Either Needed Set Sail! A Fantasy Pirate crew search!

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Either Needed Set Sail! A Fantasy Pirate crew search!

Should I add personality to the character sheet?

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I would guess it was already named if she's looking for a crew and we'd all have to deal with it lol
I was gonna suggest "Bigsix" but there's more than six crew members!
Bigsix: Piss, Fart, Shit, Fuck, Cock, Cunt.
I texted my mom late in the day and said, yknow, obviously you're welcome for me being born and making you a mother first, but my sibling had gotten to her before and my mom told me THEY ARE THE FAVORITE FOR A YEAR 😭😭😂😂
I texted my mom late in the day and said, yknow, obviously you're welcome for me being born and making you a mother first, but my sibling had gotten to her before and my mom told me THEY ARE THE FAVORITE FOR A YEAR 😭😭😂😂
Oh no at that point it's time to choose violence! They can't be the favorite if they're missing!!! 😏😏😏
Lololol no, I'm a big softie. They said they'd kill me for a billion dollars (and make a clone, but still 😂) but I said I would not kill them. Rude right? 😂😂
Keep a piece on you just in case they suddenly win the lottery 🤣 that's some sibling love for ya
Keep a piece on you just in case they suddenly win the lottery 🤣 that's some sibling love for ya
😂 well the stipulation was that to get the billion dollars they'd have to kill me. And I'm def not anywhere near that important to anyone with that much money so I think I'm safe 😂😂
Sorry for being slow but my mind in the gutter this month having a tough time creating anything.

NAME: Zaire
DESCRIPTION and/or PICTURE: Zaire stands at a tall height, and has a bulky build. With wide, broad shoulders, and muscles he's managed to build over the years, it's no secret that he's one of the bigger members of the crew. Due to the orc side of his dna, he not only has pointed ears, but also greenish colored skin. Black straight hair grows from his head, currently at the length where it touches his upper back. For the most part, he keeps it in a half up style, with black facial hair to match. If the green skin and pointed ears weren't a dead giveaway of his species, then the tusks that protrude from the lower part of his mouth is. He has dark brown eyes, as well scars on his right cheek from past adventures.
AGE: 32
SPECIES: Half-orc
SEXUALITY: Pansexual
ABILITIES: Not only does he have raw, brute strength, but he also know how to skillfully wield a great axe. He has darkvision, high endurance, can speak orc, and has been told that he's a great listener.
RANKING: Quartermaster
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sorry! things got super busy at work. literally five people were fired, so i had to pick up some extra shifts until they hired new people.
but yes! i am very much still interested. hopefully we're still going through with this rp, as i am really excited. i got my character up, just having trouble with the spoiler to showcase his appearance :"
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