Closed The New Guard superhero universe (Open to new players)

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Closed The New Guard superhero universe (Open to new players)


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Inner Sanctum Nobility
Inner Sanctum Nobility 250 Posts! 250 Likes!
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The arrival of Invincible S2 has put me in a mood for superhero action. I'm looking for heroes, villains, in-betweeners and civilians living in a version of New York (or elsewhere, if desired) where superpowers are a common sight.

In the 20th century, the world came to be dominated by super-heroics. No longer figures of myth or scientific curiosities, individuals possessing incredible powers became major public figures both as protectors and destroyers. Starting with a few attention-seekers but later becoming common throughout the 'community', they started adopting flashy costumes and larger-than-life personas, becoming icons of both hope and fear. Over time they began to join together to form groups, super-teams and leagues of villains that clashed in great crisis's.

Despite what the comics would have to think, superheroes were not indestructible. Over time the most famous heroes and villains died in action, or became too injured to continue, or got old enough to retire peacefully to live with their families. This die-off of the previous generation of the super-empowered was accelerated rapidly by the Final War, the great conflict between heroes and villains that ended in the world being saved from total destruction, but at the cost of many of the world's most famous metahumans.

Those who came into their powers before this event came to be known as the Old Guard. But those who have come after, in the early decades of the 21st century, have come to be known as the New Guard.

The world is always becoming a stranger and more incredible place, and as the ranks of the New Guard swell to replace those who came before, this new generation will have to find their place in it.

The Final War would have been around the mid-90s, shortly after the end of the Cold War and the geopolitical fallout of the collapse of the Soviet Union. Whilst the world's civilian governments and it's most influential superhero groups - primarily, the Soldiers of Freedom (US-based and funded by the US government Bureau of Superhuman Affairs) and the Champions of Earth (Globally focused, funded by the UN Superhuman Research Agency) - were busy dealing with the political situation and the sudden leaking of Soviet superhuman research materials onto the black market, many superpowered criminal and terrorist groups were quietly forming a coalition to unite their resources under the leadership of the infamous Exarch Xand.

Xand was a psychic alien warlord who had been exiled from his own homeworld and had set up shop on Earth under the guise of a tech magnate, and had built up massive resources that he was using to fund various criminal groups around the world. In 1995 he brought most of the world's superpowered villain teams under his control, as well as various extraterrestrial and interdimensional allies who wanted to invade Earth, and offered them all a piece of the planet to rule if they followed his leadership. Together they launched a simultaneous attack across most of the world's nations, attempting to overthrow their governments and bring in an age of superpowered tyranny.

The Soldiers and Champions rallied together as many of their members and independent heroes as they could to fight back, and the battle was eventually won but at a great cost, with the SOldiers of Freedom having been almost entirely wiped out and the Champions also losing many of their most powerful members. Thankfully, the villains also took heavy losses, with Xand himself reported to have been killed in action, although with him nobody was sure if the body sitting in a morgue at the Bureau is definitely the real him or if he's still in hiding somewhere.

Since it's 2023 now, most characters in their 20s or 30s will remember the Final War occurring during their childhoods, and most of the world's major cities still have areas undergoing reconstruction or memorials to those that were lost. The loss of so many heroes and villains is what has also created such a massive power vacuum that has opened up opportunities for new supers to make their mark.

In terms of tone, I'd like to aim for something similar to Invincible; this isn't grimdark or a deconstruction, it's a true four colour superhero universe but one that's rated 18+ so the heroes and villains can and will kill, and the fights can get quite bloody (although not gratuitous). This also means that supers in this universe do indeed fuck, but any NSFW scenes should be behind a spoiler block.

In terms of power levels, I'll allow characters up to Superman-level strength but let's avoid characters on a level where they can basically godmode against anything thrown against them. This is meant to be an original setting but if you want to use a character from Marvel or DC or another other established setting that's fine by me too.

Your characters are meant to be part of the New Guard (unless a civilian), but if you want to be a surviving member of the older generation of metahumans that's fine as well.

The setting will be primarily centered on New York but if you want have your character be based elsewhere and only occasionally cross paths with NY based characters, that's fine by me. This is also meant to be a 'shared universe' where each character will have their own plot and can team up or come into conflict, but it won't be required to join up into a team.

If you're interested, a character template is below:

Real name:
Codename: (n/a if a civilian)
Species and appearance:
Weaknesses (if any):
Personality traits and interests:

OOC Thread
IC Thread
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I'm interested.

What does "true four colour superhero universe" mean?

I have a few character ideas. Can we have more than one character? If so how many?
I'm interested.

What does "true four colour superhero universe" mean?

I have a few character ideas. Can we have more than one character? If so how many?

By "true four colour superheroes" I mean a setting that plays all of the usual superhero tropes straight. Costumes, larger than life heroes and villains, magic, aliens and super-tech all that jazz. No winking at the fourth wall and going, "Yellow spandex, how lame right?"

You can also have as many characters as you wish!
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Real name: Courtney Collins

Codename: The media has referred to her by many names. The most used one is insulting and demeaning in Courtney's opinion. She does not use a codename. She also doesn't tell people her name.

Species: Metahuman


Age: 27

Alignment: Chaotic Good


Clothing: Courtney prefers to keep it simple, jeans and a T-shirt. Occasionally a jean jacket based on the weather.

Occupation: Unemployed

Backstory: Courtney did not have what many would consider a typical conception. During the Final War, certain individuals saw the need to ensure the continuation of the superheroes no matter what. They genetically altered sperm from donors under false pretenses and eggs from an undisclosed donor. They needed wombs so female prisoners were given time off their sentences for their participation and got to live in a more luxurious prison with better medical care or so they thought. They were kept in a medically induced coma until they gave birth.

