Both Needed Star Wars: Outcasts of a Forgotten Age

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Both Needed Star Wars: Outcasts of a Forgotten Age


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The power of the Force flows through you. All your life you have felt it and used it, perhaps even unconsciously. Now, at last, you have found others like you who can sense and manipulate the Force, others willing to risk their lives for the sake of justice, for the sake of restoring balance to the galaxy. Together, you are searching for the secrets of the outlawed Jedi Order and fighting against whatever evil you encounter. You may choose to lurk in the shadows and defend the downtrodden or join the Rebellion battle the Empire from the pilot's seat of a starfighter, or you may slowly succumb to the temptations of the dark side.

Set in the year 0BBY, prior to the unveiling of the Death Star. You will play a Force Sensitive, likely without any training. With a feeling that they are special, or have an innate gift for a few things. As a group of untrained force users, the story will follow us working together to try and find the secrets of the force.

For whatever reasons, our characters will meet in a shady underworld bar on Coruscant. Getting caught I an imperial raid of the joint. That's really it. Your character can be just about anything, as long as they are Force Sensitive and lack any formal training. We won't start with lightsabers, but some of us may end up making them along the way. The age of characters should be between 18 and 32, as I would prefer they be born after Order 66 to help explain why they didn't die in the Purge, as well as having no training.
Oooo, I love the concept! I would love to be a part of this!
I have an exam coming up in a couple of weeks, but I definitely like what I see! If and when my schedule clears up, I'll be more than happy to join.
All right, I'll get to work on a Character sheet, but what a bit to see if we pick anyone else up.
QUESTION: Since this RP will be set in the year 0 BBY (around the time of Episode IV: A New Hope), will there be any particular canon storylines/characters/elements/etc. from this point in the series involved in this RP to any degree? Or will this RP be completely separate from the canon?
Canon will be going on in the background, but I'm aiming for our band of characters to skirt around the main events. There will be allusions to Canon, like we might start seeing hints that the empire is up to something big, or even meet minor Canon Characters. We likely won't be meeting Kenobi or Luke or people like that. But that isn't to say we won't come across evidence of them.
Hope that answers your question.
I believe so, thanks. So basically this will be our own separate story running concurrently with the canon and maybe a few allusions here and there, but not so much so as to cause any major overlap between the canon storyline and the RP storyline. Do I have that right?
(what you do for work)
Force Ability: (You get ONE, single force ability that you innately know how to use. Nothing over the top, and you won't have mastery over it yet.)
Basic Equipment: (Things like if you carry a blaster, basically your everyday carry (EDC))
Other Assets: (Things like a property you may own. A family farm on some backwater planet. A go-bag in a storage locker in a spaceport, a starship, whatever. THings ou own, but won't nessacily have on you or available to you at all times.)
Skills: (Max five. These are non-force skills. Things like being an ace pilot, or mechanic, or having military training.)
Brief Bio: (Basically a paragraph or two explaining how they left their homeworld and turned up at this bar in the Corrusant Underworld.)
Name: Crigar Amoru
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Homeworld: Corellia
Occupation: Scanvenger, Scoundrel, and Drifter
Force Ability: Force Sense - Crigar has basic force sense. A seeming intuition that tells him something bad is going to happen, or which cargo container contains the best loot. At this point, completely sub-conscious, and not very reliable.
Basic Equipment:
Other Assets:
  • Crigar is quite skilled at using his blaster pistols
  • An adept at knife combat
  • An adequate Mechanic can keep his ship running, but that's about it.
  • Crigar can disassemble nearly anything but has a bit more trouble putting things back together.
  • A pretty good Pilot
Brief Bio: Born on Corellia, Crigar Amoru never had plans for a normal life. His parent were smugglers, just trying to make a living under Imperial Rule. So, Crigar followed in their footsteps. Smuggling Spice past imperial blockades. He found he had a knack for finding the weak spots to slip through. He did this until he was twenty-two. When he decided to give it up. His parents were shot down while trying to cross an Imperial Blockade, and Crigar went into a grief spiral. Stopped smuggling Spice, and started scavenging from derelicts and wreckages.
Fighting off pirates that would want his haul, he became better and better at stripping vessels and turned this new skill to hurt the Empire. He started selling parts to the Rebel Alliance. Made a few friends, but ended up giving that up too. Stole a Freighter and decided to use his credits to get drunk. So, he made his way to Coruscant and landed his Freighter deep in the Coruscant Underworld, and set up shop. Selling weapons and parts to Criminals because they paid better than rebels.
The Yv-929 Armed Freighter will be the group's primary method of transportation.
I am. :) Will work on character later this week. Kinda thinking of a merc type character. Nothing major, small time and she has rather unnatural reflexes(due to the force) and a damn good starfighter pilot. Or a merc and a smuggler type character where she smuggles people, illegal goods etc.. and is a gun for hire.
I'm debating between making an herbalist/cook, a speederbike racer, or maybe even a little of both.
Hey, it's not like there is a Jedi Order still around to tell us not to.
There must be balance in the force.
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