Closed Duskbound (A Dark Fantasy Role-Play)[The Sign-Up Thread/OOC]

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Closed Duskbound (A Dark Fantasy Role-Play)[The Sign-Up Thread/OOC]

Sorry for not being active, I've had a very hectic week. I'm thinking Linus can join in with Nicole and Salvia in the Bunberry district. He can't take down a demon, but having another magic caster involved might help. Linus uses a wooden staff, it might be able to harm or injure a demon, but that's not going to be able to land any finishing blows. Probably right now he's the most combat-ready because Salvia is still adjusting to her new legs. However, most likely Linus could only keep a demon occupied for a short period of time while putting himself at great risk tho. He's likely to not be wearing armor. It also helps that both Salvia and Linus have magic oriented around constraining/trapping the demon. Maybe Linus could help with setting the trap? He would also be good for helping out soldiers if we find any. What do you two think about this? @Ai-in Ayan @Crijns Linus's reason for going to the Bunberry distract can be visiting the Priestess who originally sponsored him.
Sorry for not being active, I've had a very hectic week. I'm thinking Linus can join in with Nicole and Salvia in the Bunberry district. He can't take down a demon, but having another magic caster involved might help. Linus uses a wooden staff, it might be able to harm or injure a demon, but that's not going to be able to land any finishing blows. Probably right now he's the most combat-ready because Salvia is still adjusting to her new legs. However, most likely Linus could only keep a demon occupied for a short period of time while putting himself at great risk tho. He's likely to not be wearing armor. It also helps that both Salvia and Linus have magic oriented around constraining/trapping the demon. Maybe Linus could help with setting the trap? He would also be good for helping out soldiers if we find any. What do you two think about this? @Ai-in Ayan @Crijns Linus's reason for going to the Bunberry distract can be visiting the Priestess who originally sponsored him.
No worries! Life can get in the way :)

I will read all the posts tomorrow and try to have a post up myself by tomorrow or Monday at least!
Quick question, are there magical items in this world? I don't mean powerful items, I mean items that would be more the fluffy story based items? I had this thought as I wrote my last post about Caroline's sword, the sword her Uncle left her when he died. The sword would be magical but it wouldn't really have any effect on combat or anything like that. I'm thinking her uncle's soul would be trapped within it. The sword would be able to communicate with her through telepathy, encouraging her and giving her moral support, kind of like Obi-Wan speaking inside Luke's head... 😊
Quick question, are there magical items in this world? I don't mean powerful items, I mean items that would be more the fluffy story based items? I had this thought as I wrote my last post about Caroline's sword, the sword her Uncle left her when he died. The sword would be magical but it wouldn't really have any effect on combat or anything like that. I'm thinking her uncle's soul would be trapped within it. The sword would be able to communicate with her through telepathy, encouraging her and giving her moral support, kind of like Obi-Wan speaking inside Luke's head... 😊
yes there are magical items! but we would have to have some sort of explanation as to why it communicates with her/has her uncles soul entrapped within it. I'm thinking maybe the best route would be to just say that not even Caroline knows how her uncle did that/trap
His soul in it, or that it's some sort of magic that really isn't known.
The beast in the marketplace has been killed! I will let you guys wrap up the demons In your area before we proceed again :)

In other news, I started playing Elden Ring! The character creation is fantastic, and I was able to create Hainer! I will probably post the picture when I get a chance!
@JSJ_2004 hey I just wanted to check if my usage of magic is okay? I can edit it if not. I know you said magic might take some setup and would be taxing. I'd imagine what Linus is doing would be on the level of Vel's fire magic, versus Salvia's traps which take time. I wondering generally what you were thinking in terms of how magic should be used. I'm also thinking Linus is also now winded from both injury + the chains + the barriers in the short combat and escape. How winded are you thinking magic should make characters? Should he not be able to help with the execution of the trap now?
yes there are magical items! but we would have to have some sort of explanation as to why it communicates with her/has her uncles soul entrapped within it. I'm thinking maybe the best route would be to just say that not even Caroline knows how her uncle did that/trap
His soul in it, or that it's some sort of magic that really isn't known.
Maybe the question of how he dies is mysterious and no one really knowns. He was a member of the town guard when he died. All they know is he was dead and the sword and armour was delivered to Caroline and her father.
@JSJ_2004 hey I just wanted to check if my usage of magic is okay? I can edit it if not. I know you said magic might take some setup and would be taxing. I'd imagine what Linus is doing would be on the level of Vel's fire magic, versus Salvia's traps which take time. I wondering generally what you were thinking in terms of how magic should be used. I'm also thinking Linus is also now winded from both injury + the chains + the barriers in the short combat and escape. How winded are you thinking magic should make characters? Should he not be able to help with the execution of the trap now?

