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This is the ooc for the soon or already posted rp Colony of Time. Feel free to hang out, chat, ask questions, etc.
In a place out of time and space sits an eternal palace drifting through the endless void. An entity known as Queen resides there, and with the help of her subjects, she maintains the rightful timeline. From her palace, she dispatches her soldiers to the near and far corners of the world throughout time. There, it falls to them to carry out her will of ensuring events in history play out as they must for the good of all. With various life experiences, skills, abilities, and gear to bring to bare, the workers and drones of the Queen are a capable force of enforcers for the world and beyond. All came to be part of the Queen and her Colony when they came into the possession of a special item called the Colony Crest.
Colony Crest-Joining the Colony
The Colony Crest takes a few different forms but generally it's just a metal medallion that fits in the palm of a hand. Stamped with the crest of the Queen, the medal identifies her people. It is an item that cannot be lost or stolen. It can only be found, appearing randomly in the world, or it can be given away. When given away, the new bearer becomes a member of the Colony in place of the former member.
The Crest acts as a ticket for the wearer to pass through rifts and time and space. It also grants access to the Colony Palace. Additionally, its a communication device between the owner and the Colony as a whole.
The Crest can be made to take any form so long as it remains transferable and externally accessible.
Posting Time Frame: (typical time to expect a post for this character. Please include timezone.)(ex: 6-9pm est, 12-5pm bst, 900-1800 evt. )
Post Frequency: (How often you can post: multiple times a day, daily, every other day, etc..)
Aliases/Titles/Nicknames: (other names your character may go by or you use to reference them)
Character Theme: (optional: a characters background music whenever they enter a scene)
Appearence: (image and/or word description here. Keep in mind the theme of the rp when choosing character images)
Age: (actual age or apparent age if they look different than they actually are)
Sex: (Male or Female. It in the cases of special fantasy races)
Build: (this describes their musculature: fat, toned, lean, lithe, muscular, etc..)
Race: (humans are most common. Other fantasy or made up races are allowed assuming it follows the rules. races should be described if they differ from common interpretations of them or are made up.)
Personality: (when people meet the character, what are their typical first impressions? ex: He's an angry man. She's a bitter, lonely woman. It's an annoying creature)
Type: (choose one category your character excels in the most-
Physical- might, power, endurance, hardiness, strength
Mental- magic, intelligence, speaking, influencing, clever, memory
Skill - speed, agility, precision, poise, balance, dexterousness
Balance - a combination of the 3 above with no single one that much more than the other)
Link to Colony: (describe how you found/came into possession of the Colony Crest and thereby joined the colony)
Background: (What you did and/or who you were before joining the Colony.)
(You have 18 points to spend. They can purcahse the following things to be listed in the sections below:
Name (Name of power)
Powers: (list the filled out templates here)
Capacity: (where remaining points go or 0 if all are spent)
This is the ooc for the soon or already posted rp Colony of Time. Feel free to hang out, chat, ask questions, etc.
In a place out of time and space sits an eternal palace drifting through the endless void. An entity known as Queen resides there, and with the help of her subjects, she maintains the rightful timeline. From her palace, she dispatches her soldiers to the near and far corners of the world throughout time. There, it falls to them to carry out her will of ensuring events in history play out as they must for the good of all. With various life experiences, skills, abilities, and gear to bring to bare, the workers and drones of the Queen are a capable force of enforcers for the world and beyond. All came to be part of the Queen and her Colony when they came into the possession of a special item called the Colony Crest.
Colony Crest-Joining the Colony
The Colony Crest takes a few different forms but generally it's just a metal medallion that fits in the palm of a hand. Stamped with the crest of the Queen, the medal identifies her people. It is an item that cannot be lost or stolen. It can only be found, appearing randomly in the world, or it can be given away. When given away, the new bearer becomes a member of the Colony in place of the former member.
The Crest acts as a ticket for the wearer to pass through rifts and time and space. It also grants access to the Colony Palace. Additionally, its a communication device between the owner and the Colony as a whole.
The Crest can be made to take any form so long as it remains transferable and externally accessible.

- Try to post regularly and inform others (namely Nova) when you cannot
- Post at least 1 paragraph per RP post
- Try not to post more words than what's necessary to convey the idea in your post (1000 words or more and you probably have went on a tangent somewhere)
- Add Too Long Didn't Read (TLDR) sections to the tops of your posts that specify who your character is interacting with and a summary of what they are doing
- This RP will go in Rounds. My posts will mark the beginning/ending of a round. Characters may post once between my posts. Precise order does not matter.
- Sometimes characters need time to talk and have more to post in those moments between my posts than fits in a single post. Discuss with me and something can be worked out.
- Characters are assumed to be on the same side and should never try to kill or steal from one another. Any drama besides that is at the party's discretion.
- The characters are members of the colony and are expected to do just what is necessary to carry out a mission. Indiscriminate, wanton murder among other crimes while on a mission may end with the character wiping themselves from existing or destroying their future. (Nova will try to give warning for this one)
- Powerplaying will not be allowed or supported. Characters that try to do something not supported by their character sheet or with the support of the party will fail and potentially have bad things happen as consequence.
- I control all npc's. This includes npc's from character backstories, pets, companions, and any other entity with some degree of sentience.
- Do not auto hit. Unless I give permission, I control whether or not a character's efforts to influence another character, substance, or entity in some way succeeds or not.
- Do not god mode with your character. If I say they are getting weak, tired, or injured, it is so. OOC or private message me if you would like to discuss how some ability, item, or effect I have forgotten makes it not so.
