Both Needed WoL Interest Check

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Both Needed WoL Interest Check

Additionally, please check the informational document for any questions in regards to the roleplay, and the booklet for any questions in regard to Liphilius. If you are confused, I can, of-course, assist you!!!! Let me ask a couple questions, though, for documentation purposes. What will be his sexuality, followed deity (if any), and does your character follow any specific allegiances like the Nomadic Warriors Guild, Velvet Quills, Triangular Truce, Coins of Ghenki or Flames of Embra (if any)?
If that's what you need, I'm willing to wait. Or, if it's allowed, I could come up with another character or two. I'm really used to running multiple anyways.

As for the questions: Sexuality is heterosexual, he doesn't follow any particular deity, and he doesn't have a particular allegiance aside from Asena.
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Oh, definitely, please! I love multi-chara! At the very least to commence the roleplay I want the Candidate position filled, and for at least a third person involved.
Some wires got crossed somewhere. Septimus supports Asena, and I was thinking she was candidate 3 rather than 2. It wouldn't make much sense for him to guard a candidate he didn't support. Since the bodyguard position for Asena is not available, Septimus can be a contributor or adviser to her campaign.
Name: Elodinia Kinessa Cathante

Species: Liphling

Age: 196 (I am not quite sure how long their life span is, it just said they live long lives...)

Sex: Female/straight


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Her hair is as dark as black velvet, falling at the back in a long braid that hangs down to the back of her knees. In the front, she wears her hair in two smaller braids that cascade over her chest to just below her waist. Her skin is milky white without any noticeable blemishes or sunspots. She has sapphire blue eyes that seem almost icy blue and almost translucent when hit with light. Her brows are thin and quite straight. A large set of curved horns sprout from the top of her head but she has four smaller horns that frame her face and grow towards the sky. Her face is quite angular with a pointed chin and high cheekbones. Her lips are full and always seemed to be curled into a gentle smile. Most would consider her attractive, especially when paired with her graceful and soft-hearted demeanor. Though she lines her eyes with charcoal and gold chalk she prefers to keep her lips and the rest of her skin nude. She also has a very full womanly figure but prefers to dress in loose-fitting garments; usually, those that are deep emerald and lined in gold. She has a pale jewel that has been set into her forehead. Though it offers nothing than aesthetic value, she wears it as a reminder of her home. (if needed we can say that it is attached to a small golden chain-like crown that hands from the smaller horns on her forehead).

Abilities: Liph Magis. She has some affinity for Zsill and Misilm Magis as well.

Preferred Equipment: A small leather pouch of herbs and medicines (most from the Arcadian Gardens). She dedicates herself to the health of others and therefore carries no weaponry of any kind.


Birthplace: Nernn

Belief(s): All life has value. Follows the Goddess Nomisia.

Personality: Elodinia is soft-spoken and kind. She sees the value of all life and dedicates herself to its preservation. She is quite curious and loves to learn as much as she can about the world and those that inhabit it. She is a peaceful creature and prefers to focus on helping those around her rather than harming them. She can be tentative around others who are head-strong or stubborn. She is eloquent and graceful in her mannerisms and prides herself on her loyalty and willingness to hear all sides of a story before making her choices.

Strengths: Wise. Kind-hearted. Knowledgable on the anatomy of most of the races as well as knowledge of common healing practices and medicines. Most wild beasts show affinity towards her (though the naturally hostile can and will still attack) and seem to feel comfortable around the Liphling. She also has large feathered wings which are uncommon in her peoples. These allow her to stay in the air for extended periods of time and can also act as a protective shield against blunt weaponry.

Weaknesses: Physically she is not strong. She has no combat training and does not handle confrontation well.

Elodinia grew up in the fantastical and mysterious land of Nernn whose beauty and serenity she came to hold close to her heart. It was here she learned the value of peace and the prosperity of helping others. Her earliest memories are those of wandering Nernn's ancient forests whose trees sang with the wind and caressed the skies. Not much is known about her family and she prefers not to discuss her homeland in heavy detail with those who have not been there in person; she believes that Nernn cannot be described with words alone and instead needs to be experienced.

