
  1. Jazzy Elaine

    Challenge Submission Elevator to Hell

    Ding! The thick steel doors parted as the elevator welcomed Luke to step into its metal belly. It had been a long day at the office for the dark-haired businessman, though his daily work of manipulation and instilling his colleagues with greed and jealousy was nothing short of congenial...
  2. E

    An Introduction (Edmund Lester / Steve)

    Hi, I thought it about time I register for this site and maybe mention a few things about myself. I am an ex-role player. I played a lot of games like Dungeons and Dragons, Runequest, Traveller and the like back in the late 70s and through the 80s into the 90s. I carried on playing until most...
  3. plzdontbemad

    Oh Bonjour, I am new here!

    Hey all, I'm going to cut to the chase because I have no idea how to write personal introductions, so here goes! I've been roleplaying for nine years (on and off lately because of university) and am partial to a bit of everything. I tend to enjoy plots set in the modern world or a sci-fi...
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