Both Needed The Posthuman League NEEDS YOU - Deconstructed Superhero Goodness!

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Both Needed The Posthuman League NEEDS YOU - Deconstructed Superhero Goodness!

Forgive my noobness in this format! I'm fixing stuff as I become aware of what I want for the game and the feedback given.

I changed some stuff with the character skeleton section of the game. I changed: "Six traits. A trait is what makes a character different and special. I could be powers, skills, even disadvantages. I'd like to see six of them" to this:

Six traits. A trait is what makes a character different and special. I could be powers, skills, even disadvantages. I'd like to see up to six of them. If the character has a destructive power - like an energy blast - I'd like to know something it can destroy (let's say, an armored car) and something it can't destroy (a main battle tank). If the character is super-strong, what's that mean? Can they pick up 10 tons or a mountain range (assuming they could find a place to hold it)? Do they run very fast - how fast and for how long?

Overall, I'd like to see a few more examples of their abilities so we know what they mean. Having an energy blast that can level a mountain range is different than one that can stun a person unconscious.

I also said that y'all should have a history for your character. How on EARTH did I forget that?!
OK, more structure of the game.

If you want a scene that needs a lot of GMly stuff, ask me for it! I'm happy to play NPCs. I would also be happy to let someone play those NPCs and just guide them towards an outcome (with feedback from all involved). Those would get their own threads, whose URLs will be posted here or in the follow-up thread in another forum, and listed at the first post.

If two or more players want to play in a scene, feel free to do that, with or without my intervention as long as it's largely social or the people you beat up don't have plot significance. Honestly, mulch as many muggers as you want! However, post here the URL for the scene and I'll list them in the first post.

I will also start scenes that are "group." Right now, everyone is in the League, so it could be something like a "League mixer," to let people meet each other where I will throw in some GMly stuff.

How does that sound to people?
I thought you were keeping things deliberately minimalistic!

Uh, yeah... well, no, I just forgot. I don't mind a bit of backstory. It doesn't HAVE to be elaborate or anything - I don't mind minimalism - but most people seem to like coming up with a backstory and it gives me a sense of what they want to do with the character.

Name: Trent Bailey
Code Name: Volt (May change this)
Gender: Male
Age: 33
Sexuality: Homosexual

Six traits:
1. Able to take in energy from objects around him, including lights and anything that is powered by electricity and storing it within his body to use in attack or for other purposes. His released energy can also be turned into fire if expelled strong enough. Trent can also create shapes (Like animals, for example) and can keep them going for a very short amount of time. The strength of his attacks can be controlled, but he rarely goes over the limit of burning skin, with the fear that he can exhaust himself too much and not be able to retract the connection, causing himself serious harm.

2. Too much use of his powers can sap him of his own energy, causing him to become tired or even pass out. On the other end, storing too much can cause him to become agitated and short-tempered, even unpredictable.

3. Trent's strength is stronger than a human's, but only enough to lift up a car with difficulty. Alongside this, he's skilled in martial arts, such as Karate, Taekwondo and Kick boxing.

4. Confident, and a smooth talker, he can talk his way out of anything with his charm and sarcasm. This can also tie into him becoming too confident and getting himself into a lot of fights.

5. Trent can make a mean cocktail, having been in the business for a long time. Trust me, this is a useful trait to have.

6. He can pick up people's emotions, thoughts and fears, just by being able to pick up the electric current running through someone's body. It's not super-hearing, but more the sensation of static he can feel if he's close enough.

After being raised in a foster care after his parents abandoned him, he lived in a few families before he eventually left home in his teens. Trent was about 14 when he started experiencing his powers, not knowing what they were at first, he eventually found someone who took him in, who later actually turned out to be part of a massive street gang. It was only after that he realised he was taken in to be used as a weapon, after being thrown in situations where his newly found powers would be useful. Over time, he grew more independent and able to control his abilities, and in doing so was dragged into even more dangerous situations which had almost cost him his life.

Trent fell into drugs and alcohol at a young age, and after suffering the loss of one of his best friends to another gang member when he was 25, he finally made the decision to leave and move on elsewhere. After weeks of planning, added with fights, stealing and smart words, he eventually got away and caught a boat to Las Vegas where he bought a pub with the stolen money and created a home there. The old life never left him though, and his need to release his pent up energy had him building an arena underneath his pub which started out as him sparring people for money, eventually turning into a fighting arena where people betted, drank and fought, sometimes to the death. His supernatural powers were no secret in this place, having other people with superpowers take a chance to show them off and fight others to prove themselves. This was all illegal of course, and was extremely secret, and these events only happened late at night where nightclubs and casinos surrounding the area would drown out the sounds.

I hope this is ok! Let me know if you want anything changed :)
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Ok, it looks like some characters are getting ready!

