Currently reading:
Either Needed Rotting From Within Character Creation and Lore

Oh alright, I was just quoting a previous post but I'd love to interact with your character and see how they react to each other.
You can post whenever you are ready, as long as we don't post too much it should be okay (don't want to overwhelm anyone who needs to catch up) so lets not exceed a couple pages a day (About 2 or 3) just in case someone can't get on for a bit they won't be stuck reading all of the new posts for days. I hope this makes sense.
Yes yes! I made my post sorry if it's hard to go off of I promis I do better once things start rolling.
Hope that's better! please let me know if your still having trouble. And I'm glad to hear your doing good but..... STUDIES ARE IMPORTANT do them.

---I'm a student teacher btw.
I have to admit that it's more of a personal problem arising from being at home for much too long. Everything around home is distracting - everywhere you turn is something that can capture your attention. Am trying to at least keep pace with the studying schedule I set for myself at the start of the revision period.
Heading to sleep, goodnight everyone! Gotta be up in a couple hours but I will be back on tomorrow when I can.

And @Hodrick it was perfectly fine, we are all going to be getting used to each other and I am sure my responses don't give much to work off of right now.
Night sleep well I'll have a response out by the time your up, but might not be on right away to see what everyone posts after.
Hey yall, hope your all feeling good. I made the next post a little easier for people to get involved so you don't have to feel like you need to force your way in, Anyway let me know if its not enough or if you guys need something else.

Stay safe and have a great night!
Just going to update here that I'm working on another dual post with @Keillen. Just in case it seems that our posts are slower.

Also got inspired by all the colours from everyone's posts to add some colours to my posts also - at least to differentiate the dialogue from the rest of the text.
No worries and sorry for the late response by the way, I've been in a bit of a funk lately.
I'm afraid I'm going to drop this role-play! I'm sorry. I don't see myself getting invested enough, or able to actively deliver if I did have someone to interact with. I don't wanna waste people's time. I'm really slow with replies. Please forgive me! Have fun writing this story though.
I'm sorry this rp wasn't what you were looking for, I will be sad to see you go but I wish you the best and hope you find what you are looking for. If you ever decide to join us again you are welcome to and I hope you have a wonderful day.
Oh yes. Thought I should mention that with the latest dual post made by @Keillen and I, Adelaide and Uldran have now ended up at the spice district area. Any characters nearby the area could potentially bump into and interact with our characters.
If anyone would like to post they can, I just feel bad that I have been posting so often and want to give others a chance.
Sorry everyone for my absence I got caught up in a few things and didn't have much time to post anything
Im keen to see where this thread goes direction wise and what will rope our characters together
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