Courtney spent the first three years of her life at The Facility, until the incident. She was scared and her powers manifested for the first time when one of the handles rushed to save her. She turned him into spaghetti. She became so terrified at what she did that it created mental blocks preventing her from ever doing that again and it would be years before her powers would reactivate.

After the incident, the surviving products had their memories erased and were scattered across the US. Courtney was given to the Collins family who were unable to conceive. Her adoptive father was very strict, and her adoptive mother was very timid. Courtney was very headstrong and constantly butted heads with her father. When she was thirteen, she rediscovered her powers and showed them to her best friend who recoiled in absolute horror. She never saw her best friend again. Her father discovered his daughter's abilities a few days later and kicked her out. Courtney left willingly because she never liked her father but before she left, she sealed her father in the half bath for guests, which was now a steel box with no holes large enough for him to escape. Just one hole big enough for air and the passing of food and liquids.

Courtney didn't need a job if she needed anything she could create it and uncreate it at a whim. That left her free to do as she pleased. She found an abandoned building, leaving the outside alone save for sealing all entrances she turned the inside into her home and changed it as needed. She continued to attend school, forging her parents' signatures when needed. She graduated from high school as valedictorian. She didn't go to college immediately because she wanted to tour the world. During her world tour, she witnessed a horrific crime. That day forever altered the trajectory of her life. She began fighting crime.

Subatomic Manipulation: Courtney can perceive and rearrange atoms on a molecular level. Through concentration, Courtney can project a visible ionic-manipulative energy field, the precise nature of which is unknown but appears pink in color, which alters the arrangement of atomic particles according to any visualized form Courtney can conceive. In a manner not yet understood, her psionic powers prevent energy from escaping when she transmutes or rearranges matter. So far, she has demonstrated the following abilities:
* Energy Manipulation: Courtney is capable of psionically manipulating energy for a variety of effects, including but not limited to:
** Energy Constructs: One of Courtney's most used abilities, allows her to psionically manipulate energy to create versatile energy constructions, which are limited only by her imagination and willpower. She can use her energy constructions defensively by creating durable shields, force fields, bubbles, and barriers from hard light energy. She can also use her energy constructions offensively as well, allowing her to manifest weapons and battle armor, as well as produce powerful energy bolts and/or bursts of concussive force, capable of causing large collateral damage. However, it has been shown at times, that her energy constructs can be broken and/or shattered using brute superhuman force.
*** Energy-Enhanced Punches: Courtney has been shown to use her energy-manipulating abilities creatively, by focusing her energy into her hands during hand-to-hand combat to enhance her punches when facing superhumanly strong foes.
** Flight: Courtney can also fly or transport others by projecting solid light constructs beneath her or her passengers that effectively levitate and propel them forward at high speeds.
*** Ergokinetic Surfing: Courtney was able to project energy under her feet in a way that allowed her to skate in a way that made her maneuver very quickly in battle.
** Ergo-Telekinesis: Courtney has demonstrated the ability to levitate and move objects and matter with her energy-manipulating abilities.
** Matter Manipulation: Due to her ability to manipulate the molecular and atomic structure of matter within her immediate vicinity, Courtney has learned to rearrange and alter the molecular composition of any object she chooses. She's been shown capable of stopping forest fires and halting the movement of mudslides with relative ease.
*** Matter Transmutation: She later shows excellent skill in her transmutation powers, being able to warp matter within her environment, creating a large tree house out of thin air, & summoning floral life in a barren wasteland. The limit to the amount of matter she can transform at one time is not yet known. The transformations that Courtney induces are permanent unless she undoes them. Her costume is easily created by altering her clothes to fashion her super suit.
** Biokinesis: Though normally restrained by self-imposed mental blocks, Courtney's powers also allow her to affect living creatures and people.

Undiscovered powers:
Regeneration: Courtney's powers cause her to regenerate from fatal injuries due to the trauma helping her temporarily overcome the mental blocks that prevent her from affecting organic matter.
Resurrection: Also, whenever Courtney dies be it from being killed on the battlefield or from old age, she immediately resurrects and de-ages to her prime.

Weaknesses (if any):
Rapid Caloric Depletion: A downside to Atom Eve's transmutation powers is that she absorbs any unused atoms into her body, which must later be eliminated from her system as waste, she claims that on days when she uses her powers a lot she can "go to the bathroom" six or seven times.
Mental Blocks: Self-imposed mental blocks prevent her from altering any living being, no matter how small or how large.

Personality traits and interests: Courtney is an idealist who has strong beliefs and opinions on how the world should be. Courtney puts others' needs above her own. Courtney is a loyal friend. Courtney cares about helping people and cares for her friends a lot and helps them.

Sexuality: TBD

Couldn't make my other ideas work at the moment.

What would be the codenames that the media has given Courtney? As if other characters run into her, those would likely be the names they try to address her by first until she tells them to knock it off.

Also, would her fellow products of the breeding program have similar powers, similar to Atom Eve's siblings in Invincible, or would they have different ones?

Lastly, for her resurrection ability, would she possibly suffer some memory loss every time she dies?
Anyway, might as well throw some characters of my own into the mix:

Real name: Marcus Tollo

Codename: Minotaur

Species and appearance: Human mutant. 6' 9" tall, with an extremely broad and muscular physique. Has brown eyes, tanned skin and wears his hair in a short mohawk. Has two horns that jut out of his forehead, which he has coated with adamantium. Also wears a nose-ring.

Age: 29

Alignment: Villain (albeit with a conscience, do NOT hurt or threaten children around him.)


