All [Signups & OOC] Celestial University - Next Semester

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All [Signups & OOC] Celestial University - Next Semester


Ok, I'll keep the memory loss. I believe I did mention how much memory loss there is due to the range/volume of magic used. Otherwise I can edit the memory loss as something gradual rather than every single time elemental magic is used.

Sounds good! We'll workshop it in-character.

I kept it vague bc I wasn't sure how it would fit into the story. I was thinking her faith is from the Eternal Light deity, or El for short which means God.
No worries if it doesn't fit the story though.

Divinities are okay! The world is in the "age of myths" with a billion different spirits and gods, so Eternal Light isn't a problem storywise. I was just wondering. ^^
Name: Finnian "Finn" Aldebrant

Age: 499

Gender: Male

Personality: A man of few words, Finn is known for his glare which can have others talking in seconds or shutting up immediately. He is a gruff man who speaks his mind and has a dislike towards anything bureaucratic that gets in his way. He comes off as strict and as a person with no humor, but he is still a person everyone respects. He hates anything that wastes time and is a very impatient person. He cares deeply for other people and finds his work to be extremely important. Finn is not good at talking about emotions or showing feelings, but he does care for students. He has been described as a functional mute, as often his silence is a language in of itself. He is very protective of the people he loves and will break the rules to protect them. He is extremely intelligent, often seeing solutions before anyone else does. His relationship with modern magic is vitriolic, to say the least.

Homeworld: Finn comes from the Ethereal Abyss, a land where people not capable of using magic are beyond exceedingly rare, they are often considered bad omens and abominations. Parents who have a child incapable of magic usually kill the abomination on the first full moon after birth. Then there are the girls who are born with purple hair and eyes, destined for greatness but will suffer far more than everyone else. Those who live in the Ethereal Abyss all worship Krerella, but each school has its interpretation of Krerella. There are numerous schools of magic each with a different focus, such as nature, fire, water, dark, light, etc. Acceptance into any school requires showing a natural affinity for a particular form of magic, usually whatever your parents are, on supremely rare occasions one will find themselves in a different school of magic than their parents. If that occurred, they were usually disowned by their family and once they proved themselves, they were adopted into another family but not always. Most couples stay within their affinity, it is rare for affinities to intermingle. Each year the schools hold the Evelina Dreamwalker Scholastic Competition to see which school is the best. The competitions are extremely competitive. Whichever school wins the competition becomes the leader of the Ethereal Abyss for the next year. The Ethereal Abyss due to the near-constant wars in the past rarely if ever interacts with the Celestial University. Anyone from the Ethereal Abyss who joins the Celestial University must seek it out themselves.

Backstory: Finn was born into the Moonshadows school of magic. Once he became old enough to participate in the yearly competition he did so out of tradition, not any real desire to compete. He competed to the best of his ability despite his lack of desire so as not to dishonor his family. He could not care less who ruled the Abyss. He just wanted to study and develop new magical spells.

One day while searching for rare ingredients he needed he found the cave that housed the lost grave of Evelina of the Dreamwalkers, The One Who Ended The Wars, the Last Dreamwalker. Finn wrote countless papers on her life. He was obsessed with her as a child. He never could understand why Krerella the Benevolent would demand Evelina's sacrifice to end the wars. Nor could he understand why Krerella the Benevolent would force those with purple hair and eyes to suffer so much. After studying everything there was to learn he made sure that no one else would discover it, every single person he knew would try to exploit this site for their own gain. He feared the site would become a battlefield. He could not allow that to happen. He could not allow the knowledge in his head to be stolen. There was a mention of a Celestial University in the cave, he had no idea what it was but there was mention of a million worlds.

Finn never returned to his school. He began looking for a way to cross from one world to another. He lost track of how much time it took him, a year, three, forty. It did not matter he successfully crossed over to another world. When he stepped through the dimensional hole, he created he took one last look at the Abyss and vowed to never step foot in it ever again. It took him a year to contact Celestial University.

After joining the University, he threw himself into his studies. He loved it there. It was so much easier to learn there. He eventually graduated at the top of his class, he moved to a world that he thought could use his help. He did good work, saved lives, married, and fathered children, but there was always the nagging feeling this place was not home. He stayed until his wife died of old age, he bid his children and grandchildren farewell and moved on. Nowhere since leaving the Abyss felt like home, the Celestial University came the closest, so he returned to teach the next generation.

Style/Form: In his youth, he waved his wand around in complex patterns while reciting magical incantations when he grew older and less physically capable due to arthritis the complex patterns became less complex, and eventually they disappeared altogether. Some spells require ingredients to be gathered or sacrifices to be made.

Affinity/Focus: Finn is a practitioner of an ancient and long-forgotten magical art known as Gender Energy Manipulation, specifically the Masculinity Aspect Manifestation part of it due to being a man. He is not actually aware of this; he just thinks he is naturally talented at Solar Magic. His ability to use Solar Magic was in part controlled by his willpower a part of the Masculinity Aspect Manifestation.

He is a minor practitioner of Preservation Magic & Medical Magic. He also finds Curses to be very fascinating. He has used this knowledge to break curses from time to time, but he has never cursed anyone or anything, though he has been tempted at times.

Other Skills & Interests: History of Magic

Pet: He has had many in his life, he hasn't had one in ages though. He had each one stuffed and magically preserved. He keeps them on his mantle.
Hi this sounds super fun! Is it too late to join for this new semester? Also is this more short or long form writing typically?
Hi this sounds super fun! Is it too late to join for this new semester? Also is this more short or long form writing typically?
Hi there—you're not late at all, we're still totally open!

I would say variable: 3 paragraphs minimum would be cool, but that's not a hard limit.
Hey there!
Is this cool plot still up for a good writing? 😁
This is a gentle nudge.

Yes of course! I've been delayed because I was talking with another writer about collaboration over this story, but if we're ready to go I can have that OP up soon.
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Sorry for the delay folks! I was working with another thread author and waiting for them to reach back out to me, but it doesn't look like they've been online, so I won't keep you all waiting much longer. Expect an IC thread very soon!
Okay everyone! I thank you all for your interest and patience. Without further ado, Celestial University: Next Semester is now OPEN! The link to the first post and event can be found below—if you have an approved character, feel free to reply as soon as you are able. Thank you again for playing, and I hope you all enjoy!

Know I disappeared for a bit, but I'd love to try to get back into this one if I can! Hitting the hay for now, but I'll be checking back in tomorrow :)
Hey, welcome back Hotdog! No worries at all, you're more than welcome to rejoin. As it happens, I let the last thread out too long, so we're just now starting fresh—you came back at the perfect time!

If you wanna join in with your old character Shafyd (link here) or if you wanted to make a new one, the open-ended first post is already available below. Let me know what you think!

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Alright! Let the discoveries and meets begin!

I had a very busy day yesterday, and behind on chores. I can't make a post tonight, but will try tomorrow. ✍️😁
Alright! Let the discoveries and meets begin!

I had a very busy day yesterday, and behind on chores. I can't make a post tonight, but will try tomorrow. ✍️😁
No rush! Real life comes first. Still, thrilled to have you with us! ^^
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