She left her homeland when she was young. She wanted to see the world of Liphilius; to learn her peoples and their customs. She has traveled many of the continents and lands of Liphilius. Exploring as far as the cold but harshly beautiful Whispera, to the cascading mountains of Thurr and the pristine beaches of Natailya. It was in these travels that she came to garner great respect for the cultures and tribespeople that she was lucky enough to encounter. It was also through her travels that she came across the great College fo Arcadia in all its mighty splendor. She fell in love with the snow-capped mountains, the stone walls of the college, even the icy sheets and chilly sprays of the sea. She dedicated much of her life studying the Magis but found she was highly capable in the school of Liph. As time passed, Elodinia found herself on par with some of the best professors of Arcadia and was permitted to stay on the grounds and attend to the Arcadian Gardens. Her time spent caring for the herbs allowed to to garner a deeper understanding of their properties, be they positive or negative. She began experimenting with alchemy and found that the magical properties of the gardens plant-life could be altered into life-saving cures and salves. It was there she found her passion as a healer to all those in need. She also began to assist students with their studies, acting as a motherly guide who taught with patience and years of experience in the Liph Magis. It was during her later years that the continents began to shift into their more tumultuous state and Elodinia realized that in order to keep the people and lands that she had come to hold so dear safe, she would leave those she had come to call her family and travel out into the world once more...
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unknownmercury: No problem! I will switch 'em on over. For your information, there is an Adviser role available for Candidate #2.

Lady Myasaria: Liphlings live as long as elves! Also, what do you want your characters; sexuality to be? What role shall they reserve?
unknownmercury: No problem! I will switch 'em on over. For your information, there is an Adviser role available for Candidate #2.

Lady Myasaria: Liphlings live as long as elves! Also, what do you want your characters; sexuality to be? What role shall they reserve?
That is still where I am a little confused on the roles. I actually found the link that explained them and I feel like Elodonia would probably make a good advisor... And I would say that she is straight.
Lady Myasaria: Wonderful! Since unknownmercury will, I assume, be either interested or actually taking the Adviser role for #2, Candidate #1 still has a secondary Adviser role open. Did you find the informational document to assist you? What other questions may I help with to help alleviate questions?
Lady Myasaria: Wonderful! Since unknownmercury will, I assume, be either interested or actually taking the Adviser role for #2, Candidate #1 still has a secondary Adviser role open. Did you find the informational document to assist you? What other questions may I help with to help alleviate questions?
I would be happy to fill the advisor role for candidate one. I found the link but my computer froze for a moment so I did lose it. Elodinia would be the advisor to Malachi Gelathias Hythian, then? I think that would work well because it seems Malachi can be quick-tempered and impulsive so I feel my character can act with patience and experience in advising him.
Lady Myasaria: Wonderful! Since unknownmercury will, I assume, be either interested or actually taking the Adviser role for #2, Candidate #1 still has a secondary Adviser role open. Did you find the informational document to assist you? What other questions may I help with to help alleviate questions?
My OC and the other advisor in C1 are really close in description and knowledge lol.
Lady Myasaria: I also find that your character may get along with Aelin! Feel free to multi-chara, too.
Name: Gabrielle "Gabby" Brighteye

Species: Humana

Age: 19

Sex: Female, Pansexual

Appearance: Flaming red hair, piercingly pale blue eyes, and freckled skin. Gabrielle stands just a little over five feet tall and is of a thin build.

Abilities: Capable of using Heli Magis to breathe flames, with a more focused breath causing hotter flame on a smaller area. Can also light candles and fireplaces without much effort.

Preferred Equipment: Prefers the use of words to weapons, but does keep a knife on her person in case things get serious.

Allegiance: Flames of Embra

Belief: A single unified religion will help to bring stability and peace to the world.

Personality: Quiet and cunning, Gabrielle would rather manipulate people subtly by appealing to their vanity, sense of duty, or fears rather than forcing someone to bend to her will through displays of force.

