a Ghost <is that they call the pilots of the swarm.>

Anywho - lets see your characters here and then i will get the actual Lore Page working <works just been busy>

Kerra Astra Veliti
Age 26 | Height 5'9" | Alias: "Princess"
Born to House Veliti of Myssanea Colony

Once upon a time, House Veliti was the ruling family that administered a mid-sized mining colony called Myssanea, located on planet AEX-1278, in the Tyrrhenian Sector on the ass end of nowhere. The colony consisted of three major cities and several peripheral towns clustered around a mountainous coastal area rich in rare earth minerals. House Veliti initially got rich by shipping these minerals off-world, but when the miners discovered bunker vaults full of ancient war machines buried under the mountains, Myssanea colony quickly became a minor player in the astro-politics of the Tyrrhenian Sector. Five generations later, every scion of House Veliti was being given mandatory mech training as part of their noble education, whether male or female. While custom dictated that only the men were deployed into military service, Kerra found herself forced to take to the cockpit when Myssanea came under attack by... y'know, those things.

While Kerra's older brothers and cousins were assigned to the heavier main battle mechs, Kerra accompanied them in one of the smaller and nimbler Stalking Spider models to provide fire support (the Myssaneans called them Quads, since they were the only models in the fleet with four legs). The family fought as best they could, but their forces were simply not strong enough to resist the invaders. During a succession of losing battles, her brothers were killed one after another, their mechs destroyed beyond repair. Ultimately the decision was made for Kerra to evacuate by starship with the rest of the colony's population while the remainder of Myssanea's forces launched a costly operation to cover their escape.

The survivors of Myssanea linked up with the nearest armed faction, which was the Tyrrhenian Coalition, and they pledged to their service to the Coalition to fight the swarm. Those who were able bodied joined the war effort, and Kerra added her Quad to the coalition's growing fleet of battle-ready mechs. For the next four years, she fought against the creatures that destroyed her home, and sometimes against other humans. She fought on three different planets--Obrovia, Tanguul, and Metarkia--making friends and losing friends along the way, including her lover, a man named Loki Ezrahi, who was the commander of the first lance she joined. It was called Viking Lance, and it was based out of a Coalition troop carrier ship called the Auriga, which was crewed by men and women from House Katari, one of the major coalition members.

Viking Lance was annihilated six months ago when they were ambushed during a raid on planet Metarkia. Kerra only survived the massacre because her mech had become crippled during the battle and she fled on foot into the surrounding jungle where she was able to hide from sight. For four days she narrowly evaded enemy patrols and scavengers by moving on foot and hiding in the shadows among the ruins of the battle, until on the fifth day a lance from the RUPIC company arrived and put the enemy to flight. Kerra flagged down the RUPIC mechs with some flares and learned that they were working on contract with the Tyrrhenian Coalition. Her Quad had already been disassembled for parts by this point, but RUPIC was able to recover all of the salvage and rebuild the mech to its original configuration. Since RUPIC was now in possession of Kerra's mech, they offered her a contract to fight with them, and if she survived after 6 years the mech would be hers to keep.

The RUPIC dropship brought her back to Coalition space where the Auriga was waiting, and Kerra resigned from the Coalition. But before she left the Auriga, she convinced two technicians she trusted to follow her and join RUPIC as well.

Mech Dossier

Stalking Spider model :: 50-tons :: Callsign "Talaris"
Armour: 8 tons ferro-fibrous
Heat sinks: 11 double
Top speed: 86 kph (119 kph using MASC)
Jump Jets: 150m vertical
- 1x ER-PPC (15 damage, 15 heat, range 1-7/8-14/15-23)
- 2x SRM-4 (2 damage per missile, 4 missiles per launch, 3 heat per launch, range 1-3/4-6/7-9, 25 ammo per ton)
- 2x Medium Pulse Laser (7 damage, 4 heat, range 4/8/12)
- 1x Infantry Machinegun
*The Sarna wiki sometimes lists two figures for a given state, for IS and Clan. I'm using the Clan numbers.

