All [Signups & OOC] American Warlords - Post-Nuclear Grand Scale RP

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All [Signups & OOC] American Warlords - Post-Nuclear Grand Scale RP

Hey, just so you know, I'll be out of town on Saturday and Friday after about 3-4pm my time.
Wow! I thought this RP was dead honestly. Glad to see it's not! Hell yeah!

Yeah, that's my bad 😅 I could come up with an excuse but the truth of the matter is that my writing interests vary considerably from time to time, and for a variety of reasons I just couldn't choke anything out for this one. Buuut I'm better now!

Hey, just so you know, I'll be out of town on Saturday and Friday after about 3-4pm my time.

how dare you not immediately reply after i made you wait for a month /sarcasm

No worries, have a good time whatever you're up to! 😁
You know, that's pretty apt! It's a good piece too, I don't exactly like country often, but when I do, it's always something like this, lol.
Me wanting to show all the soundtracks I already have set up for set pieces, but also not wanting to spoil the story beats I have in mind. 🥲 life is hard
Hey, don't worry! I'll be on it soon, I just gotta get one other response in first real quick. I gotta say though, judging on your music shares so far, it'll be awesome.
Alright! Working on my response now!
Looking forward to it, but take your time!

Also, nice new avatar—N best boy (I haven't watched past the camping episode so no spoilers)
Hell yeah he is. The finale came out yesterday and I'm watching it with my friend today!
Hello o/ are you still accepting characters?

Absolutely! This RP is always-open, and we're still well in the opening stages anyhow. If you have one, feel free to post an application—otherwise we can talk about what you had in mind. 😁
Okay, lemme know if this works

NAME: Kaelan 'Kael' Grey
SPECIES: Post-Human
AGE: 23
WEIGHT & HEIGHT: 5'6", 135 lbs
APPEARANCE: Long, auburn hair, hazel eyes, 5'6", lightly tanned skin, cybernetics can easily be discerned immediately around the back of his neck and ears.
ABILITIES & SKILLS: Technology. Specifically AI and Robotics.
ALLEGIANCES: No allegiance.
BIOGRAPHY: Kaelan was born years after the battle of NOVA to a previously militant father and a tech savvy mother in Buffalo, NY. The first few years of his life he grew up there, his father passing due to cancer when he was around five-years-old and spent up until his teen years with his mother. In this time he learned much about AI and robotics, finding a deep fascination with technology, both old and new. He'd often be found working in the garage with his mother or at the library when he wasn't out with friends.

His mother passed when he was fifteen and soon after he was approached and offered a job in the same field as his mother to follow in her footsteps. While his father was a military man who supported the government, his mother was quite the opposite. Being close with her as he grew up, he had grown his own distaste for the government and gave a simple, 'let me get back to you on that' as his response. Three days later, they returned for an answer only to find he had disappeared.

Kael left with his mothers work and some of his own, enough to fill his bag and still have some snacks and water with him while he traveled. Deciding he wanted nothing to do with any group, military or otherwise, Kaelan has been quietly traveling along the east coast to explore and pick up any scrap technology he can find. Over the years since being on his own, he's built a few small household robots and gave them to families he's come across that needed the extra help. There is one he keeps with him at all times, a small robot that usually sits in his pocket or on his shoulder, so he doesn't go insane without someone to talk to. He named this little robot 'Avery'.
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