OOC Planning The War Table (Where we Plot)

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OOC Planning The War Table (Where we Plot)

Oh that seems fun :)
Too bad we couldn't do that on here
Having people make choices to decide where the story takes them. Like the reader
Oh! I see... well, it'd be a little tricky, but I don't suppose it would be altogether impossible. We could have one of us be a dedicated DM(narrator/enemy) in the story thread and collectively discuss probable outcomes in OOC. I wouldn't mind, I have some experience running a game or two with a small group of friends, and seen how better DMs do it enough to probably swing it.
I've never had any experience with DM unless you count group stories, but I was thinking for the reader. My misunderstanding. A backstory behind the killer though perhaps is that it's one if the friends that's a monster/witch/etc, needing to make a sacrifice to its higher beings. Their other three friends fit the requirements for the sacrifice so that the monster can gain something like power/immortality/etc.
Aaah, yeah that we can't do lol. Okay, let's scrap the DM thing then and just do regular RP style.
Ooooh, sure, that character(the villain) can lead them into the woods under the guise of a bush party. Do we have the character be the rustling in the bush? A moment of tension followed by "relief" as the party sees their "friend" return to their path. None of us remember anything, just found ourselves in this meadow, recognize villain(friend) ask what's going on—cue reveal. I also do like the sacrificial thing, so do we have whatever demon is summoned attack them or the friend/villain/nonhuman?
It could be that the 'villain' was being unknowingly manipulated by the demonkyn who ties himself to the material/Earthly plane using the summoner as a tether (much the same way Nekron, the embodiment of the Black Lanterns representing Death, did with William 'Black' Hand). Could be that the demonkyn promises to deliver on what the 'villain' sees as desires and dreams, yet never intends to truly deliver on its end of the deal.
Either way works actually. The promise of his desires and dreams becoming a reality is motive enough, or that he doesn't realize he's been manipulated. So are we all making characters and then deciding who is the villain?
That all sounds good to me! I'm not sure I'd be that great of a villain/monster, at least not directly. When I make my character I'll be going with some kind of female exchange student from England majoring in history and ancient languages. Something of a loremaster, to a small degree. Basically I'm thinking I'll be the bookworm in the group. Where do we want this to take place? We're discussing demon summoning so it makes me think somewhere like Ireland, Scottland, or even Italy just for the sake of throwing in some creepy latin, ruins, runes, temples and so on. Unless we want to go complete Fantasy and make it all up?
Ireland or Scotland sounds fantastic to me. A group of college students majoring in degrees that would help some kind of archeological find? I don't mind playing a villain. I've done it before unless someone else would prefer. I'm good either way.
Oooooh, archaeological find! Maybe it isn't until they find a mysterious ancient artifact that one of them becomes the villain (I'm fine with you going that route if everyone else is). Maybe it calls to them, and the weak link does "the thing" that they shouldn't, thus unleashing some horror upon them all. Could be like a Mummy moment. "Nooooo! You must not read from the book!" —Book of the Dead lol.
Have you ever seen the television series Angel? One of the characters opens an old sarcophagus and gets possessed by an ancient god no one's ever heard of
I haven't seen it in agesssssss, but I know the show, loved it along with Buffy. That concept/angle could definitely work though, I like it!
So we can see if either of the other two are good with this or have different ideas and go from there?
Sounds like a plan to me, I think you and I have a reasonably good idea of where to take this, we for sure just need the others' input and any further ideas like you said. We'll let them catch up and see what they think!
As for the rustle in the bushes, what if they find some kind of cave and (if I'm the villain) MC does something stupid like open something they aren't supposed to and it brings the cave crashing down. They escape but obviously think MC is dead. Rustle in the bushes and he appears behind them a bit...off
Ooh, I like that angle a lot, definitely works. The only thing I would add is maybe whatever he opens, upon the explosion, releases some kind of miasma that weakens everyone as they try to escape the crumbling cavern. Upon safely escaping, they grow weak and finally succumb to unconsciousness(making it as far as this meadow which can be close by or half-way to camp, doesn't matter to me), this way they can awaken with some brief memory loss for the prompt(we can make it hours later. Say they explored the cave late afternoon and by the time they woke up it was well into the night.... perhaps witching hour~) and THEN the rustling and your character that they thought had died in the cave-in comes out. We can have them talk about his being trapped before they pass out.
Oooh... sends chills down my spine. What if they did it on either Friday the 13th or All Hallow's Eve?
All Hallow's eve, I feel like Friday the 13th is overdone. Or, when they wake up it could be Friday the 13th, just after midnight.
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