Group RP Colony of Time OOC (Open and Accepting)

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Group RP Colony of Time OOC (Open and Accepting)


Confirmed Responsible Adult
Local time
Today 9:32 PM
This is the ooc for the soon or already posted rp Colony of Time. Feel free to hang out, chat, ask questions, etc.

In a place out of time and space sits an eternal palace drifting through the endless void. An entity known as Queen resides there, and with the help of her subjects, she maintains the rightful timeline. From her palace, she dispatches her soldiers to the near and far corners of the world throughout time. There, it falls to them to carry out her will of ensuring events in history play out as they must for the good of all. With various life experiences, skills, abilities, and gear to bring to bare, the workers and drones of the Queen are a capable force of enforcers for the world and beyond. All came to be part of the Queen and her Colony when they came into the possession of a special item called the Colony Crest.

Colony Crest-Joining the Colony
The Colony Crest takes a few different forms but generally it's just a metal medallion that fits in the palm of a hand. Stamped with the crest of the Queen, the medal identifies her people. It is an item that cannot be lost or stolen. It can only be found, appearing randomly in the world, or it can be given away. When given away, the new bearer becomes a member of the Colony in place of the former member.

The Crest acts as a ticket for the wearer to pass through rifts and time and space. It also grants access to the Colony Palace. Additionally, its a communication device between the owner and the Colony as a whole.

The Crest can be made to take any form so long as it remains transferable and externally accessible.


  • Try to post regularly and inform others (namely Nova) when you cannot
  • Post at least 1 paragraph per RP post
  • Try not to post more words than what's necessary to convey the idea in your post (1000 words or more and you probably have went on a tangent somewhere)
  • Add Too Long Didn't Read (TLDR) sections to the tops of your posts that specify who your character is interacting with and a summary of what they are doing
  • This RP will go in Rounds. My posts will mark the beginning/ending of a round. Characters may post once between my posts. Precise order does not matter.
  • Sometimes characters need time to talk and have more to post in those moments between my posts than fits in a single post. Discuss with me and something can be worked out.
  • Characters are assumed to be on the same side and should never try to kill or steal from one another. Any drama besides that is at the party's discretion.
  • The characters are members of the colony and are expected to do just what is necessary to carry out a mission. Indiscriminate, wanton murder among other crimes while on a mission may end with the character wiping themselves from existing or destroying their future. (Nova will try to give warning for this one)
  • Powerplaying will not be allowed or supported. Characters that try to do something not supported by their character sheet or with the support of the party will fail and potentially have bad things happen as consequence.
  • I control all npc's. This includes npc's from character backstories, pets, companions, and any other entity with some degree of sentience.
  • Do not auto hit. Unless I give permission, I control whether or not a character's efforts to influence another character, substance, or entity in some way succeeds or not.
  • Do not god mode with your character. If I say they are getting weak, tired, or injured, it is so. OOC or private message me if you would like to discuss how some ability, item, or effect I have forgotten makes it not so.
  • I control the time in the world. If it's night, then it is night until I say otherwise.
  • For actions that are mundane like walking down a street, opening a door, riding a horse (assuming you have that skill), assume you can perform those actions normally. For actions that have risk involved, speed, and/or consequences like attacks, climbing sheer walls, leaping across moving vehicles, etc...assume I get final say on how those things will turn out.
  • When posting to accomplish some feat, try to incorporate relevant skills and abilities the character has into the narrative or in OOC. Ex: Jan tried to recall of her history lectures what came next in the timeline they were in. (Jan is using her history skill). TLDR sections are great for it since they are in brief and to the point.

  • Characters must be less than 10'/3meters tall/long and over 3'/1 meter tall/long.
  • Characters may be human or some form of fantasy creature. (ex: elves, certain fae, orcs, etc...)
  • Characters may not be aliens aka creatures from other worlds and dimensions.
  • Character power sources include but are not limited to: magic, ki/chi, divine/fiendish, technology
  • Characters are limited in scope and power. Do not try to create one that can do everything or has no need for a team
  • You may play only one character at a time in this rp: Your own character.
  • All companions, pets, summons, robots, backstory npc's, or any other entity with any degree of sentience will be under my control. Characters created to have one of the above with them at all times will be able to give direction, but I will ultimately decide how well the direction is carried out.
  • You must play a 'solid' character. This means you may not play characters that can split apart and have the pieces operate independently as entire separate entities.
  • You may not play characters that are permanently liquid, vaporous or ethereal in nature. Ex: ghosts, elementals, etc..
  • Characters that can naturally travel through time or control it are not allowed in this rp.
  • please pm me completed character skeletons to go over starting gear and any clarifications/corrections /questions for the character
  • Your character must be different from other characters, especially in their specialties.

The Rp'er
Rp'er Name:
Posting Time Frame:
(typical time to expect a post for this character. Please include timezone.)(ex: 6-9pm est, 12-5pm bst, 900-1800 evt. )
Post Frequency: (How often you can post: multiple times a day, daily, every other day, etc..)

The Body
Character Name: (character name and its pronunciation. ex: John ((jon)) )
Aliases/Titles/Nicknames: (other names your character may go by or you use to reference them)
Character Theme: (optional: a characters background music whenever they enter a scene)
Appearence: (image and/or word description here. Keep in mind the theme of the rp when choosing character images)
Age: (actual age or apparent age if they look different than they actually are)
Sex: (Male or Female. It in the cases of special fantasy races)
(this describes their musculature: fat, toned, lean, lithe, muscular, etc..)
Race: (humans are most common. Other fantasy or made up races are allowed assuming it follows the rules. races should be described if they differ from common interpretations of them or are made up.)
Personality: (when people meet the character, what are their typical first impressions? ex: He's an angry man. She's a bitter, lonely woman. It's an annoying creature)
Type: (choose one category your character excels in the most-
Physical- might, power, endurance, hardiness, strength
Mental- magic, intelligence, speaking, influencing, clever, memory
Skill - speed, agility, precision, poise, balance, dexterousness
Balance - a combination of the 3 above with no single one that much more than the other)

The History
Connection: (list a specific connection you have with another character and who the character is. This may be filled in later if you are the first character created)
Link to Colony: (describe how you found/came into possession of the Colony Crest and thereby joined the colony)
Background: (What you did and/or who you were before joining the Colony.)

The Exceptions
Quirks: (List up to 2 things or categories of things that make your character stand out from the rest. These may not be duplicated any other character. Ex: My fists sometimes shatter metal, My eyes occasionally entrance the unaware, my hair bursts into flames at times. Something very specific, rarely happens, and generally helpful to you)
(You have 18 points to spend. They can purcahse the following things to be listed in the sections below:
  • skills (1 point): this is training in a specific activity - jumping, reading, telling lies, etc
  • Proficiency (1 point): this gives training in a specific tool, weapon, armor, or other type of implement and will be need for those who wish to consider themselves good at a weapon or capable of wearing armor without falling over. It may also affect what items you may start with.
  • Skill Category (2 points): This gives training in a broader area of skills - carpentry, athletics, deception, etc..
  • Capacity (X points): This is where unused points go. It dictates how many items of limited but powerful natures you may carry at one time. It will also impact what items you start with.
  • Power/Ability/Technique (2 points): this is a power your character has that makes them more than the average human. This is what gives the swordsman the ability to cut through doors. This is the mage's fireball. This is the Elf's psychic ability. The beastmasters war dog companion. The stronger the power is, the less it can be used. Power's must fill out the following template.
Power Template:

Name (Name of power)
  • Range: self, immediate, short (30ft or 10meters), long(90ft or 30meters or greater)
  • Target: self, 1 target, multiple targets (how many), area (how big is the area)
  • Duration: Instant, 1 minute, +1 hours, indefinite
  • Source: (where does the energy to use this power come from)
  • Type: Buff (enhances something), Attack, Defense, Bane (hinders others), Heal, Support/Other
  • Description: What does it do/look like?
Skills: (list selected skills, proficiencies , skill categories, and spoken languages here, by default, all know a common language)
Powers: (list the filled out templates here)
Capacity: (where remaining points go or 0 if all are spent)

Anachronisms (for the purposes of our rp) are single or limited use items that come from another Age and generally have useful abilities to them. Guns in medieval, Excalibur in present day New York, a 2019 car in Sci fi space station orbitus in the year 3100. All cases of items in timelines they would not likely be found in without some sort of magical, technological, or cosmic force at work to make it so. Due to their tendency to be powerful and from another time, they are considered dangerous to foreign timelines and are removed or disposed of by workers of the Colony whenever possible.
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Accepted Characters
  1. The Rp'er
    Rp'er Name: Notorious
    Posting Time Frame: Central Standard Time frame - Can typically post daily. I make a habit to keep up with stories as long as I have someone to reply to or it's currently my turn to respond.
    Post Frequency: Daily to multiple depending on the activity level of other writers involved in the story.

    The Body

    Character Name: Jericho Alistair Kale
    Goes By: Jericho
    Nicknames: JAK
    Age: 27
    Sex: Male
    Orientation: Heterosexual
    House Name: Kale
    Rank: Paladin Lord
    Height: 6'5" - 198.5 CM
    Weight: 222 lbs - 100.7 kg
    Hair: Blood Red
    Eyes: Amber/Golden Brown
    Build: Jericho is a tower of a man built with tight, toned muscle from head to toe, though he isn't very bulky. His muscle is defined rather than swollen and thick allowing him to still be considerably powerful while maintaining good mobility as well.
    Race: Human - Gaelic
    Type: Physical/Strength - Jericho is a stout, powerful and resolute young man with quite a lot of stamina and willpower. Beyond this, Jericho is blessed with Holy energy that allows him to use minor healing and buff spells that he and other Paladins refer to as "Blessings".
    Might: 12/13 Speed: 9 Mental: 12 Edge: Might 1
    Sword: A Bastard sword named "Skybreaker" which is 14 inches from butt to hilt and 52 inches hilt to blade's tip.(66 inches or five feet and five inches all together)
    Armor: Blessed Paladin Plate Armor
    Distinguishing Marks: Jericho has a single butterfly's wing the color of wine red tattooed beneath the left eye along the cheekbone that he got to remember his younger sister who passed away when she was just twelve years of age. He also has seven piercings of some unspoken significance known only to him all of which are in his left ear.
    Personality: Highly intelligent, brave, confident and full of resolve. His determination and dedication are legendary among the League of Paladins from which he hails, but such devotion has cost him numerous bodily injuries, unsightly scars and blemishes upon the skin and even a few relationships along the way.



    • Exceptional Swordsmanship(Physical): [ 2 points ] - Jericho is a challenger level swordsman who has been studying the art of sword play and multiple dueling techniques since he was just a boy.

    • Learned Historian(Mental): [ 2 points ] - Jericho is considerably well read and possesses a high intellect. He has studied war and battle strategy almost as closely as he has studied his religion over the years and as such has become quite the talented war time adviser and director of troops from a military perspective. He is talented in moving and commanding small units in particular the size of a Platoon, but also excels in guiding larger military forces as well, planning their movements of units and supplies during a fight and executing a multitude of different attack and defense strategies. He works best with smaller numbers to focus on, but has been known to take command of units as large as a Battalion in his home country. He boasts a sharp mind for military strategy and is quite well spoken, but he is limited in regards to politics and social proprieties.(TLDR - Defensive and Offensive strategy skill: chain of command, peer encouragement/influence, micro and macro-management benefits as well as planning and plotting out field tactics, movements and battle or skirmish approaches)

    • Tedious Determination(Mental): [ 2 point ] - Once Jericho sets his mind to task he will see his duties to completion. He does not break promises to himself nor to those of whom have earned his love and respect, even if it might cost him his life. The downside to this kind of tenaciousness is that it actually has, on more than one occasion, almost gotten him killed and will likely be the end of him one day. More specifically, Jericho is considerably tough on himself and when he decides to protect someone, see his given task or duties to completion or must resist the sins of the flesh like Lust, Greed and Envy he will steel his resolve and resist said urges to fail or be seduced to the best of his mortal ability. That being said, he is more talented at resisting the enchantments of a dark and unsavory type of individual rather than a mortal who does not subscribe to darkness or evil of any kind, like a Witch. A common barista who has caught his eye or a talented trickster selling cheap or faulty goods, however, would give him far more trouble. He is still just a man, but his proclivity for the light has left him more vulnerable to mortal liars, tricksters and crafty women.(TLDR - Determination and Resilience skill: Can resist sinful or evil urges to a degree, is particularly well versed in resisting the Seven Deadly Sins, refuses to falter in battle until he has nothing left to offer but his life, does have a particular weakness in regards to social norms and mortal individuals who might take advantage of his kind heart and soul. Resistance to Darkness/Evil, Vulnerability to mortal/standard types)

    • Armor Proficiency(Physical): [ 1 point ] - The ability to clean, care for, repair and wear his own plate armor which he received after earning the rank of "Paladin" within the League of Paladins. He was afforded this armor after earning the rank when he was only a young, teen aged man.