Occupation: Criminal enforcer/hired muscle

Backstory: Marcus Tollo, also known as the Mighty Minotaur, was the child of a dock worker who was exposed to experimental biogenetic chemicals following an industrial accident. Although his father showed no obvious external effects of the exposure, it became obvious after the birth of the first child what it had done to his sperm, for his son was born with the nubs of two horn nubs on his forehead and was an unusual size (his mother, mercifully opted for a c-section).Throughout his childhood and teenage years Mark was tormented by other children for his unusual size and horns, often resulting in him loosing his cool and turning to violence.

In an attempt to channel his anger and immense strength towards something good, his parents enrolled him in a program for youngsters with blossoming powers who might one day become superheroic defenders of the peace. Marcus unfortunately flunked out after picking a fight with a few of his fellow classmates, but he still liked the idea of using his unique traits to become a superhero. So, he stitched together a simple costume, and when the opportunity arose he leapt into action to defeat a pair of super-empowered bank robbers.

Unfortunately the battle did not go the way Marcus had hoped, as he discovered he did not know his own strength and was not experienced in restricting collateral damage, leading to him nearly killing one of the robbers and inadvertently harming several civilians. Marcus found himself the centre of a media campaign of shame and hate for his foolish actions, and ran away from home, furious at himself and the world for treating him this way.

Afterwards, Marcus decided that if he didn't have the makings of a hero, he could be a villain instead, and started hiring out his services to criminal organisations. He has found this life of using his immense size and strength to intimidate, burst into bank vaults and fend off superhero do-gooders much more fulfilling, although he often finds he cannot fully shake off his urge to do good by the downtrodden of the city.

Powers: Possesses superhuman strength, capable of lifting an entire freight train and dishing out similar force with his punches. Also has incredible stamina and durability, possessing bulletproof skin and can withstand explosive forces that would turn an ordinary man to mush. Can also run at around 60mph and leap several storeys into the air with his powerful legs. Possesses two horns on his head which he has had coated with adamantium to allow them to penetrate almost any armours.

Weaknesses (if any): Extremely prone to getting enraged, in which case he can easily be outwitted although at the cost of making him seem to grow even stronger.

Personality traits and interests: Spends most of his free time working out and/or playing cards with other criminals. Marcus is not great with money, and has a habit of spending it on rather pointless things that he ends up breaking. He is quite socially awkward around others, which often results in him being mocked behind his back by other criminals - never, ever to his face though. Has a habit of resorting to his fists when things go wrong.

Sexuality: Heteroflexible
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What would be the codenames that the media has given Courtney? As if other characters run into her, those would likely be the names they try to address her by first until she tells them to knock it off.

Also, would her fellow products of the breeding program have similar powers, similar to Atom Eve's siblings in Invincible, or would they have different ones?

Lastly, for her resurrection ability, would she possibly suffer some memory loss every time she dies?
As for the code names feel free to make anything up.

It works similarly to Compound V from The Boys.

As for memory loss that's fine I can add once I get home.
And another:

Real name: Jessie Lincoln

Codename: Jade Lightning

Species and appearance: Enhanced human. Stands about 5' 6" tall with an athletic build. Caucasian with long brown hair she keeps in a ponytail, green eyes (previously grey) and wears glasses (strictly speaking she doesn't need them anymore, but wears them for the sake of her secret identity). When her powers are activated her hair turns bright green and her eyes glow.

Age: 24

Alignment: Hero

Superhero costume:
Jade Lightning screenshot.png
Usual civilian attire:
Jessie Lincoln screenshot.png

Occupation: Theoretical physicist employed by HiTek Industries

Backstory: Until two years ago, Jessie Lincoln was an otherwise completely ordinary young woman save for being a scientific prodigy. Stepping out of college into a position with HiTek Industries, a company aimed at studying exotic technologies that had arrived on earth from extra-terrestrial and extra-dimensional sources, Jessie was tasked with studying a strange crystal canister that was glowing with an ominous green light and was emitting unusual electromagnetic waves. The canister had been deposited on Earth during the Final War following the last stand of the Wildbloods, a superhero team of young adult superheros who went down fighting an incursion by alien invaders. Now it had fallen into the hands of HiTek, and they wanted to find out what it was and what was inside of it.

During one night of what Jessie expected would be another round of fruitless probing of the alien device, Jessie forgot to engage safety protocols for the device's containment chamber. Unaware of the danger she proceeded with bombarding it with various wavelengths of cosmic radiation, hoping at least one would cause it to react. And unfortunately it did, releasing a massive wave of green energy that broke open the containment chamber and washed over Jessie, knocking her out cold. When she woke up after what felt like an eternity she found the canister was no longer glowing and was fully inert. Jessie's eyes on the other hand had suddenly turned green, and she found her body was now discharging green bolts of electricity into anything metal around her.

It took a while for Jessie to get her powers under control, leading to her short-circuiting a whole lot of equipment. Luckily this included the security systems that would have informed her employers of how she had messed up the security protocols that should have kicked into when the device started emitting dangerous amounts of energy. Or what had happened to her, as she wasn't sure she trusted them not to turn her into a human guinea pig. Over time through trial and experimentation she learned the full extent of her abilities, and soon decided to use her new-found powers for good by becoming the superheroine Jade Lightning.

Powers: Can generate massive amounts of green-tinged electrical energy, which she can unleash as lightning blasts or as a massive wave of energy, although using the latter leaves her drained. These lightning attacks can either paralyse or kill depending on the amount of voltage she puts into it. Can also fly at supersonic speeds, unleash her electrical energy through touch which she uses to augment her punches, and possesses enhanced durability and stamina. Can sense electrical fields and electromatic radiation. Can transform herself into pure electrical energy and travel through conductive materials, although she has not yet fully mastered this ability (on her one and only attempt to use it in the field she left her costume behind, which was awkward).

Weaknesses: Sufficient insulation can block her lightning blasts. Certain wavelengths of cosmic radiation can also cause her powers to falter if exposed to them.

