science fiction

  1. Soliloquy

    Any Lil's Stories

    Hi there, aspiring RP-mate, and thank you for giving my thread a glance! If you want to contact me regarding interest in an RP, please PM me directly. Please don't post straight to the thread. Thank you :) Before I begin, allow me to state a brief notice of intent: ----------------- Intent...
  2. S

    MxF Spartan Sam's lands of Adventure

    Alright so i figured id post this thingie on the thingie. So lets want the boring stuff? Ive been roleplaying for years? Ive been to a few sites? Yadda yadda? Or are you really here for the rping? OF COURSE YOU ARE ITS A ROLE PLAY SITE AFTER ALL! LET'S GET INTO IT! So i figure the...
  3. Fredrik

    Any From Finland with love, or my Search for Partners!

    Ahoy, good passerby! I'd like you to consider me for your upcoming or ongoing RP -- whatever it might revolve around -- for a wide variety of reasons I will now elaborate on. Buckle up and bear with me, I'm sure there's something in my literary arsenal to catch your attention, he. Genres, we...
  4. VictorClerval

    MxF Mad Scientist x Assistant: There's something going on in the basement

    /Please excuse my misspellings, I am dyslexic and find it pretty embarrassing/ I've tried to start the following plot a few times on two or three different role play sites/apps, but something always happened. Either my life got in the way or the person disappeared from the site/app all...
  5. Elen Galad

    Looking for curious souls

    Just testing the water. Anyone is welcome, any setting or genre you like. Let's make an adventure together.
  6. Depravity

    MxM A DoG's Life: Literate Cyberpunk 1x1

    Humans generally hate us. Let's run down the list of the top four questions the agency gets, shall we? "Are they even human?" "Are they safe to have around my children?" "Can it live outside? I don't want it in my house." "Can I kill it if it goes nuts?" -- I will be a BIT upset if someone...
  7. roque


    I'd always dreamed of being on a starship. To travel the stars, see things the human race as a whole had never seen before. Even after all these years, it was still something I would’ve liked to do. Four hundred years ago, when Earth was the only known planet to support life, the first unmanned...
  8. Zephera

    MxM Looking for Partners

    Hello, it is a pleasure to meet you. I am new to this website and am currently looking for a partner. I have at least 4-5 years of role-playing experience and 7 years of writing experience altogether. I usually write up to 2-3 paragraphs at a minimum, however, I don't respond every single day...
  9. Sanity43217

    Both Needed Star Wars group

    I want to start a Star Wars group role play. To start just a small group, maybe four to six players on a single ship, trying to make a name for themselves or just trying to get by. If your interested post a reply, and vote in the poll. The era that gets the most votes is the one it will be set in.
  10. WillowingWriter

    I Spy With My Little Eye

    Hello! I am WillowingWriter - Feel free to call me Willow! I am a nearly 20 year old bisexual/pansexual female with about twelve years of writing under my belt with about eight of those involving roleplaying. As for roleplaying, I prefer more story heavy things that involve these genres (in...
  11. E

    An Introduction (Edmund Lester / Steve)

    Hi, I thought it about time I register for this site and maybe mention a few things about myself. I am an ex-role player. I played a lot of games like Dungeons and Dragons, Runequest, Traveller and the like back in the late 70s and through the 80s into the 90s. I carried on playing until most...
  12. rhatzilbrou


    Since it’s early discovery in the twenty-second century, Alphaios has floated covertly in the far trenches of space. The US government charter for the exclusive right to reconnoiter and inaugurate, commencing in two and half decades of mining and terraforming and a cache of valuable resources...
  13. Stephanie

    MxF Want to try some plots.

    So I am getting back into role playing and would love to start back up. I have some plots , a few are old and needed dusted off a few are new and I haven't even got to try. My limits, If it belongs in the toilet leave it there. I agree whole heartedly with the site rules, must be 18 , including...
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