Strengths: Has a natural talent for reading people and remembering the various ways to sway them.

Weaknesses: Her youth and youthful appearance means she has to work for people to take her seriously. She's not very physically gifted.

Background: Gabrielle's parents were Preachers of Embra who left her in the church's care while they went on a mission to spread the holy word. While out in the field, they suffered misfortune at the hands of nonbelievers and died. Gabrielle thus grew up as an orphan in the church, learning the rites and ways of Embra and internalizing them into her own ideals. She believes that the world needs a unified religion, and the best way to do that is to get a Flame of Embra a spot in the Triangular Truce. Once she has the spot, she intends to burn the world in the righteous fire of Embra to weed out the weak and nonbelievers, leaving only the one true religion to thrive.
@Pyxie I wasn't sure where I needed to post the updated profile for Asena Valda so I'm posting it here. Am I good to post in the thread? All I changed was background, affiliation, and religion:

Name: Asena Valda

Species: Humana

Age: 28

Sex: female;

Sexuality: heterosexual

Abilities: Heli Magis. She has the ability to heat objects by touch or literally cook a person from the inside out. When angry, she leaves behind smoldering footsteps. Under rare circumstances, she can become living flame.

Preferred Equipment: Longsword

Allegiance (if applicable): The Nomadic Warrior Guild

Belief(s): (if applicable): loose follower of Torgar

Personality: Headstrong and steadfast, Asena is no pushover. Goal-oriented, she knows what she wants and believes she knows what is best, not only for herself, but for everyone. Not one to back down from confrontation, she'll face challenges head-on. Confident and optimistic, there's really nothing that can arise that will prevent her from achieving her goals. She enjoys playful banter and does have a good sense of humor.

Likes/Dislikes: Enjoys sparring and bodies of water. Hates seeing abuse of others or those that take advantage of others.

Strengths: Rallying (she's pretty good about convincing others to support her). Loyal (once earned, her friendships are for life).

Weaknesses: Stubborn (once her mind is set on something, it never really changes). Reckless (she tends to throw all caution to the wind and finds it difficult to back down from a fight). Left-arm severely scarred from overuse of her Magis, which limits how her arm now moves.

Background: Asena grew up in a scenic mountain town Aus-Eisen Outlook, where she was exposed to the harshness of life and how the laboring class of Eduri was treated. As the only child of a local mining couple, Asena grew up learning to fend for herself when she was able and had to grow up quickly. Her Heli Magis was largely controlled at that point as she had no idea how to harness it. While her parents loved her and treated her kindly, their work kept them away from home till late in the evening, haggard and hands calloused from a long day. Despite their physically and mentally exhausting work, her father would stay up and tell her stories of great heroes of history that roamed the land, fixing the plights of the weary and downtrodden. One such woman was her mother's sister, one of the Nomadic Warrior Guild. Asena soaked up those tales and soon fancied herself a noble adventurer in training. She would break up petty squabbles between children, save hurt animals, and even spare what left over food she had with local kids Who lost their parents to tragedy or circumstance.