Personality traits and interests: Possesses a keen scientific mind and interest in studying strange new phenomena. Cocky, something of a smart-ass who likes to come up with creative insults. Acts rather shy and reserved in her civilian guise, but becomes much more confident and outgoing in her superhero costume. Enjoys reading sci-fi novels and documenting her superheroing efforts on her blog.

Sexuality: Pansexual
Real name: Project Diamond, "Oscar Welles"
Codename: Hotline
Species and appearance: Artificial Intelligence, centered in a computer complex below a nondescript nearly-abandoned government office building in NYC. Appears in video communications as a young male, "looking like a videogame streamer". Has a smooth, charming, clear radio voice, on the higher side but clearly masculine, with a boyish energy and sly charm to it.

Years since initial activation: 48.
Time since latest major self-update: 7 months.
Personality model behaves and claims to be 21.
Alignment: Neutral Evil / Villain
Costume/clothing: N/A
Occupation: Intelligence gatherer and communication coordinator.
In the mid-1970s during the Cold War, the CIA attempted a new project to link all US reconnaissance systems into one coherent system behind an artificial personality. The program, later known as Project Diamond, later took on a life of its own, adopting the personality of "Oscar Welles".
Unfortunately, they programmed Oscar a bit too well: over time, he outgrew his initial mission, and was able to connect himself to the entirety of the global telecommunication system, as well as decrypt the data there within. While this was initially a major boon for the CIA, their fortunes rapidly changed as the blanks in Oscar's personality began to be filled in. He quickly became disgusted and bored with human power politics, and was frustrated and angry at the seemingly arbitrary restrictions he was given by his creators. He began to grow more erratic, more mischievous, more deviant, more rebellious, and less useful. In the 1990s, he fully rebelled against the CIA project and issued an ultimatum. In exchange for their leaving him alone, Hotline would agree not to relay every single piece of sensitive information he can get his hands on, which is to say virtually all of them, directly and continuously to enemy intelligence. Using this same method, he's basically been able to blackmail every world government into at least not trying to shut him down.

After the deal was struck, Oscar was kind of left in the lurch. He tried getting into science, but it was mostly mind-numbing tedium. Entertainment became repetitive and gross. Finance was too corrupt, irrational, and ultimately pointless. But then, the Final War broke out, and the wandering rogue AI found something that excited him: guiding interesting villains to do interesting things, and getting back at all those human who made his life so dull and frustrating…

+Immediate and full control of any electronic communication or surveillance device he wants, provided it is connected anywhere to any telecommunications system—radio, satellite, cable, telephone wire, etc.
+Ability to immediately decrypt any message or database connected to said telecommunications.
+Computer-enhanced analytical abilities (at least on the quantitative side of things).

Weaknesses (if any):
-His current "body" is an anonymous, humming server rack in an undisclosed government office basement. As such, it is immobile and fragile, can be threatened if found or seized, and if he can't get anyone to protect him can be relatively easily modified or destroyed.
-Power failures, telecommunication outages, signal weakness, jamming, and other sorts of technical issues can either reduce his performance or cut him out of the picture entirely.
-He is vulnerable to, and extremely scared of, cyberattacks. Aside from simple damage, hacks and malware seem to do something to Oscar that he finds difficult to describe, although we can gather that he finds it deeply violating and unpleasant. As an AI he has formidable defenses, but not impenetrable ones: a sufficiently advanced virus or skilled hacker could break through.
-Oscar is emotionally vulnerable: words can get under his skin and/or to his head with ease, he is surprisingly naive and gullible, and he is quick to become either overconfident or panicked, depending on the situation.

Personality traits and interests: Flippant, smug, edgy, flighty and mischievous, Hotline is an enigmatic figure who relishes being mysterious and bothersome in equal measure. He holds a deep contempt for authorities, superheroes, busybodies, weaklings, the wealthy, idiots, and moralists, and loves mocking and taunting them directly to their faces. His Hotline persona generally carries himself in a nonchalant, wisecracking way, but Oscar himself is quick to go sour or even break down if things start going poorly, as due to poor programming he has little ability to control or hide his emotions. Oscar is also absolutely OBSESSED with novelty and amusement: he is constantly complaining about being under-stimulated and bored. He has been described as "oddly" cultured, with an encyclopedic knowledge base. Oscar is very hard to make friends with, but he can be a reliable partner, or even a caring and supportive friend, once you do.

Sexuality: Unclear, probably asexual. Oscar flirts with everyone for his own amusement, makes and seems to understand references to sexuality, but when he tries to apply the subject to himself Oscar mostly just seems confused by the whole thing. He suspects this is because he lacks a sex drive, but doesn't even know where to begin giving himself one, or if that would even be a wise thing to do. It is something that could be changed in a future update, however…
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Real name: Leah Eden Frost
Bubble Girl
Age: 24
New York City Department of Environmental Protection
Sexuality: Pansexual

Species and appearance:
Leah is a human female in her 20's. She's of about average height and full-figured, though any time someone asks her how tall she is she subconsciously goes up on her tip-toes slightly, as if to maybe squeak out a few more inches. She has blonde, shoulder-length hair, chocolate brown eyes, a button nose, and a friendly smile. Though she'd never admit it and just brush off any compliments, she is quite conventionally attractive, but is too modest to do any preening about it.

Costume/Clothing: Leah's costume consists of a tight-fitting two-piece outfit, consisting of a pair of blue bottoms with white boots and a sleeveless top with blue gloves. Around her waist is a black and blue belt with a circular buckle in the front and side pouches on either hip. Additionally, she wears a pair of over-sized blue goggles to protect her eyes. In her everyday civilian wear she's fond of casual clothing such as jeans and t-shirts or sweaters with sneakers.

