Both Needed WoL Interest Check

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Both Needed WoL Interest Check

Name: Azaki Firahel
Species: Elvi (Elvilette)
Age: 97 (Equivalent to mid 30s)
Sex: Male
Appearance: 6'5", 164lbs, grey-blue eyes
Abilities: Siel and Liph Magis. Secretly Spy Master.
Preferred Equipment: Dagger, rope spear, throwing knives.
Allegiance: Connections to the Velvet Quill, but not a member. Associated with the Triangular Truce.
Belief(s): Charma
Personality: Azaki is quiet and relatively unassuming. He doesn't stand out in a crowd and takes care to ensure it. He takes his work seriously and cares little for the cost of life or others well being. If there is something that needs to be done, it will be done. Does not take credit for most of the shadowy things he does to help his candidate.
Strengths: Excellent memory, very perceptive, cunning, subterfuge
Weaknesses: lack of empathy
Azaki grew up on the streets where he learned quickly to fend for himself and became quick with a knife and his mind. One day he conned an old man out of a few gold coins (a large fortune for an urchin), only to discover it had been a test. The old Elvi, Lord Firahel had no children and needed a successor and had devised a test to find a worth one. Years of intensive studies passed as Lord Firahel taught the young Azaki of the world and the ways it worked. But educational studies were not the only training he recieved. Lord Firahel ensured that Azaki became a master of his Magis as well as extremely proficient in martial defense. While he could not assault a garrison, Azaki could more than defend himself.

Name: Hirrathak Kimbatuul
Species: Draconic (Biedraken)
Age: 68 (Equivalent to late 20s)
Sex: Male
Appearance: 7'4", 385 lbs, dark maroon and grey scales, dark brown eyes.
Abilities: Soheli and Zsiil Magis. Martial expertise with emphasis on blunt weapons.
Preferred Equipment: spiked mace, shield, leather and steel armor, multiple pouches of water hidden on person.
Allegiance: Legionnaire of the Nomadic Warrior Guild.
Belief(s): Minor worship of Torgar.
Personality: Not the friendliest of individuals, Hirrathak is blunt and to the point. He takes his duties with utmost seriousness and performs them expertly. He is quick to anger when his honor or abilities are questioned, but never lets it distract him from his tasks.
Strengths: Alert, strong, fast, and agile.
Weaknesses: Short tempered, blunt
Both of Hirrathak's parents were members of the Nomadic Warrior Guild, where he began training at a young age. Early on in his Training, Hirrathak discovered his affinity with both Soheli and Zsiil Magis, and that when used in parallel to cause great damage to opponents. His ability to quickly manipulate water and immediately freeze while under immense pressure, along with his martial expertise, helped him rise in the ranks quickly. Hirrathak earned himself the rank of Legionnaire when he proved himself by defeating another Legionnaire in single combat, though the fight was close. Recently he has been hired by a candidate for protection, despite the high prices of a guild Legionnaire. Now he stands as their bodyguard and head of security, with his sole purpose to ensure their safety until the end of the election.
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Name: Aelin

Species: Elvi--

Age: 103

Sex (and Gender if applicable): Female

Appearance: (Feel free to use images!)

Abilities: Misilm, Liph

Preferred Equipment: Bo Staff, curved small dagger(see image) and Bow and Arrow for when she is hunting

Personality: Kind, caring, charismatic, sociable, knowledgable, loyal, honest, trustworthy

Strengths: Can make medicine out of many plants from scratch, knows many languages, great memory, hunting small game, cooking, camping, traveling safely in the woods

Weakness: People, she is not very personable and many people think her cold when meeting and interacting with her (unless they are on the inside of her circle).

Background: Born in Nernn where she learned to turn plants into medicine, Currently lives in Patrie and works in healing travelers
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Name: Rin Stargiver Vroeha

Species: Lyphling [Wings only. They are white and look almost like angel wings]

Age: 23

Sex: Male, but wears unisex clothing on occasion.

Appearance: 5'11". Tan skin. Silver eyes and matching hair. Both natural. Decently muscled. A tattoo of the moon on his left wrist, the sun on his right. A smile that can charm anyone. Wears tight black leather thieves wear, highlighted with silver buckles. The shirt is very thick and is covered with pouches that contain who knows what.

