Both Needed The Posthuman League NEEDS YOU - Deconstructed Superhero Goodness!

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Both Needed The Posthuman League NEEDS YOU - Deconstructed Superhero Goodness!

Just a question, is there an age limit or bracket for how old the character can be? And would you prefer us to post our bio to you directly before we post on here so you can confirm it? Sorry for the questions!
Name: Patrick

Code Name: Rose

Six traits. A trait is what makes a character different and special. I could be powers, skills, even disadvantages. I'd like to see six of them.

1.Extremely fast speed

2.Can fly short distances

3.Not used to her new body or weapon so will have trouble at fighting at times, she was a male originally

4.Can see events of the past but they must be caused by coming in contact with something or someone from the event she is seeing. She can not control when it happens.

5.Rose petals go from her when she runs extremely fast and when she flies so those could make a mess

6.She can change her physical form yet can't control it.

Backstory: Patrick had heard about the league online. She has abilities and has learned how to use the basic ones yet can't turn her physical form back. She decided to stay as it for now. She was hated for having her abilities yet just wants to use them to help. She decided to join it. She has some computer skills.


Normal Appearance:She has black hair with red highlights in it, pale skin, and blue eyes. Her hair reaches the bottom of her neck. She is 5 feet tall and very skinny. She is wearing a black and red shirt, a black and red skirt, and red boots. She has a red hooded cape with her attire.
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Just a question, is there an age limit or bracket for how old the character can be? And would you prefer us to post our bio to you directly before we post on here so you can confirm it? Sorry for the questions!

There are no bad questions!

I have no interest in players having underage characters. And while it is perceived that super-ness is a fairly recent development, I would entertain older characters if they were sufficiently interesting. ;)

The bio would go here, though sending me stuff in PMs isn't a bad idea, either.
There are no bad questions!

I have no interest in players having underage characters. And while it is perceived that super-ness is a fairly recent development, I would entertain older characters if they were sufficiently interesting. ;)

The bio would go here, though sending me stuff in PMs isn't a bad idea, either.

Oh it's ok, mine definitely isn't underage, my current character is in his 30s and I didn't know if that was too old haha. Do you mind if I discuss him with you before I make him up here, just so I know it's what you want? :)
Oh it's ok, mine definitely isn't underage, my current character is in his 30s and I didn't know if that was too old haha. Do you mind if I discuss him with you before I make him up here, just so I know it's what you want? :)

I couldn't imagine a person in their 30s being a problem, but hit me up for discussion. :)
OK, let's talk! As I am new to GMing stuff on this site, I forgot some things. Like to add a specific setting. Generic "the city" ain't gonna cut it, is it?

Part of me wants to put the game in Cincinnati, Ohio, but that's just because the Hall of Justice is located there and it would give me a hoot to have the League's Midwestern HQ in the Hall of Justice.

For me, the second choice is Las Vegas because... well, I know the town pretty well and it's a very dynamic, interesting place whose backstory with gangsters and casinos is well-known.

I would entertain other thoughts.

Name: Corwin Davis

Code Name: Crow

History: Corwin was born super-able. Overall, of course, it was an immense blessing, but was raised in rural Kentucky and was isolated - in part because he was just, well, better than the other kids, but also because of the particular nature of his powers. It made him arrogant, even disdainful of the normies.

His parents were wasting space, his dad just absent or in jail, and his mom on the booze and amphetamines. As such, he got into trouble. The kind of trouble that got the cops involved, but he found it ridiculously easy to evade them. Eventually, though, he hooked up with a crew of actual criminals who trained him to be a genuine professional thief. He took to it, he was smarter than even he thought, and he liked the puzzle aspect of doing a good heist.

Of course, they all got caught. He didn't because, well, he's superhuman, and while his crimes were daring, he didn't leave signs of his superhumanity all over the place. He went to some lengths to hide his superhumanity - or at least his identity, so if cops caught on to his superhumanity he could change towns and/or MOs and keep doing what he was doing.

In the fullness of time, he became an elite thief capable of breaking into almost anywhere. He joined the League as an avenue of last resort - if he were on the lam and needed somewhere to hide, well, a big group of superhumans would do the trick, right?