    Powers and abilities:
    Holy Affinity

    Shield Barrier (Physical): [ 2 points ]

    • Name: Shield Barrier
    • Range: Short - Immediate area around Jericho
    • Target: Self/Party
    • Duration: As long as Jericho can keep the shield erected
    • Type: Shielding barrier
    • Description: Jericho can thrust his blade into the ground and imbue his blade with holy energy that allows him to remain stationary and shield he and all allies that are able to fall in line behind him.

    Divine Artillery (Magic/Holy): [ 2 points ]

    • Name: Divine Artillery
    • Range: Medium - Within 10 to 20 meters
    • Target: Enemy
    • Duration: A few seconds, no more than ten.
    • Type: Aimed artillery attack
    • Description: This ability allows Jericho to rain down streams of powerful holy energy that is specifically effective against demons, shadows and unholy creatures or foes. This particular attack is lacking in accuracy, however, and can be fairly draining.

    Deliverance (Magic/Holy): [ 2 points ]

    • Name: Deliverance
    • Range: Short to Medium - Within, but up to 10 meters.
    • Target: Self or single party member
    • Duration: Instant
    • Type: Revival
    • Description: For use only when an ally or Jericho himself has become so weak or drained that their soul is wavering and they are within moments of slipping away through the void and into the afterlife. If Jericho uses this ability he can bring himself or a party member back from the absolute brink of death and despair by invoking God's will so that he can beg for a blessing of salvation. If successful Jericho can restore the vitality of his chosen target, but he will be utterly devoid of holy energy after the fact.

    The History
    Biography: Jericho and his younger sister Kyle were both orphaned at a young age, though they had been bound by blood and were not just considered family because of their circumstance. Both had been born to the same father and mother, but when Kyla was just a baby their mother and father passed away when an awful plague claimed the their lives. The father, a wood cutter, passed on broad shoulders, strong arms and a tough and determined heart to his son. The mother, a seamstress, passed on patience, kindness, and a proclivity for spiritual presence to her daughter.

    Jericho turned to the church when they were both orphaned and had no one else to rely on, and over the years they grew up in the presence of good, kind and selfless people who taught them the way of the written word. They were able to be well educated and exposed to a strong and constructive religion at an early age which allowed them to grow into the smart, capable and self reliant young people. In return, both Jericho and Kyla devoted themselves to the faith and committed themselves to both serving and protecting the church with their learned abilities. As they grew older, though, Jericho excelled in being a leader and had less and less time to watch over his sister, despite the fact that he was very proud of her and was well aware that she could take care of her self even at such a young age.

    At the age of twelve Kyla decided that she would assist in the call for healers in a neighboring country's civil war while her older brother had been called away to the Blightlands in order to deal with a demonic and unsavory creature that had appeared and began drawing energy from the dark region. He, along with six other young and extremely talented Paladins who had become known as "The Holy Seven", had been tasked with destroying it and sending it back to it's imprisonment in hell. As he was away, however, Kyla was unable to seek his council about the call for healers and he had not been there to discourage her from getting involved. So, despite her young age of 12, she ventured out with some of the other young Paladins who were talented healers, all of them eager to prove themselves in the civil war in the neighboring country.

    She had been one of the most talented young Paladin hopefuls that had come along in the recent decade, and of course, her brother had become an exceptional Paladin Lord before her, which meant she had her work cut out for her. She knew that she would do well by proving herself in this war as a capable healer and learn quite a lot along the way with the other Paladin healers that were to accompany her. When the war become more heated, however, the Paladin healers were attacked when the lines broke and the enemy forces reached the rear of the army that they were supporting. It was then that she perished by the blade of a rogue warrior known to others by the name of "Gorrickon" the Wicked.

    Gorrickon had been a talented rogue and a master of short blades and poisons, and at the behest of the rebellion who paid him well, he had enlisted in their army and taken the life of Jericho's sister. In fact, Kyla's young friend Delilah had claimed that she had seen it herself during all the fighting, and as she regretfully delivered the message to Jericho who swore vengeance upon Gorrickon, she also offered Jericho his younger sister's prized crest. When he'd seen it he had been certain that Delilah's word had been true, knowing that Kyla had cherished that crest ever since it had been given to her as a child by the Queen who had called her to action by that masterfully crafted gift. It had always been her dream to be a Paladin Lord like him while Jericho had been off at the League of Paladins, which had been a college of sorts to which he had devoted five years of his life, and she had very nearly reached the age to go there herself when she had met her untimely end.

    Jericho was 27 now, and Kyla would have been seventeen by then, which meant that she would have been almost four years into the League herself if she had lived through that damned civil war. If only she had survived that encounter with Gorrickon she would be well on her way to becoming one of the most talented young Paladins to have ever lived. In fact, despite the fact that everyone who had heard the tragedy had urged Jericho that it hadn't been his fault, he had felt forever responsible for not being there for his younger sister and, in that guild, he decided to take her crest to the Queen and present it to her so that he could tell her his story.

    On that day, as he informed the Queen of his sister's untimely demise with tear filled eyes, he pleaded with her to accept his unending devotion in place of his bright, young, shining star of a sister who would not be able to make good on her word promised when she had been just a little girl. And of course, as anyone would have expected, the Queen had accepted the older brother who's love for his sister and unyielding devotion had been seen as exceptional qualities of character.

    Jericho would do anything and everything in his power to make his mother, his father and his younger sister proud of him as they watched on with bright eyes and full hearts from the afterlife.

    Connection: Jericho has a few connections with other high ranking Paladins within the country who attended the same college for holy teachings(the League of Paladins). His closest relationship, however, had been the relationship to his younger sister who passed when she was only twelve years old. It was her memory that has spurred his decision to join the Colony in the effort of serving the Queen that his younger sister had believed in and admired so much.

    Link to Colony: Jericho's crest is not his own and, in fact, had been gifted to his younger sister when she was merely a child. There was a certain glimmer of compassion and spiritual strength in her eye that had been noticed by the Queen when Kyla, Jericho's younger sister, had been just a child. Because of this the Queen had afforded Jericho's sister a sacred crest that she promised was a calling to greater purpose to the young girl, who of course took that calling to heart. So, ever since that day, Kyla had grown up studying and training along side other young Paladin hopefuls until the fateful day that she, as well as many other young Paladin recruits, perished in a civil war that they were dragged into by a neighboring country. They had been tasked with aiding in the politically fueled fallout as only healers, but when the war grew more bloody than expected many of them were forced to defend the weak and injured soldiers that they had been tasked with healing. Most of them perished as they were much too young to be taking up blade and shield just yet.

    Jericho was crushed by the news of his sister's demise, but when he was presented with her keepsakes he found her crest and bore it as his own so that he could make good on his sister's promise to serve the Queen one day whenever she might be called upon. He could only hope that he would be a suitable replacement for his sister whom the crest had originally been entrusted to.
    Background: (What you did and/or who you were before joining the Colony.)

    The Exceptions
    Quirks: Jericho does not have any surface quirks at all, though whenever he uses his holy energy during the casting of a blessing of protection or revitalization his hair, his clothes and even dust and blades of grass can become weightless within the immediate area around him while his eyes will glow a brilliant, warm, golden color.

    Capacity: 5


    • Blessed Sword - Named Skybreaker
    • Hunting Knife - 14 inch blade coated in silver used for skinning and as a secondary weapon. Particularly effective against demonic creatures as it is made of steel and coated in silver
    • Blessed Armor - Holy Plate Armor
    • Blessed Necklace - Celtic Crucifix made of pure silver
    • Kyla's Crest - Worn as a second necklace along with his silver Celtic Crucifix.
    • Blessed Book - Holy Bible who's leather cover is ornately decorated in silver Holy symbols
    • Whetstone and Toolkit - For metal work, caring for and repairing armor and blades
    Minor/Inexpensive Item:
    • Fishing rod
    • Fishing line
    • Sleeping bag
    • Military Grade tent(made of leather and linen cloth)
    • Standard dried food supplies/rations that would last at least a week
    • Tooth brush
    • Leather water sack/skin filled with fresh water
    • Iron torch, oil soaked cloth and oil tin
    • 3 flint rocks
    • 3 pairs of socks
    • One pair of extra leather boots
    • Two sets of casual clothing
    • One set of work clothing
    • Leather military backpack to carry his belongings in

    Special Items/One Time Use Abilities:

    Level 2 Command Word Gravity Inversion Detonation: At the special command, a large zone within a large range has reversed gravity for an hour.

    Level 4 Crystal of Motion Sensing: When activated, the crystal will inform the user for an hour of the size, number, and range of the creatures moving within a long ranged radius of the user.

    Level 7 Command Word Force Field Projector: Once used, the user gets a magical shield/barrier around them for an hour.
  2. The Rp'er

    Rp'er Name: TheEccentric
    Posting Time Frame: UST +8 6 AM - 12 PM / 5 PM - 9 PM
    Post Frequency: Once Daily / Every Other Day

    The Body

    Character Name: Christopher Underwood
    (Kris-to-fer Uhn-deur-wud)
    Aliases/Titles/Nicknames: The Arcane Deck/ Mr. Underwood / Flush
    Age: 34
    Height: 5' 5"
    Weight: 157 lbs.
    Build: Lean and thin
    Race: Human
    Type: Skill
    Might: 9 Speed: 12/14 Mental: 5/11 Edge: Speed 1

    The History

    Connection: To Be Determined

    Link to Colony: His connections took place just an inch before death, his blood drenching his feeble hands as he attempted to draw his final set of cards. It was at that moment, he pierced through a certain veil that separated mortal minds from the worlds beyond the heavenly stars, and saw the grandeur of a spectral palace that hung in a void outside of worldly perceptions. As his vision started to blacken and crumble, he felt the cooling touch of soft hands pressing against his chest, a whisper barely able to pass through his muddled mind, "You have seen It as well... My Time has come to a halt, this Burden has been heavy to carry, but You shall replace Me. Count the Seconds, Mortal."

    He awoke the next day in a clearing in the nearby forest, all his wounds magically healed but left behind are many gruesome scars. In his hand, he found a peculiar purple card, shining resplendent with chromatic flashes whenever light touched it. On its face, was a moving image of a beating heart; the words "My Life for The Colony" were etched with golden inks that flowed elegantly. Without a word, he gave a nod of understanding, and returned back to civilization, a new duty now placed in his heart and mind. It didn't take long for him to learn entry to the palace of The Colony, to which he spent the next few years offering his services and skills.

    Background: Born to a cardist and and a sorceress, Christopher led a charming life of abundant money and care from his accomplished parents. Learning sleight of hand from his father and a multitude of arcane knowledge from his mother, he set off alone to be a performer in his late teenhood. The world was open to his ideals and desires, he swept his audience up with charming illusions and parlor tricks, but there was something within him that cried for a different calling. A flowering sense of justice pushed him forward to accomplish good for the sake of the misbegotten tyrants that used their power for selfish purposes. Flourish in one hand, magic in the other, he gave himself the Moniker of The Arcane Deck.

    Even after he became instated as one of the Colony, he continued his virtuous activities without hesitation. He wielded his cunning, skill, and ability to rescue those that required his aid, and he willingly fought against the forces that oppressed the people. True, the activities that he had to do for The Colony weren't according to his personal creed, he knew very well the significance of the events. So all actions taken, even those against his desires, are done for the sake of The Greater Good. He knows that The Necessary Evil is not something that can be completely removed, thus, he just offsets his "sins" by doing more good to the world and its population.

    The Exceptions

    Eyes of Truth
    Due to that strange but life changing moment of him suddenly seeing beyond what he's supposed to, his eyes have become magical and strange. Although not within his control, there are instances when he'll see through all fabrications. He sees the Truth of the world, all illusions and lies become known to him, and he sees them for what they truly are. He isn't capable of discerning the truth from any other lies beyond the reliance of vision, but he can still notice they are mere deceptions meant to trick him.

    The Violet Monarch
    Through the years, his sorcerous blood has begun to imprint itself into his very being. For the longest time, his personal signature has always been that of a vibrant butterfly of purple shades, and the energies within him have copied this. During moments where he's excited or satisfied, a flutter of purple butterflies will erupt from him, casting mystical lights and giving him an aura of dignity and grandeur. They dance around him merrily, and there have been occasions when wisps of his power transferred into a card, a similar phenomenon happening when it is thrown.


    Skills (1 Point)
    •Soundless Breath

    Proficiency (1 point)
    •Throwing Weapons

    Skill Category (10 points)
    •Sleight of Hand
    •Hand To Hand Combat
    •Expertise in Cards

    Powers (4 Points):

    Name: Trap Card

    Range: Immediate

    Target: Multiple Targets (As long as he has physical contact on an object.)

    Duration: 1 Hour

    Source: Magical

    Type: Buff
    Cost: 3 Mental

    Description: Holding the object in his hands, he infuses it with magical elements that are volatile and powerful. If the object is used as for a melee attack, the damage inflicted is increased and an extra effect is added depending on the element chosen. If thrown, the object will erupt with a powerful burst of magical energy, the damage depending on the element chosen. Although it is named Trap Card, it can be applied to a multitude of other objects that aren't strictly cards or cardlike. Current elements he can use is Electric and it has a stunning effect.


