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Inner Sanctum Nobility

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The arrival of Invincible S2 has put me in a mood for superhero action. I'm looking for heroes, villains, in-betweeners and civilians living in a version of New York (or elsewhere, if desired) where superpowers are a common sight.
In the 20th century, the world came to be dominated by super-heroics. No longer figures of myth or scientific curiosities, individuals possessing incredible powers became major public figures both as protectors and destroyers. Starting with a few attention-seekers but later becoming common throughout the 'community', they started adopting flashy costumes and larger-than-life personas, becoming icons of both hope and fear. Over time they began to join together to form groups, super-teams and leagues of villains that clashed in great crisis's.
Despite what the comics would have to think, superheroes were not indestructible. Over time the most famous heroes and villains died in action, or became too injured to continue, or got old enough to retire peacefully to live with their families. This die-off of the previous generation of the super-empowered was accelerated rapidly by the Final War, the great conflict between heroes and villains that ended in the world being saved from total destruction, but at the cost of many of the world's most famous metahumans.
Those who came into their powers before this event came to be known as the Old Guard. But those who have come after, in the early decades of the 21st century, have come to be known as the New Guard.
The world is always becoming a stranger and more incredible place, and as the ranks of the New Guard swell to replace those who came before, this new generation will have to find their place in it.
In terms of tone, I'd like to aim for something similar to Invincible; this isn't grimdark or a deconstruction, it's a true four colour superhero universe but one that's rated 18+ so the heroes and villains can and will kill, and the fights can get quite bloody (although not gratuitous). This also means that supers in this universe do indeed fuck, but any NSFW scenes should be behind a spoiler block.
In terms of power levels, I'll allow characters up to Superman-level strength but let's avoid characters on a level where they can basically godmode against anything thrown against them. This is meant to be an original setting but if you want to use a character from Marvel or DC or another other established setting that's fine by me too.
Your characters are meant to be part of the New Guard (unless a civilian), but if you want to be a surviving member of the older generation of metahumans that's fine as well.
The setting will be primarily centered on New York but if you want have your character be based elsewhere and only occasionally cross paths with NY based characters, that's fine by me. This is also meant to be a 'shared universe' where each character will have their own plot and can team up or come into conflict, but it won't be required to join up into a team.
If you're interested, a character template is below:
Real name:
Codename: (n/a if a civilian)
Species and appearance:
Weaknesses (if any):
Personality traits and interests:
OOC Thread
IC Thread
In the 20th century, the world came to be dominated by super-heroics. No longer figures of myth or scientific curiosities, individuals possessing incredible powers became major public figures both as protectors and destroyers. Starting with a few attention-seekers but later becoming common throughout the 'community', they started adopting flashy costumes and larger-than-life personas, becoming icons of both hope and fear. Over time they began to join together to form groups, super-teams and leagues of villains that clashed in great crisis's.
Despite what the comics would have to think, superheroes were not indestructible. Over time the most famous heroes and villains died in action, or became too injured to continue, or got old enough to retire peacefully to live with their families. This die-off of the previous generation of the super-empowered was accelerated rapidly by the Final War, the great conflict between heroes and villains that ended in the world being saved from total destruction, but at the cost of many of the world's most famous metahumans.
Those who came into their powers before this event came to be known as the Old Guard. But those who have come after, in the early decades of the 21st century, have come to be known as the New Guard.
The world is always becoming a stranger and more incredible place, and as the ranks of the New Guard swell to replace those who came before, this new generation will have to find their place in it.
The Final War would have been around the mid-90s, shortly after the end of the Cold War and the geopolitical fallout of the collapse of the Soviet Union. Whilst the world's civilian governments and it's most influential superhero groups - primarily, the Soldiers of Freedom (US-based and funded by the US government Bureau of Superhuman Affairs) and the Champions of Earth (Globally focused, funded by the UN Superhuman Research Agency) - were busy dealing with the political situation and the sudden leaking of Soviet superhuman research materials onto the black market, many superpowered criminal and terrorist groups were quietly forming a coalition to unite their resources under the leadership of the infamous Exarch Xand.