This mech was one of a group of eight that were uncovered from a vault underneath the Myssanean mountains. They were initially given identifiers "Quad 1" through "Quad 8", due to their having four legs instead of the usual two. Kerra took Quad 5 as her personal mech while she was training and operating with the Myssanean army reserves. During exercises, the spiders would typically deploy in packs of four, with the individual mechs rotating back and forth between active duty and maintenance.

When Myssanea had to be evacuated, Kerra took Quad 5 with her onto the transport ship that took her and the other refugees off planet. Upon joining with the coalition, she was advised by her lance commander to give her mech a more personalized callsign to distinguish it within her lance and the broader war band, and so she called it "Widow", after the species of venomous spider that once existed on Earth. She also redid the paint job, from the original olive drab that the Myssanean army had been using to a black-grey-brown camouflage pattern suitable for mountain and urban environments.

After the defeat at Metarkia that saw Widow dismantled by the enemy for salvage, the machine was rebuilt from the recovered parts and upgraded a little to tweak its layout and take advantage of some more efficient parts and systems that became available to Kerra through RUPIC's internal marketplace. The resurrected spider was renamed "Talaris", which is the latin name (in singular form) for the winged sandals of Hermes, which is the symbol of House Veliti. Kerra redid the paint job as black and blue tiger stripes, matching the colours of Myssanea, and she dedicated this reborn spider-mech to the purpose of avenging her lost family and colony.

More Background Details

Tracing their name to the ancient "velites" class of skirmishers in the Roman Republic, House Veliti's symbol is a winged sandal, usually depicted in gold upon a circular white background representing a parma shield. The family's colours are white, gold, and blue, representing virtue, ambition, and temperance. Myssanea's flag often has the house symbol superimposed on the center of it, though not always. The background of the flag is a white diagonal cross dividing the flag into four triangular quadrants, with the top and bottom quadrants being black, and the left and right quadrants being blue. The colours are meant to represent space and sea, referring to the two elements that had always sustained the colony: off-planet trade, and the life-supporting nature of the planet's oceans.

House Veliti was originally one of five families that ruled over Myssanea as a governing council when the colony was first founded 167 years ago. As the colony expanded from one city into three, the five families branched out into different commercial enterprises and built their own mercantile empires within the colony's little bubble. House Veliti was the first to be involved in the creation of the city of Delphi in the mountains to support more intense mining operations (the city was so named because of the surrounding gas deposits reminiscent of the original Delphi on Earth). The discovery of a fleet of ancient mechs buried under the mountain radically shifted the balance of power between the five houses, and House Veliti seized on what they had found in order to carry out a coup and seize complete control over the colony, during the time of Kerra's great-grandfather.

Where Myssanea had up until that point been a member of the Tyrrhenian Coalition for its own security, the newfound strength of House Veliti made this alliance no longer necessary, and they formally cut ties 86 years ago. Their membership in the Coalition was only restored four years ago when Myssanea came under attack by the swarm, and Kerra's father reached out to the Coalition for help.

Some friends among the ground crew:


Bruce Carmack, age 48
Technical background is in particle physics and the maintenance of energy weapons
Carmack comes from the same planet as Loki and was the foreman for Viking Lance's ground crew, being also one of Loki's inner circle. After the lance was destroyed at Metarkia, he stuck by Kerra as a friend, joining RUPIC as a senior technician. He was instrumental in getting her Spider salvaged and rebuilt, and in finding the right parts that they needed to replace the ones that had been destroyed. It is also thanks to this man that Talaris' ERPPC functions as cleanly as it does, even after all these years of use. He has had to completely rebuild the weapon and it's complex cooling system three times in the past four years to keep it functional.


Hiro Onoda, age 29
Technical background is in electrical systems
Hiro manages one of the ground crews on the RUPIC ship that picked Kerra up. He was the one overseeing the reconstruction of Talaris, and Kerra soon made friends with him. Thanks to Onoda's ingenuity, Talaris' laser targeting systems can track a laterally-moving target just a little bit faster than before, increasing Kerra's ability to maintain a beam on point during a fast-paced engagement.