    Name: Dis-card

    Range: Long

    Target: Self

    Duration: Instant

    Source: Magical

    Type: Support

    Description: Pulling a glowing card from a deck, magical energy will surround him as illusionary copies of that card start to swirl around him. Accompanied by the sound of cards being folded and used, he'll disappear from the spot and appear some distance away. This requires a visual on the location he desires to go to, and he can take one other person with him.

    Capacity: 2

    Crest of Colony
    •A Purple Card

    Appropriate attire
    •A Paper Mask
    •A White Cravat
    •A Purple Doublet
    •Purple Robes
    •Dark Trousers
    •A Pair of Purple Leather Boots

    •The Invisible Draw - currently contains 104 Metal Cards

    10 Moderate Items (2 Leftover)
    •Grappling Hook with Rope
    •2 Manacles
    •Hemp Rope (50 Feet)
    •2 Bags of Ball Bearings and Caltrops
    •A Bullseye Lantern

    24 Cheap Items (11)
    •A Tool Belt
    •10 Mundane Card Decks
    •A Sling Bag
    •3 Lantern Oil Refills
    •A Mirror on an Iron Rod
    •A Waterskin
    •A Tinderbox
    •3 Days Worth Of Dried Rations
    •A Book of Fiery and Dramatic Romance Stories
    •A Fine Assortment of Handkerchiefs
    •3 Smoke Packets
    •A Comb
    •A Quill
    •An Inkwell
    •3 Papyrus/Paper Scrolls
    •A Bar of Animal Fat/Soap
    •A Whistle


    Level 5 Crystal of Subdual Field - Once used, produces a zone of peace that prevents any sentient creatures from taking hostile action within the zone until they can overcome the affects of the zone. Has a delayed activation.

    Level 7 Powder of Creature Detonation - Used by releasing it in an area. A gate opens up to another space and time that allows a hostile creature to emerge and attack the closest thing to it. Creature remains until it or the target are destroyed.
  3. Rp'er Name: Isa
    Posting Time Frame: Can't say. Work times are too infrequent, though usually I have time for one to two posts ever day. Amsterdam +1

    The Body

    Character Name: Dondola Granietvuist. (Don – dough- la, gra (soft g) – neet – vujst)

    Character Theme:


    Age: 53

    Sex: female

    Height: 139 cm

    Weight: 68 kg

    Race: Dwarf

    Personality: Pig-headed, obstinate, arrogant, helpful, greedy, shrewd, charismatic.
    Type: Balance, tipped towards influential mental and rogue-like dexterity
    Might: 10 Speed: 12 Mental: 12 Edge: Mental 1

    The History

    Link to Colony: To be filled in later

    Background: Raised by Dondor Zwavelwit Granitefist, she enjoyed the opportunities to enjoy education and status as the heir to the family's wealth. As a fledgling there wasn't too much different about the young dwarf, she enjoyed glimmering objects as much as the next dwarf. It was only when she began learning the traits of the game from her Father, uncles and aunts, nephews and nieces that she began to shine. Having an innate grasp on the flow of money and the remarkable ability to make more of less, her father was proud indeed to see his firstborn rise through the classes and castes on a record speed that even he had not matched. It would indeed appear true that dwarven children take over a lot of traits from their ancestry, or at least Dondola has proven to be no exception to the rule, if anything, she embodies it

    Sadly, the father passed away. Not due to war, nor assassination, but due to a simple collapse caused by the underground's ever wild beasts. His body was never retrieved, nor those of the miners with him, but his death has been made fact by their mother, the dwarfess of the house. She did not however want to inherit the burden of living without Dondor and chose to join the army instead, fighting the ever-lasting wars underground. Now it is she, Dondola, who is the head of one of the richest houses within the mountain ranges.

    And the first thing she did? Break with tradition and invest not only in the home-mountain, but going outside and finding other places to delve and scout for riches. Whereas at first it went difficult and was faced with difficulty and a lot of financial disaster and low morale from workers, after a few years the entire mountain knows of her name and the many enclaves she has far over the lands. The mountain in the end, got richer.

    And it'll only get more so, with house Granietvuist at the forefront.

    The Exceptions

    Quirks: Dondola has an unnatural ability to convince individuals or crowds. It is hard to describe, but through the pragmatic rudeness of her lexicon, through the blatant nonchalance and the accent, the dwarf has the voice. Whether it be business deals, bets, speeches or whispers, whenever Dondola speaks, people tend to listen.

    (Proficiency (4pts):

    Gunpowder weaponry. Light armour. Thief tools. Axes. Silver Tongue (slow conversation)

    Skills category (12pts):

    Persuasion. Deception. Stealth. Sleight of hand. Economics. Enchantments (Working with/modifying already existing enchantments. Not creating new ones.)

    Capacity (2pts)


    -Decent to wealthy clothing.
    -Crest in the form of a brooch shaped as three peaked mountains.
    -A long barrelled musket.
    -A jeweller's kit and an enchanter's kit.
    -Thievery tools and light armour.
    -Ammunition, a brass family ring, a pair of goggles and a compass.
    -Level 5 Runeplate of Visual Displacement - once activated, the rune plate projects illusory copies of the user around them to confuse would be attackers as to which one is the real one for 10 minutes.
    -Level 6 Curse Bringer Burrowing Bugs - when these creepy crawlies are placed on a creature, they immediately burrow in and doom the creature's next action/effort to failure.
  4. -The Roleplayer-

    Roleplayer Name: Lost Girl of Neverland
    Posting Time Frame: 6 PM - 3 AM EST, will spend a month beginning in mid-July in CEST
    Post Frequency: 3-5 times a week depending on the length of post

    -The Body-

    Character Name: Makaira Kinoshita [mah - KIY- rah KEE – noh - shee - tah]
    Aliases/Titles/Nicknames: Maka, Kinoshita, Kaira, The Assassin, The Samurai, Knight
    Character Theme: (optional: a characters background music whenever they enter a scene)
    Appearance: Maka has curly black hair that goes down to her mid-back and well-sized breasts and buttocks. She is quite muscular and toned from years of going on missions and practicing combat but still retains her curves, holding a small waist and a body which many consider to be beautiful. Her skin is an olive shade, but has also become quite pale from her vampirism. Her eyes are a piercing blue shade, having transformed to that color from black when she killed Septimus and subsequently inherited his abilities, which further intrigue others.
    Age: Makaira was born in about 1582 in feudal Japan, making her around 430 years old. But she appears to be in her early 20s.
    Sex: Female
    Height: 1.48 meters
    Weight: Around 60 kg
    Build: Lithe and muscular but with curves
    Race: Vampire
    Personality: Upon first glance, many are thought to believe Kinoshita is a bit of a ditz due to her beauty, all looks and no personality until they start chatting with her. At that point should she be working and actually not letting you get to know her, she will make you believe she is whatever she wants you to believe. Nevertheless, even those who are closest to her will recognize an air of mystery about her. While she is very caring and listens to others well, she doesn't open to others much and instead hides behind a façade of intelligence, sass, and flirtation in order to prevent talking about herself. She's afraid of others hurting her if she discusses her past and spends a lot of time alone to begin with. As an assassin and spy primarily, she is used to working alone. Combined with being forced into an engagement in her youth, Makaira has developed a fierce sense of independence and has trouble working with others in a team.
    Type: Balance
    Might: 12/12 Speed: 11 Mental: 11/11 Edge: Might 1, Mental 1

    -The History-

    Connection: Maka is friends with several of her fellow members of the Order of the Black Rain, the league for assassins and spies in the colony. However, she also has a close relationship with Alauriel and Christopher. Kinoshita met Alauriel when she was on a mission to Alauriel's homeland about 150 years ago, where she was assigned to find information on one of her distant relatives to ascertain whether her family was still loyal to the colony. After deeming their loyalties were still with the colony, Maka willed herself to become fast friends with the elf whose kind demeanor contrasted with her more snappish one. Her initial efforts at small talk were terrible, so it took nearly 20 years for the samurai to develop any sort of rapport with the elf. But thirty years later, she was in attendance at the ceremony where Alauriel received her colony crest and they have been good friends ever since.

    Unlike her relationship with Alauriel, Christopher and Kaira have a bit of a rivalry over an incident which occurred when he first came to the colony. The duo were responsible for ensuring that the Archduke Franz Ferdinand actually died and Kinoshita had disguised herself as Gavrilo Princip and Christopher was one of the guards. When the gun went off, Christopher was supposed to fire his own gun in case things went wrong. But one of the bullets missed. To this day, they still bicker over who killed the Archduke but Makaira insists it was her.

    Link to Colony: Makaira joined the colony shortly after being turned from human to vampire. The one who turned her, a man by the name of Septimus Cross, was a member of the colony with a penchant for 'breaking the rules.' After ensuring that the Japanese forces retreated from Korea, Cross decided to spend some time in Japan. She had been returning home one evening from training in the woods when Septimus tried to ambush her and rape her. The man pressed her back to a tree and managed to bite her neck while trying to kiss her. In his moment of distraction, Kaira kneed him in the groin and whipped out her tanto, pinning him against the tree instead with her knife to his throat.

    It was then she noticed the crest on his hand and asked him what it was. Sticking the knife further towards his neck, Septimus cowered out and revealed his true identity: a vampire of a colony which existed out of space and time who had just transformed her into one of his species. It was then when things clicked for Makaira: getting the crest would be an escape from her forced engagement to a man she loathed.

    Unsure whether to believe him or not, Kinoshita decided to take the gamble and wagered his life in exchange for the crest. He obliged and gave her the crest, but she slit his throat anyways for good measure before heading for the colony and introducing herself to Queen. Having been fed up with Cross's actions for a while, Queen took a chance with having Makaira and was pleased with her results. Thus, letting her stay in the colony.

    Because of her training as a spy and assassin, the samurai was quickly sought out in the colony by the Order of the Black Rain, a sector of the colony made up of those skilled in espionage. It was there she made her first friends in the colony, but she later became friends with Christopher and Alauriel.

    Background: Makaira was born the daughter of a well-known nobleman and samurai who was under the direct command of the shogun Toyotomi Hideyoshi. Growing up the youngest of five older brothers who all trained as samurai and a mother who did as well, it was expected of Makaira to train as a samurai as well. Nevertheless, due to her small frame her skills were more befitting of those of a ninja which is why she received some training in stealth and information gathering as well in her youth.

    Despite growing up in a traditional noble family, Makaira's brothers and father actually encouraged her independence and generosity towards others. While she was not allowed to go out alone until her late teenage years, they encouraged her to join them on short expeditions to protect the nation and spend time helping the servants with their chores. Dairoku believed that even if they were in a higher caste than others, it was their responsibility to be kind to everyone and he passed this belief on to his children.

    Her childhood overall was a happy one. Days consisted of playing, training with her brothers, doing chores and spending time with her family. Nevertheless, as a woman she knew that one day she would be forced into a marriage by her family and have no choice in the matter. She had never really been interested in political alliances or cared much for status. But second to their family, that was really all her father cared about. So naturally when the shogun suggested that his son and declared successor, Toyotomi Hideyori, marry Makaira, Dairoku immediately agreed.

    Kinoshita had spent quite a bit of time with the Toyotomi children growing up and was aware that Hideyori had developed feelings for her, which is why his father found the potential match so auspicious. Nevertheless, Kaira found him of little interest thinking of him as a friend and nothing more. She found much more promise in the son of another daimyo by the name of Fumio. Despite knowing that he had feelings for her, Makaira also knew she was incapable of breaking off this engagement due to her place as a woman. So she begrudgingly went on with the process until she came across Septimus and joined the colony. Upon entering, she attempted to look through the records in the colony to discover more about Fumio's life but discovered he was required to die in a battle a few years later in order for the timeline to be correct so she did nothing.

    -The Exceptions-

    Quirks: Sometimes people will divulge all the information she needs when she stares at them without even having to work for it. She is unsure why this happens but thinks it may be the result of inheriting Septimus's eye color after his death. Based on her research about her species, Makaira would've inherited some of Septimus's abilities because he was her maker but in a weaker form and subsequently developed a few of her own. Since she killed him immediately afterwards however, she took his place in the world as a vampire of his caliber instead of becoming a new one and took the gifts he was bestowed with instead of developing her own.



    Historical Knowledge [2 points] - While being overall incredibly intelligent and well-read, Makaira is often considered the go-to individual in the colony for knowledge on history and timelines as she is so well-versed in it.

    Languages [1 point] - One of the benefits of being alive for so long and having gone on so many missions for the colony is having developed working proficiency in many of the universe's languages. Nevertheless, she is fluent in the common knowledge spoken amongst her comrades, Japanese, English and Mandarin.


    Martial Arts [2 points] - Because of her long lifespan, Kinoshita has had ample opportunity to put herself in sticky situations and train in martial arts to defend herself. Growing up, she was trained in ancient form of jiu jitsu and later, studied karate and capoeira during her vampiric life.

    Swords [1 point] – A sword pair made up of a katana (long, curved sword) and wakizashi (shorter, curved sword), the daisho is Kinoshita's primary weapon of choice in a battle like scenario. Hers are smaller than those of a traditional samurai due to her short stature. Having trained as a samurai in her youth and continued to do so while in the colony, Maka has a special connection with the tanto (a small dagger) as it was the weapon she used to save herself during the attempted rape. She carries one she crafted herself at all times on her person at all times during missions.

