I am sometimes horrible at replying OOC, apologies! (It's akin to texting, and I am bad at that, too; forgetful and easily distracted)
Casually looking for now it is!
I'd like to wrap up the current scene in the next couple/few posts and move onto something else, so we're not lingering too long. I was going to just naturally see how it plays out, but thought it might be better if I put scenarios out there, so we're all on the same page as far as what we want to come next and go from there. (Other suggestions welcome, of course!)
A couple ideas:
a.) Despite Shane's arrival to help them, they could still all be captured. Could have interrogations ensue, or whatever, and/or they can manage an escape on their own or possibly with Umbra's assistance.
b.) Shane could take Renata "hostage" and perhaps even Ereka, likewise, could threaten Tracy now that her powers are subdued, using them as bargaining chips for Jonathan's and their release. Since Syl apparently knows Renata on some level, and Tracy is a valuable member with her abilities, I don't think he would go for risking them. (Though not sure about Reed's reaction)