Closed Duskbound (A Dark Fantasy Role-Play)[The Sign-Up Thread/OOC]

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Closed Duskbound (A Dark Fantasy Role-Play)[The Sign-Up Thread/OOC]

My character would love to be at the execution to observe others' reactions, but I think I'm supposed to wait for Ch. 2, right? At any rate, I'm waiting on Ice to finalize some ideas we had for connected characters. Looking forward to sharing them when they're done!
Well if you want, at the start of chapter 2, you can have your character witness the execution - chapter 2 picks up right away from chapter 1 anyways for the most part so it's easy transition to have your character there
I'd hoped to bounce off Linus once more, but I see no reason Nicole can't just 'be around'. As there's little point in posting just to move Nicole five steps, I'm also okay for now. I'll fill in where exactly she ended up after leaving Linus after the beheading.
I was debating where to position Linus and Nicole. It's a little tricky to make sense of our location and actions in the context of having came across Salvia. So we must be pretty near the Church, I'll just say the prayer area is a bit off to the side of the Central Church. I'd also like our character to be there when the action around the execution happens. It's a bit of a coincidence, but I think it makes sense Nicole and Linus get peer pressured/commanded by a priest at the Central Church to attend because it happened a healer and a shielder appointed to the execution got into unfortunate accidents.

edit: actually I thought it over again, and considering the execution happens in an hour, I'll come up with a reason that time passes by while we traverse the market
Linus and Nicole are positioned to see the execution and be around the other characters. I'm excited to read what happens next ^_^.
Is it considered bunnying if Sage somehow threw the dagger towards any character? Just a question. I might or might not be thinking of doing it.
I'm cool with it, and I don't think it would be bunnying so long as I write Vel's response to the attack 😁😁 If you decide not to do it I can still have him notice Sage for some friendly interaction
Thank you, I needed this! Someone in invited me for an IC drink the other day and I was thoroughly confused 😂
@linsen You can move away from Nicole or take her with you - I wanted to give you enough time to react to the execution yourself. She doesn't have anything else to do with Linus, and he has his duties and/or may want to find Sage to say hi without Nicole.
So Ice had reached out about having connected characters, but I haven't heard back, so I'm just going to go ahead and post what I came up with. I don't know if there will be an opportunity to change it later if Ice does respond, but this is what I'm going with for now. If the character is approved, Alia would want to be at the hanging in order to watch the faces of those in the crowd and see if she might spot any anti-government sympathizers--those who appear most unsettled or angry about the hanging of a magic user.




Alia is has dark, chocolate brown hair just past shoulder length, dark eyes, and an intense, intelligent, and judging stare. She is 5'5" and on the thinner side. Her skin is fair, and though it was once tanned from spending much time outside, it has lightened after a few years of work in the library. She is almost always garbed in a long (knee-length) hooded coat made of soft dark brown fabric, a dark scarf around her neck, a cream-colored tunic, and dark leggings and boots. Nothing about her appearance makes her particularly stand out, and she likes it that way.

Alia is mute—while not a personality trait, this experience has influenced much of her personality. She is constantly underestimated because she's so quiet, but she is always watching and listening, and as a result is often the most aware person in the room. She does have a bit of a disdainful streak, and also deep-rooted anger at the world that often passes her over, though she is fiercely loyal to those who have spent the time to get close enough to understand and communicate with her (a very small number). Despite the lack of attention she draws, she is very capable in many ways, particularly at assessing the motivations and character of others. She has a strong interest in the political workings of Ivesburg, and is secretly rather powerhungry; she would love to someday pull strings to cause the downfall of Donol/Dimeris (please let me know if she would be aware of Dimeris playing puppeteer or if he has hidden it well). Her internal passion is masked by a cool, calculating exterior that she presents to all except those who know her best. She can be quite manipulative when she wants to, but can also get in trouble for her recklessness, be it with her political meddlings, petty mischief she may engage in to blow off steam or teach a lesson she thinks is deserved, or her willingness to play games with attractive others (she is particularly drawn to the kind of people who are bad news). [This last part was originally aimed at Vel, but it seems that there is mutual interest between him and Caroline, and I see no need to get in the middle of that. I do think it would be great fun to see how much trouble she could get herself into with Dimeris, but idk if you intended to leave him as more of a background NPC rather than interacting with PCs.]