    Skill Categories

    Stealth [2 points] - As primarily a spy and assassin, Makaira has spent her entire vampire lifetime training herself in espionage, particularly stealth. She has a talent for sneaking around and going unnoticed.

    Enhanced Physical Capabilities/Acrobatics [2 points] – Because she is a vampire, Kaira has developed enhanced physical capabilities in comparison to humans. While she does not necessarily have super speed or strength or anything like that, her physical capabilities are greater than those of the average human. This particularly extends to her reflexes and flexibility, which has allowed her to become quite good at acrobatics with training.


    Illusions [2 points]
    • Range: Short (within 10 meters)
    • Target: Those she selects within the range
    • Duration: A few minutes at maximum
    • Source: Her vampiric energy
    • Type: Bane
      Cost: 4 mental
    • Description: Often used for distraction, Kaira's illusions take the form of whatever images or sound she conquers in her mind. Illusions that are static take up less power, and those which she animates use greater ability. When creating some sort of sound, the longer the sound and volume of it determine the amount of power she must use to control it. So far the largest illusion she has ever created filled a 5 meter by 5 meter area at one time, but she was severely drained of energy afterwards.
    Shapeshifting [2 points]
    • Range: Self
    • Target: Self
    • Duration: Varies on the amount of willpower she has to upkeep the form, the longest she has gone is a few months but she went crazy within the form and was in a coma for a month afterwards
    • Source: Her vampiric energy
    • Type: Support
      cost: 5 mental
    • Description: Makaira can shift her form to look like that of any humanoid resembling creatures (elves, humans, barbarians etc.) and in combination with her illusory magic, "reproduce" the abilities they have by making it appear as if she is using the ability but in reality she is not. Shifting between forms too often leaves her physically weak however and she prefers to remain her true self.
    Healing [2 points]
    cost: 6 mental
    • Range: Self/Immediate
    • Target: Self/1 Target
    • Duration: Immediate
    • Source: Her vampiric energy
    • Type: Heal
    • Description: Wounds can be repaired and pain mitigated over time so long as the samurai is touching the individual. Small wounds, like a paper cut, can be cured instantaneously but the larger the wound, the longer it takes to heal. Using this ability too frequently or on a large wound will also drain Makaira immensely, which may result in her fainting. Heals up to 1 per round up to 6. Round she activates ability will hamper her other actions. Will be unable to take other actions while healing others.
    Explosions [2 points]
    • Range: Short
    • Target: The blast radius of any given explosion is 3 meters
    • Duration: A few seconds
    • Source: Her vampiric energy
    • Type: Attack/Bane
    • cost: 4 mental
    • Description: The explosions look like small grenades going off, making them a great distraction in a tough situation. She can also use them as a means of attack, lighting up object nearby the enemy so that the dissonance harms them. For the explosion to go off, there has to be some sort of object nearby for it to 'latch onto,' which is why an awful lot of explosions will happen near the ground level if there are few objects nearby. She has also used her weapons as grounding devices for her explosives before.
    • Clothing - Depending on the type of mission/ time period she is going to, her outfit may change (see expensive item #2). But her usual casual wear consists of a dark blue kimono with black flowers on it and a red sash and black shoes which allow her to tread quietly
    • Crest - A gold locket she wears around her neck
    • Weapon - A katana which forms 1/2 of her daisho
    • Expensive Item #1 - A wakizashi, forming the second half of her daisho
    • Expensive Item #2 - A magically enhanced cloth which can transform into several disguises
    • Moderate Item #1 - Her tanto blade
    • Moderate Item #2 -Light black armor which covers most of her arms, torso and legs
    • Inexpensive Item #1 - Food rations that will last a few days
    • Inexpensive Item #2 - Water rations that will last a week
    • Inexpensive Item #3 - A notebook from which to record information and pen
    • Inexpensive Item #4 - A small knapsack used to carry supplies
  5. The Roleplayer

    Roleplayer Name: Elilliun
    Posting Time Frame: 1500-2300 EST Canada
    Post Frequency: 5/7 days of the week

    The Body

    Character Name: Alauriel (Ah-lore-E-elle) Galdir (Gull-deer)
    Name meaning: Longly (Ael) waited (aur) daughter (iel), Descendent of (dir) clairty (gald)
    Age: Human age — 407, Elven age — 21
    Race: Elf​


    Appearence: Alauriel appears to be a small, dainty being, with fair, peach undertone skin that is dotted with freckles. She had dark forest green eyes that are extremely reflective to light., similar to that of any feline. From her head falls long, warm honey brown wavy hair, that she generally wears centre-parted, or in braids. Like her fellow elves, Alauriel has pointy and sharp features, including small pointed ears and sharp canine teeth.
    Height: 5'
    Weight: 140lbs
    Build: Small, dainty frame. Her upper body is feminine but still fairly toned. Her lower body holds most of her muscle mass, as she has very strong but still womanly legs.​

    Type: Balance — Mix of skill (agility, precision, poise, balance, dexterousness) and mental (possessing magic abilities and mental sensitivity)
    Might: 8/10 Speed: 12 Mental: 12 Edge: Speed 1​

    The History

    Connection: To Be Added
    Link to Colony/Background: At 407, Alauriel had outlived three human generations, however amongst other elves she is considered to be very young still. She comes from a long bloodling of elven politicians, senators, and trusted followers on the Colony. As a child elf, Alauriel was raised amongst the upcoming generation of rulers. She grew up amongst the great-grandparents of the current leader, and with their children. In that time, Alauriel developed a very close friendship to the current leader's grandparents, and was awarded a Colony Crest one hundred years ago during their reign.​

    The Exceptions

    Quirks: On occasion, depending on the cycle of the moon, Alauriel can be blessed by an ancient Elven blessing from one of the seven Elven Gods. The blessing is called "Kaeled'hel" (Kah-lay-ed-hell) that randomly grants her the ability to access great combat ability, increasing her personal strength greatly, once a month for varying amounts of time.​


    • Skill [1 Point] — Swimming
    • Proficiency [1 Point] — Dual sword-wielding
    • Proficiency [1 Point] — Archery
    • Proficiency [1 Point] — Light armours
    • Category [2 Points] — Survival (basic knowledge of edible plants, camping and survival skills)
    • Category [2 Points] — Agility/acrobatic strength (a gymnastic ability allowing her to climb, run and jump between trees, over obstacles, and to evade foes)
    • Category [2 Points] — An understanding of natural herbal remedies, and a knowledge of edible/poisonous flora
    • Name: "The Healing Hand"
    • Range: Immediate
    • Target: 1 Person
    • Duration: Instant
    • Type: Healing
    • Description: By touching any part of a person's body, Alauriel can heal their physical wounds. The greater the wound, from scratches to broken bones, the more energy Alauriel has to spend, causing her to become extremely lethargic and/or occasionally loose consciousness following healing greater injuries.
    • [2 Points]

    • Name: "Tele-communication"
    • Range: Short
    • Target: 1 Person
    • Duration: Several minutes
    • Type: Mental
    • Description: Elves can communicate with each other for brief periods of time through each other's thoughts. Both parties must consent to the communication by making eye contact, however, the eye contact does not have to remain during the entire communication.
    • [2 Points]

    • Name: "Learn Language"
    • Range: Short
    • Target: 1 Person (the person being spoken with)
    • Duration: Permanent (See description)
    • Type: Communicative, mental
    • Description: With this power, Alauriel has the ability to learn any of the Colonies many native languages, simply by engaging in coversation with that person. Once Alauriel learns the language using this power, she will know and understand the power permanently. This power is extremely useful for communicating with locals while travelling.
    • [2 Points]

    • Name: "Empathetic Absorption"
    • Range: Short
    • Target: Multiple people (with a maximum of three people at a time)
    • Duration: Permanent (See description)
    • Type: Healing
    • Description: Alauriel has the unique ability to absorb both physical and mental pain/suffering, and transfer it either to herself or another being. The pain is completely absorbed from the victim (for example, someone with a broken arm would still have a broken arm, but would no longer feel pain until the would is completely healed). However, this ability does not drain any of Alauriel's energy. Alauriel uses only this ability in serious situations as it inflicts her with great pain. An example of when she would use this ability was if someone close to her was bleeding out from an arrow wound during a battle, instead of risking going comatose trying to heal them, Alauriel could absorb the pain so that they still die comfortably, but she can still have the energy to keep fighting.
    • [2 Points]
    Equipment and Inventory
    • Religious golden head jewlery (pictured above)
    • Black long sleeve undershirt
    • Deep red leather abdominal armor with boning (light armour)
    • Black leather bracers (light armour) (not pictured)
    • Black trousers
    • Black hide travel boots
    • Deep red cloak with symbolic gold detail
    • Double edged traditional elven sword, family heirloom. The orange stones are symbolic of her father's lineage and family crest.

    Expensive Item (1):
    • An identical sword to the one mentioned above, except the stones are red instead of orange, at it is an heirloom of her mothers side of the family.
    Moderately Valuable Items (1):
    • Satchel of herbs — Like many elves, Alauriel has a vast knowledge of the native plants and herbs. She can make medicines, teas, and supplements, and purchases a satchel of fine herbs on a weekly basis.
    Inexpesive Items (14):
    • Leather carrying bag (backpack)
    • Cloth sleeping bag
    • Iron oil torch
    • Torch oil refill x1
    • Flint rocks x2
    • Extra black trousers x1
    • Extra socks x1
    • Dried food rations x1
    • 10m of rope
    • Sewing kit
    • Mortar and pestle
    • Water canteen
    Colony Crest:
    • Warn in the form of a cape clasp or a broach, it is a sun shaped pin, except instead of sun rays, they have been replaced with leafs to form a flower like symbol. The entire pin is made out of fine rubies, garnets, and spessartite garnet.
  6. Rp'er Name: CaptainLiterally

    Posting Time Frame: 11am -11pm est

    Post Frequency: 4-7 days per week

    The Body

    Character Name: Pisces (pie-sees)

    Aliases/Titles/Nicknames: Hydra, Lily, Mer-bitch (less endearing nickname)

    Character Theme:

    Appearance: Pisces has a dainty figure, pale skin tainted blue, very long blue hair that eventually fades into pink at the tips (often covered in flower crowns), and a flowy white sundress that reaches her knees.

    Age: Looks 18. Age is probably in her late twenties, but she's never really sure.

    Sex: Female

    Height: 5'0

    Weight: 100 lbs

    Build: Small and dainty, fragile-looking. Hourglass shaped if anything at all.

    Race: Mermaid. At the moment, she has legs. If she wishes, she can grow a lovely 6 ft long tail with scales the color of her hair.

    Personality: Optimistic. She is insanely cheerful, never showing signs of any hardship whatsoever, even if there is hardship present. Hell, if someone was about to throw her in a volcano, she'd blame it on the fact that the poor guy doesn't want anybody to feel cold. Her utter glee can be wonderfully contagious, but some of the time, it is quite iresome. The further she is from bodies of water, the more solemn her mood is. Somehow, a solemn Pisces is still oddly ecstatic. Tears will come quickly if she hears of sad happenings. These factors can lead to the idea that she is dim-witted. In some ways, yes, but in other ways, her cunning is startling. In battle, a bloodlust comes forth from the center of her very being as she unleashes terror on her victims. A true child at heart.

    Type: Balance- magic, poise
    Might: 8/10 Speed: 12 Mental: 12 Edge: Speed 1

    The History

    Connection: Everyone! Even if others consider her the most annoying creature to curse the land, she considers them a best friend.

    Link to Colony: In order to make a living at her new home, she had to dive for treasure. On one of her afternoon dives, she came upon this shiny thing imbedded in the sand.

    Background: Pisces is/was the princess of a far off land in the deep, blue sea. She was born and raised in the kingdom in the ocean, swimming about her palace and playing with the other mergirls. Responsibility is not a large factor for her, as she has two older twin brothers who both have claim to the throne. Yes, both. And they just can't get over it. Soon, their battle for the throne became too much for a lot of people to handle, with the deadly riptides and the explosions and all that. Pisces evacuated with her mother to the coast of a far-off island where she spent the latter half of her years.

    The Exceptions

    Quirks: When she is angry or feels some other type of overpowering emotion, her entire eye glows white. After this, a different person seems to emerge from her: a dangerous, bloodthirsty, venomous enemy. Often her eye color will change according to her mood. (blue: happy, white: angry, purple: sad, etc.)