After the communal education most of the young children received to learn to read and write, Asena would rush to the local town braving grounds where men and women could fight for titles in various styles of combat. It was the only form of entertainment besides drinking for mountain folk with no access to the finer things in the cities outside Thurr. While she wasn't allowed to be there, her ability to earnestly charm her way anywhere allowed her to stay. It drove her to practice with an old practice sword she was given by the owner of the establishment, now a good friend. She continued to practice the skills she had seen at the braving ground till tragedy struck when she was a teen. Her parents were one of many that died in a mining accident. While in mourning, the town sought answers from leadership since accidents like this just didn't happen. The foreman had to be cutting corners for profit which sparked a seed of rebellion in the town. Asena saw the town she love devolve into a mess, leaving her caught up in the chaos when the Triangular Truce's soldiers and guard began arriving to quell the mess. It was then Asena discovered her Heli abilities were as strong as they were when she left them unchecked. Her mother's sister, who had come due to a summons that she now had custody of Asena, arrived when the chaos was at its worst and helped get Asena out of the violence. She raised Asena as one would a comrade rather than a daughter, helping her to hone her fighting with a blade and getting control of her Magis. Asena learned that her fumbling as a young teen with her Heli Magis had left it a bit volatile. Her inexperience left her prone to burning herself or others if she wasn't careful, even bursting into a human flame. Her power over her Magis grew with time, as did her skill with a blade, which soon convinced her aunt that she was ready to join the Nomadic Warrior Guild. Asena worked diligently to impress these famed warriors and soon bested her initiation trial by beating one of their strongest. Asena's path seemed set from then onward and she traveled the world, sometimes on her own or with her aunt, to find adventure and help those that needed her. She picked up alliances and people who affected her. It was on one of those fateful expeditions that she met Melrose, who she now views as an uncle and closest friend. But letters soon reached her from home, where bandits had set up shop in the mining town which had fallen into disrepair and poverty after the massive rioting years before. She returned home, rallied the citizens, and helped take back the town. The citizens hailed her a hero and motivated Asena to take a hard look at her decisions and choices for the future. She could be the change she wanted to see in her world, to stop the corruption and destruction around her at the hands of irresponsible leaders. So she decided to take up the mantel of running as a candidate for the Triangular Truce and is currently recruiting her support with Melrose.
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[Advisor to Candidate #3]

Name: Eir'Asa Alaunus

Nickname: Eir (pronounced "air")

Age: 68 (Young for a Draconian)

Sex: Male

Gender (if applicable): Male

Sexuality: Bisexual

**More Humana appearance**

**More Draconic Appearance**

(Side profile, hair is that dark brown)

Species: Draconian

Subspecies (if applicable): Mididraken

Abilities (if applicable): Focuses on Liph and Heli Magis, though was trained in Gol and probed for Geas magis but showed no inclination.

Preferred Equipment: Scimitar trained

Allegiance (if applicable): The Flames of Embra (new follower)

Beliefs (if applicable): He was a devout follower of Nomisia, but has since switched his sole belief to Embra

Personality: Eir is calm, collected, and likes to solve issues by any means necessary. He isn't afraid of taking the high or low road to get things done, if the result will benefit what he views as the good of others. Although his voice is soft and his tone sweet, the man's words are pragmatic and often a bit harsh. Eir doesn't stray from sharing his opinions and thoughts, or defending the words of those that have his support. Some even say he enjoys proving people wrong or tearing their arguments down. Therefore, he can come across as overly confident and a bit narrow-minded. He is a caring man, but views most people around him as sinners in need of saving. While he is kind to everyone he meets, he is slow to trust and even slower to truly be himself with others. Those that have his trust have it completely and he will follow their lead no matter their decision. He has a good bedside manner with patients and tends to drop what he's doing to help someone in need. However, his obsession with "fixing" everyone and his devotion to his work leads him to come across as quirky and a little intense when working.

Likes: Reading, studying diseases (particularly Corruption), the devout, and spending his time around people

Dislikes: Isolation, harm of the sick (even those with Corruption), most forms of government, and being outsmarted


*pragmatic and tends to listen before speaking

*can make tough decisions and not afraid of getting his hands dirty for those he trusts

*kind to people, even those that get on his bad side


*Narrow minded, despite enjoying a good debate

*Can come across as odd because of his obsession with the study of disease

*His intensity in belief of right versus wrong leads him to make harsh decisions that may cause others to view him as a "monster"

