Currently reading:
Either Needed Rotting From Within Character Creation and Lore

Ack, I hadn't realised that Keillen had made his post already, or that the dual post contained one last bit of Uldran's actions that Adelaide needed to respond to.

Have just made my character post.

@Keillen you can RP the characters from the mansion, and their reactions to Adelaide, since they are characters from your character's plot.
@Hodrick No it's perfectly fine, I've just been dealing with some mental stuff and dog sitting out of town so my connection isn't too great. I will respond as soon as I can. The only concern would be the distance since the North gate is a couple blocks from where you are.

Just posted my response, sorry it is not very long. I will try to do better next time.
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I see that's my bad, if you can could you maybe fix it? I wanted to make sure you where brought back and not forced to leave just yet because I was going to have Kayn stay in the city for a bit longer.
It's alright, it's not a big deal so I am just letting it slide. I just responded so hopefully that works out for you? If not I can see what I can do.

I do have to get off since we are going to be heading home now but I will get back on in an hour or two hopefully.
I'm doing alright, and I just wanted to let you all know that Sanity43217 and sage. are no longer taking part in this rp. They will be missed and I hope to be able to rp with them in the future.
It is but that is true, I just hope they are doing well and staying safe.
Hope everyone is doing alright, the rp has become quite stagnant so I am a bit worried. Hoping everyone is doing alright during this time and if something is wrong to please let me or someone else know so we don't imagine the worst.
IRL has been crashing around me as of late.
I hope you are alright.

And I am sorry everyone for not responding until now, I have been dealing with massive headaches so it has been quite difficult to focus. They have died down a little tonight so hopefully they don't come back and I'll be able to respond much quicker.
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