Brianna James, age 39
Technical background is in materials science and myomer repair
Brianna is a refugee from Myssanea who used to work as a technician at Delphi base and had spent a lot of time on the Quad mechs, including Kerra's. After joining Viking Lance, Kerra pulled some strings to get Brianna a position on the Auriga's mech maintenance crew that was well-suited to her abilities. After Metarkia, she followed Kerra and joined RUPIC, so that they could continue working together. When Talaris was rebuilt, it was Brianna's expertise and lateral thinking that allowed the myomer fibers to be strengthened to adapt to the higher stress of an upgraded MASC system that the crew had found and wanted to install. This solved a lot of the problems of wear and tear that the old system was causing, which had been one of the factors in Widow's breakdown at Metarkia.


Colton James, age 18
Technical background is unspecialized
This is Brianna's son. He was young enough to be evacuated from Myssanea four years ago, and after he finished school aboard the Auriga, his mother arranged for him to work in the mech maintenance department as a junior tech. This was short-lived, and he inevitably followed her over to RUPIC, where he now works directly under Onoda's supervision.
Hey Team,
If we have other players who might be interested let me know.
2 Slots Remain

Starting Point of the Story will be when on base and returning from a mission - Three Pilots within go rogue and start literally just tearing it up within the walls; the cause is unknown and with alarms going wild - getting into a mech and getting it out into the field at such short notice is no small feat. Normally it takes anywhere from an hour or more of prep to getting them ready to go - even on a moments notice <In short starting a mech cold isnt always the "best practice".

Its also in the chaos we learn that the captured Ghost Pilot was able to break out and escape. WIth a number of mechs still locked in their bays, others trapped under rubble or inaccessible due to the hangers being blocked off. It falls to our mottly crew to cover ground and get to their mechs, avoid the crush and chaos. At this stage our mechs wouldnt be in the tip top shape either - since Id hope we would have already been doing a few missions leading up to this. Whether still fatigued, sore from skrimishes or just the mech needing a repair - we and a few able mechs along with the defence forces are set with our mission off the bat.

Objective 1: Disable / Terminate Rogue Pilots
Objective 2: Assist Base Defence Forces until further units are able to come online.

<In short - after managing to defeat the rogue Mech Units <even some of them> a warning is called of an impending attack force arriving only for us to be advised to stand down as engaging could put the base at risk. Its later revealed that the pilot escaped containment and the next mission rolls around.
The starting scenario sounds almost like 28 Weeks Later, the sequel to 28 Days where someone gets infected inside a military compound and turns the whole thing inside out. This should be fun.
Name: Jassen Elsreck
Age 37 | Height 6.7" |
Callsign: "Dooms Day"
Former Lance:
Mech Warrior Mercenary Band - Ashen Mastiffs.
Lone Survivor.
Jassen has mismatched eyes, one a deep dark stormy grey/ blue, the other an electric discoloured green. His hair, long and dark is often bound back, with the sides shaved revealing the tattoos of his past origins along his neck that spread across his back, upper chest and along his upper arms. He is lean, well toned and standing at a height of 6.3. Between options he tends to wear a Ashen Mastiff issue hoodie which is faded black, leather tan shoulders and elbow pads worn from time. Zip up and places to rest his hands within. Around his neck he wears the tags, that at most times also remain in his bunk.

When suited up, he tends to have the tags like trinkets in his cockpit and a small burning incense stick mostly to keep his mind centered. His combat suit is a flight suit, fitted with fireproof fabrics, anti-electrostatic components and kevelar weaves to catch and prevent injury from shrapnel and other serious injuries that can result. To prevent teeth fractures and head injury he also wears a full HUD-K helmet - which interfaces with the Jackhammer and its targetting system. The flight suit tends to have the same ashen black, the helmet fitted with the etchings to personalise that of his mentor. The helmet has a O2 system and seal for zero g environments and direct connect to the mechs life support systems within the cockpit.

Quiet and cautious. Most who know him, know of history and he's grown used to the distance many place in being near him or operating along side him. Even as a mentor to not as experienced pilots - its clear despite the distrust others are aware - he isnt afraid to kill even if there is a chance of emotional attachment. Confident in his actions - but under the facade of collected, calm and altogther he is a man wearing a facade. Only held together now to ensure he kills the geists who now wear the faces of his former lance.

