Name: Bubble Girl / Leah Eden Frost
Date and Time: Nov 15th 2023, 3:45 pm
Location: Subway Tunnels, Queens
Mentioning: Leviathan, Crosshairs
NPCs: Minotaur
They'd done it.
Bubble Girl willed away the sphere around Minotaur's head and he let out a gasp as air came flooding back into his lungs. He then promptly passed out on the tracks, pinned under wreckage, beaten, blinded and woozy. Leah hunched over and spent a moment catching her breath, calming herself down as the anger at what she'd seen the villain do subsided. She couldn't afford to be angry any more. There was another rescue effort that had to be undertaken. More people to help, thanks to the selfish and destructive whims of one person. She straightened up and looked at the crowd of bystanders. Leah put on her best smile and raised a hand, "It's alright! Everyone remain calm and stay here until police and medical assistance arrives. If you're traveling with friends or loved ones, stick together. Everything's going to be okay!"
She looked at Crosshairs and Leviathan. She would've thought this would be the kind of situation that heavy hitters like Emerald Enforcer and Jade Lightning would've handled without breaking a sweat. Instead, it was Crosshairs, a chaotic vigilante, and a girl that could make really fancy bubbles. If there was a 'B Team' in this city, they were it. Half the people on the platform probably had no idea who they even were. They would after today, though. "Minotaur's out for a long nap, the police can apprehend him later. For now, let's help as many people as we can until we can let rescue services take over. Thanks again for helping, you two. We made a great team."
And with that, Leah made her way into the crumpled train to start helping people out.