sci fi

  1. Kaisaan

    MxF Adding My Name to the Mix - Partner Search!

    'Ollo! I'm Kaisaan and if you are reading this I am going to assume you want a new roleplay or partner, too. Let's see if we are compatible, shall we? :) Honestly, I am bit picky about who I will choose to play with, but please don't let that scare you off immediately. I don't think my...
  2. Vitriosk

    MxF V's only request

    First and foremost let me state it here, so it's seen before anything else. I do not care about kinks, or preferences regarding them. If you play dom, sub, switch, other, or have a preference towards bdsm or anything else, keep that a part of a potential character. If your first thought is to...
  3. KurlieQ

    MxF Fantasy, Adventure, Slice of Life

    Heyy, Earthlings and welcome to my post! My plots are pretty long term so we can play multiple characters if wanted! I'll only post one just to see how many people like it then i'll add the others on later. If you have any questions dont be scared to shoot me a pm ;) I will try to post at...
  4. curliestfry

    Any Concepts in need of inspired partners

    Thank you for taking interest in my request thread! I'm new to this site, but perfectly familiar with rp'ing on the whole. I'm curliestfry, but you may call me Lee! RULES 1) I insist upon a 2 paragraph minimum per response. No need to be overly lengthy or anything, but I find that I struggle...
  5. Novama

    Both Needed Temporal Rift Warriors/Sages Interest Check

    The OOC: This rp would follow the player characters on an adventure that starts in a time and place out of the flow of time. The characters are warriors, scholars, adventurers, and other individuals that have sworn...
  6. Kate of Amlod

    Kate of Amlod - explorer of worlds

    Hi there! The world is an endless place for posibilities and i want to explore all of it. Writing has always been my true passion. I love creating characters, places and cultures and even more, I love sharing them with others. Thats why I'm here. I write both epic prose and heartfelt...
  7. Cassidy

    All Cassidy's Request and Info Thread

    New! Check out my overhauled Character Thread, full to the brim with my latest and greatest! Written in Blackboard Theme DEEP INHALE It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance! I'm Cass, VRChat's #1 forklift-building jackrabbit! From LARP to TTRPGs to CYOAs, I've been there, done that- and...
  8. Cyrus McRae

    MxF Rolling with Rae

    Howdy! 🤠 Cyrus McRae here! I'm the guy who enjoys the journey more than the destination. Need a package going my way? Need a ride? Climb on in and we can swap stories! If you've heard a story before, help me fill in the gaps, won't you? My memory ain't what it used to be. I've been role-playing...
  9. Corvo

    Any Sci-fi FxAny with an A.I.

    There is this character that I created who I never ended up getting to use who I think could be rather fun. Her name is Sinope, and basically put, she is the A.I. of a ship who's crew was killed by an infection, and is pretty much floating aimlessly through space with limited ship capability. If...
  10. Wade Von Doom

    MxF Dark Multiverse

    Hi, I'm the hack fraud-- I mean, guy who made this thing. So yeah, I wanna do multiverse stuff. Whether it's telling a story of different worlds, or people within those universes, or even people who can travel between them, this is a storage of my own ideas on that concept. Most of the ideas...
  11. Ruin

    Either Needed Brave New World (Sci-Fi/Fantasy) - Group Saga in the Works

    First of all, welcome to my first-ever group request thread. Some of you may have clicked on this thread out of curiosity--others may have been coerced. Whatever the reason, I hope you read on--and, perhaps, even apply to join. Now let's get on to the meat of the matter, shall we? In the...
  12. causeway25oclock

    Any Causeway's Male Request Thread - Where Nobility and Savagry Conjoin

    Hello, everybody! I decided I should have one place where I could keep all of my Male Roleplay requests, so that eager collaborators could come to me! Yay! So take a look, and see if anything strikes your fancy. The sorts of males I play vary a little, based on the nature of the role play. When...
  13. HidekiKun

    Any Actual Plots from Zesty!

    I'm 70/30 story/smut so lets come up with a good plot! Length I'm not worried about just make sure its a paragraph on up~ I don't take too kindly to people ghosting me and I will react accordingly. Please don't copy and paste characters, I read things a little differently then other people and...
  14. T

    We Are The Spacebound- Roleplay promt

    The year is 2018. However, this is an alternate reality. In the year 1999, a race of aliens known as the Gerf came to Earth peacefully, after a tragic storm decimated their planet. There was much skepticism and debate, but finally in August of 2000, a treaty was signed, and the Gerfs we're...
  15. Sugar Grrrl

    ~ Pour some sugar on me ~

    Hello! I am very new here, but also very eager. I actually have ideas I’ve written down and never thought I’d have the chance to write out, but here I am! I’m literate enough. I don’t care much for proper punctuation, I’ve been song writing for years now I hardly ever punctuate properly...
  16. Sanity43217

    Space. Let's Explore the Stars.

    Space. Where the closest thing to a law is your own moral compass. Due to the many regions owned by various factions and races, a central police force has never been implemented. Without a single force keeping order, space piracy and other criminal networks have taken. Most factions and races...
  17. Sanity43217

    Both Needed Star Wars group

    I want to start a Star Wars group role play. To start just a small group, maybe four to six players on a single ship, trying to make a name for themselves or just trying to get by. If your interested post a reply, and vote in the poll. The era that gets the most votes is the one it will be set in.
  18. Sanity43217

    Both Needed Black Bunny Brigade/Agents of Cosmos (Marval Universe Role Play)

    So, for those who are not aware of who the Black Bunny Brigade or Agents of Cosmos are, let me explain. The Black Bunny Brigade are Halfworlders, like Rocket Racoon. Except, as you guessed it, they are rabbits. They have been portrayed in the comics as a mercenary squad, under the leadership of...
  19. Sekah

    MxM Sekah's Requests [M/M or domme for male char, fantasy, history, sci fi, slavery]

    ABOUT SEKAH Name's Sekah (most of my friends and my boyfriend call me Sekah in RL too)! I'm a junior in college studying creative writing and history, and a cis-gender girl. I love stories, that's all I have to say about that. I wanted to be an author originally, but realized being a penniless...
  20. Markina

    Both Needed Firefly Crew - 4 Minimal -

    Crew Positions required to start are *** ***Captain: (Markina) (Closed) ***XO: (Open) Pilot (Main): (Open) Pilot (Secondary): (Open) Engineer (Main): (Open) Engineer (Secondary): (Markina) (Open) Doctor: (Markina) (Open) Nurse: (Open) ***Hired Gun 1: (Markina) (Open) Hired Gun 2: (Open)...
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