Psychological assessment has indicated two amber flags that of pre-existing PTSD and acute psychosis, resulting him being assigned to observation and debrief from engagements. That and medical tech handling to enusre the PTSD injury is assessed and medication handled and administered to reduce risk. Three Amber Flags results in most pilots being taken off rosters for a time - however due to the need for experienced pilots he hasnt shown a considerable risk and has been compliant with the medical routine.

Not born of noble Birth, it was blind luck that he caught the eye of a Battlemech Pilot as a infantry man in his young years. Eventually progressing to using small battlesuits to climb on enemy mechs to eventually breach the cockpit and remove the pilot. A daring and high casualty option, even if your allied mechs were there - often you were caught in the crossfire. After assisting in one campaign he was sponsored to become a scion of a noble house Elsreck, since he never had a last name other than his serial number - he was brought into the fold to become an aspiring mech warrior pilot. Showing prowess and quick thinking, his mentor walked him through the training process even through his first enagement. However, his mentor and sponsor was murdered by rival family members after learning that his Mech, was to be entrusted to him and not his heirs.

Eight years on, he still pilots his former mentors Mech after ensuring he joined another Lance for almost ten years known as the Ashen Mastiffs. A mercenary who also - in time earned respect, loyalty and friendship from all the encounters, even opting to stick on despite the moments where they were short on cash. But no training or experience was enough for him when they were hired to face a threat that wasnt human.

It was here Jassen Elsreck - a Mech Warrior Mercenary of the Ashen Mastiffs and lone survivor of an operation turned sour against a Geist Incursion. The Op went sour when their dropship was struck and landing hard three of their lance was able to handle the mission. One of their own injured in the crash was unable to take part, initially paired with an infantry group and mechanised division - thinking that their side was safe was a costly mistake. For Jassen encountered first hand what the Geist were capable of in first seat terrifying fasion, twelve hours in the Geist had overrun their position and crippled two out of the three Mechs. Over live vid, he watched as their broke through one of the cockpits of a crippled pilot, the audio was lost but the video burned itself into his brain.

With his Mech knocked out due to an internal failure which - at the time he was trying to resolve. In vivid detail he got to watch as they devoured the pilot within - it wasnt tearing of flesh and gore. Instead they infested and sent parasitic tendrils through the now paralysed pilot, to the point that their appearance became nothing fully obscurred. He watched as they thrashed as the paralysis made each struggle worse. Eventually able to get his mech to some level of stable, the Geists satisfied began to withdraw - only a far worse surprise was waiting for him at the dropship. All the crew, the technicians and his former lance were waiting there for him in some sort of twisted nightmare.

There were three survivors out of this crash, a Head Tech Dennis Ohale, who had been stationed elsewhere and due to communications failure watched it unfold.
Marie - A Medical Tech who had been on leave due to a personal request. With a Mech barely functional, later revealed to be deliberate sabotage - the pilot who had acted injured in the crash had been the catalyst for the Geist to get the drop. Their goal he surmised was to create sleeper agents, when advised to stand down - in that moment knowing he was going to die - he killed his own lance with the exception of the two. An act almost akin to killing your entire family.

Marie never forgave him despite understanding why he did what he did.
Even in the end, they spoke to him over the radio asking him - no fear or concern only twisting the knife in his already emotionally wrecked state of mind.
"Death is not the end." They said, as he destroyed their mechs and the infested personell along with it. The fact that he survived a three to one battle - was enough for RUBICON to give him an offer - with nowhere else to go - he agreed. However, he requested a longer term with no change on bonus. This still hasnt changed the perspective most pilots have towards him, either being incredibly cautious, confrontational over the rumours that he murdered his own mentor and lance. Despite it all - he does nothing to deny it. Because in his own eyes, he did murder his lance because they were already dead. But he never murdered his mentor. Even to this day, Dennis knows the truth as an independant witness as does Marie.

Eight weeks later, the same ghost lance was reported stalking the battlefield accompanied by Geist forces. No longer bearing the insignia of the Ashen Mastifs.

