
  1. Nellas

    Wheel of Time universe rp? (or general medieval fantasy)

    Hi there! My name is Nellas (they/she); I've been writing for over 15 years, and looking to get into some new rps! About my rp style: I will never be able to post every day; a few times a week is more likely; but will be able to communicate fairly frequently, and enjoy being friendly/becoming...
  2. LinkBetweenWords

    MxM Grey's Gay Story Search [*open*]

    Hi and welcome to the thread! You can call me Grey and after a depression break from roleplaying, I'm back yet again to hopefully find some new roleplays. I'm mostly into historical, modern, western, supernatural (especially if it includes demons and angels and such) and fantasy themes/settings...
  3. Avarice West

    Closed Gender Quest on the High Seas

    Gavrielle Hastings has recently run away from home to avoid an unwanted marriage and has adopted the identity of Gavin Trout. She figured it would be safer and more practical to travel as a man than a woman, but is discovering that she really enjoys being male. She is looking to begin a new life...
  4. chibiii

    Any Cat's RP Search

    so, i don't know if this is going to be a longshot, but here goes. Cat's RP Search so, you may have seen me around on the site a little. i tend to be really shy (dealing with a lot of mental issues like ptsd and paranoia), so if you have seen me and i may have suddenly dropped before...
  5. Lir_the_witch

    MxM SO I recently watched an Isekai

    Okay for those who don't know an Isekai (Japanese: 異世界, transl. "different world" or "otherworld") is a genre of light novels, manga, anime and video games that revolve around a person from Earth who is transported to and has to survive in another world, such as a fantasy world, virtual world or...
  6. BladesOfValkyrie

    Any Looking for Something

    Hey all! I recently had to take a break from roleplaying but I'm back~ (Not that I believe anyone even knew me enough to miss me lmao) But yeah, I'm looking for some new roleplays! Especially of the isekai trope/genre. I'm nonbinary, they/them, and prefer playing nonbinary characters (tbh all...
  7. Siryn

    Both Needed Seeking small group for Fantasy RP

    Askaria is a beautiful kingdom. It was founded by a prestigious man known as Askarian. The kingdom flourished and grew. Yet at some point a deadly plague swept the land. It affected the people as well as nobility. More importantly, it infected the royal family first. Askarian was helpless to do...
  8. Ashpunk

    MxM Seeking story driven 1x1s [Multiple plot ideas]

    About Me Name's Ash! I'm 24 years old I'm nonbinary (they/them) I live in the Eastern US. I'm seeking roleplay partners who like to worldbuild a bit, who will discuss and plan things out with me OOC. I tend to come to the table with the foundations of a setting and plot in hopes that my...
  9. BladesOfValkyrie

    Any [Insert Snazzy Title That Catches Your Interest] [Always Open]

    Hey there! I don't really have any solid ideas I want to do [Other than Revenge], but I've got vague ones! And I'm usually pretty good at smashing a bunch of ideas together into a better idea. So here's a bunch of categories with stuff I like and if any amount of them catch your fancy, send...
  10. Akai

    MxM [Searching for Long-Term RP Partner!]

    Howdy there, you can call me Akai! I'm on the lookout for long-term RP partners and at the moment I'm only looking to roleplay with ocs. I have some plots that I already have in mind, that I will list below. But, first I rather get out my expectations for the people I rp with! ☁ Plots ☁...
  11. Akai

    MxM [Searching for Long-Term RP Partner!]

    Howdy there, you can call me Akai! I'm on the lookout for long-term RP partners and at the moment I'm only looking to roleplay with ocs. I have some plots that I already have in mind, that I will list below. But, first I rather get out my expectations for the people I rp with! ☁ Plots ☁...
  12. Kate of Amlod

    Looking for new parterns to explore new worlds

    Hi there! I'm looking for someone that would go well with one of my characters. You don't have to be an expert but I do enjoy good grammar and longer paragraphs so it doesn't feel so choppy. Nikita: Nikita arrived one day without memory of who she was or where she came from. All she had to her...
  13. Kate of Amlod

    Kate of Amlod - explorer of worlds

    Hi there! The world is an endless place for posibilities and i want to explore all of it. Writing has always been my true passion. I love creating characters, places and cultures and even more, I love sharing them with others. Thats why I'm here. I write both epic prose and heartfelt...
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