What kind of themes are we interested in, and what kind of tone would we like for the story?
What about some plots? What kind of adventures do we want for our characters? I'm also wondering, do we want this to be more grim and gritty, or do we want it to have kind of a dark humor like the show? What do we all think about drama or more action, that kind of thing?
I absolutely want to hear from players about this, but I'll probably start Monday with a general scene at the LV League HQ - a party mixer - to let people get into character for purposes of in-game exploration.

If ANYONE wants a specific plot executed, though, please let me know either here or in private! Likewise, if anyone needs character help, let me know here or in private!
I haven't actually seen The Boys, is it recommended I watch it before I write here? Either way, I'm all for gritty, dark and a bit of humour....add a bit of drama in of course! Is there any limits to this group? Like anything you would want to put a full stop to in regards to plots, and possible kinks? (If it were to go that direction)
I would recommend watching it because it's a great show! It's a very different vibe than Marvel movies. It's closer to Watchmen, except with much more dark humor. It's more drama and character development than action. You don't need to know anything about the plot, just the vibe and the themes.

I haven't actually seen The Boys, is it recommended I watch it before I write here? Either way, I'm all for gritty, dark and a bit of humour....add a bit of drama in of course! Is there any limits to this group? Like anything you would want to put a full stop to in regards to plots, and possible kinks? (If it were to go that direction)

For this kind of a story, depending on how dark it gets, I would want to fade to black or shorten up the scene on certain things. The three I can think of off the top of my head are torture, rape, and atrocities. What I mean by atrocities is something like our characters go to save some hostages, but the terrorists see them coming and start executing the hostages in some horrible way. It happens in the story, but a few sentences can take care of it without all the gory detail. For everything else, my character will react to it in character. I just finished reading the comics, and I've seen Goblin Slayer, so I'm kind of ready for anything.

Here's an example from the show (minor spoiler alert):
They shove a bomb up a guy's butt.

It's important to the plot, but it happens off screen. There's not a scene about it where we have to watch the whole thing, see what I mean? In a story it can be handled in the scene with a few sentences.

Another important thing for me is that I'm a stickler for character continuity. If something really traumatic happens to my character she's not going to forget about it, and her dealing with hit might throw a wrench in whatever group story we were doing.
You don't need to have watched The Boys to play in this game.

If you want to play in this game, though... The Boys might be your kind of show.

My natural inclination as a GM is verisimilitude within the boundaries of the game (it is a game with superpeople in it), and I certainly keep track of consequences.

As for limits, in a group game where we haven't spent a lot of time talking about limits and where limits was not part of the entrance procedure, I advise respect. If you're going to go to a controversial place, or even suspect that is going to be the case, ask in an out of character channel. And, of course, under no situation is something like "god-moding" permitted - being defined as acting upon another character in such a way as violates the intent of the player, such as describing a blow delivered or a power successful executed against them, without permission. If there are PvP scenarios, if the players cannot agree to a mutually desireable outcome (or do not WANT to agree to allow outside adjudication for a taste of gambling and danger), I'll intervene since it's what GMs are for.
Name: Lewis Stone

Code Name: Viper

History: Lewis discovered his powers when he was young when he accidentally paralyzed his mother on after making her a mouther's day breakfast. After extensive studies, confusion and chemical burns they realized toxins would seep out of Lewis' skin when he was nervous or excited.

His parents were terrified, but they were thankfully wealthy and hired a man from the League to take Lewis under his wing. However, after time the man became afraid, abusive and attempted to rape Lewis. So it was no surprise when he was found dead in a ditch. There were no repercussions for Lewis or his family and Lewis was invited to become a part of the League. Begrudgingly, he accepted with the intention of keeping an eye on them from the inside.

  • Sniper - Prefers long range attacks, primarily with guns but can use a variety of long-distance weapons.
  • Sneaky - Lewis is quiet and sneaky, when he is hiding or sneaking around it is much harder to detect him then the average person. He also has a tendency to accidentally move quietly and surprise people, even when he doesn't mean to.
  • Toxokinesis - can create and manipulate poisons and seep them out of his skin. He is also immune to most poisons.
  • Chemist - he is very knowledgeable about the chemical make up of materials, especially poisons and toxins. He runs occasional experiments in a personal lab but it is mostly just a hobby.
  • Medic - because of his ability Lewis occasionally tries to right his wrongs by helping others. He has worked as a family doctor at multiple points in his life and has deep medical knowledge.
  • Alcoholic - Lewis struggles with depression and alcoholism, making it hard to hold down a job. Still, he won't admit to himself that he has a problem.
Theme song: Used to the Darkness - Des Rocs
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Ok, I'm seeing some great characters that I'm really looking forward to interacting with! I'm eager to get this story started!
Same! I can't wait! And I'll try to look into watching the show if I can find it :D. Thank you on answering my questions all :)
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