Biography: Eir'Asa Alaunus was born into a lesser noble Draconian family, known as merchants in the city and highly respected for their work. They went into business with Hythian family, as they admired their spark and tenacity for business. It also helped that the families were able to form a sort of camaraderie despite their differences, resulting in even their children, Malachi and Eir, getting along quite well. The powerful families together were known as noble patrons of the city of Rosewalde before the War of Hyrohiatus. To add fuel to the fire, the growing difficulty with business with war on the horizon and a deal that went sour with the Hythian family coming out on top resulted in a bitter fued between both families. Even Eir'Asa and his once friend Malachi were separated and started to resent each other for their families issues.
The start of the war killed many of his family that wished to stand for the rights of Rosewalde against the Deneth line. Lost into the obscurity of time, his mother and Eir, the last of his family, moved to the city of Moroq. His mother, gifted in Liph Magis and a bleeding heart, dedicated herself to helping the sick and ended up dying at the hands of Corruption, being a Biedraken. On his own and struggling to survive in the fast paced city, Eir'Asa ended up meeting Amos Vital, a quick witted and kindly Humana that offered Eir shelter off the street. Eir was drawn to the man and took his offer of work if he agreed to help him on his field of research. However, not all was as it seemed. Amos turned out to be a very wicked man, using his access to the sick and needy to corrupt and experiment on them. At that time, Eir was blinded by his care for the man and went along with his schemes and teachings. Although Amos tried to show him the ins and outs of Gol magis, he never quite grasped it. Eir'Asa openly blamed his inability to access Gold Magis on him being a Mididraken. Sadly, that statement earned him more problems. Eir only began to see through the deception and pretty faced lies when Amos began probing to see if Eir could use Geas related Magis. With doubts in his mind of his friend's intentions, Eir'Asa left Amos in brief stints to go gather supplies and his mind in town. He began coming in contact with priests and priestesses of Nomsia, who convinced him that there could be something better out there for his healing Magis. As he was a man lost without a purpose to drive him, he fell into the worship of Nomisia and ended up moving into the temple as a priest. From there, he began healing the sick, caring for the infirm, and cutting ties with his toxic past.
He even was sent to Alessandria to the temple in Pieata to help with the cases there. His natural immunity made him willing to get his hands dirty and help the ailing, much like his mother had before she passed.
When the plague of Corruption and Corrupted destroyed the city of Wrathewood, he jumped at the opportunity to look into the disease and try to help the afflicted. He threw himself into days and every waking hour into research of a cure. Most left his research alone, finding him to be a mad man or perhaps just a man lost to his own curiosity. It was during that stay of research that he was contacted by Frieda Vawne de Whitheres to help her daughter Luna with her odd affliction. Eir jumped at the chance of a new challenge, even if it inhibited his work on the cure for Corruption. But he thought, perhaps the sum of money could help fund his future work. He went to work on diagnosing young Luna, but only found he was met with a big question mark about this woman. So he came daily to her aid, working closely with her to find the reason for her spacey nature and odd visions. At first he thought it was just his curiosity and drive to help that drew him to the odd woman. But he came to find he enjoyed idle talks with her when she spoke and that he looked forward to their visits. He even caught his breath catching when she met his eyes, felt a blush rise to his face when she smile, and his heart would hammer with just the brush of her hand. Eir found himself in love with the woman, but her distance from others made him wonder if she could ever feel the same.
During the course of Eir's fumbling at romance and Luna's family dysfunction, the two were ultimately separated when Luna's oldest brother passed, a situation she possibly predicted. It seemed her mother and sisters did not want Luna to have access to anyone that gave a hell about her. After lies, manipulation, and even being found out by one of her sisters, Eir's employment was terminated with the family and he was forbidden from seeing Luna again...The separation destroyed Eir, especially when Luna was then betrothed to his rival, Malachi.
To help himself heal, he returned to the temple of Nomisia and threw himself into his work on studying for a cure to Corruption. However, his studies were met with an obstacle and immediate dissent from the temple. The guards were ordered to slay the Corrupted in the city to prevent the disease spreading. The temple condoned their behavior as an act of righteousness to protect the city from the spread of disease. The scene of violence and waste of life (in his opinion) shook Eir to his core and led him to leave the temple. After the loss of his family, his title, his only love, and now his chance to help the world, Eir began to see this world as an uncomfortable grey. The world deserved to have a light leading it that wasn't corrupted by all this darkness. In his grief stricken state, he found the teachings of Embra and found himself for the first time feeling hopeful for the salvation of this world. Embra could save this world and all in it, if only everyone believed… Subsequently through speaking with the priests, he decided to join their cause. Eir continued his studies of Corruption, healing, and preaching to anyone who would listen. His popularity with the locals and downtrodden earned him some notoriety and tolerance for his religious beliefs. It only seemed right to use some of his intelligence and influence to offer his services to a candidate faithful to Embra. A young woman that supported saving this world from the darkness...
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Name: Aidene Lars
Nickname: Addie
Age: 23
Sex: Female
Species: Draconian (Biedraken)
Abilities: Heli and Liph Magis
Preferred Equipment: Magis
Allegiance: The Coins of Ghenki (she is a Dollar)
Beliefs: N/A