Backstory: Leah has always been environmentally conscious. An avid enjoyer of nature and everything this blue marble has to offer, Leah wanted to do her part to protect the planet she loved so much - without straying too far from the crazy city she's also grown to love. Leah joined the DEP as soon as she could attempt the civil service exam and, for a few years after being hired, paid her dues doing the lower-rung jobs and being a gopher for more experienced inspectors. Unfortunately, even the DEP isn't safe from corruption, which she found out when the manager of Scapelli & Sons Manufacturing bribed her supervisor to look the other way on illegal dumping of waste.

Leah reported the violations of both S&S MFG and her supervisor the very next day. Her boss dismissed her claims, saying that Scapelli's record had been "spotless for years" and he was always "very generous and worked well with the DEP". So, Leah tried to take matters into her own hands. Late one night, she snuck into S&S MFG in order to gather her own evidence of the pollution occuring on the property. Antoni Scapelli and his goons were waiting. They ambushed Leah and disposed of her in one of the waste tanks, where she almost drowned. The toxic mixture of chemicals and New York City water had an odd effect on her, though. They gave her strange new powers which she used to escape the deadly trap and, eventually, bring Antoni to justice.

Leah still works for the NYC DEP but she's cleaning things up in her own special way, both on and off the clock.

Nitikinesis. Leah can create, shape, and manipulate bubbles in any shape or form. She can alter the size, speed, density and gas content of the bubbles at will. Typical feats include using bubbles as shields to protect people, domes to contain criminals, creating nearly frictionless foam to run or glide on, and using bubbles to "punch" by accelerating them rapidly at targets. The "punch" works by bursting bubbles at high-speed, creating waves of damaging air pressure. Her most powerful attack is called the "Bubble Cannon", which uses cavitation (low pressure producing a bubble that rapidly collapses) to create a blast that, for a brief moment, can reach up to 20,000 degrees kelvin and produce a blinding flash of light.

Nitikinesis requires Leah's concentration, so she can generally only concentrate on a few things at once. She's gotten better over the years, but high-pressure situations can cause her to only be able to work on a couple things at a time. Though Leah can alter the density of her bubbles to make them able to withstand a large amount of pressure, they're not indestructable and can be broken and while they can stand up to blunt impacts, are weak against piercing damage. Leah's "Bubble Cannon" also tends to take up a lot of her concentration and, afterward, leaves her briefly winded and vulnerable.

Personality traits and interests:
Leah has a bubbly (pun intended) personality. She is friendly and approachable, the epitome of the 'do-gooder superhero'. If sponsorships by Hostess Fruit Pies were still a thing, she'd probably be handing them out. Her heroine persona is influenced by classic hero tropes and she plays the role to a tee. Some of it isn't even her playing - she's genuinely a friendly and energetic sort of person who cares about those around her and the city she lives in. She's optimistic and wants to believe in the best in people.

I love superhero rps. Also totally forgot Heroforge existed, nice

Real name: Drake Marshall
Codename: Crosshairs
Species and appearance: Metahuman
Age: 28
Alignment: Neutral
Costume/clothing: Crosshairs wears a black duster with a red crosshair design on the back. Under the duster, Crosshair wears an advance armored vest that is highly bullet and stab resistant. His pants are also made of a very tough material that is bullet and stab resistant, but not to the extent of the armored vest. Crosshair uses a very large amount of firearms, tending to carry a few pistols and a sawed-off shotgun along with whatever gun he decides to use for his primary weapon that day.
Occupation: Vehicle Mechanic
Backstory: Drake had a relatively normal upbringing. He was very outgoing, and things always seemed to go his way. He was skilled in pistol shooting, having qualified for the Youth Olympics in Pistol. Little did he know that he had a superpower. Super Luck. His life changed quite dramatically when his friends suddenly gained superpowers themselves, having been exposed to a strange substance during a field trip to RaiTech Laboratories. His friends became a superhero team called the Aurora Guard, and Drake would spend his high school and trade school years assisting his super-powered friends from the background.

The more Drake helped out his friends and got into sticky situations, the more apparent it became to the young man that he had powers as well. He continued helping his friends, and eventually assisted in exposing RaiTech for the shady company it was. RaiTech was shut down. The Specters continued fighting crime and helping the people of the city. But four years ago, something terrible happened. The Specters were fighting a new villain, a magical woman that called herself the Gray Witch. Drake showed up to help, but there was an explosion of magical energy. When Drake looked back, the Specters and the Gray Witch... were gone. Vanished.

Drake waited and searched for his friends, but there were no signs of them. With the Specters gone, they needed someone to take their place. Drake took on the alias Crosshairs, fighting crime and searching for answers. But four years have passed, and he is beginning to lose hope...
Powers: Super Luck. Things just happen to go Crosshairs' way. These tend to involve things like randomly guessing passcodes, bad guys weapons jamming, etc. It used to be out of Crosshairs' control, but now it is to a point where Crosshairs has some control over it. However, it doesn't always work.
Skills: Firearms expert, close quarters combat expert, survivalist, vehicle mechanic
Weaknesses (if any): The more things going on, the stronger his luck power is. The inverse is also true. The less factors effecting the outcome of an event, the less likely Crosshairs' super luck will trigger.
Personality traits and interests: Crosshairs is a 'hero' much in the vein of Batman and Punisher. Dark, brooding, and not afraid to get a little dirty. Scares criminals, but also is quick to protect the innocent and those who cannot protect themselves. He has a hard time getting close to others. He enjoys working on cars.
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Quick question @OrganicIntelligence , when exactly was the Final War? Was it super recent?

