OOC Planning The War Table (Where we Plot)

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OOC Planning The War Table (Where we Plot)

Also doing some research, but the Aztecs had a few gods that they did blood sacrifices for. As did the celts (which we did mention Ireland and Scotland) Esus was a celtic god of marshland and willow required ritual stabbing and being hung from a tree. Just an example I suppose
All Hallow's Eve/Early into Friday 13th

Those are good examples, we could definitely incorporate some of those ancient Gods/Deities. I don't mind letting you decide since you're willing to be the villain.​
I like the ideas flowing around, I am a little in the dark as to most of the references but I'll manage. I am really liking the idea of the cave-in to start it all off although I agree that the Friday the 13th is overdone when it comes to these stories.
So it could be that it's a group of friends invited to an archaeological dig in a mine (hence the cave in) on All Hallows Eve (though it could be that they arrive the afternoon or evening before)?

In Celtic Mythology, Scàthach, Crom Cróich and Arawn alike are seen as a deities of Death, as is Chernabog in Slavic Mythology.
So I guess that means I am going to be the villain for sure? Cool. I already got a good idea on what my character (s) could do. I suppose I also have an idea on a character. A Scottish student, can help provide some of the muscle as well as some of the intelligence.
Oh, mine as well, but I've not delved into much research about it other than looking up my surname. I'm still fascinated by the people and when I play a game, anytime I can play a celt, I do.
Oh? Yours is...?
Scottish and Irish, some native american and a bunch of other mixed in.
Should I tell you my idea of the villain or keep it a secret for now? I'm not sure who all has access to this page aside from us and not sure if we want to give it away
I mean, I want to knoooooow, but I'm pretty sure other people can view this thread if they wished to. The question is, would anyone bother?

Because I'm a snoop, I went and looked at the other threads. We are effectively the only ones with an OOC thread... I wonder if everyone else is planning via PM? Is it possible to have multiple people in a PM chat?
Ok, then yes, we totally should do this now. If you don't mind setting it up Zory, I'd appreciate it :3
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