Group RP A New World Order (OOC) (OPEN FOR 1-2 MORE)

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Group RP A New World Order (OOC) (OPEN FOR 1-2 MORE)

Alright, things have been going better and I was able to write something reasonably well for another rp the other day so I'd say I could probably jump back in some time this week. Friday for sure if not before then since I have that day off. I'll keep reading too just in case I need to wait a little bit to make a re-entry.
That's good to hear, Morgan!

Planning to bring Syl in on the next post, and anticipating Jonathan would have a good opportunity there unless you think of something before then.
whoops i wrote up my reply and posted without realizing we had a fourth page of ooc
all g w/ shane, obviously. hopefully my post doesn't disrupt the flow of things, but if it does lmk and i'll do an edit

also, seconding mazulla w/ it being good to hear from you, morgan
Looks good to me! I'm off to kayak and camp tonight, but will try and get a post out tomorrow when we come back. : )
And I will wait to see that and see if I can jump in with a reply. Just an fyi though, it's going to be a pretty crazy busy week next week so I won't be replying then if I can't this weekend.
Okay, Morgan, thanks for the heads up. I am actually on and working on a response right now, and that should give Jonathan an opening. I was way too incoherent and zapped last night to post something after the camping trip and the heat wave here (our house has been like a freakin' oven even around 9-10pm).
I am working on it now, probably to be finished tomorrow. I'm not going to say it'll be great, lol. I should get back into the groove after this round anyway.
No worries! I'm sure it'll be just fine. Just glad to have ya back with us.
hey, hope you enjoyed your kayaking/camping; i imagine that would have given you a brief reprieve from the heat
also your post looks good to me, morgan
not sure how much sense reed's bit makes from my end but up it is lol
Reed's "woof" comment had me lol.
Okay, I have the weekend to reply to things now so I'll hopefully get that done today and if not then tomorrow.
I took a stab at getting a post out tonight, but writer's block decided to strike. Hard. I pretty much sat staring at a blinking cursor for most of it. o_O

I have some of the post done, but does a time skip also make sense at this point for our escapees? Then we don't have to go through the motions of them maneuvering to arrive at the graveyard.
Oh yeah, if they're going to get out alright then I think a time skip won't be a problem.
yeah i'm cool w/ a time skip too
no worries about the reply, hope you get over your writer's block tho
Beat down the writer's block somewhat, clunked my way through a post, but the deed is done.
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sorry, was busy and a bit under the weather, but post is up
reed's pre-skip and renata's post-skip; it's probably inelegant, but i had a brain-fart trying to figure out how to pull the skip through so that's what i went with
Hope you're feeling better Wolf. I can relate with the business though. I'm hoping to be able to reply some time today.
Sorry, this is extremely belated. Ever just kind of think you responded, only to find out you didn't? In any case, I hope you're feeling better as well, Wolf.

Are you planning on posting this weekend, Morgan? If necessary, I can make another post to move things along.
We're super busy at the office. After some restructuring we don't have enough of a workforce right now and with having to work all the time I'm finding I don't have enough time to sit down and write. Hate to say it, but it's probably best if you continue on without me for now because I only really have a bit of time at the end of the month before we get swamped and behind again. Hopefully that changes sooner rather than later and I can get back to things like this, but right now I just can't find the time. Figured I should at least say something rather than just disappear though .Was going to last night, but sleep took me first, haha.
Okay, Morgan. Thanks for letting us know, and good luck with things IRL. I think, at this point, I will discuss with Wolf a possible reboot so this is still a group roleplay of sorts.
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