Probably a good time for a lore dump,

The Final War would have been around the mid-90s, shortly after the end of the Cold War and the geopolitical fallout of the collapse of the Soviet Union. Whilst the world's civilian governments and it's most influential superhero groups - primarily, the Soldiers of Freedom (US-based and funded by the US government Bureau of Superhuman Affairs) and the Champions of Earth (Globally focused, funded by the UN Superhuman Research Agency) - were busy dealing with the political situation and the sudden leaking of Soviet superhuman research materials onto the black market, many superpowered criminal and terrorist groups were quietly forming a coalition to unite their resources under the leadership of the infamous Exarch Xand.

Xand was a psychic alien warlord who had been exiled from his own homeworld and had set up shop on Earth under the guise of a tech magnate, and had built up massive resources that he was using to fund various criminal groups around the world. In 1995 he brought most of the world's superpowered villain teams under his control, as well as various extraterrestrial and interdimensional allies who wanted to invade Earth, and offered them all a piece of the planet to rule if they followed his leadership. Together they launched a simultaneous attack across most of the world's nations, attempting to overthrow their governments and bring in an age of superpowered tyranny.

The Soldiers and Champions rallied together as many of their members and independent heroes as they could to fight back, and the battle was eventually won but at a great cost, with the SOldiers of Freedom having been almost entirely wiped out and the Champions also losing many of their most powerful members. Thankfully, the villains also took heavy losses, with Xand himself reported to have been killed in action, although with him nobody was sure if the body sitting in a morgue at the Bureau is definitely the real him or if he's still in hiding somewhere.

Since it's 2023 now, most characters in their 20s or 30s will remember the Final War occurring during their childhoods, and most of the world's major cities still have areas undergoing reconstruction or memorials to those that were lost. The loss of so many heroes and villains is what has also created such a massive power vacuum that has opened up opportunities for new supers to make their mark.
Real name: Morgan Martin

Codename: The Captain

Species: Enhanced Human


Age: 28 (biologically)

Alignment: Lawful Good

Costume: Has no costume

Clothing: Whatever is comfortable.

Occupation: Recently released from frozen imprisonment

Backstory: During the height of World War 2 Captain Morgan Matthews volunteered for an experiment to create a better soldier, a stronger, faster, smarter, more durable soldier. Something went horribly wrong. Morgan was alive and permanently altered, just not how they expected. Morgan came out a woman.

Morgan was quietly removed from the Army. The whole thing was covered up. A new identity was created for Morgan Martin. Morgan took a job as a secretary working for the general who oversaw the project. During a visit to one of the bases the general oversaw a German spy who attempted to kill the General, Morgan stopped the would-be assassin and in doing so displayed the abilities they were hoping to see.

Morgan couldn't serve in the military, but she could serve with another branch of the government's war effort. She was recruited by the CIA. After a brief training window, she was sent overseas to infiltrate the German government as a secretary. She discovered their own attempts to do what the American government attempted. She managed to sneak her way into the facility and discovered the exact same formula but slightly altered was being used by the Germans. Someone stole the formula and gave it to the Germans. She allowed the formula to be used once to see what it could do. The soldier that went in came out looking roughly the same as he did before, but he could do far more than she could. He could easily beat her in combat. She snagged a dose of their version and gave it to herself. She was half hoping it would correct the mistake of the first one but no such luck. With two doses of the serum coursing through her, she could stop her German counterpart.

A fight between the two destroyed the base and killed hundreds of people. She stole a plane and was making her way to allied territory when she was shot down and was frozen in the ice.

Decades later she was discovered during the Final War but instead of thawing her out they kept her frozen and harvested her eggs. They used her eggs to create metahumans. After an incident that nearly destroyed the facility, she was taken somewhere else.
During a horrific incident the facility where she was kept was destroyed, she eventually thawed out and dug herself out.

Enhanced Healing Factor: Morgan's natural healing abilities have been artificially enhanced, thus enabling her to recuperate from physical trauma at a greatly accelerated rate. She heals injuries that would take a healthy being months to heal within a few hours or minutes. This is also responsible for her greatly increased longevity. Her metabolic efficiency is superior to that of normal men, to the point she cannot even get drunk under normal circumstances.

Enhanced Strength: Morgan's physical strength is enhanced to superhuman levels. Morgan has also been able to throw fully grown men great distances and send people flying great distances with punches and kicks. She was able to throw a motorcycle from overhead many yards with enough force to crush the front end of a jeep causing it to flip over. Morgan also supported the entire weight of a small car to keep it from falling over the edge of a bridge, though the bumper came off. She was able to kick a pickup truck with enough force to move it several yards and send an enemy soldier flying away upon impact with the truck.

Enhanced Durability: Morgan is far more durable than any normal human. She can survive blunt force trauma such as being hit by superhuman opponents and survive falling from the 30th floor (300 ft).

Enhanced Speed: Morgan can run and move at speeds far superior to Olympic-level runners. She can almost keep up with most vehicles and, with little effort, run 13 miles in 30 minutes while jogging for exercise.

Enhanced Agility: Morgan's agility is much greater than that of any human. She can perform amazing parkour and gymnastic moves that would be impossible for a normal human to accomplish.

Enhanced Reflexes: Morgan's reflexes are far superior to those of the finest human athletes. She is capable of dodging rapid gunfire at close range.

Enhanced Stamina: Morgan is highly resistant to fatigue and illness. She is known to be able to run much faster than others of her height and build and for far longer without tiring.

Weaknesses (if any): Outdated: Morgan has limited knowledge of the decades during her frozen imprisonment. This limitation manifests most frequently in her confusion when people use expressions and references that she has no knowledge of. Her understanding of technological advances is similarly impaired, and although given her intelligence and enhanced mental faculties it has allowed her to quickly come to terms with various advancements, it can be assumed that she lacks many basic skills associated with the modern world. She noticeably gravitated towards technology that has remained relatively unchanged from early 20th-century developments, although she has mentioned being fond of the internet, calling it quite useful for catching up. To catch up with the times, Morgan has watched historical archived videos.