Mech Dossier
Model: BT-MASQ
Nickname: Jackhammer.
Sitting at 100 Tonnes, this assault Mech leaves little to contemplate why its called Jackhammer. Fitted with three mounted AC10 Autocannons upon its shoulders, for each arm, an AC5 and pulse Medium lasers. Most Mechs find that a front encounter with a jackhammer will either be a high repair cost, or almost a guaranteed knockdown. If the enemy gets close, the Jackhammer pulls no punches in throwing its weight for a slugging match - fitted into its chest are six, three, by three small pulse lasers and two Batteries of SRM6 <short range high yield missiles>, these can be repalced with LRM <long range launchers..>

Being the typical assault mech, this unit can dish it out as much as it can take a beating. The catch being, the BT-MASQ at stock struggles with heat management for prolonged engagement and while slower than other assault Mechs in its field - it takes a mixed role of heavy support and can, if refit handle preferably longer ranged roles - at the cost of its armour and reduced firepower. In this case, it has been fitted and modified alittle <mostly due to how costly this mech is to upkeep due to its old age and despite it, its still a formidable and intimidating opponent.

Armour: 75 Tonnes of layered Stanard Issue armour,
Heat sinks: Eight Single Heat Sinks - These are situated at the back of the legs and rear centre torso.
Additional Quipment:
Thermal Bank - draws heat from weapons
Range Finder Sensor Suite Deluxe <Costs a pretty coin, allows for computer assisted range finding however due to a previous engagement, the sensor suite has been prone to malfunction during electrical storms. Also tempermental due to age and is in dire need of an overhaul <however, no tech has the electrical knowledge of how to maintain a unit. From a golden age, best option is restarting and hoping for the best.
Top speed: 37.4 km/h - subjective to environment.
Jump Jets: NONE
3x AC10 - Right Shoulder, Upper Torso and Left Shoulder.
LA / RA - AC5 / Medium Lazer
LA / RA - HIG-MARK-ARM Mod - replaced storm arm servos and additional force for Melee strike and force for Close hitting.
Torso - 6xSmall Pulse Laser
LEFT Torso - LRM 10 <Long Range Missile Launcher with Tandem Charge Warheads
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To clarify, for the purpose of radio communication Kerra uses her mech's callsign, "Talaris". Or she would go by a lance designation, like "Viking 3". Princess is just a nickname that her lance buddies gave her. Because every time she would get pissed off with them, her commander would say, "Hey, excuuuuuse me, Princess!"

For this new lance, would our characters have had any time to gel as a lance yet? Does the lance have a name? Or are we meeting each other for the first time and we're just stuck with each other because of the unusual circumstances of the zombie pilot wrecking everything? Like a group of survivors in Walking Dead.
In this scenario first time as a lance. You have have done missions before or lost a few existing lance members (hence no ones going to be fully repaired or rested enough when shit hits the fan).
OK so this is like an ad hoc lance created during an emergency then?

I'm wondering for example with my character, if this is happening before she has been assigned to a lance under RUPIC, or if she has already been assigned to some other lance but those guys are not reachable in the opening scene, perhaps because they are on the other side of the base.

PS: If it's up to me, I'll say that for the past 3 months or so she was doing odd jobs like sentry duty, convoy escort, or as fire support for various scout patrols, while she waited for one of the established lances to have an opening for a skirmisher. Can you give us some details about the planet we're on and what kind of conflict brought RUPIC there in the first place?
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I made a little drawing of the internal layout of my mech, viewed layer by layer from the top down (not to scale)


Dark grey means you're seeing the mech's exterior, light grey for the interior.

I used green to mark the location of heat sinks, and orange to show the path of the hot air being pumped out (or whatever fluid the mech is moving in). There are 11 in total: Four connected to the PPC (left side, right side, aft side, and dorsal), two connected to each laser (barrel and base), one connected to each missile box, and one at the aft for the reactor. The rear heat sink on each laser also services the cockpit and jump jets, while the heat sinks on the missile box can also draw heat from the reactor.