- I control the time in the world. If it's night, then it is night until I say otherwise.
- For actions that are mundane like walking down a street, opening a door, riding a horse (assuming you have that skill), assume you can perform those actions normally. For actions that have risk involved, speed, and/or consequences like attacks, climbing sheer walls, leaping across moving vehicles, etc...assume I get final say on how those things will turn out.
- When posting to accomplish some feat, try to incorporate relevant skills and abilities the character has into the narrative or in OOC. Ex: Jan tried to recall of her history lectures what came next in the timeline they were in. (Jan is using her history skill). TLDR sections are great for it since they are in brief and to the point.
- Characters must be less than 10'/3meters tall/long and over 3'/1 meter tall/long.
- Characters may be human or some form of fantasy creature. (ex: elves, certain fae, orcs, etc...)
- Characters may not be aliens aka creatures from other worlds and dimensions.
- Character power sources include but are not limited to: magic, ki/chi, divine/fiendish, technology
- Characters are limited in scope and power. Do not try to create one that can do everything or has no need for a team
- You may play only one character at a time in this rp: Your own character.
- All companions, pets, summons, robots, backstory npc's, or any other entity with any degree of sentience will be under my control. Characters created to have one of the above with them at all times will be able to give direction, but I will ultimately decide how well the direction is carried out.
- You must play a 'solid' character. This means you may not play characters that can split apart and have the pieces operate independently as entire separate entities.
- You may not play characters that are permanently liquid, vaporous or ethereal in nature. Ex: ghosts, elementals, etc..
- Characters that can naturally travel through time or control it are not allowed in this rp.
- please pm me completed character skeletons to go over starting gear and any clarifications/corrections /questions for the character
- Your character must be different from other characters, especially in their specialties.
The Rp'er
Rp'er Name:Posting Time Frame: (typical time to expect a post for this character. Please include timezone.)(ex: 6-9pm est, 12-5pm bst, 900-1800 evt. )
Post Frequency: (How often you can post: multiple times a day, daily, every other day, etc..)
The Body
Character Name: (character name and its pronunciation. ex: John ((jon)) )Aliases/Titles/Nicknames: (other names your character may go by or you use to reference them)
Character Theme: (optional: a characters background music whenever they enter a scene)
Appearence: (image and/or word description here. Keep in mind the theme of the rp when choosing character images)
Age: (actual age or apparent age if they look different than they actually are)
Sex: (Male or Female. It in the cases of special fantasy races)
Build: (this describes their musculature: fat, toned, lean, lithe, muscular, etc..)
Race: (humans are most common. Other fantasy or made up races are allowed assuming it follows the rules. races should be described if they differ from common interpretations of them or are made up.)
Personality: (when people meet the character, what are their typical first impressions? ex: He's an angry man. She's a bitter, lonely woman. It's an annoying creature)
Type: (choose one category your character excels in the most-
Physical- might, power, endurance, hardiness, strength
Mental- magic, intelligence, speaking, influencing, clever, memory
Skill - speed, agility, precision, poise, balance, dexterousness
Balance - a combination of the 3 above with no single one that much more than the other)
The History
Connection: (list a specific connection you have with another character and who the character is. This may be filled in later if you are the first character created)Link to Colony: (describe how you found/came into possession of the Colony Crest and thereby joined the colony)
Background: (What you did and/or who you were before joining the Colony.)
The Exceptions
Quirks: (List up to 2 things or categories of things that make your character stand out from the rest. These may not be duplicated any other character. Ex: My fists sometimes shatter metal, My eyes occasionally entrance the unaware, my hair bursts into flames at times. Something very specific, rarely happens, and generally helpful to you)Skills/Training/Techniques/Abilities/Powers/Traits
(You have 18 points to spend. They can purcahse the following things to be listed in the sections below:
- skills (1 point): this is training in a specific activity - jumping, reading, telling lies, etc
- Proficiency (1 point): this gives training in a specific tool, weapon, armor, or other type of implement and will be need for those who wish to consider themselves good at a weapon or capable of wearing armor without falling over. It may also affect what items you may start with.
- Skill Category (2 points): This gives training in a broader area of skills - carpentry, athletics, deception, etc..
- Capacity (X points): This is where unused points go. It dictates how many items of limited but powerful natures you may carry at one time. It will also impact what items you start with.
- Power/Ability/Technique (2 points): this is a power your character has that makes them more than the average human. This is what gives the swordsman the ability to cut through doors. This is the mage's fireball. This is the Elf's psychic ability. The beastmasters war dog companion. The stronger the power is, the less it can be used. Power's must fill out the following template.
Name (Name of power)
- Range: self, immediate, short (30ft or 10meters), long(90ft or 30meters or greater)
- Target: self, 1 target, multiple targets (how many), area (how big is the area)
- Duration: Instant, 1 minute, +1 hours, indefinite
- Source: (where does the energy to use this power come from)
- Type: Buff (enhances something), Attack, Defense, Bane (hinders others), Heal, Support/Other
- Description: What does it do/look like?
Powers: (list the filled out templates here)
Capacity: (where remaining points go or 0 if all are spent)
Anachronisms (for the purposes of our rp) are single or limited use items that come from another Age and generally have useful abilities to them. Guns in medieval, Excalibur in present day New York, a 2019 car in Sci fi space station orbitus in the year 3100. All cases of items in timelines they would not likely be found in without some sort of magical, technological, or cosmic force at work to make it so. Due to their tendency to be powerful and from another time, they are considered dangerous to foreign timelines and are removed or disposed of by workers of the Colony whenever possible.
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