Closed Werewolf Pack RP? Maybe some vampires too, idk

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Closed Werewolf Pack RP? Maybe some vampires too, idk


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Today 9:20 AM
I'm new in town, so I thought maybe I could throw down a classic RP topic to get used to the site with. Here's my thoughts:


In the quaint little town Vinehurst, nothing ever happens. The townsfolk are friendly, and the streets are safe. The last murder was way back in 1932. But that's all about to change.

Outside of town, tucked away in the thick conifer forest, there's a secret. Just beyond the safe, warm glow of the town street lamps, a pack of wolves makes their home. These wolves aren't your typical National Geographic affair. The wolves that live beyond Vinehurst are shapeshifters, able to take on the form of a human to blend in perfectly with those around them. These creatures, neither man nor beast, have called the forest their home for centuries.

The pack lives in a small settlement that's been outfitted with modern accommodations. This cozy little village has been passed down through the generations, who have protected the town of Vinehurst from outside threats since their ancestors set down their roots there. These threats can come in all shapes in sizes, from evil witches to monsters. Recently, a clan of vampires has been getting a little too comfortable near the locals. The wolves may have to fight the bloodsuckers off, lest their cover be blown and their town be ravaged.

So, would anyone be interested in this type of RP? What do you guys think? Too cliche? Or just the right amount of cliche?
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Personally it sounds like it could be interesting I have a vampire already made but, I've never made a werewolf before so might kinda interesting to see where that leads. I suppose I'm curious as to how many people your looking for to join in on this?
I'm in as well, sounds interesting and could have lots of fun forging some storylines and other side plots 😁
I'm interested this does sound like fun.
Personally it sounds like it could be interesting I have a vampire already made but, I've never made a werewolf before so might kinda interesting to see where that leads. I suppose I'm curious as to how many people your looking for to join in on this?

I'm glad to see some interest here! As for this question, I believe the more is merrier for this type of RP. Ideally, having at least four characters, minimum, on either side.
No problem! I'd like to see a couple more potential players before I go and make the OOC. But, in the meantime, does anyone want to contribute any ideas to the plot?

I have an idea for a werewolf/vampire hunter who can hound both sides and be a general pain in the ass. If someone wants to play a non werewolf/vampire role, that's totally an option too!
Like the hunter idea for sure! I can certainly brainstorm on some more ideas tomorrow and can shoot y'all a group pm to discuss things should you be willing 😁
Sounds fine by me, and quick question. Would you like for us to start posting character sheets and ideas upon the discussion thread or somewhere else?
Ohh I love the pack dynamics you have written up ~
The Alpha: Calls the shots

The Beta: The Alpha's right hand

Third in command: Pretty self explanatory

Medic: Tends to the wounded until they heal up

Scout: Mid rank member that's fast. Usually in charge of perimeter duty.

Scout: Mid rank member that's fast. Usually in charge of perimeter duty.

Fighter: Mid rank member that's a heavy hitter. The first responder in the face of a threat.

Fighter: Mid rank member that's a heavy hitter. The first responder in the face of a threat.

Omega: The inexperienced or the screw up. Usually the youngest. Given 'busy' work.

I am somewhat tempted to ask if anybody else wants the Omega spot?~ I feel like the gay werewolf I have in mind will fit there pretty nicely 🥰 (I rather discuss these type of things instead of just claiming. Please speak up if you would like the spot instead!)
Ohh I love the pack dynamics you have written up ~
The Alpha: Calls the shots

The Beta: The Alpha's right hand

Third in command: Pretty self explanatory

Medic: Tends to the wounded until they heal up

Scout: Mid rank member that's fast. Usually in charge of perimeter duty.

Scout: Mid rank member that's fast. Usually in charge of perimeter duty.

Fighter: Mid rank member that's a heavy hitter. The first responder in the face of a threat.

Fighter: Mid rank member that's a heavy hitter. The first responder in the face of a threat.

Omega: The inexperienced or the screw up. Usually the youngest. Given 'busy' work.

I am somewhat tempted to ask if anybody else wants the Omega spot?~ I feel like the gay werewolf I have in mind will fit there pretty nicely 🥰 (I rather discuss these type of things instead of just claiming. Please speak up if you would like the spot instead!)

Thanks! Here's the OOC if you wanna discuss positions and such!
@EverythingIsFine. Id be happy to play the hunter - though instead of being a thorne for both sides it explores that humans can also be monsters though not always willingly. As for why this man's here, perhaps he originally came here looking for a place to experience some sort of quiet peace. That is until circumstances bring him back into the profession he wanted to leave behind, having been here for almost four years he's no stranger though far from a local. Its only after a number of grizzly 'murders' is he, using his front as an private investigator brought in - unwillingly - to assist. Unintentionally he becomes a threat to both either resulting in one side trying to kill / get him out of the town though he needs to figure out who the supernaturals responsible are but at the same time - he doesnt know if his friends could be supernaturals either resulting in either him discovering and a partial de-escalation.

Hunters can have morales as well as rules - but that doesnt change the fact that to supernaturals humans can be just as monsterous and dangerous.
Very much so - It'd be interesting if there are characters who would want connections, friendships or even long term friendships with my character all the while not knowing that they either are supernatural and them not knowing he is a Hunter but has a completly different view to the current vicious hunter out there. Who knows, Hunters clashing could be interesting.
Definitely! Maybe your's only kills supernaturals who are guilty of attacking humans. Or at least, he thinks they are guilty. Meanwhile, he's absolutely disgusted by the sick shit Anthony is up to. They can def duke it out at some point 😈
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