Red is where the weapons systems are: Medium pulse lasers embedded into the fore, using those two fang-like projections as gun ports; Missiles in the rear, angled to shoot up into the air; PPC on the roof, on a swiveling turret. The PPC itself is not shown, but it would extend forward from the red X, hanging over top of the periscope. The fang-like nodes on the front contain lenses that can be moved side to side or adjusted for tighter or narrower spread based on the distance to the target. This is how the lasers are aimed, using the mech's computer to auto-focus on whichever target has been acquired by radar lock.

Blue is for the cockpit area, and lighter blue shows the FOV for the periscope, main forward sensors, and machinegun camera. There are also smaller sensors all around that can project a 360-degree view onto the inside of the dome-shaped cockpit, onto which the targeting HUD is also projected. This is the default display, but the pilot can also zoom in on the two fang-sensors for more precise aiming of the lasers. She can also switch temporarily to a camera on the underside for aiming the machinegun, by holding a thumb button on the trigger system. Finally, the periscope can be brought directly to the pilot's eyes when targeting with the PPC at range, with its own crosshairs and zoom feature, and a separate trigger system for the PPC alone.

Maroon is for the reactor at the aft, and the central jump jet on the belly (four other jump jets exist, one on each of the legs, not shown). The armour plating behind the reactor can be unfastened and removed by crane for ease of maintenance. There is also a small hatch connecting to the cockpit through which the pilot can take emergency action, for example spraying it with a tank of coolant in a meltdown scenario. This is normally not advised except in emergency, as opening that hatch would flood the cockpit with heat and radiation.

Brown is for ammo storage an maintenance hatches. The square boxes are where you load ammo into the mech (missiles at the aft, machinegun bullets at the fore). The circles are where you can open up the chassis to do maintenance on the lasers. The long hollow rectangle between the lasers is another maintenance hatch, but accessible from the floor of the cockpit, in case a malfunction needs to be cleared in the field.

Shown at the aft on the lower images is the path of the ladder that you take to get in and out of the cockpit, which runs underneath the reactor.

The grey boxes on the lowest image are the hardpoints where the chassis can rest on the ground without relying on the legs. This is the parked position that you want to be in when you open the cockpit up. The supports are five feet long, so that one needs to hunch over to walk around underneath the mech.

As a rough estimate, you could say that each layer represents about 4 to 5 feet of height (~1.5m). So the mech in total is about 20 feet tall (~7m) when parked, but can rise to around 30 feet (9m) when the legs are fully extended. The knee joints come up to about 20 feet off the ground, give or take depending on whether the spider is coiled or in mid-stride. And by extending the legs differently, the chassis can be tilted up or down by about 30 degrees, which is crucial for aiming the lasers at taller or shorter targets, and also important for maintaining balance during a jump in order to stick the landing. The width of the mech is around 30 feet (9m), so it would span most of the way across a four-lane highway, but on a two-lane road it would be occupying both shoulders.

The mech has 8 tons of ferro-fibrous armour in total: 3/4 tons on each leg, and 5 tons on the body.

Edit: Also, some additional details about the cockpit layout

The controls are divided into a main console in front of the pilot's chair; additional controls on the ceiling; pedals under foot similar to those in an automobile; and display panels to the left and right.

- On the ceiling directly above the pilot's chair is the ignition switch. To start the engine, the pilot flips a safety latch (which can be locked), and then turns a lever clockwise. To shut down, the safety latch must again be lifted, and the lever turned counter-clockwise by two positions. Turning counter-clockwise by only one position puts the engine into "ghost mode", where it uses minimal power and only supports cockpit electronics but does not drive the legs.

- Hanging from the ceiling directly in front of the pilot's chair is the control system for the PPC. This consists of a periscope that can be pulled down to eye level, and an attached joystick that is used to control the PPC turret. Tilting the joystick side to side will make it swivel left/right. Tilting forward or backward will raise or lower the pitch. There is an index finger trigger for firing, and a vertical switch under the thumb for analogue control of the periscope's magnification level. A switch on the left side of the periscope allows the pilot to toggle between infrared, nightvision, and normal view.