    • Proficiencies:
      • Swimming- being a mermaid and all, she is very quick in the water. At fastest, she can reach 12mph. - 1

      • Natural weapons- Her nails are like daggers, able to slice into skin with barely any work. When unable to get her hands on… her hands, her teeth are a deadly weapon. She has never quite found anything wrong with eating people. -2

      • Trident- The weapon being a very popular symbol of wealth and strength among her people, she was trained in it during her fourteen years under the sea. She made it a priority to continue training above sea, in her later years. - 1
    • Skill Category:
      • Artwork- she loves to paint practically anything- from sunsets to worms. It's difficult to catch her without paint on her hands. She first began doing so in her spare time above the sea in between work hours- mostly during sleepless nights. She made most of her paints from various plants in her region. -1

      • Agility- 2

      • Sandcastles
    • Power/Ability/Technique (2 points):
      • Influence over sea life (support) - 2

      • Influence over water (attack) - 2

      • Influence over water - 2

      • Mermaid transformation - 2

    Name: Influence over sea life

    • Range: long (30 meters), near populated waters

    • Target: others (the fish)

    • Duration: indefinite

    • Source: her royal lineage, her heart :)

    • Type: support

    • Description: Pisces can communicate with animal sea life (fish, sharks, etc.) They come to aid when she needs it- to hand her a trident or two, for transportation, or for emotional support. The larger the fish, the more difficult it is to attract them. She would never ask them to hurt other people for her, not even in defense.

    Name: Influence over water (attack)

    • Range: short (10 meters)

    • Target: others

    • Duration: Up to ten minutes

    • Source: various water sources

    • Type: attack

    • Description: Pisces can control small portions of already existing water for a short time. Its much like moving a limb. All she has to do is… do it, and it happens. She isn't strong enough to form tsunamis or something of that caliber, but she could part the occasional shallow lake or maybe drown someone in a riptide. To attack, she might use the channel the strength of a certain water source into pulling someone under the water. A wave could be used to stun someone, knock them off their feet, or carry them away.

    Name: Influence over water (support)

    • Range: short (10 meters)

    • Target: others, herself

    • Duration: Up to ten minutes (she could hold, say, a bubble of water in one place for this duration of time)

    • Source: various water sources

    • Type: defense

    • Description: To aid herself or others, she likes to use abilities to perhaps propel a boat or fill a glass of water. Harmless things that will keep her and her friends successful and productive. She has steady control over, at most, twenty gallons of water at once.

    Name: Mermaid transformation

    • Range: self

    • Target: self

    • Duration: infinite

    • Source: she's a mermaid.

    • Type: buff

    • Description: As long as she is in the water, she has the ability to grow a 6ft tail in place of legs and breathe underwater. It takes little work on her part (causes very little exhaustion to transform).


    Capacity: 3


    1. Level 6 tattoo of Sonic Detonation - The user has a tattoo on their person that shows imagery of a time an place unlike their own. Activating the tattoo, an explosion of sound occurs within long range, deafening all those near it. The tattoo fades away after.
    2. Level 7 Disguise Module Implant - placing the ear piece in one's ear allows the user to change their facial features to that of a designated target they have interacted with before. It lasts for an hour. They can change their facial features to a target they are less familiar with but the copy is of less quality.
    3. Level 7 Ray Gun of Paralysis - The gun is a colorful item that looks more like a toy than a real gun. It can fire an energy beam up to 200ft or 61m away that paralyzes a target for 1 minute.
  7. The Rp'er

    Rp'er Name: The Last Curse
    Posting Time Frame: 1-8pm EDT. Sometimes 6am-8am Depending on the day.
    Post Frequency: Multiple times a day.

    The Body

    Character Name: Viril Friberg (v-air-il Free-burg)
    Aliases/Titles/Nicknames: Friburg, Blademaster Of Stoneveil, Her kindness, Edgelord (Informal)
    Appearance: Age: 22
    Sex: Male
    Height: 5'7''
    Weight: 58 kgs- 129lbs
    Build: Thin and Slim with strong sturdy arms and a toned body.
    Race: Human
    Personality: Despite his rugged and stoic appearance, Viril is very sociable. He'll often crack jokes, start conversations on random topics, or participate in other extroverted activities. With his young age comes naïveté which often gives Viril bouts of curiosity. Despite his childish demeanor, Viril has a strong sense of honor and will never be as loose as he usually is around his elders.
    Type: Physical
    Might: 12 Speed: 12 Mental: 10 Edge: Might 1

    The History

    Connections: Despite his recent recrutement to The Colony, Viril has made a few close acquaintances, one of them being Pisces. During his patrols near the coasts of Stoneveil he spotted a peculiar sight, a mermaid. Though tales circulated through Stoneveil about mermaids who lured men to their demise, Viril's curiosity got the better of him as he approached the rock where the woman was perched. He tried to catch her attention but the sound of the crashing waves drowned out his voice. Suddenly, a snide idea crossed his mind, amongst the waves he'd yell something out but the fierce symphony of the ocean would neutralize his cry. Viril chuckled to himself as he took air into his lungs and screamed "HEY MER-BITCH".
    Unluckily, the ocean had become still by then and Viril's derogatory remark sounded out amongst the rocks. What transpired after involved Viril floating lifelessly near the shore. In the succeeding years, when Viril joined The Colony, he caught sight of the same mermaid that almost drowned him, he caught her name, Pisces. He approached her, apologized for his childish antics in the past, and asked if they could make up. The two would soon go on to become good friends.

    Link To The Colony:
    Viril was summoned to the Stoneveil Queen's chamber on one winter morning. He was half expecting a lecture for his laziness on his duties but if that were the case, a member of the Queen's Council would have transcribed his behavior and sent it to him themselves. This was something way more dire than he expected. Finally, Viril made it to the doors of the Queen's chambers, he pushed them aside and looked inside. The Queen sat in her lavish throne at the end of the colossal room, she was being tended to by her Virtues, knights of similar rank to Viril.

    Viril took a deep breath as he stepped into the Queen's domain. With every step, the sound of Viril's armor rumbled throughout the room, drawing the attention of both the Queen and her virtues. She looked up with a stoic expression on her face however, once she saw Viril her lips turned into a small welcoming smile. The Virtues gazed at Viril, they all knew why Viril was here, they were in his place before many years ago. Viril stood before his Queen and promptly kneeled. He wanted to greet her, but it was forbidden to speak to the Queen unless given permission so he held his breath as she explained why she had summoned him here. "Viril, My advocate. Word of your chivalrous deeds have reached my noble ears" she spoke softly "Me and my Virtues have discussed your performance and we've come to the conclusion that you will make a most lovely addition to my Virtues".

    Viril was about to express his excitement before he was cut off by his Queen, "But, as you know. To become a Virtue, you must prove your devotion. To Me." She looked over to the Virtue on her left "Bartholomew, My Vigilance. He thwarted the attempt on my life. I wouldn't be speaking to you today if it were not for his devotion and bravery". She looked over to her right, "Catherine, My Fury. She has slain armies upon armies of enemies in my name. She has brought me the wings of fifty abominable wyverns". She finally looked back at Viril, now with piercing turquoise eyes. "And what have you done in my name? O Advocate mine?".

    Viril kept quiet as he looked off to the side in embarrassment. The Queen shook her head solemnly, as she gestured Bartholomew to give Viril something. Viril looked up, in front of his face was a crest, it had pool blue and Snow White gems, with an unusual marking in the middle. Viril took the crest and held it in his hand.

    "What you hold, is a crest, a crest from a Queen of another land" She continued "We had a agreement, You will be apart of her.. army... called The Colony. If you come back safe, you will be promoted. If not, you're position as a knight will be voided" she spoke sharply, her words tearing through Viril's confidence. "Is that understood? My Kindness?".

    Viril nodded. He rose from his position and quickly made for the door. His Queen closed her eyes as she heard the door to her chambers close once more.

    Viril was born to a wealthy family in the kingdom of Stoneveil, a vast empire that prioritized chivalry and devotion to the one great ruler, the Queen. His family consisted of two older brothers, who were knights that dedicated their lives to the protection of the Kingdom and it's people. They barely came home to say hello to their parents and Vigil, always keeping their duties ahead of them. At a Young age Viril showed interest in knighthood, he had heard tales of knights slaying dragons, protecting the kingdom and it's Queen from otherworldly threats, and how they held a high social status over everyone in the Kingdom. It all inspired him to strive for the path of knighthood.

    Viril's parents caught onto his interests and immediately tried to quash it. They didn't want to lose another son to the ever expanding empire, and so they went to try to shift his interests into other topics. They tried to introduce him to smithing, Viril learned the basics but ditched the subject later and kept his dream to become a knight. His parents tried to teach him how to be a bard, but Viril got bored of it and still continued his work towards a knight.

    Finally, his parents decided to completely change his mindset on the entire kingdom. They told him that Knights were cold blooded killers, soulless fiends who submit themselves to a corrupt tyrant. They told him that the Queen was a uncaring despot who only cared about her own riches than the well-being of the kingdom. Viril had finally had enough, he was old enough to become a knight and old enough to think for himself, he didn't need to listen to his parents, not anymore at-least.

    Viril left home to join the Queen's guards. There he would soon adopt his Broadsword prowess, training under the famous Virtues. There he would develop his kind and sociable demeanor, and there he would carve a place in the world for himself.

    The Exceptions

    Quirks: Under unknown conditions, Viril becomes increasingly powerful. More specifically, when Viril is close to death or outnumbered. He fights way more viciously. Along with this, his Broadsword seemingly transforms to fit whatever he desires and gains a special paralytic agent. However, Viril activates this mode, on which he calls "Knightly Reversal".


    Motivational Figure[2]- Viril's high enthusiasm and charisma allows him to speak to others and motivate them in or out of battle. Viril uses his chivalrous figure to get people to help aid him in his troubles.

    Tactical Planner [1]- In the heat of Battle, Viril can tell others to move around or create formations to successfully destroy an enemy.

    Potion Crafter [2]- Viril is able to make crude potions. They are only limited to minor healing and stamina boosting tonics.

    Heavy Armor agility [2]- Despite his heavy armor, Viril is still able to move quickly under the burden of his armor and weapon. This speed however doesn't compare to other, faster characters.

    Broadsword Efficiency [1]- Viril has years of Broadsword training, which allows him to use with deadly efficiency

    Skill Category-

    Repair [2]- With Barely any materials, Viril can repair weapons and armor to good to very good quality. This also applies to the sharpening of weapons or melding of armor.


    Name: Self-determination [2]
    Range: Short
    Duration: 5 minutes
    Source: Viril's willpower
    Description: When in times of doubt, Viril encourages himself and reminds him of his morals and good deeds, this gives him newfound strength to continue his fight.

    Name: Cocytus's breath [2]
    Range: Indefinite
    Target: Self
    Duration: 5 minute
    Type: Buff/Attack
    Source: Magical Tome
    Description: After reading off of some ancient runes off of a scroll, Viril's Broadsword will be blessed with Freezing capabilities for a short amount of time. Has a small chance to Freeze enemies when the blade strikes bare flesh.

    Name: Sutr's Blessing [2]
    Range: Short
    Target: Self
    Duration: 1 minute
    Type: Buff/Attack
    Source: Magical Tome
    Description: After reading off of an ancient tome, Viril's armor and broadsword ignite with low seething flames. There's a possibility of foes being burnt from being struck or touching Virils's armor.

    Capacity [2]

    Inventory and Equipment-
    -Suit Of Stoneveilian armor- Armor that is uniform for knights of Stoneveil. Viril has scratched some words on it, which either say "Get some!", "Her kindness", or "Straight outta stoneveil".
    -Her Benevolence (Broadsword) an intricately forged broadsword made by the Stoneveil Blacksmiths and blessed by the local warlocks,giving it peculiar qualities ( -Fur Scarf- A scarf gifted to him by his Queen, A monument of his devotion that he never takes off.
    -Scabbard- A Leather scabbard made to hold Viril's Great sword. Standard leather made from the beasts of Stoneveil.
    -Several Home-made biscuits- Small round biscuits, eaten when Viril's feels homesick.

    -Cheap Items #1- Several rolls of Parchment- Small rolls of parchment that are used to create Viril's magical tomes. Unremarkable as it is.
    -Cheap Items #2- Ink - Ink mixed with iron fillings used to write down ancient runes and phrases upon parchment. By itself, it's just ordinary ink.
    -Moderate Items- Potion crafting Kit- A small handy kit used to quickly craft potions. Handy and reliable though it's functions limit to simple, weaker potions.
    -Moderate Item #2- Wyvern Scales - An Uncommon commodity that has a number of uses, whether it be to craft a potion, layer onto armor, or to hold on to for good luck.
    Secondary Weapon- A small and curved dagger that hangs off of Viril's hip. Only used for Emergencies above all else. It's small size allows him to carry it anywhere.
    Clothing- Viril's casual attire consists of a cream ghillie shirt, long black pants with a small sheathe for his dagger, with simple black shoes. (

    Level 6 Drug of Equipment Caching - this small pill when taken weakens the bonds of the user to the current time and space. They are then able to reach through time in space and pull an item from elsewhere. The item persists in the current time and space for 24 hours or until destroyed.
    Level 4 Biological Implant of Poisoned Seeker - Embedded in the user is a target seeking missile. Upon choosing a visible target, the missile will exit the host and proceed to flying toward the target and/or around target until hitting it unless otherwise neutralized. The payload is minimal but carries an additive toxin.
  8. The Rp'er
    Rp'er Name:
    Posting Time Frame: On weekdays 9am-3pm AEST (GMT +10)
    Post Frequency: Regular. Can respond as many times as possible within the above timeframe.