Abilities: Siel and Liph, at an intermediate level. Extremely skilled with short swords, throwing knives, knives, lockpicks, disguise, blending into crowds, charm, singing, the lute, ocarina, and harp.

Preferred Equipment: Thieves wear, light armour in general. Knives of any kind. Lockpicks.

Allegiance: Friends. Blood is thicker than water? Blasphemy to him.

Beliefs: Erudi/ Duthl Deities

Personality: Charming, easy to like and love, wry, clever and strong willed. Trust him with your deepest secrets.

Strengths: Loyalty, music, reliability in a fight, stealth, talking his way out.

Weaknesses: Cannot, and will not, leave a friend behind. This is so extreme to a fault. He would fight through heaven and hell on his own if it meant keeping his friends safe.

Background: Came from noble blood, but disowned his title and went off on his own. Has a personality disorder, severe PTSD, and occasionally has strange dreams of other worlds.
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Alex Heathrow: Hmn... let's make sure your characters' wings are hidden. It might be widely questioned how a Liphling isn't in Nernn and Rin may become a target due to him being a Liphling so he'll have to blend in.
Edit: Also, there are pagan deities in Liphilius. Let me DM you the information of them.
RainingRose: According to our conversation, you wanted Advisor for Candidate #1! Your character is accepted.
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Alex Heathrow: Hmn... let's make sure your characters' wings are hidden. It might be widely questioned how a Liphling isn't in Nernn and Rin may become a target due to him being a Liphling so he'll have to blend in.
RainingRose: According to our conversation, you wanted Advisor for Candidate #1! Your character is accepted.

I can work with that just fine! He wants to blend in with crowds, so he would hide them anyways.
Alex Heathrow: Alright! Then I am okay with that. Before I accept your character, let's have you choose what spot he shall reserve and correct the "belief" part of your character. :-)
Application for candidate#3
Name: Aiedail Istalri

Species: Liphling ( believes herself to be a kymera)

Age: 36

Sex: Female

Appearance: 5'4" with a fuller figure. Despite her appearance however, she weighs about 98 pounds. Her frame is characterized by soft round lines. From her shoulders two thin shimmery wings stick out in a downward angle. Her face is round with a soft pointed chin. She has vibrantly green eyes and pouty lips that are a peachy pink color. Her nose is small and almost button like. Her hair falls in long chocolate waves that she tends to keep pinned up in a loose bun. Under her hair she has the stubs of what was once her antlers, they are sanded down and are easily covered by hair.

Abilities: Aiedail has the knack for getting out of confinement, she is also swift and stealthy.

Preferred Equipment: Aiedail prefers to do things quiet and quickly. She carries a few assorted short knives that are handy for up close and personal or throwing. She also has a set of hair pins in her hair at all times, these pins however are actually throwing needles that more often then not, get used for lock picking in a pinch.

Allegiance (if applicable):

Belief(s): " Me, Myself, and I."

Personality: She comes across as warm and light hearted to most. The reality is she is manipulative quietly observing tells, desires, and exploiting them for what she wants.

Strengths: Psychological mapping, an improved sense of direction, a great problem solver, stealth, and fast moving.

Weaknesses: Aiedail is physically weak, and gets frustrated easily when it comes to the physical world. She also has a crippling fear of being caged.

Background: Aiedail Is the sole survivor of a gruesome attack that killed her family. She is also the center of a few nasty rumors and conspiracies. Despite the question of her name Aiedail has held her head high and continued on taking power as she can get it. She has spent the last year or so working on her next political conquest...
Aiedail can only remember flashes of her childhood as a slave. She remembers a flash of light and hot fire, the sting of tears as she cried for her mother. From that point she only remembers the dreaded cage that held her captive for years. Most of her life locked in bars and chains, at a Noble families beck and call. She was used to entertain guests with song and wine, used to clean the house, and most importantly be the pet for the daughter of the man of the house. After years of planning and hard work she finally escapes her cage and murders her captors. This Leads to her questioning and her manipulation to assume the role of a secret family member and being the sole survivor of the attack.... she will do anything to stay out of a cage now.
Awesome! I love how she will possibly be seen as a Kymeran Velu instead of a Liphling! Remember, though, that Liphlings are rarely seen outside of Nernn so they typically hide their identity.
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