Personality: Stubborn and persistent, hates people who sit on the fence about things, fiercely loyal but not too trusting, impatient but passionate.

Likes/Dislikes: Like apples and sweets. Hate tomatoes and good-for-nothing-bastards-at-the-market-who-take-so-long-she-has-to-wait-in-line

Strengths/Weaknesses: Strength; stubborn, strong willed, loyal, strategic thinker. Weakness; stubborn, strong willed, short tempered and emotional.

Biography: Raised by her Draconian father, Addie was adored by all her father's brothers in the Velvet Quill. Raised in the VQ she became a strong fighter, independent and a force to be reckoned with. Her joining VQ was only natural as soon as she came of age. However, her father's murder at the hand of the Quill sent the heartbroken Addie out from the quill, the young Draconian fleeing what she thought was her family and safehaven. Eventually she found her way to the Coins of Ghenki and joined, her honed skills quickly recognises and promoting her to Dollar within months. Her task now is to insert the CoG into society at a more influential level- but through politics not roughhousing and chaos.
Name: Damon Roux
Nickname: N/A
Age: 26
Sex: Male
Species: Humana
Abilities: Heli and Liph Magis
Preferred Equipment: Magis and a staff
Allegiance: Weak allegiance to the Flames of Embra
Beliefs: Embra

Personality: Level headed and charming, warm and humorous.

Likes/Dislikes: Likes; camping out, spiced wine and physical tasks. Dislikes; closed minds, extremism and apathy.

Strengths/Weaknesses: Strengths; patient, loyal, levelheaded and strategic. Weakness; waits too long to act, distrustful and grumpy of a morning.

Biography: A past Embra fanatic, Damon grew distant from the Church due to disagreements with key worshipers. While still officially part of the religion, he keeps his worship private and disagrees with the extremist ideals of the dedicated followers. He lives alone and has decided that he could assist in creating a better name for the Church.
User: DolittleAmi
Name: Lei'dasia ( Le-day-zia)
Nickname: Lei

Age: 18 (Sort of?)
Sex: Female
Gender: Female
Species: Humana
Subspecies: Hex Infected

Abilities: Gol Magis
Preferred Equipment: Dagger, Poison Kit, Opium.
Allegiance: N/A
Beliefs: N/A

Personality: Her personality is chaotic and insane. She is senile and speaks in riddles and insults; sarcasm being her main tone. She is hardly in a serious mood, and when she is? Beware...
Likes/Dislikes: Dislikes cats. Likes walking about barefoot.
Strengths/Weaknesses: Her apathy toward other people is her strength, as well as her subtly in Gol Magis.
A father obsessed with the memory of Lei's mother who passed away in childbirth simply couldn't resist the opportunity to experiment with reincarnation when his young daughter- through self inflicted wounds- died. When brought back to life after roughly a month of being dead, Lei'dasia was angry, she was insane... Her first act after reincarnation? Tearing her father apart by gripping his jaws and forcing them apart. Why did the sweet innocent Lei kill herself in the firstplace? She was 'gifted' with Eir magis and as such was forced into her 'visions' which were never pleasant. In fact, she fortold her father's death- just not know it would be her who dealt him the sick punishment. She blinded herself in an attempt to get rid of her visions, but this instead forced them into her mind's eye, making them more vivid and real. After not being able to handle it anymore, she drowned herself.
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