    The Body
    Character Name:
    Maevan (May-van) Lockheart

    : Looks 19 and is young by fae standards (137 years old)
    Height: 5'6
    Weight: 55kg
    Build: toned but still weedy
    Race: Fae (minor breed)
    Personality: Smart and skilled in survival skills but very naive and innocent. Easily flustered and often easily frustrated.
    Type: Mental
    Might: 7/9 Speed: 11 Mental: 14 Edge: Mental 1, Speed 1

    The History

    Maevan met Alauriel 50 years ago when both Fae and Elvish peoples came together to offer peace and harmony between the two brethren races. They hit it off right away and Maevan thought Alauriel was really cool. They are close friends and Maeven sees Alauriel as a best friends and mentor, looking up to her.
    Link to Colony: Found the crest in his travel bag one night after he leaves his tribe.
    Background: Born into a minor Fae tribe and raised as part of a hunter/gather family who supplied the tribe with meat and protection.


    • Archery (physical): [1 point] Is a skilled archer and has the usual heightened fae senses, but nothing extraordinary.
    • Basic Survival Skills (mental): [2 point] Knows basic wilderness survival skills.
    • Heightened Senses (physical): [2 point] Hearing, smell, taste, physical sensing and sight.

    Flora and Fauna Affinity

    Growth (physical): [2 points]

    • Name: Growth
    • Range: short
    • Target: any area within range
    • Duration: Instant and indefinite
    • Source: Mana
    • Type: Other
    • Description: Gives the bearer the ability to grow vines instantly on command, in creating it he has control over it through his 'commune' skill. He can create either woven wall of vines as a shield/distraction.
    Defend (physical): [2 points]
    • Name: Defend
    • Range: short
    • Target: any area within range
    • Duration: Instant and indefinite
    • Source: Ki
    • Type: Other
    • Description: Gives the bearer the ability to grow thorned vines instantly on command, in creating it he has control over it through his 'commune' skill. He can create a barricade of thorny vines.

    Commune (mental): [2 points]
    • Name: Commune
    • Range: short
    • Target: Any creature within range
    • Duration: For as long as the user is within range of the organism
    • Type: Support/Heal
    • Source: Mana
    • Description: Allows him to bond and communicate with any other living thing if they consent. (However, they are more likely to than not as he does have a fauna/flora affinity) Through the bond he can speak and heal others. This includes sentient/non sentient beings.

    Wither (physical): [0 points]
    • Name: Wither
    • Range: Long
    • Target: Any living thing
    • Duration: For as long as it takes
    • Type: Harming
    • Source: Shadow
    • Description: Allows him speed up the decay of a living thing, killing it. The object shrivels up and dies, turning to black dust. (Disclaimer: Maeven has limited control over this and at this present moment cannot summon it. It appears in moment of great distress and it powerful when active.

    Quirks: Refer to 'Wither' above
    Capacity: 9

    Expensive Items:

    - Carved long bow made of yew wood.
    - Leather quiver

    Moderate Items:
    - Small bag of belladonna leaves
    - Small bag of psilocybin (A type of fungus. When used in small amounts, can severly alter an individuals judgement. Used for tactical gain on missions)
    Cheap Items:
    - bundle of iron tipped arrows
    - length of rope
    - basic green cloak
    - small bamboo pan flute


    1. Level 8 Command Word Ray of Fear - a single target within 200 feet of the user is suddenly unreasonably frightened of the speaker and must flee in terror for the next minute.
    2. Level 7 Crystal of Controlled Blinking - For 24 hours, you can teleport once per posting round within a few yards/meters of present position. It can make the wielder especially
    3. Level 4 burrowing insects of Detonation - Can be sicked on a target within 30m/yrds of user. The insects with then self detonate to release damaging immediate area discharge of electrical energy.
Last edited:
Sounds good. Just fill out the character sheet and send it my way in messages.
Ill need the whole character sheet filled out when you can. :confused:
Could you put your "levating the flames" into the powers template:

Power Template:
  • Name: (Name of power)
  • Range: self, immediate, short (30ft or 10meters), long(90ft or 30meters or greater)
  • Target: self, 1 target, multiple targets (how many), area (how big is the area)
  • Duration: Instant, 1 minute, +1 hours, indefinite
  • Type: Buff (enhances something), Attack, Defense, Bane (hinders others), Heal, Support/Other
  • Description: What does it do/look like?
Also, go ahead and pick Physical, Mental, Skill, or Balance

Your character is also missing the history section
The Rp'er
Rp'er Name:
Posting Time Frame: On weekdays 9am-3pm AEST (GMT +10)
Post Frequency: Regular. Can respond as many times as possible within the above timeframe.

The Body
Character Name:
Maevan (May-van) Lockheart

: Looks 19 and is young by fae standards (137 years old)
Height: 5'6
Weight: 55kg
Build: toned but still weedy
Race: Fae (minor breed)
Personality: Smart and skilled in survival skills but very naive and innocent. Easily flustered and often easily frustrated.
Type: Mental

The History

(list a specific connection you have with another character and who the character is. This may be filled in later if you are the first character created)
Link to Colony: Found the crest in his travel bag one night after he leaves his tribe.
Background: Born into a minor Fae tribe and raised as part of a hunter/gather family who supplied the tribe with meat and protection.

The Exceptions


  • Archery (physical): [1 point] Is a skilled archer and has the usual heightened fae senses, but nothing extraordinary.
  • Basic Survival Skills (mental): [2 point] Knows basic wilderness survival skills.
  • Heightened Senses (physical): [2 point] Hearing, smell, taste, physical sensing and sight.

Flora and Fauna Affinity

Growth (physical): [2 points]

  • Name: Growth
  • Range: short
  • Target: any area within range
  • Duration: Instant and indefinite
  • Source: Mana
  • Type: Other
  • Description: Gives the bearer the ability to grow vines instantly on command, in creating it he has control over it through his 'commune' skill. He can create either woven wall of vines as a shield/distraction.
Defend (physical): [2 points]
  • Name: Defend
  • Range: short
  • Target: any area within range
  • Duration: Instant and indefinite
  • Source: Ki
  • Type: Other
  • Description: Gives the bearer the ability to grow thorned vines instantly on command, in creating it he has control over it through his 'commune' skill. He can create a barricade of thorny vines.

Commune (mental): [2 points]
  • Name: Commune
  • Range: short
  • Target: Any creature within range
  • Duration: For as long as the user is within range of the organism
  • Type: Support/Heal
  • Source: Mana
  • Description: Allows him to bond and communicate with any other living thing if they consent. (However, they are more likely to than not as he does have a fauna/flora affinity) Through the bond he can speak and heal others. This includes sentient/non sentient beings.

Wither (physical): [0 points]
  • Name: Wither
  • Range: Long
  • Target: Any living thing
  • Duration: For as long as it takes
  • Type: Harming
  • Source: Shadow
  • Description: Allows him speed up the decay of a living thing, killing it. The object shrivels up and dies, turning to black dust. (Disclaimer: Maeven has limited control over this and at this present moment cannot summon it. It appears in moment of great distress and it powerful when active.

Quirks: Refer to 'Wither' above
Capacity: 9

Expensive Items:

- Carved long bow made of yew wood.
- Leather quiver

Moderate Items:
- Small bag of belladonna leaves
- Small bag of psilocybin (A type of fungus. When used in small amounts, can severly alter an individuals judgement. Used for tactical gain on missions)
Cheap Items:
- bundle of iron tipped arrows
- length of rope
- basic green cloak
- small bamboo pan flute
Last edited:
getting some characters in. Pretty spiffy looking so far.
@Novama I hope I'm doing this right. Can you please ping me when you set up the IC thread? I would like to watch.
The Rp'er
Rp'er Name: Notorious
Posting Time Frame: Central Standard Time frame - Can typically post daily. I make a habit to keep up with stories as long as I have someone to reply to or it's currently my turn to respond.
Post Frequency: Daily to multiple depending on the activity level of other writers involved in the story.

The Body

Character Name: Jericho Alistair Kale
Goes By: Jericho
Nicknames: JAK

Age: 27
Sex: Male
Orientation: Heterosexual
House Name: Kale
Rank: Paladin Lord
Height: 6'5" - 198.5 CM
Weight: 222 lbs - 100.7 kg
Hair: Blood Red
Eyes: Amber/Golden Brown
Build: Jericho is a tower of a man built with tight, toned muscle from head to toe, though he isn't very bulky. His muscle is defined rather than swollen and thick allowing him to still be considerably powerful while maintaining good mobility as well.
Race: Human - Gaelic
Type: Physical/Strength - Jericho is a stout, powerful and resolute young man with quite a lot of stamina and willpower. Beyond this, Jericho is blessed with Holy energy that allows him to use minor healing and buff spells that he and other Paladins refer to as "Blessings".
Sword: A Bastard sword named "Skybreaker" which is 14 inches from butt to hilt and 52 inches hilt to blade's tip.(66 inches or five feet and five inches all together)
Armor: Blessed Paladin Plate Armor
Distinguishing Marks: Jericho has a single butterfly's wing the color of wine red tattooed beneath the left eye along the cheekbone that he got to remember his younger sister who passed away when she was just twelve years of age. He also has seven piercings of some unspoken significance known only to him all of which are in his left ear.
Personality: Highly intelligent, brave, confident and full of resolve. His determination and dedication are legendary among the League of Paladins from which he hails, but such devotion has cost him numerous bodily injuries, unsightly scars and blemishes upon the skin and even a few relationships along the way.



  • Exceptional Swordsmanship(Physical): [ 2 points ] - Jericho is a challenger level swordsman who has been studying the art of sword play and multiple dueling techniques since he was just a boy.

  • Learned Historian(Mental): [ 2 points ] - Jericho is considerably well read and possesses a high intellect. He has studied war and battle strategy almost as closely as he has studied his religion over the years and as such has become quite the talented war time adviser and director of troops from a military perspective. He is talented in moving and commanding small units in particular the size of a Platoon, but also excels in guiding larger military forces as well, planning their movements of units and supplies during a fight and executing a multitude of different attack and defense strategies. He works best with smaller numbers to focus on, but has been known to take command of units as large as a Battalion in his home country. He boasts a sharp mind for military strategy and is quite well spoken, but he is limited in regards to politics and social proprieties.(TLDR - Defensive and Offensive strategy skill: chain of command, peer encouragement/influence, micro and macro-management benefits as well as planning and plotting out field tactics, movements and battle or skirmish approaches)

  • Tedious Determination(Mental): [ 2 point ] - Once Jericho sets his mind to task he will see his duties to completion. He does not break promises to himself nor to those of whom have earned his love and respect, even if it might cost him his life. The downside to this kind of tenaciousness is that it actually has, on more than one occasion, almost gotten him killed and will likely be the end of him one day. More specifically, Jericho is considerably tough on himself and when he decides to protect someone, see his given task or duties to completion or must resist the sins of the flesh like Lust, Greed and Envy he will steel his resolve and resist said urges to fail or be seduced to the best of his mortal ability. That being said, he is more talented at resisting the enchantments of a dark and unsavory type of individual rather than a mortal who does not subscribe to darkness or evil of any kind, like a Witch. A common barista who has caught his eye or a talented trickster selling cheap or faulty goods, however, would give him far more trouble. He is still just a man, but his proclivity for the light has left him more vulnerable to mortal liars, tricksters and crafty women.(TLDR - Determination and Resilience skill: Can resist sinful or evil urges to a degree, is particularly well versed in resisting the Seven Deadly Sins, refuses to falter in battle until he has nothing left to offer but his life, does have a particular weakness in regards to social norms and mortal individuals who might take advantage of his kind heart and soul. Resistance to Darkness/Evil, Vulnerability to mortal/standard types)

  • Armor Proficiency(Physical): [ 1 point ] - The ability to clean, care for, repair and wear his own plate armor which he received after earning the rank of "Paladin" within the League of Paladins. He was afforded this armor after earning the rank when he was only a young, teen aged man.

Powers and abilities:
Holy Affinity

Shield Barrier (Physical): [ 2 points ]

  • Name: Shield Barrier
  • Range: Short - Immediate area around Jericho
  • Target: Self/Party
  • Duration: As long as Jericho can keep the shield erected
  • Type: Shielding barrier
  • Description: Jericho can thrust his blade into the ground and imbue his blade with holy energy that allows him to remain stationary and shield he and all allies that are able to fall in line behind him.

Divine Artillery (Magic/Holy): [ 2 points ]

  • Name: Divine Artillery
  • Range: Medium - Within 10 to 20 meters
  • Target: Enemy
  • Duration: A few seconds, no more than ten.
  • Type: Aimed artillery attack
  • Description: This ability allows Jericho to rain down streams of powerful holy energy that is specifically effective against demons, shadows and unholy creatures or foes. This particular attack is lacking in accuracy, however, and can be fairly draining.