As a child, Alia lived in the Outfields with her family. Her best friend, Samira, was an orange-haired ball of energy, positivity, and mischief, and she was often content to play a supporting role in her best friend's mischievous or genuine endeavors. When Samira developed minor magical abilities, Alia was the first to know, and she spent countless hours watching the latest incremental advancements her friend had made. Any jealousy she may have had was quelled by her pride in her friend, and it was extinguished altogether when officers from Ivesburg found the two girls playing in a barn one day when they were fourteen, flame dancing on Samira's fingers. The officers slaughtered Samira where she stood for practicing magic, and Alia sustained an injury to her neck that left a jagged, noticeable scar across the front of her throat and destroyed her voice box. She has been mute ever since, and though she developed a form of sign language to use with her family that is her preferred means of communication, she is also carries a small leather-covered book with her in her coat to write messages in case she needs to convey messages to others. She and her family moved to the Hive district not long after Samira's death, and Alia has been learning all she can about the politics of the city and the people responsible for the loss of her best friend. She is currently employed in the general studies section of the library.


A dagger. She has some proficiency with it from learning how to fend off wild animals living in the Outfields as a child, and has made a point of keeping her skills sharp in case she ever gets the chance for revenge against Samira's killers.

It might be fun for her to have a pet of some sort but it's not an idea I've fleshed out yet—let me know if that sounds doable.
Her name is pronounced with the first and last syllable equally stressed, but she doesn't ever correct anyone who mispronounces it (they never ask, anyway), and finds it interesting to see which syllable they put the accent on.
@LunaLuck : I like your character! Alia is accepted! Welcome to the roleplay! And for sure she can be present at the hanging :) As for Demeris, I do have a small plot with him, however I am unsure as to whether I will execute that plot, or he will be there for the purpose of just being an NPC. However, for the most part, Demeris is rather good at hiding his little agenda.
Alright, we shall say that Alia is currently unaware that Donol is not the root cause of evil in the town's government. How do you feel about the possibility of her very ill-advisedly messing around with him at some point (potentially without realizing his true role)? I'm hoping to give Alia a little more depth and a chance to get herself into trouble by being reckless rather than being 100% intensely focused on her political aspirations, which is a rut she could easily fall into.
Alright, we shall say that Alia is currently unaware that Donol is not the root cause of evil in the town's government. How do you feel about the possibility of her very ill-advisedly messing around with him at some point (potentially without realizing his true role)? I'm hoping to give Alia a little more depth and a chance to get herself into trouble by being reckless rather than being 100% intensely focused on her political aspirations, which is a rut she could easily fall into.
That's a good idea, and something we could definitely fit into the story! Messing around with him in what sense? Like messing up some of his plans at some point?

And thank you haha!
I realize now that when I said "messing around with him" it absolutely sounded like I was talking about Donol, while I was actually referencing Demeris.
Multiple options for the definition of messing around: If she could ruin some of his plans with planned political rebellion, that would be some incredible wish fulfillment on her part (probably much later on in the story). If she could throw wrinkles in his plans with lower-level mischief, she would adore that opportunity. Also, since part of her reckless side is "willingness to play games with attractive others", particularly those who are "bad news" (Demeris certainly fits that bill), there's also the potential for some sort of attraction-based relationship that may or may not be an attempt at manipulation on the part of one or the other of them, may or may not involve Alia knowing who Demeris is, may or may not involve Alia knowing that Demeris is puppeteering his father (probably not, at that point he'd most likely be beyond interest to her as "responsible for the slaughter of innocents including her best friend" goes a bit beyond "bad news").
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