I am not a serf, I am a free man!
Let's say we get this party started?! LET'S GET THIS PARTY STARTED.
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I'll reply later after work, I'm so excited!
Let's say we get this party started?! LET'S GET THIS PARTY STARTED.
Name: Travis Ryan
Code Name: Trapeze
Six traits:
1. Superhuman grip. I'm ripping off Spider-Man a little, but he's not that good. He climbs more like a rock climber, and if he does scale smooth surfaces like the windows on skyscrapers, it takes an enormous amount of exertion. His grip on smooth surfaces is more a matter of preventing gravity or other forces from moving him backward than being able to move at will. That being said, if he has a ledge, bar, handhold, or anything else textured or shaped to make gripping easier, he's not going to be moved, short of breaking his hands.
2. Exceptional contortion. He's as flexible as the human bone structure allows for, which he uses to perform acrobatics/parkour and to navigate vent shafts and other similar tight spaces with sharp angles.
3 & 4. Heightened strength and agility. Can he lift a tank and throw it? No, not even close. But he can free climb a cliff face in record time without breaking a sweat. (I'm assuming the surface is rough and craggy enough for this, though he can climb similarly quickly using a grappling hook if he must, but why would you bother with extra gear if you can avoid it?) His strength is largely in relation to lifting his body and launching himself for jumps, though he's comparable to a body builder in terms of what he can lift and the power behind his punches. Combined with his super grip, he could theoretically hang in place for hours, though his arm strength will always be the limiter on that matter.
5. "Slinky" landings. As long as he does not reach terminal velocity (estimates vary by source and there isn't really a "standard" fall, but would probably take 90-100 stories, even more if he had something to push off of or if something slowed his fall), he can land on his feet and spring off the balls of his feet as he lands to parkour roll harmlessly, negating fall damage, though his momentum does carry into the roll and can transport him several feet.
6. Pinpoint accuracy with throwing knives. His only outright offensive ability. Think Hawkeye, but with knives. Even when he's falling, he can pop a knife out of his sleeve and hit a bullseye fifty feet away. In ideal conditions, his only limit is his arm strength of about 250ft.
History. Travis was raised by a family of gymnasts, but it was when he first saw the circus that he found his true love. He often scared his parents, teachers, and other guardians half to death by flinging himself with reckless abandon over the side of stairways, hanging upside down off of playground bars, backflipping off raised platforms, and generally performing whatever acrobatics he could scheme up. As he got older, he learned about parkour and rock climbing and picked those up as hobbies as well. It wasn't clear if his abilities were a combination of training and natural ability or an actual power until one of his first acts of heroism, which resulted in a cornered criminal grappling with him and throwing him out a tenth story window. Instinctively, he attempted to turn his fall into a roll, which saved his life.
Basically, he's an exceptionally acrobatic infiltrator. His abilities don't really lie in being able to take damage so much as avoiding it. He's squishy for a superhuman, though it'd be kind of disappointing if he could be killed in one shot by an energy beam or a normal human sniper, so he'll probably have some ability to take a hit, maybe just being incapacitated or in a diminished fighting capacity.
All I wanna do is sit down and write, I'll probably have to get out of bed early and write it up before my housemate wakes up and just distracts me... God I just wanna write my character!
OK! Shall I have mine meet yours, or did you have a plan for the man she just met? :)Our characters can hang out at the party, just let it flow!
OK! Shall I have mine meet yours, or did you have a plan for the man she just met? :)
I have my piece written up, I just need to edit the last part to have them all meeting up :D. I'll get that done when I finish work! <3