Name: Ez Marhken
Age: 31
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Homeworld: None - Born on an Industrial vessel, then bought his own.
Occupation: Salvager, ship mechanic,
Force Ability: Precognition. Either knowing when something would happen within the span of a few minutes. Eg, a device breaking, avoiding stubbing a toe on a partially faulty auto door.
Basic Equipment: Rough leather jacket, patched grease stained trousers similar to that of those who work on industrial ships. A blaster which looks modified. A tool belt with a number of diagnostic and system jacking tools as most salvagers like him tend to have. That and a slate patched into the various trade networks allowing for either contracts, markings for next salvage sites etc.
Other Assets:
HT-2200 - Retrofitted for deep salvage, recovery and transporting valuable salvage. Longer jump drive and should trouble arise a modified shield system and gym-balled turrets.
Call sign Turdle - something he has tried to change but its hard fixed into the ships system preventing overwriting. The ships a large work in progress with additional manoeuvring thrusters and various external parts showing of battledamage against pirates who thought this was a good bait. Only to end up as salvage. Essentially its been cheaper to fix than replace, a joy to modify and a headache at the same time.
- Professional Ship Mechanic on HT and YT series ships. Even went as far as to get official papers regarding salvage operations, though he tends to roll solo into the more western uncharted areas of space. As for a pilot, he's good but nothing special having since preferring to avoid combat by masking his ships signature or simply pushing his ship to do the faster running.
- Tinkerer, if it can be modified he'll find a way.
- Hacker and Jacker - With most systems he's had to work on derelict ships and has a knack for getting into the source code of a ship and either getting it to crack open, or grant him enough access to set the ship to be scrap.
- Skilled in Hand to Hand - As from someone who hasn't had a great deal he's learnt skills that rely more upon the finesse of hand to hand fighting as blasters are a tad unreliable and its all well and good until you dont have a said weapon.
- Exosuit space walking skills - whether its walking on a moon or outside of a ship to patch it up or patch in. He tends to be more at home in the void rather than boots on the ground.
Brief Bio:
Ez. Serial - 08-32110-BC3.
Born on an industrial vessel he rarely wishes to speak about, it was clear his first number of years in life were as traumatic for those of third world slavers. Having watched those of his family become trapped and endure the horrors of explosive decompression in his pre teens he was orphaned and apprenticed into the various industrial scrap yards either to disassemble, crawl into hide aways to remove something and not get irradiated. It was in such a hot, repetative conditions he learnt about the art of spaceships, their systems and over his rather long career moved from ships to contracts, to owning a leased salvager and then later after scrimping each credit affording a fixer upper HT. As time wore on, with close calls, brown outs and unneccessary fixes he was able to afford to pursue a professional side into becoming a ship mechanic and later a salvager and jacker.
Ez feels he's not special, prefering to either keep away from others as he seems them more of a liability. Slow to trust he's found more trustiness to a small droid named PUG - a modified EG-6 power droid with a personality, known for colourful language and increased mobility.