Both Needed Wolves In Sheep's Clothing (Interest Check/Just an Idea)

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Both Needed Wolves In Sheep's Clothing (Interest Check/Just an Idea)

I think they sound good but since they can't blend in well with humans they would have a hard time not getting caught in the human realm. Would they be able to disguise themselves to look more human or would they just be careful not to get caught?
Their scales can't be hidden but perhaps ability to hide tail and Horns? Or they dissapear when travelling to human world?

Eye Color or hair can be Colorred or hidden with lenses. Scales with clothing? :)
Sounds good, Just wanted to know since I am currently working on adding them to the list. I don't believe they would have an easy time hiding the horns or tail depending on the size of said features but if they are convincing they could possibly pass them off as prosthetics as long as they don't move their tails much.
True. Would write that soms dragon kin still have a tail while others don't. Size varries and horn size same. On some it's nothing more than a stump. Easily hidden under long hair or a hat
I can definitely add that, did you have a specific background for the Great Dragons or did you want me to come up with something? I just don't want to add anything that wouldn't make sense for the race in general.
Oh mmm no backstory yet about real great dragons other than different types: great drakes(fire) , frost dragons and shadow drakes

Frost drake tend to be more closed off, reserved and lonesome.

Shadow drake are smaller in size

Great drake are largest and have a superiority complex.

These aspects might correlate to dragon kin of those types
Alright, I'll add that in once I'm able. It's really late here so I'm going to be heading to bed before I end up passing out
To make my Slayer idea work I needed to create The Sentinel Organization. If you know my cultural influences you know where the idea came from.

The Sentinel Organization was formed after the discovery of the first Slayer. It is their job to find, train, nurture, and support Slayers to protect humanity from the vampire scourge. An academy was built to train Sentinels and those with the potential to become Slayers. Their headquarters is in England with other facilities throughout the world, they have at least one base in every major city around the world.
Alright, I trust you with that area since I am actually unfamiliar with those type of organizations.
Made some updates to the Dhampir:
A pregnant human who is bit and turned into a vampire will produce a dhampir. All the strengths of a half-blood none of the weaknesses. They still must consume blood, but animal blood will not sustain them at all. Consumption of animal blood results in a violent almost allergic reaction, such as diarrhea, vomiting, bloody tears, and even death. They protect their half-blooded masters while they sleep during the day. They always appear human looking. Two dhampirs can reproduce the resulting child is a dhampir.

An ungodly abomination. A Sired Vampire that was once a Slayer. They have all the powers of a Slayer and a Vampire as well as the weaknesses of a Vampire. Dracula the most powerful Sired Vampire to ever exist is rumored to be a Slaypire.
Wrote up another Slayer idea, it was pretty decent and even got me in the feels in places. Just wasn't happy with it.

Tomorrow I will try my hand at the Dhampir instead.
It sounds like it would have been a good character but if you aren't happy with them then it wasn't meant to be. I can't wait to see what character(s) you come up with.
Due to my mental state I don't know if I will be able to continue this idea. My mind has been all over the place as of late and I don't think it would be fair of me to drag you all through that as well.

I am perfectly happy with anyone taking this idea as their own and running with it, I just don't have the mental capacity to handle it at the moment and I don't know when I will be. I really wish everyone the best and hope that you all are doing well.
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