All The Mystery Island

Currently reading:
All The Mystery Island

Now to make sure that we all are on the same level, that we make process and that....something's happening, I would like to throw in some ideas as I was planning several other rp's for a while now. (Hey I said I do a writing break, not a brainstorm break >_>)

1. Bringing back the posting order. That would allow for consistency in prompting and replying.

2. I thought about providing actual prompts or rather goals for the group, how/when/why is your choice afterwards. Sound good? It's not supposed to give any restrictions, it's more of a sign that shows you what you need to do to proceed.

3. Weapons, items and powers: so far none of you tried to look for something, yet all there is, is on the island. Of course I didn't made it easy and threw YC's around like they were tennis balls going through portals. However, if you've read through the older RP posts and all, you might have noticed that LP has been inside of a temple before.....and started killing werewolves and demons. (Cybernetics unlocked by interacting with the temple)

4. I hope I'm not pushing you guys to much, but in any case, just talk and say it. It's much easier to just say, that you don't feel like it or that you may require help with your reply. I can provide you with extended information on the island, the enemies you encounter, locations you see around you, items around you, suspicious noises and anything a character might sense (smell, see, taste, hear)
Thanks for the heads up! I know for me, my lack of posting has been more because of real life business and the crazy summer heat. I still feel pretty excited about this rp, have been having a lot of fun with it, and want to continue. These suggestions seem pretty good to me! I don't know if I'm a fan of the posting order, but then again I haven't been in many rps where that was a thing, so maybe it works pretty well and I just don't have any experience with it.

Currently, Kemoda isn't in too big of a rush to get off the island, at least until she find her stuff. Being an adventurer by trade, she's all for exploring the island and going on treasure hunts. I think it could be interesting if one of the things on the island was Kemoda's money that she has been saving up to pay off her debt. But also, I just like having Kemoda interact with everyone else's characters. She would be all for helping Devon and Narita regain their memories.
If i understand this correctly, would you like us to take more initiative in exploring the island?😻
@meamae its the choices those characters would make that I want to explore. With the wolfdudes attacking, I left your characters no other choice but to attack or defend. I got alot of insight on each character that was involved even in the slightest, the one seeing LP's actions as a example, of course was the huge beautiful fighter badass kemora, followed by those who certainly are aware of there lack of ability. Some even going through spiritual journey with giant crabs! And of course finding those things that had been lost during there arrival would be extreme changes. Can't really tell how it will happen as it spoilers alot. But what I can do tell is that it isn't a sudden change necessarely, it could also be something that the character regains over time slowly, like when your HP or Mana bar refills itself slowly in videogame.

Prompts or goals as a fine red line
That is the goal, to simply allow you to walk that line. It will most likely just be a simple: "In the distance, one can find a heart-shaped rock, words written on it that say: [confusing text] of course the text would be something hinting towards something. (in color. Any good advice what color we are going to make that? :D)
That allows for each member to interact and find out more on there own. With something to look for and interact with. I don't wanna restrict anyone, just leading you towards your own away.

powers for future
I'm trying to include worlds that resolve around each of those powers, items or past memory. So I will hit each of you up randomly and ask sum questions. That is where the little GM-change will happen as the GM post will then be split into two parts; first by myself, second that follows by the character who's world/memory/place is being visited. I think this will allow for an unbelievable amount of creativity for everyone :p
(honestly I am very interested in learning about each of that and especially how emotional they could become. Welp, I did provided an example of how it could be already with that movie-like scene of LP's rise and of course I want to plan with each of you something just as heartbreaking, just as fun or even greater if I see the potential)

Maybe it can help if we each say what we want our characters to do?
please do tell! Everything that shoots up your mind. Any bit of information helps.
Narita needs to eat gold to unlock a power
Yes 👍 that is an amazing idea

The surprise adventure we did last time, was one i enjoyed!
could not agree more! Even tho it was a very high risk that I took, I trusted that you all would enjoy a little sudden change of events. But I promise, that won't be happening to this extreme again so quickly 🤞

yeah i know i've explored Devon's powers a bit when killing one of the werebeasts
that was a badass moment, the reluctent girl suddenly standing up is always something I adore! :D

@Captain Cardboard
These suggestions seem pretty good to me! I don't know if I'm a fan of the posting order
Me neither, but I digged myself into some DnD books again and read some of the group-rp's in the forum to get more of a feel to it on how it could be and it seemed that those who sticked to some form of order-to-post, where going on the longest. Whit I would suggest is going by prompt, but based on what is currently going on. So the posting order will be right now starting with kemoda and and chaton arriving at the bar and having there conversation. But if someone wants to interact with somebody else, we could change that posting order and put those two down a bit. It is lots of work on my part, but I'm willing to give it a try and come up with a list that allows everyone to really interact with each other.