Deliverance (Magic/Holy): [ 2 points ]

  • Name: Deliverance
  • Range: Short to Medium - Within, but up to 10 meters.
  • Target: Self or single party member
  • Duration: Instant
  • Type: Revival
  • Description: For use only when an ally or Jericho himself has become so weak or drained that their soul is wavering and they are within moments of slipping away through the void and into the afterlife. If Jericho uses this ability he can bring himself or a party member back from the absolute brink of death and despair by invoking God's will so that he can beg for a blessing of salvation. If successful Jericho can restore the vitality of his chosen target, but he will be utterly devoid of holy energy after the fact.

The History

Biography: Jericho and his younger sister Kyla were both orphaned at a young age, though they had been bound by blood and were not just considered family because of their circumstance. Both had been born to the same father and mother, but when Kyla was just a baby their mother and father passed away when an awful plague claimed the their lives. The father, a wood cutter, passed on broad shoulders, strong arms and a tough and determined heart to his son. The mother, a seamstress, passed on patience, kindness, and a proclivity for spiritual presence to her daughter.

Jericho turned to the church when they were both orphaned and had no one else to rely on, and over the years they grew up in the presence of good, kind and selfless people who taught them the way of the written word. They were able to be well educated and exposed to a strong and constructive religion at an early age which allowed them to grow into the smart, capable and self reliant young people. In return, both Jericho and Kyla devoted themselves to the faith and committed themselves to both serving and protecting the church with their learned abilities. As they grew older, though, Jericho excelled in being a leader and had less and less time to watch over his sister, despite the fact that he was very proud of her and was well aware that she could take care of her self even at such a young age.

At the age of twelve Kyla decided that she would assist in the call for healers in a neighboring country's civil war while her older brother had been called away to the Blightlands in order to deal with a demonic and unsavory creature that had appeared and began drawing energy from the dark region. He, along with six other young and extremely talented Paladins who had become known as "The Holy Seven", had been tasked with destroying it and sending it back to it's imprisonment in hell. As he was away, however, Kyla was unable to seek his council about the call for healers and he had not been there to discourage her from getting involved. So, despite her young age of 12, she ventured out with some of the other young Paladins who were talented healers, all of them eager to prove themselves in the civil war in the neighboring country.

She had been one of the most talented young Paladin hopefuls that had come along in the recent decade, and of course, her brother had become an exceptional Paladin Lord before her, which meant she had her work cut out for her. She knew that she would do well by proving herself in this war as a capable healer and learn quite a lot along the way with the other Paladin healers that were to accompany her. When the war become more heated, however, the Paladin healers were attacked when the lines broke and the enemy forces reached the rear of the army that they were supporting. It was then that she perished by the blade of a rogue warrior known to others by the name of "Gorrickon" the Wicked.

Gorrickon had been a talented rogue and a master of short blades and poisons, and at the behest of the rebellion who paid him well, he had enlisted in their army and taken the life of Jericho's sister. In fact, Kyla's young friend Delilah had claimed that she had seen it herself during all the fighting, and as she regretfully delivered the message to Jericho who swore vengeance upon Gorrickon, she also offered Jericho his younger sister's prized crest. When he'd seen it he had been certain that Delilah's word had been true, knowing that Kyla had cherished that crest ever since it had been given to her as a child by the Queen who had called her to action by that masterfully crafted gift. It had always been her dream to be a Paladin Lord like him while Jericho had been off at the League of Paladins, which had been a college of sorts to which he had devoted five years of his life, and she had very nearly reached the age to go there herself when she had met her untimely end.

Jericho was 27 now, and Kyla would have been seventeen by then, which meant that she would have been almost four years into the League herself if she had lived through that damned civil war. If only she had survived that encounter with Gorrickon she would be well on her way to becoming one of the most talented young Paladins to have ever lived. In fact, despite the fact that everyone who had heard the tragedy had urged Jericho that it hadn't been his fault, he had felt forever responsible for not being there for his younger sister and, in that guild, he decided to take her crest to the Queen and present it to her so that he could tell her his story.

On that day, as he informed the Queen of his sister's untimely demise with tear filled eyes, he pleaded with her to accept his unending devotion in place of his bright, young, shining star of a sister who would not be able to make good on her word promised when she had been just a little girl. And of course, as anyone would have expected, the Queen had accepted the older brother who's love for his sister and unyielding devotion had been seen as exceptional qualities of character.

Jericho would do anything and everything in his power to make his mother, his father and his younger sister proud of him as they watched on with bright eyes and full hearts from the afterlife.

Connection: Jericho has a few connections with other high ranking Paladins within the country who attended the same college for holy teachings(the League of Paladins). His closest relationship, however, had been the relationship to his younger sister who passed when she was only twelve years old. It was her memory that has spurred his decision to join the Colony in the effort of serving the Queen that his younger sister had believed in and admired so much.

Link to Colony: Jericho's crest is not his own and, in fact, had been gifted to his younger sister when she was merely a child. There was a certain glimmer of compassion and spiritual strength in her eye that had been noticed by the Queen when Kyla, Jericho's younger sister, had been just a child. Because of this the Queen had afforded Jericho's sister a sacred crest that she promised was a calling to greater purpose to the young girl, who of course took that calling to heart. So, ever since that day, Kyla had grown up studying and training along side other young Paladin hopefuls until the fateful day that she, as well as many other young Paladin recruits, perished in a civil war that they were dragged into by a neighboring country. They had been tasked with aiding in the politically fueled fallout as only healers, but when the war grew more bloody than expected many of them were forced to defend the weak and injured soldiers that they had been tasked with healing. Most of them perished as they were much too young to be taking up blade and shield just yet.

Jericho was crushed by the news of his sister's demise, but when he was presented with her keepsakes he found her crest and bore it as his own so that he could make good on his sister's promise to serve the Queen one day whenever she might be called upon. He could only hope that he would be a suitable replacement for his sister whom the crest had originally been entrusted to.

Background: Had previously been an orphan boy after his mother and father passed to a plague sickness. He took it upon himself to join the church with his sister, however, and after that he chose to serve the Lord as a Paladin warrior of the Light. Up until his sister passed away he had been training and studying at the League of Paladins Grand Cathedral in Whitecrest.

The Exceptions
Quirks: Jericho does not have any surface quirks at all, though whenever he uses his holy energy during the casting of a blessing of protection or revitalization his hair, his clothes and even dust and blades of grass can become weightless within the immediate area around him while his eyes will glow a brilliant, warm, golden color.

Capacity: 5


  • Blessed Sword - Named Skybreaker
  • Hunting Knife - 14 inch blade coated in silver used for skinning and as a secondary weapon. Particularly effective against demonic creatures as it is made of steel and coated in silver
  • Blessed Armor - Holy Plate Armor
  • Blessed Necklace - Celtic Crucifix made of pure silver
  • Kyla's Crest - Worn as a second necklace along with his silver Celtic Crucifix.
  • Blessed Book - Holy Bible who's leather cover is ornately decorated in silver Holy symbols
  • Whetstone and Toolkit - For metal work, caring for and repairing armor and blades
Minor/Inexpensive Item:
  • Fishing rod
  • Fishing line
  • Sleeping bag
  • Military Grade tent(made of leather and linen cloth)
  • Standard dried food supplies/rations that would last at least a week
  • Tooth brush
  • Leather water sack/skin filled with fresh water
  • Iron torch, oil soaked cloth and oil tin
  • 3 flint rocks
  • 3 pairs of socks
  • One pair of extra leather boots
  • Two sets of casual clothing
  • One set of work clothing
  • Leather military backpack to carry his belongings in

Special Items/One Time Use Abilities:

Level 2 Command Word Gravity Inversion Detonation: At the special command, a large zone within a large range has reversed gravity for an hour.

Level 4 Crystal of Motion Sensing: When activated, the crystal will inform the user for an hour of the size, number, and range of the creatures moving within a long ranged radius of the user.

Level 7 Command Word Force Field Projector: Once used, the user gets a magical shield/barrier around them for an hour.
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It's all starting to come together. I'll be finishing up folk's character sheets in pm before posting them in the character list.
The Roleplayer

Roleplayer Name: Elilliun
Posting Time Frame: 1500-2300 EST Canada
Post Frequency: 5/7 days of the week

The Body

Character Name: Alauriel (Ah-lore-E-elle) Galdir (Gull-deer)
Name meaning: Longly (Ael) waited (aur) daughter (iel), Descendent of (dir) clairty (gald)
Age: Human age — 407, Elven age — 21
Race: Elf​


Appearence: Alauriel appears to be a small, dainty being, with fair, peach undertone skin that is dotted with freckles. She had dark forest green eyes that are extremely reflective to light., similar to that of any feline. From her head falls long, warm honey brown wavy hair, that she generally wears centre-parted, or in braids. Like her fellow elves, Alauriel has pointy and sharp features, including small pointed ears and sharp canine teeth.
Height: 5'
Weight: 140lbs
Build: Small, dainty frame. Her upper body is feminine but still fairly toned. Her lower body holds most of her muscle mass, as she has very strong but still womanly legs.​

Type: Balance — Mix of skill (agility, precision, poise, balance, dexterousness) and mental (possessing magic abilities and mental sensitivity)​

The History

Connection: To Be Added
Link to Colony/Background: At 407, Alauriel had outlived three human generations, however amongst other elves she is considered to be very young still. She comes from a long bloodling of elven politicians, senators, and trusted followers on the Colony. As a child elf, Alauriel was raised amongst the upcoming generation of rulers. She grew up amongst the great-grandparents of the current leader, and with their children. In that time, Alauriel developed a very close friendship to the current leader's grandparents, and was awarded a Colony Crest one hundred years ago during their reign.​

The Exceptions

Quirks: On occasion, depending on the cycle of the moon, Alauriel can be blessed by an ancient Elven blessing from one of the seven Elven Gods. The blessing is called "Kaeled'hel" (Kah-lay-ed-hell) that randomly grants her the ability to access great combat ability, increasing her personal strength greatly, once a month for varying amounts of time.​


  • Skill [1 Point] — Swimming
  • Proficiency [1 Point] — Dual sword-wielding
  • Proficiency [1 Point] — Archery
  • Proficiency [1 Point] — Light armours
  • Category [2 Points] — Survival (basic knowledge of edible plants, camping and survival skills)
  • Category [2 Points] — Agility/acrobatic strength (a gymnastic ability allowing her to climb, run and jump between trees, over obstacles, and to evade foes)
  • Category [2 Points] — An understanding of natural herbal remedies, and a knowledge of edible/poisonous flora
  • Name: "The Healing Hand"
  • Range: Immediate
  • Target: 1 Person
  • Duration: Instant
  • Type: Healing
  • Description: By touching any part of a person's body, Alauriel can heal their physical wounds. The greater the wound, from scratches to broken bones, the more energy Alauriel has to spend, causing her to become extremely lethargic and/or occasionally loose consciousness following healing greater injuries.
  • [2 Points]
  • Name: "Tele-communication"
  • Range: Short
  • Target: 1 Person
  • Duration: Several minutes
  • Type: Mental
  • Description: Elves can communicate with each other for brief periods of time through each other's thoughts. Both parties must consent to the communication by making eye contact, however, the eye contact does not have to remain during the entire communication.
  • [2 Points]
  • Name: "Learn Language"
  • Range: Short
  • Target: 1 Person (the person being spoken with)
  • Duration: Permanent (See description)
  • Type: Communicative, mental
  • Description: With this power, Alauriel has the ability to learn any of the Colonies many native languages, simply by engaging in coversation with that person. Once Alauriel learns the language using this power, she will know and understand the power permanently. This power is extremely useful for communicating with locals while travelling.
  • [2 Points]
  • Name: "Empathetic Absorption"
  • Range: Short
  • Target: Multiple people (with a maximum of three people at a time)
  • Duration: Permanent (See description)
  • Type: Healing
  • Description: Alauriel has the unique ability to absorb both physical and mental pain/suffering, and transfer it either to herself or another being. The pain is completely absorbed from the victim (for example, someone with a broken arm would still have a broken arm, but would no longer feel pain until the would is completely healed). However, this ability does not drain any of Alauriel's energy. Alauriel uses only this ability in serious situations as it inflicts her with great pain. An example of when she would use this ability was if someone close to her was bleeding out from an arrow wound during a battle, instead of risking going comatose trying to heal them, Alauriel could absorb the pain so that they still die comfortably, but she can still have the energy to keep fighting.
  • [2 Points]
Equipment and Inventory
  • Religious golden head jewlery (pictured above)
  • Black long sleeve undershirt
  • Deep red leather abdominal armor with boning (light armour)
  • Black leather bracers (light armour) (not pictured)
  • Black trousers
  • Black hide travel boots
  • Deep red cloak with symbolic gold detail
  • Double edged traditional elven sword, family heirloom. The orange stones are symbolic of her father's lineage and family crest.
Expensive Item (1):
  • An identical sword to the one mentioned above, except the stones are red instead of orange, at it is an heirloom of her mothers side of the family.
Moderately Valuable Items (1):
  • Satchel of herbs — Like many elves, Alauriel has a vast knowledge of the native plants and herbs. She can make medicines, teas, and supplements, and purchases a satchel of fine herbs on a weekly basis.
Inexpesive Items (14):
  • Leather carrying bag (backpack)
  • Cloth sleeping bag
  • Iron oil torch
  • Torch oil refill x1
  • Flint rocks x2
  • Extra black trousers x1
  • Extra socks x1
  • Dried food rations x1
  • 10m of rope
  • Sewing kit
  • Mortar and pestle
  • Water canteen
Colony Crest:
  • Warn in the form of a cape clasp or a broach, it is a sun shaped pin, except instead of sun rays, they have been replaced with leafs to form a flower like symbol. The entire pin is made out of fine rubies, garnets, and spessartite garnet.
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The cast is filling out nicely. I'll be direct messaging folk to complete the character sheets.
I'm starting to get a little curious why only one of the sheets submitted so far has been messaged to me like I requested ^^;
Here works, but then I need to copy it into a conversation. Would seem to save a step by shooting it to me directly.
The Rp'er
Rp'er Name: The Barbarian King
Posting Time Frame:
1800-0600 CDT
Post Frequency: regular, as often as is needed

The Body
Character Name: Fargrim Skorrisson ( Far. Grim. Skorri's son)
: Grim
Character Theme:

Age: 33 years old


6'4" (193.04 cm)

295 lbs. (133.8 kg 21.1 Stone)

Thickly muscled, but not to the point of grotesqueness, broad and sturdy. the phrase "Built like a brick shit house" comes to mind whenever people look at him


People are intimidated by his size and muscle mass. he radiates an aura that signifies danger. he doesn't often speak but when he does his charm really shows through.

