Both Needed PKMN: Isle of The Gods

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Both Needed PKMN: Isle of The Gods

So, some of the humans here have "abilities" and "moves" that are mostly "cosmetic" and for "flavor".
Also, I intend to have pokemon be able to use their moves and abilities in non-standard/non-combat ways.
These pokemon get their moves through breeding, by leveling up and by Technical Machines.

Guest Character

Jane Graystoke (human, age 20, on vacaton, Coaching ability).
Battle Music, "No Good Bastards".
Pokemon Jane.jpeg
Martial Arts.
Pokemon Trainer.
While very capable at both battling and contests, Jane likes to perform gynastics and cheerleading stunts in partnership with her pokemon for entertainment.

Handyman(Ambipom, male).

Ambipom DeviantArt.jpg
Double Hit.

FireFlare(Infernape, male)

Flare Blitz.
Focus Blast.

Hunnybunny (Lopunny, male)
Rock Smash.

Resort Staff Character

Carlos Konsiurj (human, male, age 38, resort staff, Resort Assistant Manager, Organizational ability)
The Illusionist.jpg
Pokemon Trainer.
Carlos uses his pokemon team mostly to keep things running smoothly 'behind the scenes' and in case emergencies.

Skuld (Ralts, female, Telepathy ability.)
Dream Eater.

VerĆ°andi (Kirlia, female, Telepathy ability.)
Kirlia 2.jpg
Dream Eater.

UrĆ°r (Gardevior, female, Telepathy ability.)
Dream Eater.
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Hi! How goes the resort planning?
Just a quick note, here, as I have to go afk and bring in some take-out food for supper, but I'll be back online in about an hour.
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Guest character

Name: Gale Fujita
Age: 25
Key Words: Anxious, Meteorology, Observant, Pokemon Trainer.

Gale is a young researcher from the Hoenn region. A fascination with weather was seared into his mind during an incident as a child when a severe hurricane struck his hometown of Lilycove. For his birthday, a wealthy, ahem, "friend" provided Gale with an all-expenses paid trip to the resort, seemingly with no strings attached. Gale hesitated at first, not comfortable leaving Hoenn and his research at the Weather Instituteā€”at least, until his friend told him about the resort's utterly fascinating microclimate. Convinced, Gale packed his bags and set out, for new sights and new challengesā€¦

(Absol, female, Relaxed nature Justified hidden ability)
Knock Off
Night Slash
Water Pulse
Fun fact: Calypso is a fully trained emotional support Pokemon for Gale, as she helps comfort and ground him during his not infrequent panic attacksā€”ironically, Calypso causes much anxiety in strangers who aren't aware she's tamed, thanks to Absol's dark reputation.

(Castform, male, Jolly nature, Forecast ability)
Sunny Day
Rain Dance
Weather Ball
Fun fact: Nimbus is his research partner and is a junior-ranked employee of the Weather Institute, which also created his speciesā€”Gale considers himself Nimbus' senpai (his coworkers think this is quite weird, but Nimbus seems happy enough with the arrangement).

(Torkoal, female, Rash nature, White Smoke ability)
Flame Charge
Solar Beam
Fun fact: Named after his elder sister, Fiona Fujitaā€”this Torkoal is just as hardy, just as bold, just as powerful and and just as fiery as her namesake. Which one is more toxic, you ask? Well, that's a matter for debateā€¦ Don't tell the human Fiona I said that, though.

Staff Character

Name: Elma Ohms
Age: 22
Key Words: Taciturn, Mechanic, Tough, Pokemon Trainer.

Elma is the chief electrician and mechanic for the resortā€”brusque and businesslike, she is readily helpful and reliable, but does not suffer fools gladly. Helped by her Pokemon, she takes care of the extensive electrical and mechanical systems that support life at the resort. When not working, Elma rarely mingles for very long among the guests or even the other resort staff: instead, she quietly disappears into the island's extensive network of tunnels, caves, and maintenance facilities, pursuing her own mysterious endsā€¦

(Magneton, genderlessā€”they/them, Calm nature, Sturdy ability)
Electric Terrain
Flash Cannon
Iron Defense
Zap Cannon
Fun fact: Commandant was the first Pokemon Elma ever caught, and she credits them with her interest and skill in her work as an engineer, calling them "her guiding compass needle".

(Electrode, genderlessā€”he/him, Modest nature, Static ability)
Charge Beam
Fun fact: In addition to being deeply fascinated by the "artificial" nature of the Pokemon, Elma also likes Kugelblitz for the same reason many fear other Electrodesā€”their power and volatility. Kugelblitz feels this love, and is attentive and careful around his trainer.

Big Bertha
(Excadrill, female, Impish nature, Mold Breaker hidden Ability)
High Horsepower
Metal Claw
Iron Head
Fun fact: Big Bertha and Elma do not get alongā€”Elma tends to be harsh when ordering her around, and in response Bertha tends to be stubborn and mischievous. If Elma was any less of a skilled trainer, and if Big Bertha were any more ornery, they would be in a lot of trouble a lot of the time.
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i may have gone too far in a couple places, but this sunk its hook right into my brain, right away

and yesā€”Gale is a sugar baby, and Elma is probably a villain of some kind
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So I finally started configuring shit
Configuring done now
Here's the CS section

Added my character šŸ˜
When do you think we should start the RP? Do we need more people?
When do you think we should start the RP? Do we need more people?
It seems that there isn't any more interest than the three of us at this time.
I can be happy with a small group.
Three or four writers is good.
What do you think, @Brianna. ?
It seems that there isn't any more interest than the three of us at this time.
I can be happy with a small group.
Three or four writers is good.
What do you think, @Brianna. ?
I bet there's much more interest, we just need to advertise itā€”just wanted to know what the score was so to speak
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