"This world is a rotting cocoon. I will crack it open and it will be reborn on wings of blue, wings under my control!"
Real name: Jane Moriaraty
Codename: The Blue Morpho
Age: 20's
Alignment: Villain
Sexuality: Lesbian
Theme: On Regal Wings
Voice: Patricia Drake
Species and appearance: Reports from INTERPOL indicate that the most accurate depiction of Professor Jane Moriaraty (also known as The Blue Morpho) is as follows; she is a human female in her early to mid-twenties, approximately five feet ten inches tall and of athletic build. She has fair skin, blue eyes and white hair. It is impossible to tell if this hair color is natural, caused by some kind of accident, or the result of dye and/or treatment. She seems to have no distinguishing scars or marks of any kind.
"Can you feel it? The weight of futility. The clock is ticking and you've begun to doubt yourselves. A terrible, oppressive thought enters your minds. You think 'she's going to win this' and you know what? You're right."
Costume/clothing: The Blue Morpho dresses in regal attire befitting nobility or someone of high military command. She adorns herself with a high-collared cloak modeled after butterfly wings, blue on the inside and black with gold trim without. The front bears her insignia and epaulets showing rank (this rank is not officially recognized in any capacity by any military). She wears a white blouse under a black and gold vest with a red tie, a black skirt with blue pinstripes and gold trim, black stockings and black and white heeled shoes. Her wardrobe is accessorized with black gloves, glasses, and a walking cane. Moriaraty is to be considered armed and dangerous at all times, even without the cane.
Occupation: Megalomaniac
Backstory: Yes, THAT Moriaraty. The so-called fictional figure as described by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Doyle's written exploits of Sherlock Holmes were in fact based upon reality. Though Holmes had his name changed to protect his identity (as 'Sherlock Holmes' was still alive and well), James Moriaraty was deceased and it was not an issue to print the name of a criminal mastermind so elusive that most of London did not know he even existed. However, before he met his end (gunned down by police and not dramatically tossed from Richenbach Falls) he had fallen in love and fathered a child. And that child had a child. And so did that one. And so on and so on. Jane grew up knowing her ancestor's legacy, but not knowing it as it was written in the Doyle books. She knew it from the perspective of the Moriaraty family. From the perspective of a family that had been persecuted because of it's name for generations. Jane grew up hateful of much of society, and saw it as full of nothing but ignorant, unwashed masses. She sees the corruption that fills the political and corporate scenes and how people will step on each other to get ahead. She considers the whole of humanity to be rotten to the core and seeks to re-right this tilted ship before it sinks. She feels that she is the only one fit to rule the world and set it to rights. She feels that this is owed to her and has inherited quite a fortune thanks to the untimely "accidental" deaths of both her father and grandfather.
Powers: Jane is obscenely wealthy and obscenely smart, two things that in combination are more potent than some mutant powers altogether. After recieving her inheritence she constructed a number of shell companies to channel in even more money, so she can fund her projects. Her projects, of course, being world domination. She keeps herself in top physical condition and has demonstrated considerable skill with firearms and martial arts. Notably, she is a practitioner of Bartitsu, an eclectic martial art that features boxing, jujitsu, and cane fighting. Further, she frequently builds gadgets into her outfits and equipment, meaning she is rarely without a weapon or some form of escape.
Jane emplys a vast army of henchmen as well and will usually throw them callously at heroes that get in her way. These henchmen rate from bottom tier minions (Glasswings) to higher rank henchmen with advanced weapons (Gatekeepers), stealth troops (Red Admirals), brutes (Monarchs), and robotic soldiers with high-tech built-in weaponry (Purple Emperors). She's also been known to use her advanced robotics to create lifelike duplicates of herself that can fool almost any scan. These Janebots explode upon remote signal or their incapaciation.
The Blue Morpho usually quarters herself in a heavily defended air carrier called The Skywing, which is constantly on the move.
Weaknesses: At the end of the day, Jane is still human. She does not boast superhuman strength, speed, or stamina. She relies on her intelligence. Her minions, though numerous, are also human. The biggest weakness of all, though, is her sheer pride and arrogance. She won't give much notice to those she considers beneath her and is prone to underestimating her opponents as she does not feel they are on her level. Her pride also forbids her from taking any 'easy' way out such as just dropping nukes or other high-yield explosives on possible threats - she wants to humiliate and defeat her opponents personally. In that way, she has a weird sense of 'honor' in the way she goes about things. She's also prone to excessive theatrics, loving to give speeches on high because she adores the sound of her own voice.
Personality: Arrogant, Haughty, Vain, Calculating, Merciless
"Oh, if the heroes deserved their victories against me, I would make my peace with it. But they don't, do they? The filthy cretins get to be blessed with astonishing supernatural power, while I make do with steel and wiles. That's always the way of it. At the last moment they're taught a secret spell by a dead man, or your scheme's one weakness is revealed to them or they somehow manage to master a power in a day that would take a villain twenty years to own. Gods, I've even heard of Choirs stepping in to settle a losing fight. The sheer FUCKING ARROGANCE of it!
NONE of it is earned! It is handed to them, and this offends me."