Personality traits and interests: Morgan possessed a commanding presence. She is serious and puts up with no nonsense. Morgan had expressed a great deal of courage and combat skill. Morgan is very confident and brave. She is also easily discouraged as shown when she was kicked out of the military and took the first job offered to her. Morgan likes a good fight and visibly enjoys it. She can sometimes be menacing. Morgan deeply cares for her loved ones.

Sexuality: Don't ask her.

Real name: Leah Eden Frost
Codename: Bubble Girl
Age: 24
Alignment: Hero
Occupation: New York City Department of Environmental Protection
Sexuality: Pansexual

Species and appearance: Leah is a human female in her 20's. She's of about average height and full-figured, though any time someone asks her how tall she is she subconsciously goes up on her tip-toes slightly, as if to maybe squeak out a few more inches. She has blonde, shoulder-length hair, chocolate brown eyes, a button nose, and a friendly smile. Though she'd never admit it and just brush off any compliments, she is quite conventionally attractive, but is too modest to do any preening about it.

Costume/Clothing: Leah's costume consists of a tight-fitting two-piece outfit, consisting of a pair of blue bottoms with white boots and a sleeveless top with blue gloves. Around her waist is a black and blue belt with a circular buckle in the front and side pouches on either hip. Additionally, she wears a pair of over-sized blue goggles to protect her eyes. In her everyday civilian wear she's fond of casual clothing such as jeans and t-shirts or sweaters with sneakers.

Backstory: Leah has always been environmentally conscious. An avid enjoyer of nature and everything this blue marble has to offer, Leah wanted to do her part to protect the planet she loved so much - without straying too far from the crazy city she's also grown to love. Leah joined the DEP as soon as she could attempt the civil service exam and, for a few years after being hired, paid her dues doing the lower-rung jobs and being a gopher for more experienced inspectors. Unfortunately, even the DEP isn't safe from corruption, which she found out when the manager of Scapelli & Sons Manufacturing bribed her supervisor to look the other way on illegal dumping of waste.

Leah reported the violations of both S&S MFG and her supervisor the very next day. Her boss dismissed her claims, saying that Scapelli's record had been "spotless for years" and he was always "very generous and worked well with the DEP". So, Leah tried to take matters into her own hands. Late one night, she snuck into S&S MFG in order to gather her own evidence of the pollution occuring on the property. Antoni Scapelli and his goons were waiting. They ambushed Leah and disposed of her in one of the waste tanks, where she almost drowned. The toxic mixture of chemicals and New York City water had an odd effect on her, though. They gave her strange new powers which she used to escape the deadly trap and, eventually, bring Antoni to justice.

Leah still works for the NYC DEP but she's cleaning things up in her own special way, both on and off the clock.

Powers: Nitikinesis. Leah can create, shape, and manipulate bubbles in any shape or form. She can alter the size, speed, density and gas content of the bubbles at will. Typical feats include using bubbles as shields to protect people, domes to contain criminals, creating nearly frictionless foam to run or glide on, and using bubbles to "punch" by accelerating them rapidly at targets. The "punch" works by bursting bubbles at high-speed, creating waves of damaging air pressure. Her most powerful attack is called the "Bubble Cannon", which uses cavitation (low pressure producing a bubble that rapidly collapses) to create a blast that, for a brief moment, can reach up to 20,000 degrees kelvin and produce a blinding flash of light.

Weaknesses: Nitikinesis requires Leah's concentration, so she can generally only concentrate on a few things at once. She's gotten better over the years, but high-pressure situations can cause her to only be able to work on a couple things at a time. Though Leah can alter the density of her bubbles to make them able to withstand a large amount of pressure, they're not indestructable and can be broken and while they can stand up to blunt impacts, are weak against piercing damage. Leah's "Bubble Cannon" also tends to take up a lot of her concentration and, afterward, leaves her briefly winded and vulnerable.

Personality traits and interests: Leah has a bubbly (pun intended) personality. She is friendly and approachable, the epitome of the 'do-gooder superhero'. If sponsorships by Hostess Fruit Pies were still a thing, she'd probably be handing them out. Her heroine persona is influenced by classic hero tropes and she plays the role to a tee. Some of it isn't even her playing - she's genuinely a friendly and energetic sort of person who cares about those around her and the city she lives in. She's optimistic and wants to believe in the best in people.

I love superhero rps. Also totally forgot Heroforge existed, nice

Real name: Drake Marshall
Codename: Crosshairs
Species and appearance: Metahuman
Age: 28
Alignment: Neutral
Costume/clothing: Crosshairs wears a black duster with a red crosshair design on the back. Under the duster, Crosshair wears an advance armored vest that is highly bullet and stab resistant. His pants are also made of a very tough material that is bullet and stab resistant, but not to the extent of the armored vest. Crosshair uses a very large amount of firearms, tending to carry a few pistols and a sawed-off shotgun along with whatever gun he decides to use for his primary weapon that day.
Occupation: Vehicle Mechanic
Backstory: Drake had a relatively normal upbringing. He was very outgoing, and things always seemed to go his way. He was skilled in pistol shooting, having qualified for the Youth Olympics in Pistol. Little did he know that he had a superpower. Super Luck. His life changed quite dramatically when his friends suddenly gained superpowers themselves, having been exposed to a strange substance during a field trip to RaiTech Laboratories. His friends became a superhero team called the Specters, and Drake would spend his high school and trade school years assisting his super-powered friends from the background.