More recently, it has come to his attention that the League has others like him. While he often works alone, or with patsies who can be abandoned to law enforcement when convenient, the idea of a super-crew has an appeal. He knows it's the appeal of the Big Score, which gets crooks in jail or dead, so he has resisted so far.


  • Finds the Flaw in All Things. He intuitively knows where the weak point is in just about anything. How destructive this can be depends on the weapons he can use. With his hands, he can punch through a reinforced concrete wall or normal reinforced steel door, but couldn't punch through an armored car. With an antimaterial rifle, he could stop a tank in its tracks (perhaps by blowing off its tracks) but couldn't get through the reinforced entrance to an underground bunker without something bigger.
  • Photographic Reflexes. He can learn the physical side of any skill with a few minutes of study. So, he watched a black-belt in Brazilian jiu jitsu, he learns what they know. The study is holographic, too, where he can assemble the whole from the pieces. He has seen a LOT of things done by the top people in their fields. He keeps himself as fit as possible to use all those abilities to their fullest.
  • Healing factor. He heals rapidly even for a metahuman. Small wounds are healed almost instantly, a simple fracture in minutes, a compound fracture in an hour, and severe internal bleeding and life-threatening trauma in a day or two (assuming he gets the attention he needs to live). He also doesn't get tired and because little aches and injuries from overexertion heal instantly, he appears stronger and faster than the average metahuman of his size and athletic ability due to being able to go "all out" all the time.
  • Elite thief. He's an expert at breaking into and getting out of places, con games, security, and the tactics of being a thief.
  • Suave. He's good-looking, confident, and speaks well. He can sell ice to polar bears.
  • Spatial awareness. He knows where things are and where they're going. It makes him feel like his reflexes are even crazier than they are since he knows the paths of bullets and what everyone is doing around him at all times. It also helps with stuff like jumps, because he always knows where he's going to land, and navigating complex terrain. It has roughly the same range as his vision, though it is an all-around thing.
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It looks like people are making characters on the supervillain-ish side. I might rework my concept.
OK, let's talk! As I am new to GMing stuff on this site, I forgot some things. Like to add a specific setting. Generic "the city" ain't gonna cut it, is it?

Part of me wants to put the game in Cincinnati, Ohio, but that's just because the Hall of Justice is located there and it would give me a hoot to have the League's Midwestern HQ in the Hall of Justice.

For me, the second choice is Las Vegas because... well, I know the town pretty well and it's a very dynamic, interesting place whose backstory with gangsters and casinos is well-known.

I would entertain other thoughts.

I vote for Vegas, Baby! Yeah!!
I am not altogether sure when things will start.

Heroes? Villains? Those are outmoded concepts for this game!

And two votes for Vegas. I like Vegas. Well, no, I don't, but I KNOW it. ;)
Name: Patrick

Code Name: Rose

Six traits. A trait is what makes a character different and special. I could be powers, skills, even disadvantages. I'd like to see six of them.

1.Extremely fast speed

2.Can fly short distances

3.Not used to her new body or weapon so will have trouble at fighting at times, she was a male originally

4.Can see events of the past but they must be caused by coming in contact with something or someone from the event she is seeing. She can not control when it happens.

5.Rose petals go from her when she runs extremely fast and when she flies so those could make a mess

6.She knows how to hack into technology

7.She is too kind for her own good

8.She can change her physical form yet can't control it.

Backstory: Patrick had heard about the league online. She has abilities and has learned how to use the basic ones yet can't turn her physical form back. She decided to stay as it for now. She was hated for having her abilities yet just wants to use them to help. She decided to join it.


Normal Appearance:She has black hair with red highlights in it, pale skin, and blue eyes. Her hair reaches the bottom of her neck. She is 5 feet tall and very skinny. She is wearing a black and red shirt, a black and red skirt, and red boots. She has a red hooded cape with her attire.

I have some stuff to say! I wanted six traits, and you gave me eight. Which isn't a problem, since many of them are flavor text - stuff like the rose petals and how kind she is - but I said six.

Also, when you say she can hack into technology, if that's a super-power, that's a no-go. I said that there were no supers who could control technology. If it's mundane computer hacking skills, that's not a big deal, but it's a flat "no" on powers that control technology.
I just finished re-watching The Boys, and it's just as good! I'm excited to see people's upcoming character concepts!
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