
  1. MarsBars

    A Wild MarsBars Appears!

    Heyo, my dudes. My name's Mars, obviously I'm new here. I really miss roleplaying so I'm hoping to get back into it, here. Let's see, a little about me. I love animals, and I have an awesome cat named Asmodeus. I do a lot of drawing, writing, and I'm (slowly) learning guitar. I'm a nightowl and...
  2. Lunar

    Fresh outta the oven!

    Hello! I am Lunar, and I am not new to roleplaying; I am pretty active in a few other sites but I want to "broaden my horizons!" I try to be as detailed as possible when I write and I try to avoid making obvious grammar mistakes (though I do make them, I am just a normal 8-Ball after all.) The...
  3. Bendrict

    Ello, I'm Bendrict

    Ello, I'm Bendrict, but I already said that. I'm a 20-year-old Canadian boy who has been roleplaying for quite a few years now, though all the sites I have roleplayed on have been shut down, unfortunately, which brings me here. I've been working on a semi-ambitious writing project with a friend...
  4. Lazuli

    Good Day to Everyone!!

    Hi all!! I’m Lazuli and I’m a long time RPer in various forms. I’m 18 and I’m starting college... today, actually. I enjoy fantasy settings above all else and actually have an entire fantasy world I use for D&D. Shoot me a PM if you wanna talk more, I don’t bite!
  5. Xirania

    *Insert comment about me not knowing what to title this*

    So I just joined and thankfully there seems to be an introduction thread. I've put the gist of my interests on my profile but I guess here's the long and short of it again. I'm looking for smaller group roleplays to join, primarily medieval fantasy or magipunk type ones, romance and fun combat...
  6. iNoahGuy

    Do you know a guy? Well, iNoahGuy

    Hello! My name is Noah. Therefore, I have heard the "I Noah guy" play on words countless times. I have embraced it. I am currently a full-time college student. I am a classically trained musician. I can play piano (though I have played for some years) and flute (for which I am currently in my...
  7. Nevermore

    Hello All~

    Hello, My nam is Nevermore. Quiet a mouthful I know, so feel free to shorten it as you see fit. Now, this is my first time here on this site but it's certainly not my first time roleplaying; i've been doing it on and off again for about 11 years. I simply adore come up with new worlds and...
  8. Vissuh

    Hey there, strangers

    Heyyy, my name is Delaney Dawn, but you can call my viss, or slime, or even my real name if you'd like. I'm not picky. I'm 21, biologically female, but gender literally means nothing when it comes to me, so you can refer to me with whatever pronouns you would like. I loooove to write, I've...
  9. xxRiahxx

    I might be a RP addict

    Hi, My name is Riah. I've been role playing since I was 13 so I have nine years of experience. I also have tons of free time. I'm a 22 year old female who tends to lean more toward detail filled role plays. I'm also more of a reactor, meaning I prefer to react to rps more than anything. So if...
  10. Celtic_SongBird

    Good Evening (or insert time of day)!

    My name is Celeste, though I'm not opposed to nicknames. My hobbies include writing, reading and working myself into the hospital on an annual basis lol - so not kidding. I love writing in all sorts styles, points of view and genres. World building is something I enjoy too. I get this might...
  11. ImpressiveEmpress

    Hey there!

    ((lol had to edit this and make it more appropriate for where it is posted)) Hiya guys! I’m Marlee and I’ve got a couple of character that I’m working with in different areas of the writing realms. But first, some stuff about me: Hey there! My name is Marlee, but you can just call me Lee. I’m...
  12. roundsith

    Hello there.

    Hello, my name is Madi. I am a professional artist and a student in college, I am majoring culinary. On that note, on my free time I love to bake, write, draw and read. I have a huge passion in writing which is why I love to roleplay. I roleplay more than I do write by myself due to the fact I...
  13. SilentOne

    Greetings, fellow roleplayers!

    ¶∆¶∆¶∆¶∆¶∆¶ ∆ Introduction ∆ Hello, weird people of the internet! I am most commonly known as Sam or Silent. Pleasure to meet you all! I will say that I am quite terrible at introduction posts, mainly because I love to ramble and focus too much on coloring my texts/etc. Let us see how this...
  14. Leola

    They didn't tell you I was a savage

    So, yeah, Rhianna's line on that begins my life and ends it the same way. I'm a female writer, full-time college student with a job. Creative Writing major and Religious Studies minor, so don't argue with me on the topics because I'll get frustrated. Anyway, been at the roleplay game for a...
  15. Kyero Di' Nelma

    Approach if you dare...

    Hello everyone! Please call me Kyero (pronounced the same as the city of Cairo, Egypt despite the spelling implications). I am a veteran role-player of almost 18 years now, and am primarily a fantasy genre writer/role-player. My favorite time period to role-play in is medieval/late medieval...
  16. Mediocritys Muse

    A Mediocre Howdy-Do.

    A very great and dandy yo and such to all of you who may be reading this introduction. My name isn't real important because everyone I know in the role play community pretty much just calls me Muse so lets just stick with that I suppose. Any who as for role plays that I like to do they mainly...
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