I personally always struggled with conversations, as most have to be question -> answer in order to work. Yet there's more stuff going on, on the side that stops the characters from interacting further (the endless tease~)

Kemoda's money that she has been saving up to pay off her debt

Looking back at the whole story-so-far, there has been going on so much, in a very short amount of time, eh? But that's the beauty of it.

So the following plan is now what I came up with. I will pick one of you guys and give ya a little secret DM where we get to talk about your world in a bigger extend and plan together your little role as the "short-term-gamemaster" role. How, when and where exacly is not set in stone here, but you can feel free to follow along @Captain Cardboard's post now recently and interact. Small paragraphs are perfect for that. If that means we will end up with 20 pages of conversations between all characters, why not? careful, as no rules, means chaos. I'd like to know now on what place you wish to be set right now, so we can come up with a "first" posting order. Just show here where you see your character appear, if you wish to do more on your own, fighting giant crabs and such, I advice you to go down to 6-7th place as you can go all out and have that little perspective view on what the others already had. For example when the people at the bar talk and one sits by the side, they can then at the bottom of the order start to come into the picture.

1. SynfulDesire

Also sorry if anything here written doesn't make sense, I havn't slept alot and am very tired as I wrote it 10 minutes after leaving work ^^
I'd like to know now on what place you wish to be set right now, so we can come up with a "first" posting order.
Just to make sure that I'm understanding this correctly. This list we are making is going to be the order we are taking 'big character events'?
Just to make sure that I'm understanding this correctly. This list we are making is going to be the order we are taking 'big character events'?
the list is the order for when it is each players time to reply. So you can decide yourself if you want to hit it right away (after GM-post, top of the list) or if you wish to wait a little longer (bottom of list)

Each round, the start is always the GM-post, we go through the list one by one, giving each of you enough time to reply because you can just wait your turn. The list itself will be changed however YOU the player wants it to be. I will ask frequently after each round's over where in the list you want to be. It sounds very boring, I know. But it works and it is the best way possible for the roleplay to go on without sudden silence.

it is a great solution because we won't have any "is it my turn?"
that was a badass moment, the reluctent girl suddenly standing up is always something I adore! :D
It was 🤩
But what I can do tell is that it isn't a sudden change necessarely, it could also be something that the character regains over time slowly, like when your HP or Mana bar refills itself slowly in videogame.
In the distance, one can find a heart-shaped rock, words written on it that say: [confusing text]
White looks nice! Maybe with a dark background? I have light mode 🔦😂
GM post will then be split into two parts; first by myself, second that follows by the character who's world/memory/place is being visited. I think this will allow for an unbelievable amount of creativity for everyone :p
yesss 🤩🤩 careful, as no rules, means chaos. I'd like to know now on what place you wish to be set right now, so we can come up with a "first" posting order. Just show here where you see your character appear, if you wish to do more on your own, fighting giant crabs and such, I advice you to go down to 6-7th place as you can go all out and have that little perspective view on what the others already had. For example when the people at the bar talk and one sits by the side, they can then at the bottom of the order start to come into the picture.

1. SynfulDesire
Claims place on nmbr 2 😏😏😏💩 or 3! After kemoda
I just posted with Kemoda, I dunno if if she should be posting next
we will wait for the posting order to be set.

Before anyone does any decision, we need this list. The roleplay at its current stage would only go wild and in any direction if people start posting whenever they want. Of course we could do that, write whenever. But that means that you will eventually dig through tons of replies of others that don't have anything to do with your task. Chaos.

So right now:

1. Posting list
2. GM post to allow you guys to start settling back in, having conversations and playing around while I decide who I let to become second GM.

@TheDovah you might have misunderstood something wrong. No worries. Shit happens. Please no more chaos.

If you're not sure with something. ASK
hey guys!

just wanted to give everyone an update. sorry i've been absent, i've just moved from my temp apartment back into my permanent one and so we've been moving and unpacking for days. i also have been training for my new job that ill be starting officially next week and finishing my last few shifts for my current job in the midst of that so i'm pretty fucking beat lol.
with that being said, today was my last day and we've pretty much settled in to the apartment so im hoping to get responses and what not out during the next few days.

hope everyone's been doing ok! <3
We take it rather slow. No worries. We all have stuff happening behind the scenes obviously and I'm trying my best to make it all suitable for everyone; hence the questions asked.

