Elder Scrolls: Skyrim pass along recruitment thread

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Elder Scrolls: Skyrim pass along recruitment thread

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It does. There's a gate you have to lower if you play the stormcloaks side of the mission.
It does. There's a gate you have to lower if you play the stormcloaks side of the mission.
Last time I played I did an Imp Dragonborn that sided with the Imps.

I am youtubing it to see it.
Whiterun is defended by 3 gates total. The first being the great archway with a portcullis. Being the first line of defense it would not only be the sturdiest but also the one most heavily held by archers, burning oil and whatever else people can throw at you.

The second gate would be the drawbridge which by logic alone would also have another portcullis. I suppose it could be stormed without having to besiege it if the defenders aren't quick enough to close it after letting their troops from the first gate fall back.

The last gate would be that of the city itself. Most likely fortified from the other side with only one half opening due to them blockading the other half to make it difficult for the attackers to get it.

On top of all of these gates and closeby walls would be archers trying their best to kill any advancing soldiers.

After that there's the city itself. The most logical step for the defenders would be to block all paths but one with wooden barricades and such. That way they are the ones controlling the flow of bodies to as many ambushes and easy to defend positions as possible.

There's also the fun fact of several staircases within the city. Fighting uphill is another great disadvantage for the attackers.

Lastly there's of course another big gate they'll need to crack to enter dragonsreach… a hall with balconies on the inside that can house yet even more archers to be little cunts. So whatever you do, don't leave that ram to burn. You'll need it. at least twice more after gate number one.

So have fun storming that city, casualties are going to be through the roof. And i didn't even mention the imperial mages raining even more bullshit on the attackers.
It's going to be a bloodbath. Just as nature intended. I'll get a post in now.
Whiterun is defended by 3 gates total. The first being the great archway with a portcullis. Being the first line of defense it would not only be the sturdiest but also the one most heavily held by archers, burning oil and whatever else people can throw at you.

The second gate would be the drawbridge which by logic alone would also have another portcullis. I suppose it could be stormed without having to besiege it if the defenders aren't quick enough to close it after letting their troops from the first gate fall back.

The last gate would be that of the city itself. Most likely fortified from the other side with only one half opening due to them blockading the other half to make it difficult for the attackers to get it.

On top of all of these gates and closeby walls would be archers trying their best to kill any advancing soldiers.

After that there's the city itself. The most logical step for the defenders would be to block all paths but one with wooden barricades and such. That way they are the ones controlling the flow of bodies to as many ambushes and easy to defend positions as possible.

There's also the fun fact of several staircases within the city. Fighting uphill is another great disadvantage for the attackers.

Lastly there's of course another big gate they'll need to crack to enter dragonsreach… a hall with balconies on the inside that can house yet even more archers to be little cunts. So whatever you do, don't leave that ram to burn. You'll need it. at least twice more after gate number one.

So have fun storming that city, casualties are going to be through the roof. And i didn't even mention the imperial mages raining even more bullshit on the attackers.
Not only that, the ground would be heavily covered with oil to give the invaders a nasty surprise. Sure, it risks burning the bridge down but I imagine, the river and height is a lot deeper and higher then shown in game. I'm taking 20-30 feet above the ground with a lot of rocks beneath the flowing river. Burn the bridge down to kill hundreds would be worth the sacrifice of the bridge and slow us down whilst killing us slowly via arrow, rocks and anything they can lob at us.
Absolutely. There's a reason sieges sucked throughout history. Were the walls even higher then there would be little hope of doing anything other than slowly starving them out. And siege towers aren't an option either due to the rocky formations around the city making it impossible to get them close enough.
Yep. Unless you are Ancient Rome and go "FINE! WE'LL BUILD THE BIGGEST SEIGE TOWER POSSIBLE!" Even then, that was a one off and if i recall, Rome only did it because the city was too high up to attack.
Hope the massive stalling of the attack is ok, @Rothwell. I figured, that to buy time, Whiterun would have covered the area in front of the gate with a shit ton of oil and pitch. Whilst it is up, the actual bridge is at least, 20 foot away from it thus isn't in danger of burning down. The walls are filled with defenders and are whittling us down via arrow, rocks, magic, sweetrolls etc... I figure, this would be the worst part of the seige.
Good reply @TheDovah
I would like to ask you to turn down the numbers however. Skyrim just like Cyrodiil just went to war with the Dominion roughly 20 years prior and neither would have the numbers that you stated. I'd be going as far as to say that the stormcloaks would already be scratching the absolute bottom of the barrel if they could muster 5000 soldiers. And even if they managed 90% of those would be young recruits with little to no experience.

I'd say 2000 stormcloaks plus maybe around 500 coming from different mercenary groups. And don't throw them all away trying to get into the city. The moment you guys think the battle is won you're getting one nasty present shoved up your butts.
Good reply @TheDovah
I would like to ask you to turn down the numbers however. Skyrim just like Cyrodiil just went to war with the Dominion roughly 20 years prior and neither would have the numbers that you stated. I'd be going as far as to say that the stormcloaks would already be scratching the absolute bottom of the barrel if they could muster 5000 soldiers. And even if they managed 90% of those would be young recruits with little to no experience.

I'd say 2000 stormcloaks plus maybe around 500 coming from different mercenary groups. And don't throw them all away trying to get into the city. The moment you guys think the battle is won you're getting one nasty present shoved up your butts.
500 instead?
Sure. I didn't want to criticize it btw, just wanted to mention the actual numbers. Though there's wiggle room of course.
Tis now 300 to 500.
300 to 500 being killed by fire is really high. I originally pictured the Stormcloak forces to number around a 1,000 coming up from Windhelm. Plus the Circle of Blades numbering about 60, minus a few causalities at Valtheim Towers and the Scout party being away from the siege. Taking on an Imperial force similar in size.

If we go with the idea of both sides having around 5,000 troops total scattered around the various holds... Maybe a few thousand more? Basically not too many so the Circle of Blades can't make a meaningful impact, Berserk- Band of the Hawk style.

Can you change it to 100 killed by the fire? 10% of the invading Stormcloaks getting crispy, plus a few of the Circle of blades redshirts.

And could you give us a heads up next time you want to kill big numbers? I'd appreciate it.
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Tis now 100 and shall do!
Thank you bud.

I'm really enjoying how it's all shaping up thus far. I think we need to kick the action back to the tomb for a round of posts now. The Good guys need to get that crown!
The bridge should be where we really suffer the worst. No real room to move, we're packed tight and being pelted from both sides and from above.

The defenders would also be in high spirits and not fear us whilst we are kept at bay.
I gave you a burning hammer to solo the Overlord. You're good to go. I could have Corellius strip and dance for some sort of inspiration buff but i don't really want to… XD
Posted. For the record Boragog is not dead but he is most definitely out of the fight. The Undead King is dead, but he doesn't have to be if someone has a last gasp attack for him to do.

The Orc tank fucked him up.
But could he have tried to mug 'im? See that dragur? Let's go MUG IT!
I'll post up dates to the stories I'm in over the next few days @Vasara Glyndark . FYI ladies and gents (or is it all dudes in here?) Vas and I are also working on a zombie apocalypse story called 'Carolina Blues' and a dragon age story called 'Dragon Age: Sins of Father' if anyone's looking to get involved in other pass alongs.

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