Xand was a psychic alien warlord who had been exiled from his own homeworld and had set up shop on Earth under the guise of a tech magnate, and had built up massive resources that he was using to fund various criminal groups around the world. In 1995 he brought most of the world's superpowered villain teams under his control, as well as various extraterrestrial and interdimensional allies who wanted to invade Earth, and offered them all a piece of the planet to rule if they followed his leadership. Together they launched a simultaneous attack across most of the world's nations, attempting to overthrow their governments and bring in an age of superpowered tyranny.
The Soldiers and Champions rallied together as many of their members and independent heroes as they could to fight back, and the battle was eventually won but at a great cost, with the SOldiers of Freedom having been almost entirely wiped out and the Champions also losing many of their most powerful members. Thankfully, the villains also took heavy losses, with Xand himself reported to have been killed in action, although with him nobody was sure if the body sitting in a morgue at the Bureau is definitely the real him or if he's still in hiding somewhere.
Since it's 2023 now, most characters in their 20s or 30s will remember the Final War occurring during their childhoods, and most of the world's major cities still have areas undergoing reconstruction or memorials to those that were lost. The loss of so many heroes and villains is what has also created such a massive power vacuum that has opened up opportunities for new supers to make their mark.
Xand was a psychic alien warlord who had been exiled from his own homeworld and had set up shop on Earth under the guise of a tech magnate, and had built up massive resources that he was using to fund various criminal groups around the world. In 1995 he brought most of the world's superpowered villain teams under his control, as well as various extraterrestrial and interdimensional allies who wanted to invade Earth, and offered them all a piece of the planet to rule if they followed his leadership. Together they launched a simultaneous attack across most of the world's nations, attempting to overthrow their governments and bring in an age of superpowered tyranny.
The Soldiers and Champions rallied together as many of their members and independent heroes as they could to fight back, and the battle was eventually won but at a great cost, with the SOldiers of Freedom having been almost entirely wiped out and the Champions also losing many of their most powerful members. Thankfully, the villains also took heavy losses, with Xand himself reported to have been killed in action, although with him nobody was sure if the body sitting in a morgue at the Bureau is definitely the real him or if he's still in hiding somewhere.
Since it's 2023 now, most characters in their 20s or 30s will remember the Final War occurring during their childhoods, and most of the world's major cities still have areas undergoing reconstruction or memorials to those that were lost. The loss of so many heroes and villains is what has also created such a massive power vacuum that has opened up opportunities for new supers to make their mark.
In terms of tone, I'd like to aim for something similar to Invincible; this isn't grimdark or a deconstruction, it's a true four colour superhero universe but one that's rated 18+ so the heroes and villains can and will kill, and the fights can get quite bloody (although not gratuitous). This also means that supers in this universe do indeed fuck, but any NSFW scenes should be behind a spoiler block.
In terms of power levels, I'll allow characters up to Superman-level strength but let's avoid characters on a level where they can basically godmode against anything thrown against them. This is meant to be an original setting but if you want to use a character from Marvel or DC or another other established setting that's fine by me too.
Your characters are meant to be part of the New Guard (unless a civilian), but if you want to be a surviving member of the older generation of metahumans that's fine as well.
The setting will be primarily centered on New York but if you want have your character be based elsewhere and only occasionally cross paths with NY based characters, that's fine by me. This is also meant to be a 'shared universe' where each character will have their own plot and can team up or come into conflict, but it won't be required to join up into a team.
If you're interested, a character template is below:
Real name:
Codename: (n/a if a civilian)
Species and appearance:
Weaknesses (if any):
Personality traits and interests:
Heroes Player Character Player Character OrganicIntelligence Jade Lightning rigel Specter Vasara Glyndark Courtney Collins Vasara Glyndark The Captain Captain Cardboard Crosshairs Dispatch99 Emerald Enforcer RedemptionforaHotdog Telamon BonnieBee Echo OrganicIntelligence Hell-Rider OrganicIntelligence Night-Arrow RangerKes Kinesis -
Villains Player Character Player Character OrganicIntelligence Minotaur OrganicIntelligence Exarch Xand Dispatch99 Hotline Captain Cardboard Lady In Black -
Wild Cards Player Character Player Character Vasara Glyndark Maiden of Might Gravemermaid Cheshire BonnieBee Leviathan Dispatch99 Cicadis RangerKes Hellhound
Supports Player Character Captain Cardboard Quantum Computer OrganicIntelligence Director Shaw/The Commander
OOC Thread
IC Thread
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