
  1. Kali2

    MxF Mature Literate Partners Wanted~

    ~Hello!~ My name is Kali, nice to meet you! I am a writer of about 11-12 years now, highly literate plots for about 7 of them. Don’t let that deter you however, as I will explain in a minute I am open to a lot when it comes to writing and my partners! Now with that, let's get into this! I will...
  2. Her

    MxF Soft Hearts, Electric Souls

    • About Me • I'm 22, female, have been writing for going on 13 years, and love all things dark and angst. I enjoy sushi, milk tea, and chocolate covered strawberries as well. The rain is my favorite type of weather. About my writing... I generally do 500-1,000 words, and try my best every single...
  3. Rikkitikkitavit

    MxM Longterm Plot RP With some Smut possibly

    This Thread is dead
  4. SnugBudGuy

    Both Needed The Walls on the Hill

    Long ago, before the reign of Hun Kao, hailed the fourth Emperor, Jian Qin. He was ruthless, caring for no ones safety or health but that of his supporters and nobility. Fourty three years his crown governed the nation into chaos and war. This sparked the rise in samurai and their organizations...
  5. Key

    Any A Fantasy Roleplay

    Gods Hello , this is a fantasy role-play by yours truly. It is largely inspired by Percy Jackson , specifically the "trials of Apollo". You are one of a pair , together the two of you can rise to the abilities of legends and myths. Stronger than any man or machine , stronger than imaginable...
  6. Evelyn Silver

    Any Detailed Fantasy RP.

    Looking for a literate, detailed partner for a fantasy idea I've been plotting out for some time now. Multiple characters, and I have no problems with you bringing your own on to the table! Like pirates? Like steampunk-esque things? [Essentially, does the thought of giant flying treasure...
  7. WillowingWriter

    I Spy With My Little Eye

    Hello! I am WillowingWriter - Feel free to call me Willow! I am a nearly 20 year old bisexual/pansexual female with about twelve years of writing under my belt with about eight of those involving roleplaying. As for roleplaying, I prefer more story heavy things that involve these genres (in...
  8. Holmes

    Any In search of a literate partner

    Hello, As you probably already know, I am Holmes. As the prefix suggests, I don't care whether you are male or female, I simply ask that you write a story with me. About me I am in the United States of America, in Central Time zone. Be aware of this if you are from a place like Australia...
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