I'm really glad you all found the time to provide a spot :D Hope I didn't pressure anyone (nah I prolly did lmao)
I'm gonna tell the lucky chosen person on sunday that they need to get there ass moving and brainstorm a chunk of world. You could take that time for yourself of course and revisit your characters past and sheet. I definetly should have added more information to my sheets.... because those sheets I hate. My character sheet always feel like they are more character shiet. god damn perfectionism D:
1. SynfulDesire (with a GM post including the posting order, allowing you all to see the list at all times)
2. meamae
3. dispatch99
4. Captain Cardboard
5. jxs_lxn

@TheDovah @Angel of Mercy
For now you two are at the bottom of the list. I want to point out again that this list exist only so each of you can give yourself enough time to reply. The ones at 4-7 will most likely have the most time to reply, obviously.

If any of you ever want to change or switch places just letting us all know is enough to come to an agreement :D easy-peasy

lets do this!

Now since all of your had went on so far. I'll let you know what the effects of the drinks exacly are (the previously mentioned sideeffects. Which I can't stop laughing about. Oh you'll gonna be surpised evil giggles) after everyone made there post once. From there it will go on rather smooth since I did force you guys already through quite alot of scenes :-P

Once everyone of the group has made there post, the actual main-plot is being developed. Yup, one of you unlucky guys had been notified and is currently in the making of the continuation! Or maybe I didn't tell anyone? Maybe a secret person is ready to join but there world needs to be created first? Who knows. Quite the mystery, huh?
@_@ the curse of having to many notifications is that you can't follow through sometimes.

yes everyone can post right now and go on :D it would be stupid to allow only half of the group to post. So right now I need to go back and forth to look who posted when and find out who's turn it is.

for now since it already had been started and therefore, I was ignored. we just let the conversations run shrug It's the best solution right now :D
to make things easier tho, I will post the side effects of the drinks now in here. They are now the first prompt you guys get so there's my revenge hehehehehe
  1. Stardust Elixir: A sparkling, iridescent drink that shifts colors with every sip. Favored by the intergalactic travelers for its unique ability to induce pleasant hallucinations of celestial bodies.
    Side effect= Occasional bouts of weightlessness, causing the drinker to float a few inches above the ground for short periods
  2. Dragon's Breath: A fiery concoction brewed from the essence of aetheric dragon scales. Known to leave a warm, tingling sensation and a faint trail of smoke with each exhale.
    Side effect= Brief moments of uncontrollable paralysis when the flames get to hot, as the intense warmth triggers an unexpected euphoria
  3. Fae's Whisper: A delicate, luminescent beverage that glows softly in the dark. Made from enchanted forest herbs, it's said to grant temporary insight into the thoughts of others.
    Side effect= A lingering sexualized echo of your own thoughts, making it difficult to distinguish between your own thoughts and those of others for a few hours
  4. Quantum Quencher: A vibrant, swirling liquid that seems to defy the laws of physics. Each sip offers a random burst of flavor, from the sweetest nectar to the most bitter brew, favored by those who crave unpredictability.
    Side effect= Sporadic time dilation, where a few seconds might feel like minutes or vice versa, causing confusion about the passage of time
  5. Ethereal Nectar: A translucent, almost ghostly drink that promises a brief glimpse into the spirit realm. It's a favorite among those seeking to commune with lost loved ones or ancient spirits.
    Side effect= A Narrator voice speaks down at you from heaven and predicts everything you are going to do
all of you, feel free to play around and roleplay! I think these drinks should make things quite interesting as you talk with each other! there's no time or date for when the story continues right now so no rush, but a bit more interacting is really fine. The only golden rule right now is no spamming. There is a cycle and that is good, everyone gets one post per cycle so noone is being overshadowed.

Syn is gonna give her answers to nahele eventually in this current one.
@SynfulDesire how many doors are on the beach rn?
hundreds. they are everywhere and very annoying. But they don't matter right now since they are all closed, except the ones to your huts of course. But expect to see them floating so high up in the air that you can't reach them. some are so far out in the sea that they are unreachable aswell. some are just appearing and disappearing on the spot, like a door that only shows up at night and invisible at day. Really there is an endless amount of doors
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