Matthew poked his head into the studio against his daughter's protests. How kind of her to want to spare him the initial pain of being in his father's favorite room. "Oh!" Sara braced herself for the worst but blinked in surprise when he looked back at her. "Did you do this?"
Sara glanced passed her father towards the unmoving Acheron. Her heart sped up a bit, but she forced herself to stay calm. "No. Gramps did it. I guess he was holding out on us, Pops."
"Yeah...huh...I just...Wow." Matthew rubbed his forehead, "He never... I mean it looks like something you would make, Star-face."
"Dad," Sara flushed, unsure if the state Acheron was in would allow him to hear her embarrassing nickname, "Do you still have to call me that? I'm not a kid anymore...."
"You're always a kid to me, Star-face," the graying man grinned, "Besides you remember why I call you that?"
"Dad, please."
"You came running up to me one day after school, snot and tears dripping."
"I asked what happened and you said that some kids were making fun of your freckles. You said that you looked like someone splattered mud all over you. Remember what I told you?"
"Dad, please stop."
"I said that it wasn't mud. I splattered stardust over your face as a little baby. You brightened up so much you started to tell everyone you had stars on your face, that your daddy used stardust to make you pretty."
"Daaaaad." Sara groaned, covering her face in embarrassment. Please let Acheron be in some weird stone state where he didn't just hear that.