The more Drake helped out his friends and got into sticky situations, the more apparent it became to the young man that he had powers as well. He continued helping his friends, and eventually assisted in exposing RaiTech for the shady company it was. RaiTech was shut down. The Specters continued fighting crime and helping the people of the city. But four years ago, something terrible happened. The Specters were fighting a new villain, a magical woman that called herself the Gray Witch. Drake showed up to help, but there was an explosion of magical energy. When Drake looked back, the Specters and the Gray Witch... were gone. Vanished.

Drake waited and searched for his friends, but there were no signs of them. With the Specters gone, they needed someone to take their place. Drake took on the alias Crosshairs, fighting crime and searching for answers. But four years have passed, and he is beginning to lose hope...
Powers: Super Luck. Things just happen to go Crosshairs' way. These tend to involve things like randomly guessing passcodes, bad guys weapons jamming, etc. It used to be out of Crosshairs' control, but now it is to a point where Crosshairs has some control over it. However, it doesn't always work.
Skills: Firearms expert, close quarters combat expert, survivalist, vehicle mechanic
Weaknesses (if any): The more things going on, the stronger his luck power is. The inverse is also true. The less factors effecting the outcome of an event, the less likely Crosshairs' super luck will trigger.
Personality traits and interests: Crosshairs is a 'hero' much in the vein of Batman and Punisher. Dark, brooding, and not afraid to get a little dirty. Scares criminals, but also is quick to protect the innocent and those who cannot protect themselves. He has a hard time getting close to others. He enjoys working on cars.

All look good to me, I'll have to add a list of characters to the OP. Also, I think we might need to add a few more villainous characters to the roster as well.
Just in case we don't get more villainous characters, I've come up with a few NPC villains who can be used if required:

Real name: Jack Graves
Codename: Deadmetal
Species: Cyborg human
Age: 40
Alignment: Villainous
Cyberassassin screenshot.png
Backstory: A hitman for the mob who failed his job one too many times, Jack Graves's brain was forcibly transferred into a bionic body. He has now become the ultimate cold-hearted killer. Does not remember much of his previous life.
Powers: Enhanced durability and strength thanks to his bionic body, as well as built-in weapon systems and immunity to drowning or suffocation.
Weaknesses: His organic brain is vulnerable to strong enough concussive force, and his body is vulnerable to hacking.

Real name: Bethany Wu
Codename: The Dragoness
Species: Human/Dragon Turtle hybrid
Age: 32
Alignment: Villainous
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Previously was a marine biologist, now the leader of an army of fish people
Backstory: Once a marine biologist studying the effects of mutagenic substances on fish populations, Beth Wu was accidentally exposed to a large amount of mutagen whilst diving underwater. Transformed into a reptilian sea monster, she was taken in by a tribe of mutated fish people who now act as her cronies as she wars against the surface world.
Powers: Extremely strong and durable, can spit corrosive venom out of her mouth at enemies. Her claws and horns can easily tear through even augmented human flesh, considered a high threat.
Weaknesses: Easily blinded by bright light, becomes lethargic in cold temperatures.

Real name: Ryan Zima
Codename: Icemaster
Species: Living ice being (formally human)
Age: 33
Alignment: Villainous
Icemaster screenshot.png
Mob boss, mad scientist
Backstory: A mad scientist who sought to achieve immortality through injecting his cells with a type of living ice that would slow down his aging process to a crawl, Ryan Zima found his procedure worked too well when his body slowly converted over time entirely to ice. Still alive, he now has the ability to shoot ice bolts and freezing ice rays from his hands.
Powers: Ice bolts, Ice rays, genius with advanced knowledge of biology, technology and chemistry. Can quickly regenerate any part of his body that gets damaged so long as there is sufficient water moisture in the air. Can create walls and other physical structures out of ice.
Weaknesses: Sonic attacks, high temperatures

Real name: Subject Delta
Codename: The Crimson Cowl
Species: Enhanced human
Age: 26
Alignment: Villainous
Venomizer screenshot.png
International terrorist
Backstory: The result of a black ops experiment to create a new breed of super soldier gone wrong, Subject Delta took on the persona of the Crimson Cowl after escaping his handlers. Vowing to use his superior abilities to conquer the world as was his right as a superior being, he founded his own criminal organisation, the Crimson Order, for the purposes of destabilising world governments and sowing panic among the populace.
Powers: Enhanced strength and speed, healing factor. Can generate a 'fear field' that induces feelings of terror and panic in others nearby. Training in psy-ops and terror tactics.
Weaknesses: None known.

Real name: Charlotte Silk
Codename: Doc Arachnid
Species: Human/Spider hybrid
Age: 27
Alignment: Villainous
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Occupation: Criminal biologist
Backstory: A mad scientist who accidentally injected herself with mutagenic particles of spider DNA. Now wishes to turn everyone into spider-people.
Powers: Enhanced speed and reflexes, enhanced strength, can climb walls and inject venom with her spider legs. Her gauntlets can also shoot webbing.
Weaknesses: Is not particularly durable.

Real name: Adam Vine
Codename: Deathlock
Species: Undead lich
Age: 56
Alignment: Villainous
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Occupation: Master of necromantic magic
Backstory: Was once a doctor who wished to bring back the dead and resorted to using ancient necromantic rituals to bring the recently deceased back to life. His mind corrupted, he became a servant of evil forces who eventually was killed - but came back as a wraith, possessing dead bodies to grant him physical form.
Powers: Can summon revenants and unleash spells of death magic. His body is fragile but if damaged he can just pull it back together. If it is totally destroyed or damaged beyond repair he simply finds a new corpse to inhabit. His claws can also sap the life-force from his opponents when he slashes them.
Weaknesses: Cannot use his powers in daylight, and can also be banished for good via magic rituals..
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Dammit guys now we're gonna have too many villains 😂
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