I think it seems okay - there's nothing glaringly wrong with how you guys are using magic. If it does come up I'll be sure to let you guys know! I mean, he's clearly feeling the effects of using magic which is good, as that's a side effect. In terms of fatigue and actual tiredness, it is possible to die if you try to use magic and there's simply no juice left in the body. I mean, as for the trap, that's up to you: if you think he can squeeze out some last bit of energy, then by all means!

@Angel of Mercy : I think that works! It's vague enough so we don't really understand it's inner workings.

@Ice : I LOVE that! Thanks a lot! I will add to the front post of this OOC thread for reference!!
Hello everyone, unfortunately I have to drop out of this awesome story! LIFE lol but I had fun! Thanks for including me :) take care guys! 👋💘
No worries, I understand. If you ever want to join back in, let me know! Meanwhile, I will try to work out a way to get Vel out of the story (which shouldn't be too hard).

I believe all of the demons are dead at this point, correct? Or is there one still around?
I think the one in the Bunberry district is restrained and starting to be set on fire but not quite dead yet.
If you guys want to have a few guards set fire to the final demon to kill it (torch, etc), feel free to do so! I think that's the final demon that needs to be killed!

I will also have a post either tonight or tomorrow that proceeds things along :)
If there is still room left in this RP, I would love to join!
Sure! Make up a character and I can review it! Your character would most likely be able to join by the time the next Chapter starts (which should be soon!).
Sure! Make up a character and I can review it! Your character would most likely be able to join by the time the next Chapter starts (which should be soon!).
Thank you so much! I'll get it started on it right away!
Soran Novarra



Soran wears brown leather boots with metal plate shin guards. His pants are a grey cloth. He wears a blackish brown vest with tied in the middle with wood toggles, octagon imprints as the designs on the vest. A long blue jacket with polar bear fur on the inside is worn over the body with one half being tucked into the waist and tied around with a rope. Under the vest is a long sleeve purple shirt that he wears with the sleeves rolled up. On his wrists he wears small bracers that are the same color as his vest.

Soran has jet black hair peppered with grey flecks from age. His hair is usually braided at the top and pulled back into a style that flow down his back and shoulders to keep the hair from his face. He is richly tanned with hard working calloused hands. His eyes are the color of the sea during a violent storm. He sports a full beard and mustache, just as grey spotted as his hair.

Soran is full of life and adventure. A drunk who commonly has some form of alcohol on him. The life of the party, Soran is always down for anything interesting. An easy going guy many find they get along with well. He enjoys making friends and can always be relied on to help those in need. He has a deep hatred of those who take advantage of the weak and desolate. Most of the time he is humorous, talkative, and always making sure the mood is light and fun.

Being born into a noble family, Soran was afforded many amenities. He was trained in hand to hand combat, a variety of weapons and fighting styles, how to read, and the structure of the world around him. His father was a large presence in the noble world, renowned as both a political figurehead and a war hero. His mother was well regarded for her beauty and kindness. The Novarra name was well affiliated with being generous with their status, often helping the poor, those down on their luck, and setting up camps for the homeless. It was this exact generosity that got his family killed.

While he was out on a small hunting trip with a few of his men, opposing men from a jealous noble family sent in some of their guard under disguise of the homeless. A small event to house some of the less fortune at the manor was being held. They killed the guards and slaughtered his family and stole their wealth while they slept, including his newborn baby sister. Upon his return, he was devastated and turned to a life of a drunk for many years. Traveling from place to place, he was now a young man who drank at every opportunity, until an elderly man found him. He was able to convince Soran that he had exactly what he needed to help Soran find peace.

After almost a month's worth of travel, high into the mountaintops, the elderly man revealed himself as a grand master at a hidden monk monastery. There, Soran trained with the monks in both masteirng his emotions, tampering his inner turmoil and embracing his life. He learned the ways of chi and meditation. He stayed there for many more years, now well into adulthood, he finally felt at peace. He was happy where he was, but decided it was time to move on. He had a new goal in life. He wanted to continue his family's legacy, without revenge.

With his new ability to control chi, he found he was able to control his body and the flow of it better than ever. While not immortal, his lifespan would be dramatically increased by the skills and abilities the monks had taught him. While working with chi, he was taught one more thing. The ability to use wind magic as a way to support his fighting style. With his new skills and abilities, he traveled back out into the world to fulfill a new dream.

Powers of Chi. [Chi is a physical manifestation of power that can be used for short bursts of power that can be used for physical enhancement, offensive attacks, and defensive barriers and such.]

Wind Magic [Utility/Support Only]

His body is his weapon. He keeps a small dagger for utility uses only.

Soran doesn't have a huge reputation and his family name is practically gone now. So he won't be well known unless it's by the people who killed his family to begin with.


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@Zepharius: okay, so it looks good to me, except for the immortality part! For lore reasons, there can't be a well of eternal life in this roleplay.
Posted! The chapter will soon come to an end, so if anyone needs to tie up any loose ends for the night before we proceed, now's your chance! The next chapter will start to bring the characters a tad closer together.
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