
  1. Evelyn Silver

    Unspecified Detailed Fantasy RP.

    Looking for a literate, detailed partner for a fantasy idea I've been plotting out for some time now. Multiple characters, and I have no problems with you bringing your own on to the table! Like pirates? Like steampunk-esque things? [Essentially, does the thought of giant flying treasure...
  2. WillowingWriter

    I Spy With My Little Eye

    Hello! I am WillowingWriter - Feel free to call me Willow! I am a nearly 20 year old bisexual/pansexual female with about twelve years of writing under my belt with about eight of those involving roleplaying. As for roleplaying, I prefer more story heavy things that involve these genres (in...
  3. Holmes

    Unspecified In search of a literate partner

    Hello, As you probably already know, I am Holmes. As the prefix suggests, I don't care whether you are male or female, I simply ask that you write a story with me. About me I am in the United States of America, in Central Time zone. Be aware of this if you are from a place like Australia...
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