Main Console:
- Directly in front of the pilot is a dual joystick system, where the two joysticks are connected as a single unit that moves together. The index finger triggers control the left and right lasers independently. Thumb buttons on each joystick control the left and right missile pods. A pair of buttons lower down on the joystick can be held simultaneously with the ring/pinky fingers of both hands to cause the cockpit HUD to switch to laser-targeting view, which means the forward display will be lined up directly with where the lasers are pointing instead of showing things from the relative perspective of the pilot's chair.

- Tilting the dual joystick controls the rotation of the mech. By turning the joystick on the yaw axis (one stick forward and the other stick back), the mech will rotate on the yaw axis (the onboard AI will move the legs as needed in order to maintain balance during this rotation). Tilting the joystick system forward or backward will raise or lower the pitch of the mech's body, enabling the lasers to aim up or down. Tilting the joystick side to side will cause the mech to move laterally.

- Behind the joysticks there is a block console with the gear shift on the left side and the parking brake on the right side. The gear shift is a simple lever that can be popped up to go forward or down to go in reverse, or centered for neutral. The parking brake is a lever that can be pulled out and twisted to engage, or twisted and popped back in to disengage. Unlike a wheeled vehicle, this is not a brake per se, but a system that forces the mech's body to lower down until the prongs contact the ground. This system must be engaged in order to open the cockpit door, unless an override is applied at the door panel itself.

- Underneath the joystick system, by the pilot's right knee, is a sub-trigger system that controls the machinegun. It is shaped like a gun trigger and can be moved about to control the swiveling of the forward machinegun. The index finger trigger fires the gun, and there is a button for the thumb that switches the cockpit view to display from the gun-sight camera for as long as the button is held down.

Foot Pedals:
- Like an automobile, there are gas and brake pedals for the right foot. The brake essentially signals the mech legs to halt all movement, while the gas pedal signals acceleration and can be eased off to allow for coasting on flat terrain.

- There is also a pedal for the left foot which activates the jump jets to an intensity level proportional to how far the pedal is pressed. In this way the pilot can precisely control how much thrust is used when jumping and when landing. When the dual-joystick system is tilted during a jump, the computer automatically shifts thrusting force between the four leg jets in order to carry out the desired tilt. This kind of mid-air maneuvering takes a good bit of practice to become fluid with, but an experienced pilot can do some interesting tricks with it, such as wall-jumping and mid-air dodges.

Left Panel:
- On a console to the left of the pilot's chair is the diagnostic readouts for all of the mech's subsystems, showing heat buildup, structural damage, reactor status, electrical malfunctions, and so on. Diagnostic tests can be run from this console. Climate control for the cockpit area is also handled from this console.

Right Panel:
- On a matching console to the left of the pilot's chair is everything related to weapons systems, radar, and communications. Remaining ammunition is tracked from this display, as well as specific heat profiles for each individual weapon. Long range sensor readings such as radar are displayed here, and a range of buttons allow the pilot to select between targets for acquiring missile locks: the AI by default acquires a lock on the closest one or two targets, but this can be manually overridden, and there are switches to control whether for each SRM box the computer should try to target one bogey with all four missiles, or try to lock onto four separate targets. It can also be adjusted whether each SRM box should launch four missiles per trigger press, or just one missile at a time (the former is the default, the latter is handy for mercs who are trying to save money). This console also hosts the radio transceiver, an old-school unit with speakers and a microphone on a cord.
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Size, scale and boot up of a mech.

--- Aight so we have a bit more of the detail and lore.
Interesting, so that one actually has an exposed cockpit. One AC/5 shell to the face, and he's fucked (not that I should talk, one AC/5 shell to the knee, and my spider is fucked -- she used to be an adventurer until that happened). I guess the thinking is that shots coming high can be ducked because the pilot will see them coming and naturally react. Kind of like how batters in baseball will chase pitches down and away but rarely will chase high pitches.

The heat sinks on the chest look like liabilities, they'll be the first targets to get lasered. If you think running hot is bad, imagine two of your heat sinks being painted by lasers until they glow white.

Also, hehe, the shape of the chest kind of reminds me of Optimus Prime, while the shoulder cannon reminds me of Megatron...
You'd be surprised how hard it is to hit a cockpit - so - I think we still have 2 players are there any others who you think might be interested?
I am totally interested in this!!! However, I just need to re-read everything once more!
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