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- Tomorrow 3:09 AM
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- Age
- 31

Name: Miri
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Species: Twi'lek
Homeworld: Naboo
Occupation: Mercenary, Dancer, Assassin.
Force Ability: Force Sense - Very advanced reflexes
Basic Equipment:
- Two blaster pistols
- A vibroknife(usually concealed for emergencies)
- Antidotes for most known poisons
- a rebreather
- A converted customised YV-100 light Freighter called Leky Ship(often referred to as Leky).
- The ship has two twin forward facing blasters. Two forward facing cannons for missiles. Two sets of automated twin turrets near the rear. An enhanced shield generator and a backup generator. A heavily modified engine to allow for faster speeds. It is not a ship for prolonged combat.
- Stock in several companies.
- A "Borrowed" speeder bike.
- Adept in the use of blasters
- A natural pilot that has no business flying Leky by herself but does so as if it's a mere starfighter.
- Excellent mechanic(even if she does tend to swear when fixing Leky)
- Very agile and stealthy.
- Excells in hand to hand combat.
Until her 22nd birthday when she poisoned everyone. They planned to use her as a sleeper agent. They had hoped to use her as a dancer for wealthy clients and then leak the location of their ships for the purpose of hijacking them. It turned out that the Twi'lek had other plans and became a merc. She a has made a bit of a name for herself throughout the systems. Assassination, bodyguard, escorting frieghters, mechanic, dancing(for fun and for business)). She's taken it. She has no issues with killing someone for money. She purchased Leky at the age of 28 after her current ship was heavily damaged in a fight. She used her contacts to customise it and sunk most of her savings into it. It took 2 years to get the rust bucket transformed into her beloved Leky and it's served her well.
Here she is! Hope it's ok! Admittly, i'm not familiar with the more detailed stuff of Star Wars(ships, weapon types etc..) thus it likely shows. :)