Both Needed WoL Interest Check

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Both Needed WoL Interest Check

Name: Morelet DeVenga
Species: Humana
Age: 25
Sex: Male
Appearance: WIP
Abilities: Photographic Memory
Preferred Equipment: Quill and note pad.
Allegiance: None
Personality: Dedicated and hard Wheeling, little else matters compared to getting the story. He's calm and collected, with an easy smile to anyone who gives him the time of day.
Strengths: knowing things he shouldn't, getting into impossible places, persuasive
Weaknesses: single minded and dedicated to his work
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No Candidate affiliation:

Name: Embra Kaden Radegan goes by Kaden
Species: Humana
Age: 23
Sex (and Gender if applicable): Female, Hetero
Appearance: (Feel free to use images!): Dark sapphire eyes, pale skin, long white-blonde hair frequently in a braid down her back.
Abilities: Highly Superior Autobiographical Memory (HSAM)(able to recall anything she has ever read or heard and events of her life. Think eidetic memory on crack)
Preferred Equipment: pocket notepad and quill, no weapons
Allegiance (if applicable): None
Personality: brave, clever, easy-going, hard-working, honest, popular, wise
Strengths: strong memory, writing abilities
Weaknesses: Her brutal honesty has most people disliking her
Relationship: haha, never has time for anyone other than Morelet and work
Background: Her mother was an avid follower of Embra, and saw no better honor than to name her daughter after the goddess. She was raised in a home and with the divine shoved down her throat she left it behind when she left home. Kaden has her own private life and keeps it out of her work. She is a secretary to Morelet, his right-hand person. Currently, she works gathering information and co-writing stories about the Triangular Truce and how the person will come to lead the city of Alessandria. She strives to give the most accurate information to everyone. She frequently travles to gain information from the campaign.

WIP 12/22
Name: Kighra Michael Mapell

Species: half Dweller-half Elvi

Age: 90

Sex (and Gender if applicable) Male

Appearance: Valentina Remenar on | Fantasy, Fantasy art, Demon art

Abilities: Misilm Magis

Preferred Equipment: large oakwood staff and small silver daggers

Personality: bold and loud, jokester and playful with the ladies

Strengths: strong and athletic, flexible and good with daggers

Weaknesses: short-tempered, falls in love easily, trusts too easily

Background: His parents were from separate lives, his mother a dweller and his father and Elvi. He has five siblings, all from different mothers, and most half humana and half Elvi. He doesn't spend much time with his family and enjoys his time spent underground. He is a flirt and enjoys company from the ladies and men but deep down he really just wants somebody to love and start a family with.
Are there any major restrictions for character creation besides site rules on underage characters?
There are also provided races and to provide direction for the roleplay: positions for each character to reserve! But other than that, have fun with your character!
Name: Septimus Vianacelli

Species: Humana

Age: 27

Sex: Male

Appearance: Dark red hair that appears black in low light, tanned and freckled skin, and pale green eyes. He stands at 5'11 and is on the heavier side. He wears nice clothing.

Abilities: Pretends to have no abilities but is secretly a Misilm user who can create walls and projectiles from stone.

Preferred Equipment: A pair of steel-banded cestuses that he wears under white gloves.

Allegiance (if applicable): Supports Asena Valda's bid for candidacy, believing she will be good for the position.

Belief(s): Believes that Magis should be regulated by the government and should only be honed in state-run institutes. Any mageshould have to register with the government or face penalties if caught.

Personality: Generally affable, Septimus is a somewhat laid-back man who doesn't mind a good-natured joke at his expense. However, he becomes deadly serious whenever he believes anyone is misusing magis or trying to abuse those of a lower station.

Strengths: Charismatic, intelligent, and a decent fighter.

Weaknesses: Can come off as lazy, not currently very creative with his Magis.

Background: Septimus was born to farmers in D'amourre Plots, where his talent for Misilm Magi came in handy in tilling the soil for crops to be planted. When he was ten, however, his life was ripped away by a rogue Heli mage. The man had no ill intent, but couldn't control his gift and so burnt down the Vianacelli homestead. Left destitute, the family more or less sold Septimus to a traveling mage who agreed to take him as apprentice as well as serving boy.

During this time, Septimus learned how to harness his power to create stone walls and projectiles, as well as the use of the cestus for fighting. He became something akin to a bodyguard for the mage, who had a dream of opening a private academy to teach the use of Magis. Once the term of his servitude was up, Septimus went to Marieve to begin making a name for himself. After a few lucky investments paid off, he was able to enter the terrifying world of politics, though he never wanted much political power for himself. He would much rather support like-minded individuals who had the power to lead. With the disappearance of Lioth Deneth, Septimus has put his chips in with Asena Valda, finding her to be the only candidate who might look towards the greater good of the Allesandrian people.
Wonderful!!!! I approve. Which position shall be taken? You can see all roles in this document!
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It seems some of the documents are out of date. I'm on my phone so can't doublecheck right now, but if the boyguard role os available he would be interested. Otherwise, he could be an advisormor contributor.
Unfortunately some are. But the documents that I personally have made are up to date, the WoL Booklet and the WoL RP Thread Informational Document. Please check em' out!

As far as the bodyguard positions available, there is one bodyguard role open for Candidate #3. All three Candidates have an advising role currently open.
Sure thing. I will reserve that spot for your character and invite you to the group chat. Additionally, we need two more folks in Candidate #3 to commence. Is that okay?
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