Balance - with a slightly heavier leaning towards strength

The History

(filled in later)

Link to Colony:
The crest of the colony was something that had been passed down in his family line for generations. He was told that by carrying the amulet he was chosen to live like no other. His family was a family of berserkers and they lived for battle. Not that they couldn't talk but that they prefer to lead by action and are usually the first one into the fight. when it was time for a new amulet holder, those brought up in the family would fight, male and female both. The winner was the one deemed worthy and they would take it to the sacred grove. The grove was where the other amulet bearers prayed to the gods before they started their journeys.

Trained to fight on any battlefield against any enemy to the best of his abilities for the time period he came from. He is the true meaning of Rage. His father was Skorri. His grandfather Thormund held the amulet last.

The Exceptions

In the tattoo on his body there are runes inscribed. They have a chance to light up with a lightning blue color alerting him to potential harm. Whether it's poisoned food, or a hidden enemy. (Only works outside of combat and against things he would consider harmful.)
Occasionally, while in battle, Fargrim's weapons have a tendency to appear to glow with energy. this energy increases the damage output of the weapon, but also causes the weapon to break down in his hands as he uses it rendering it unusable after he is finished with it.


(You have 18 points to spend. They can purchase the following things to be listed in the sections below:
  • skills (1 point): this is training in a specific activity - jumping, reading, telling lies, etc
  • Proficiency (1 point): this gives training in a specific tool, weapon, armor, or other type of implement and will be need for those who wish to consider themselves good at a weapon or capable of wearing armor without falling over. It may also affect what items you may start with.
  • Skill Category (2 points): This gives training in a broader area of skills - carpentry, athletics, deception, etc..
  • Capacity (X points): This is where unused points go. It dictates how many items of limited but powerful natures you may carry at one time. It will also impact what items you start with.
  • Power/Ability/Technique (2 points): this is a power your character has that makes them more than the average human. This is what gives the swordsman the ability to cut through doors. This is the mage's fireball. This is the Elf's psychic ability. The beastmasters war dog companion. The stronger the power is, the less it can be used. Power's must fill out the following template.

Name: Battle Trance (Blood Rage)
  • Range: Self
  • Target: Self
  • Duration: Indefinite
  • Source: a bloodline trait of his family members, himself included.
  • Type: Buff
  • Description: this buff negates pain he feels while in the midst of battle. it activates after more than 20 minutes of consecutive combat. and lasts long enough for him to patch up his most grievous wounds before he succumbs to extreme exhaustion. indication of this shift is that his eyes change from a piercing silvery steel color, to a blazing orange.
Name: Weapon Savant
  • Range: Self
  • Target: Self
  • Duration: always active
  • Source: it seems to be an otherworldly preternatural force that lets him do this.
  • Type: Buff.
  • Description: Any weapon Fargrim holds. He gains instant knowledge of how to use as though a seasoned expert with the weapon.
Name: Rune Smithing(technique)
  • Range: Immediate
  • Target: 1 target.
  • Duration: Indefinite (barring item destruction)
  • Source: Runes use natural energy from the planet to work properly.
  • Type: Buff/Other
  • Description: Fargrim can inscribe runes on an item imbuing it with magical properties so long as the item remains undamaged. Can only be used on one item at a time. If used on a bladed weapon, the weapon can gain the effect of the corresponding elemental rune used. (runes of protection do not negate his quirk to speed the deterioration of an item. ie: he can imbue a water skin with a protection rune set and prevent it from losing its seal from use, but if someone were to cut it apart, the runes wouldn't stop it.) Once inscribed the rune on the item is permanent and can't be removed. Items can be inscribed with more than one rune, at lowered effectiveness of the runes. ( if a water skin, when being made from scratch is scribed with a rune of frost, the drink inside will be kept cold. After the skin is fully stitched together the rune of protection can be added, but the effects of both rune will be lessened. The drink will stay cold for long periods of time, but not indefinitely, and while being less susceptible to general wear and tear it can still be accidentally damaged.)
Name: Fire Rune
  • Range: Immediate
  • Target: 1 target.
  • Duration: Indefinite (barring item destruction)
  • Source: Runes use natural energy from the planet to work properly.
  • Type: Buff/Other
  • Description: adds warmth and the ability to heat to items. When added to a weapon can cause severe searing pain. Is capable of cauterizing a wound.
Name: Frost Rune
  • Range: Immediate
  • Target: 1 target.
  • Duration: Indefinite (barring item destruction)
  • Source: Runes use natural energy from the planet to work properly.
  • Type: Buff/Other
  • Description: used to apply the chill of winter to items. When added to weapons, can cauze severe frost bite if hitting the same spot repeatedly
Name: Protection Rune
  • Range: immediate
  • Target: 1 target.
  • Duration: Indefinite (barring item destruction)
  • Source: runes use natural energy from the planet to work properly.
  • Type: Buff/Other
  • Description: increases the natural durability of an item, helping protect from over use. Is negated if the the object is purposefully destroyed. Can help prolong the life of armor by strengthening its natural resistance. (Metal armor would be slightly tougher and prone to being dented less. Leather armor would be slightly harder to cut or pierce)

Armour proficiency Light and Medium [2 points]

First-aid: The ability to properly treat a wound with material on hand for minor quick fixes. [2 points]

Survival: ability to recognize, harvest and utilize plants and animals that are dangerous, edible or can be used for his medicine. [2 point]

Battle Trance, Weapon Savant, Runesmithing, Protection, Fire ,Frost

Capacity: 0


Paired weapons one is an Axe the other is a Seax, typically used in tandem with one another, but subject to change dependent on generic threat level.

Well used fur-collared cloak.
3 pairs of leather boots
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The Rp'er

Rp'er Name: TheEccentric
Posting Time Frame: UST +8 6 AM - 12 PM / 5 PM - 9 PM
Post Frequency: Once Daily / Every Other Day

The Body

Character Name: Christopher Underwood
(Kris-to-fer Uhn-deur-wud)
Aliases/Titles/Nicknames: The Arcane Deck/ Mr. Underwood / Flush
Age: 34
Height: 5' 5"
Weight: 157 lbs.
Build: Lean and thin
Race: Human
Type: Skill

The History

Connection: To Be Determined

Link to Colony: His connections took place just an inch before death, his blood drenching his feeble hands as he attempted to draw his final set of cards. It was at that moment, he pierced through a certain veil that separated mortal minds from the worlds beyond the heavenly stars, and saw the grandeur of a spectral palace that hung in a void outside of worldly perceptions. As his vision started to blacken and crumble, he felt the cooling touch of soft hands pressing against his chest, a whisper barely able to pass through his muddled mind, "You have seen It as well... My Time has come to a halt, this Burden has been heavy to carry, but You shall replace Me. Count the Seconds, Mortal."

He awoke the next day in a clearing in the nearby forest, all his wounds magically healed but left behind are many gruesome scars. In his hand, he found a peculiar purple card, shining resplendent with chromatic flashes whenever light touched it. On its face, was a moving image of a beating heart; the words "My Life for The Colony" were etched with golden inks that flowed elegantly. Without a word, he gave a nod of understanding, and returned back to civilization, a new duty now placed in his heart and mind. It didn't take long for him to learn entry to the palace of The Colony, to which he spent the next few years offering his services and skills.

Background: Born to a cardist and and a sorceress, Christopher led a charming life of abundant money and care from his accomplished parents. Learning sleight of hand from his father and a multitude of arcane knowledge from his mother, he set off alone to be a performer in his late teenhood. The world was open to his ideals and desires, he swept his audience up with charming illusions and parlor tricks, but there was something within him that cried for a different calling. A flowering sense of justice pushed him forward to accomplish good for the sake of the misbegotten tyrants that used their power for selfish purposes. Flourish in one hand, magic in the other, he gave himself the Moniker of The Arcane Deck.

Even after he became instated as one of the Colony, he continued his virtuous activities without hesitation. He wielded his cunning, skill, and ability to rescue those that required his aid, and he willingly fought against the forces that oppressed the people. True, the activities that he had to do for The Colony weren't according to his personal creed, he knew very well the significance of the events. So all actions taken, even those against his desires, are done for the sake of The Greater Good. He knows that The Necessary Evil is not something that can be completely removed, thus, he just offsets his "sins" by doing more good to the world and its population.

The Exceptions

Eyes of Truth
Due to that strange but life changing moment of him suddenly seeing beyond what he's supposed to, his eyes have become magical and strange. Although not within his control, there are instances when he'll see through all fabrications. He sees the Truth of the world, all illusions and lies become known to him, and he sees them for what they truly are. He isn't capable of discerning the truth from any other lies beyond the reliance of vision, but he can still notice they are mere deceptions meant to trick him.

The Violet Monarch
Through the years, his sorcerous blood has begun to imprint itself into his very being. For the longest time, his personal signature has always been that of a vibrant butterfly of purple shades, and the energies within him have copied this. During moments where he's excited or satisfied, a flutter of purple butterflies will erupt from him, casting mystical lights and giving him an aura of dignity and grandeur. They dance around him merrily, and there have been occasions when wisps of his power transferred into a card, a similar phenomenon happening when it is thrown.


Skills (1 Point)
•Soundless Breath

Proficiency (1 point)
•Throwing Weapons

Skill Category (10 points)
•Sleight of Hand
•Hand To Hand Combat
•Expertise in Cards

Powers (4 Points):

Name: Trap Card

Range: Immediate

Target: Multiple Targets (As long as he has physical contact on an object.)

Duration: 1 Hour

Source: Magical

Type: Buff

Description: Holding the object in his hands, he infuses it with magical elements that are volatile and powerful. If the object is used as for a melee attack, the damage inflicted is increased and an extra effect is added depending on the element chosen. If thrown, the object will erupt with a powerful burst of magical energy, the damage depending on the element chosen. Although it is named Trap Card, it can be applied to a multitude of other objects that aren't strictly cards or cardlike.


Name: Dis-card

Range: Long

Target: Self

Duration: Instant

Source: Magical

Type: Support

Description: Pulling a glowing card from a deck, magical energy will surround him as illusionary copies of that card start to swirl around him. Accompanied by the sound of cards being folded and used, he'll disappear from the spot and appear some distance away. This requires a visual on the location he desires to go to, and he can take one other person with him.

Capacity: 2

Crest of Colony
•A Purple Card

Appropriate attire
•A Paper Mask
•A White Cravat
•A Purple Doublet
•Purple Robes
•Dark Trousers
•A Pair of Purple Leather Boots

•The Invisible Draw - currently contains 104 Metal Cards

10 Moderate Items (3 leftover)
•Grappling Hook with Rope
•2 Manacles
•Hemp Rope (50 Feet)
•2 Bags of Ball Bearings and Caltrops
•A Bullseye Lantern

24 Cheap Items (1 Leftover)
•A Tool Belt
•10 Mundane Card Decks
•A Sling Bag
•3 Lantern Oil Refills
•A Mirror on an Iron Rod
•A Waterskin
•A Tinderbox
•3 Days Worth Of Dried Rations
•A Book of Fiery and Dramatic Romance Stories
•A Fine Assortment of Handkerchiefs


Level 5 Crystal of Subdual Field - Once used, produces a zone of peace that prevents any sentient creatures from taking hostile action within the zone until they can overcome the affects of the zone. Has a delayed activation.

Level 7 Powder of Creature Detonation - Used by releasing it in an area. A gate opens up to another space and time that allows a hostile creature to emerge and attack the closest thing to it. Creature remains until it or the target are destroyed.
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Added Colony Theme to the first post for some listening. Future music will likely get posted up there as the rp progresses.
You're welcome for that, Nova. And further questions, where would the likes of narcotics fall under? I'd imagine common ones being cheap, and high class ones being moderate?
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